The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Yeah your right, but I'm thinking of going to England to do A-Levels because if I do IB I'd have to do 2 Sciences, and a math which I don't want to do.
I hate hearing about A-Levels getting easier. Even if they are these days, mine were bloody hard work 5 years ago. Mind you I did good subjects, not these stupid tourism, health and beauty and media crap subjects they have now.

It's the same with my undergraduate degree; they have these access to learning courses where you can get on the same course without having to do A-Levels. Then the best thing is they get extra support to get them through the course. I feel a bit mugged off.
My mate getting nicked for trying to help a women who's boyfriend was hitting her:RANT:, then getting dragged down to the police station and spending nearly three hours there while they decide he was not involved after all... :BLEH:
People who ruin Match of the Day for you piss me off.

[DAD] The Everton game was good!
[ ME ] Don't tell me the score, I'm watching Match of the Day tonight.
[DAD] Alright. Everton were lucky to win but it was a good game.

He thinks that's perfectly fine because he didn't tell me the score.

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1) Why do CSL adverts have the budget of a small film? The latest one is a giant man and woman walking about a city peering into people's houses and admiring their sofas. Look CSL, get this into your heads will you - YOU CANNOT MAKE SOFAS SEXY OR HOLLYWOOD OR ANYTHING OTHER THAN MIND-NUMBINGLY BORING.

2) Why is there a sudden tidal wave of "GOLD GOLD GOLD! SELL US YOUR GOLD!" adverts? Every other advert is a posh man/woman running around the house collecting all of their gold and selling it for a handful of £20 notes. There's more of them than the bingo adverts they had going months ago.

(I love the one that says "if you're not happy then send us the money back and we'll send your gold back" - yeah right, I bet you would... I'm sure I wouldn't get someone else's worthless crap instead and you wouldn't conveniently misplace my valuable stuff...)
Kids on other sites :WHISTLE:, they have the chance to put questions to the makers and creators of a game and they're asking things like "How much is so and so going to be" and "will he have the correct boots"... FFS they must think their target market are 9 year olds...
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I love how everyone has the opportunity to ask the guy behind Manager Mode what's new/fixed and what should be in for next year, and you get questions like "WHAT STAR RATING ARE BAYERN? WHAT STAR RATING DO *YOU* THINK BAYERN SHOULD BE?"
It pisses me off a treat. Especially when they can gloss over some of the real questions like L1 player switching and why the hell they don't have rain settings on the stadium that's used by most clubs on the feckin game, 'IVY LANE'.
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