The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Fuel prices, again. Fucking government, oil companies and speculators up to the usual stuff. Credit Crunch 2 coming this Chrimbo. Anyone spec me a decent pushbike? Even if it means 34 miles a day round trip to work? :CONFUSE:
It's lucky for some. Tis a rip-off for us ordinary folk who have to pay with cash though.

How to get the economy back on track and exit a recession... err, fleece the poor old motorist yet again (for the millionth time), make them spend less in the shops, push food prices up as a result of transport cost increases for diesel. Even the average NED could do better than this crackpot NuNaziLabour government.

Roll on 5th September, off to USA for 2 weeks, away from doom and gloom :D
The cock on the T-Mobile advert. They've been showing it more and more recently and it;s the one with some guy surrounded by girls and he's singing while on the phone then he'll wave the phone about his head then sing in it again. Dick head.

And on the ads... theres a woman on there who says something like 'It az all the big companies like Azzz-dar...'
Yeah that T-Mobile advert is shit, what a knob jockey.

Worse, that fucking annoying chavmusic Webuyanycar advert seems to be doing the rounds on the radio again. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!! :RANT::RANT::RANT:
It's fucking cunting annoying.

Most annoying advert since Riesen chocolate chews (oh and that Frosties kid! - can't forget him!)
Credit cards and cunting charges.

I went over the limit a while back by a few pounds, long story short, I broke down, had no credit on my phone and had to use my credit card. It was a case of not topping up and being stuck on the motorway hard shoulder for hours or using the card to top up my phone. I have a £250 card and went over by a few pounds, fair enough £12 fee (which I think is ridiculous for only a few pounds, but rules are rules). So, I went into my branch asked them exactly how much I needed to pay to bring me back up to date and back on to my minimum payments. The woman advises me £20, so I went home paid the £20 done and dusted. So in theory I should be back under taking account of interest etc. and back to minimum payments this month.

Ohhhhh no, it wasn't that easy. £20 actually wasn't the right amount to bring me back up to date and as a result I now have another £12 over limit charge. Eh? That's not right I thought I sorted this, so I rang up Natwest Credit Card Services, spoke to another woman there, who then put me on hold and transferred me to someone else, who said it wasn't the right department and transferred me to someone else. Finally I get through to someone who could help me, told them the story and stood my ground. However, apparently I now needed to pay £34 to get me back up to date. Hang on a minute, I'm going from paying £5 minimum payment to now paying £20 last month and now another £34? FOR A CARD I RARELY USE. All in all, the woman would not give me my refund and was badgering me to make a payment there and then for the full amount. Of course I'm not going to pay for someone else's mistake so I said put me through to someone that can sort this, she said there was no one and basically I needed to go into a branch to sort this matter out.

So, I went into my branch this morning, guess what, "We don't deal with credit card enquiries, that's for Credit Card Services to sort out". I was seriously annoyed and she could tell I was not leaving. I told them, I need this sorting out today, I've already wasted enough time for someone else's mistake. So, I explained my position, the woman checked the account and went through it with me step by step. I already knew about the charge and the amount they wanted off me, BUT that's not the best thing. After I received the letter yesterday telling me I had an extra £12, which first prompted me to sort out this mess, now because I hadn't paid it before this months due date I have another £12 applied to the next month for being over the limit. So that's £24 in extra charges for Natwest's mistake and interest payable on top of that. Surely that isn't right? I didn't even know about the mistake till yesterday so I'm being punished twice and I'm totally unaware of what's going on. In the end I had the branch manager dragged in and two other co-workers sorting this out, I finally got an apology and they have agreed to sort out both fees as a "One-off". Utter bollocks, but at least it's sorted.

However, all in all I've still had to cover the extra £34 before it's refunded (£24 for both charges will be refunded at a later date) plus I've already paid the £20 from last month for going only a couple of pounds over limit.
10 days till I have to see all the sad loosers, who dont know the difference beetween square and hexagon, and cant tell if its pes or fifa by just looking at the nets....
The Lockerbie bomber is on his way back home to Libya after he was released from prison on compassionate grounds.

How do you commit mass murder and get compassionate anything, the guy should have been strung up or at the very least rot in jail.
This country is run by spineless idiots that are dragging us into the sewer... :RANT:
I'll use my stock reply... I blame NuNaziLabour.

Roll on the General Election, it's desperately needed for the good of the country. Even a bunch of brainless fuckers can do a better job than Messrs Brown, Mandelson, Darling and co.
Did you see the fucking speech the Scottish guy did when he was announcing it? He was going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for 25 minutes talking crap before he got to the verdict.

Funniest thing was that it was supposed to be announced at 1pm, by 1.23pm there was a ticker along the bottom with the verdict as the Libyan officials had announced it and this guy was still rambling on about all sorts of crap!

He must have said 'however' about 30 or 40 times, clearly aware this was his 15mins of fame and was milking it for all it was worth.
All the knobends on the PES 2010 discussion thread whining endlessly about it, how it's the same blah blah blah,but will still throw £50 of their hard earned cash at Konami
All the knobends on the PES 2010 discussion thread whining endlessly about it, how it's the same blah blah blah,but will still throw £50 of their hard earned cash at Konami
I remember the campaign I started (PES2008-time I think it was?) - "don't give Konami your money or you're just ensuring all future PES games don't move on".

It seemed to catch on but then come release day everybody forgot about it. People just need a football game to play and when there's a choice of two, and people prefer the PES brand of gameplay, nothing is going to change.

Really disappointing after the ML changes and the amazing graphics that the gameplay looks exactly the same (tweaked but PES needs more than tweaks to me). It's going to be like this for a long time; even if FIFA comes out and is the better game some people will still prefer that PES style of gameplay from years ago.

Never mind, there's more to life... Or so everyone tells me...
@ MjSmith,

They should really start the sue-culture they have in the States. I think it's the only way these companies will get punished as ATM no single person can do anything damaging enough to get them to get their act together. I have a similar problem but with KPN (Dutch BT). Ive got a Internet+Phone contract and with the signing on I got 6 months Free Home Service (No Jay, not that kind). I never wanted it, and never need it as I can set it up myself. So during the first 6 months I rang them 3 times to get them to get it cancelled and twice they have said it's canceled and will be stopped after the 6 months. Thats about 8 months ago and Im still paying 5e per month for a service I never wanted and has been confirmed on the phone to be cancelled twice. Now I just can't be arsed to get on the phone AGAIN to have some callcenter retard (is there any other kind?!) to confirm thats its been cancelled only to get another f@#king bill at the end of the month.

And you just know it's been built into the corporate communications system that the different departments don't work and therefor you are left needing to make god knows how many calls and payments before it's finally sorted.

So I say; Sue Their Asses Off! and let them pay for million pound compensations.

And KPN is one of the better companies............
They really are Tik, bastards the lot of them.

I think a lot of the fobbing off has to do with their personal targets, so in my situation refunding me the £12 would come off her target for that month, that was why she was so quick to pass me to someone else.
All the knobends on the PES 2010 discussion thread whining endlessly about it, how it's the same blah blah blah,but will still throw £50 of their hard earned cash at Konami

I remember the campaign I started (PES2008-time I think it was?) - "don't give Konami your money or you're just ensuring all future PES games don't move on".

It seemed to catch on but then come release day everybody forgot about it. People just need a football game to play and when there's a choice of two, and people prefer the PES brand of gameplay, nothing is going to change.

Really disappointing after the ML changes and the amazing graphics that the gameplay looks exactly the same (tweaked but PES needs more than tweaks to me). It's going to be like this for a long time; even if FIFA comes out and is the better game some people will still prefer that PES style of gameplay from years ago.

Never mind, there's more to life... Or so everyone tells me...

I just can't wait till the demo comes out. I'll be quote hunting and naming and shaming a few in that thread who are slagging the game off. I know we're all disappointed but it's ridiculous how many snap judgements are made. People are coming round to it already since the Seabass video.
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