The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

If I'm late, my actual boss would probably accept the excuse I give cause she's pretty understanding and pretty damn cool, but my dad who is one of the main bosses and a director of the company would come down on me like a tonne of bricks (ironic cause he probably weighs the same amount).

Considering we already don't get along, and I wanna go back to Uni, I need to prove I'm reliable and hardworking to him.

You have rich parents matt, jack it in and bum round Europe if not the World.
You're only young once and family is always family :PIRATE:...
jack off and bum round Europe if not the World.


I can understand where your dad is coming from tbh, he's hired his son so in a way he's putting his reputation on the line with his own staff. He doesn't want to be known as someone who will go easy on family / friends as thats unprofessional. So it actually means you have to do better than the average worker as everyone is more critical.

I can understand where your dad is coming from tbh, he's hired his son so in a way he's putting his reputation on the line with his own staff. He doesn't want to be known as someone who will go easy on family / friends as thats unprofessional. So it actually means you have to do better than the average worker as everyone is more critical.

I'm kinda lucky in the fact that all the work we do is on computers, and I'm far quicker at getting stuff done on a computer than anyone around me, so if am slacking I'll only end up doing the same amount as anyone else anyway :P

Trying not to slack off though, I hate the monotony of the job, but I need the money and need to show I've grown up enough so the parents trust me not to sack off Uni if I get to go back.
Well its the best time to be at Uni. Not like there are enough jobs about anyway. And by the time you finish your degree (4/5 years) everything should be in full swing and they will be crying out for employees.
Well hopefully by the time I'm done, the economy will be on the road to recovery, so jobs should be a little easier to come by.

I do reckon I'll have grown into a proper worker after a year at this. I'dve quit by now if I didn't think going back to Uni would be the best thing for me.
Matt honestly mate you are young and your parents are well off, you have nothing to worry about bud.
You're only young once don't waste it by worrying about where you'll be when you're 30, you'll get there soon enough and then regret you wasted your youth... :P

I couldn't be arsed reading the whole article but if it's the mother's money then let her spend it how she wants. The Mail's probably paid them a grand or two for the story so that will only go on the kid again.
When he started he had the drive of Tevez, I was amazed by his energy.

Since Keegan went, he's deteriorated hugely. But can you blame him? Look at the state of Newcastle at the minute, even their own players are slagging the club off (Stephen Taylor this morning, calling the club a "joke"). He's had more managers than he's had kicks of the ball.

Everybody likes Newcastle (outside of Middlesbrough/Sunderland at least), I really hope they turn things around but Mike Ashley has really done a number on them.
Tesco rental randomly deciding after a few days to not allow me to have a free trial with them because I've had a trial with lovefilm.
Having a good overdraft limit a few days ago which I was going to increase today to buy a TV ... only to login and Halifax have mysteriously dropped the limit to what I'm at now!

Phoned the bank to ask why the limit has changed and the guy couldn't give me an answer, suggesting I get a loan or credit card instead :BRICK:

So now I'm stuck for getting a new TV, while my monitor is sold today :(
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