The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

That sort of story makes me glad I left. Hope you all join me soon and leave the morons to Gordon Brown.
That's the trouble with the youth of today, no respect and no discipline dished out to them either - their parents don't give a fuck because they are usually too pissed or drugged up to care. It also doesn't help when the law does fuck all to stop this - to most of these little shits getting an ASBO is seen as earning extra street-cred amongst their cronies. There isn't sufficient deterrant to stop them.

Years ago if you misbehaved in public and a copper caught you, he'd give you a clip around the ear, then take you home to your dad, who then proceeded to give you a good hiding. You soon behaved yourself after that.
My old man said earlier on that this country is way too fucking soft and politically correct to deal with the problem, and he is absolutely spot on. He said the only thing these little bastards understand is the "short sharp shock" - a bit of pain like a good old clip around the ear.

These little fuckers have no aspirations in life, no career prospects, they don't care about education, they hate it when you mention the word "job", all they seem to want to do is walk around the streets doing "nothing". About time something was done to get them off the streets - if they're not intent on going into further education or getting a job or a career after finishing school, stick them in the army, get them to learn discipline and respect I say.
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Brown is a moron himself anyway, the fucking one-eyed cunt that he is.
The idiot before him was no good either.

In fact, when you have a government that doesn't care, or worse, have a plan, the idiots will be running the asylum!
They won't be. It won't be run by tight-arse Scotsmen for a start. :P

And the coat of arms will have our identity on it, and our flag will have our identity on it. And them Scousers have to find some other water to drink cos we'll cut the supply off :D
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He'd probably get an ASBO, or made to wear one of them orange hi-vis jackets and made to do "Community Payback". Should lock the fucker up, at 16 he's old enough to be put in front of the beak.
The best thing to do would just be to kill the cunts, they will never do anything worthwhile in their lives and if they have kids they will just end up as bad anyway... Complete waste of space, money, blood, organs, time and everything else... That goes for all chavs.
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The best thing to do would just be to kill the cunts, they will never do anything worthwhile in their lives and if they have kids they will just end up as bad anyway... Complete waste of space, money, blood, organs, time and everything else... That goes for all chavs.
Rob for PM! :WORSHIP:
What has a chav and a slinky got in common? They're both fucking useless but great watching them fall down a flight of stairs.

Beating up chavs should be exempt from assault charges, it should be legalised, and where possible, encouraged. I'd love to go at a group of chavs and beat them to a fucking pulp with a bit of 4x2 with a few nails hanging off it, and not have the threat of an assault or murder charge.

Gotta say one thing about the parents of these wastes of human beings - SHOULD HAVE USED A FUCKING CONDOM!... or at least ones with no fucking holes in them.
Gotta say one thing about the parents of these wastes of human beings - SHOULD HAVE USED A FUCKING CONDOM!... or at least ones with no fucking holes in them.

See that could well of been the problem right there, I remember a friend of mine telling me while working a pretty rough shift somewhere with his work mates saying how one of them used a mars bar wrapper and another had used a tesco bag before (dear knows what size of hole he was shoving that into though!), total fucking madness!
As much as concentration camps were absolutely horrible idea and everything to do with them is essentially the worst of human creation, maybe for chavs they wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Might have to destroy their reproductive organs to stop them breeding before we kill them, they're like little Jack Russell's once they get going.
Other engineers advising a user to raise a call for a pretty big job on a laptop, then when the call comes through to me, I ask if that engineer wants the call and they're "too busy" even though I'm just as busy :BRICK:
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