The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Dunno if this should be in the Fail thread or here but anyway.. how the fuck are some people able to run a business when they're clearly not the brightest button in the box.

I drove past a hair salon today called 'Curl Up & Dye'. I get the pun (yes very clever) but do you really want to call your salon something like that?

"Where you off?"
"Oh I'm going to curl up and die."

Great. Just the impression you want to create.

Then I saw another beauty place, this time it was called WonderlAnd, with the emphasis on And, I assume meaning Hand (because you go there to get your nails done)...........
What?! 1. Regardless of your accent, for it to make any sense it's spelt Hand and 2. Wonderl isn't a fucking word.


Hmmm Hair salons and beauty parlours I'm seeing Rich in a different light, a bouffant and manicured light...

Just got an electric bill and we've been told that they're going to increase our monthly payments from £44 to £92. Which doesn't make any sense is the £44 has paid what we owe and then some each month so we're in credit with them.

The bill has a load of 'calculations' and 'how we arrived at this figure' but no where does it actually explain WHY it needs to go up to £92. It's not like we owe money and the £44 isn't even paying the full bill and we're going further and further into debt with them.

Could do without having to phone some cock up tomorrow to sort that one out.
Just got an electric bill and we've been told that they're going to increase our monthly payments from £44 to £92. Which doesn't make any sense is the £44 has paid what we owe and then some each month so we're in credit with them.

The bill has a load of 'calculations' and 'how we arrived at this figure' but no where does it actually explain WHY it needs to go up to £92. It's not like we owe money and the £44 isn't even paying the full bill and we're going further and further into debt with them.

Could do without having to phone some cock up tomorrow to sort that one out.

obviously a mistake - they can't just double your monthly bill! fucking retards!

I hate Gas/Electric companies they take the piss!
Just got an electric bill and we've been told that they're going to increase our monthly payments from £44 to £92. Which doesn't make any sense is the £44 has paid what we owe and then some each month so we're in credit with them.

The bill has a load of 'calculations' and 'how we arrived at this figure' but no where does it actually explain WHY it needs to go up to £92. It's not like we owe money and the £44 isn't even paying the full bill and we're going further and further into debt with them.

Could do without having to phone some cock up tomorrow to sort that one out.

It's got to be a mistake the only problem is the knobs just take what they see on the screen as gods own truth and don't question it, play holy hell with them and demand action and some free gas... ;)

Both my gas and electric bill's take the piss.

They were quick to up bills by over 40% and have yet to reduce it by half now gas is down to half the price it was before... :RANT: If we were in France or Italy we would have stormed the electric companies head quarters, over here we just bitch about it while we stuff a bacon buttie*...

* except us nice veggies :P
I really don't get it - surely it's common sense to pay for what you get, not a sodding estimate. Piss up in a brewery anyone?
my $&$^#%@* graphic card broke :O and I have to wait 2 weeks to get a new one or to get money for it :O

AND there are squared nets on Bernabeu (not hexagonal :( )

what a f#$%ing day
damn it !!!
Oh god you're still not going on about nets are you?

Jeez and I thought the geek at work with his infatuation with buses was bad enough!
Had toothache since 4am this morning. Hoped it'd go away during the day and booked a dentist appointment for next Monday as I'm away in Brighton for most of this week. Except the toothache hasn't gone away, it's gone worse :(

Probably going to have to contact an emergency dentist tomorrow as it's killing me :(
Having shit teeth, and then going to an orthodontist for the past five years just so he can tell you that you've got shit teeth.

Absolute wanker he is.

Also I don't like the feeling of waking up at four o'clock on my day off, that just means I won't be able to sleep tonight for work tomorrow.

Not a good day today at all.
I tell ya, this geek at work is a right fucking anorak, and he wonders why he still hasn't got a girlfriend at 34 years of age. He dresses like a 70 year old in a de-mob suit that looks like it was passed down by his grandad. He fits the old school "gaylord" stereotype - buck teeth and bespectacled, he has a hunchback, and goes on and on every day about coaches, the fact that he took 4 tests to get his PCV licence. Even his screensaver on his computer is full of images of buses.
There was a guy at my school who used to rush out at the end of each day and go to his nan's who lived near by to stand on her balcony and watch all the buses taking people home from school. If you gave him the number of one of the buses (there was like 60) he could tell you where it went and it's number plate and stuff like that. Fucking mad he was.
Yeah well, a couple of years ago I played a joke on him and stuck a printed photograph of one of those Fücker buses that you've bound to have seen on the internet. Anyway he stuck it on his wall, and it's still stuck up on there today, along with........ wait for it...... a picture of him at the cockpit of Concorde with his buck-toothed grin looking like a eight year old kid in a sweet shop.

Funny thing is that he was the only person who turned up to that Concorde exhibition! Thankfully he doesn't work in the same office as the rest of us no more, but still makes sporadic appearances to nag one of our guys to make his small minority customer orders on his behalf. And bore the fuck out of him with stories about his new 1:16 scale die-cast model of a rare Van Hool coach that he owns three of, and only three were ever produced, blah blah.
I remember there used to be a Welsh guy at uni (well it was a Welsh uni!) and he was infatuated with buses too - used to bring in his sad bus mags that he subscribed to. Avoided at all costs. What a plank!
Im sick of buses, I had to drive them every day to school for 2 years now and they are always fuckin full o people... Sometimes they dont even stop on my bus stop :/
or one time I literaly was creamed by others onto the front window... if the police would see that they would prooaby shoot the bus

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