The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

1. Whenever you post you seem to either talk about something like it's nothing when you're clearly showing off or you're showing off but trying to disguise it as moaning, that's all I meant.

2. A frugal car isn't exactly a bad thing is it?
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I'm sorry but VAG doesn't equal flawless reliabily Sean, they're actually not all that good in the longterm.

I'd go as far to say that Seats are the worst built out of the VAG companies as well, so at that point I'd rather have the Focus.
FFS I'm fuming, I just found £50 in the street near my house but it was all in pound coins and I prefer notes. :RANT:
I have won 80 million Euros with Euromillions but have to drive all the fucking way to fucking Brussels to collect the check.
FFS Why oh why do these things always happen to me?
Alright, alright I get it. Both the focus and seat were sold over the weekend so now I'm literally open to suggestions for a car under 5k and it needs to be a diesel engine due to the 40+ miles commute I do everyday for work.
My penis grew another 5 inches over night, but it makes my bed look like a tent and now people keep calling me up and asking how much it is to camp here for the night :RANT:

Sent an item out a while back worth £30, posted 1st class, proof of postage obtained. The buyer now claims he hasn't received it, two months after I sent it out, bearing in mind all the other items I sold that day got there next day. So ensues a paypal claim against me. I state my situation, it's been over two months and I haven't heard a dicky bird from him, here's a scan of the receipt clearly proving I've sent the item all the emails from me reassuring him it's all been sent out. I've also fully read the terms and conditions concerning seller protection, for which I qualify on every single one. I've done everything I can as a seller. What more can I do?

Today was decision day, and guess what, Paypal decide in favour of the buyer. How is this fair at all? I've done everything I can to prove it's been posted out and everything I can as a seller. For all I know, he could have had the item for past two months and just tried it on to get his money back.

Absolutely fucking disgraceful. I'm £60 down on this whole thing, (£30 for the worth of the item, plus the £30 I have had reversed). As soon as I get home I'm on that phone giving them a bollocking.

They're not my PAL anymore and they certainly aren't getting anymore PAY from me (see what I did there ;))). All the money I've given them in fees over the years and they will not even give me an explanation as to why he won and I lost.
I've said what I think of eBay and Paypal a few times, I'll never forget that woman who bought "The C'mon Toys (featured in Vauxhall Corsa advert)" and complained to eBay/Paypal for "making her think" we were selling her a Vauxhall Corsa, or some stupid shit. She must have changed her mind about them and wanted her money back - surely nobody's that thick - but either way it worked for her...

I've got a few friends who've had similar problems and they use eBuyer now (if that's what it's called), don't know if they're having any success though.
Funnily enough I've been on the other end of Paypal/eBays wrath having bought something and not received it at all. I emailed the seller a couple of time and they started off by saying they had forgot to post it, then it changed to 'oh i posted it a while ago you should have got it' then they stopped responding at all. I contacted ebay/paypal and they basically told me the seller had proof they sent it to me (recorded delivery) so it was tough shit.
Electric shocks, I think I'm turning into static electricity man, I'm getting shocks off every thing and shocking other people too now...

Some off car doors and had rails fecking hurt, they go with a right crack...
Haha... I used to suffer from that a few years ago. I've no idea why is started to happen and no idea why it suddenly stopped but the worst place was the Woolworths in town. Anything I touched in there would zap me and then I'd end up being charged up and zap others as I brushed past them or touched them.

I'll never forget how pissed off the old lady was when I handed her some money, and as she touched my hand she got a huge zapping.
I've always had it since I can remember, but it's just getting worse, it does not seem to matter what I'm doing or wearing. I was in a meeting the other day and shook hands with a women and zapped her so hard she swore...

It's a good ice breaker... :P
I've always had it since I can remember, but it's just getting worse, it does not seem to matter what I'm doing or wearing. I was in a meeting the other day and shook hands with a women and zapped her so hard she swore...

It's a good ice breaker... :P


The Joker?

I used to get big static shocks from the handrail in Debenhams in town when I was younger! I would still touch the rail every time I went past though!
My mum constantly fucking moaning at me since I've been back off holiday. Does my fucking head in :RANT: :BRICK:.
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