The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Having a "back of shirt" sponsor, noooooo.

Being linked with an inexperienced div of a manager, NOOOOOO.

I hope I'm still asleep and this is just a big nightmare.
Just caught my shirt on the handle of a door, bottom button popped right off and now I've got a big gap at the bottom of my shirt where it's not fastened.

Got to move some PC's for some very important people later and didn't want to go there with my belly showing so had to go to Asda and buy a new shirt.
Japanese TV - just had a show of video clips with people doing daft things - a bit Harry Hill or Beadle's vids or similar. However they have a panel of no-mark "celebs" talking about them afterwards. Not one sketch showed any Japanese person being stupid/acting daft. Most of the vids were from America with a few from other countries. One of the celebs (bit of a thick lass but pretty - all the rage here) even had the temerity to say "those Americans are really stupid".

I swear this country is 40 years behind the west......
Funny thing was, all of the vids individually showed more collective talent than that shower in the studio - bunch of racist c#nts. It made me so angry I had to walk out (Mrs was watching it so turning off was not an option!).
Feeling ill pisses me off

Youre always getting sick.......


Women Drivers, Ban the f$%king lot of them!!!

In a 20km motorway drive Ive managed to be behind 4 dimwits.

One: B!tch didnt realise that; "No, you're not actually over taking the car on the inside lane, you Stupid Cow!." Although these days I don't even bother letting them know so just overtake on the inside anyway.

Two: Then we have another who again doesnt realise she isnt overtaking anyone, but before that was too scared to overtake a lorry with the road works so braked at certain intervals. If youre too scared move the f$%k over!

Three: Some german lass in a big BMW obviously didnt know where the f#$k she was going so just pulled infront of some other car cutting him off with no idea that she did. So I did it to her but she didnt even realise!

Four: Now in town, another stupid b!tch thinks its handy to put her indicators on a junction early! So I lay off the accelerator to give her space so we don;t have to brake and everything moves smoothly, but to my surprise she just carries on driving to the next junction. I honestly wish the car waiting at the junction would have pulled out in front of her to teach her a bloody lesson.

Honestly, they should have certain times that they can drive, like between midnight and 6am!
I always check to see if police are about. Although I dont have a points license anyway, would only get a fine. The law is really f#$ked up in that regard. I mean it's not like I want to undertake, Im doing that because someone is "illegally" driving on the outside. And being a women her rearview mirror is positioned so she can check her make-up, not whats behind her. Yet they get about half the fine I would, if they even get a fine. Cause and effect obviously isnt a logic used by the police.
Tik x5! Point three: that's not just a woman driver, it's worse - BMW drivers are some of the worst drivers I have ever encountered. They seem to think German engineering will protect them from their own stupidity.
Agreed. I nearly got cut up by some cunt in an A4 earlier when driving to work, gave the smug cunt one of these to show my disgust...

yeah, top of my head is fucked from banging it every day on doors. The low sinks here too so your back aches after washing the dishes.
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