The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread


Can't actually watch the Liverpool match at the minute, but can hear it.

And I really don't wanna be forced to listen to Craig Burley, the fucking wanker.
Shitanta are a pain in the arse when it comes to trying to cancel your contract. I was stuck on the phone for well over an hour after the sound problems in that Liverpool match pissed me off - had the usual bullshit from not one but three people on the phone. Ended up ringing my bank and cancelling any further payments to them. :RANT:
Facebook pisses me off, especially their latest geography blunder which will no doubt anger Welsh, Scottish and Norn Iron people. Fucking thick Yanks :RANT:
:LOL: What's happened?
Facebook seems to think that where I live is in Engl*nd, yet only a few days ago it, as it always had been, showed it as "United Kingdom". I know I'm very patriotic but was able to bear the fact that it originally showed my town as being in the UK, but showing it to say I live in Engl*nd is an insult. Lots of non-English people are playing hell with this and a number of Facebook Groups have spawned to complain.

Worse, I'm going to Florida this September on holiday, if any of the locals call me English I will call them a fucking Canadian! :RANT:

I'll probably get the usual shut it you moaning whingeing sheepshagger but that joke don't bother me, we even use sheepshagger as a riposte in football chants.
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Facebook seems to think that where I live is in Engl*nd, yet only a few days ago it, as it always had been, showed it as "United Kingdom". I know I'm very patriotic but was able to bear the fact that it originally showed my town as being in the UK, but showing it to say I live in Engl*nd is an insult. Lots of non-English people are playing hell with this and a number of Facebook Groups have spawned to complain.

Worse, I'm going to Florida this September on holiday, if any of the locals call me English I will call them a fucking Canadian! :RANT:

I'll probably get the usual shut it you moaning whingeing sheepshagger but that joke don't bother me, we even use sheepshagger as a riposte in football chants.

Not being a facebooker gimp, I don't get it, are they saying Welsh and Scottish towns are in England or the whole of the UK is being shown as England...?
It's not just us, Scottish and Northern Irish towns are also affected by it, and they too are complaining like fuck.

Facebook = Wankers. I'm going to sign up on Twatter (sic).
LOL people seem to think we all love (Piss) Pot Noodles just cos they make them in Caerphilly and had two adverts, one with miners and another with a bloke in a dodgy boyo accent saying it's not leafy it's too gorgeous.

Still that HIGNFY episode is fucking class always makes me laugh every time!

And no I'm not a welly wearing farmer :P

I heard Derek Hatton on the radio a few years ago telling how he was a guest on that show and they gave him a full script to memorise for it. It included all of the jokes and all of the banter and they edited out all of the parts where he made an unscripted joke and got a laugh.

Pretty pathetic scripting your own show to make yourself look like you're thinking of these jokes off the top of your head to make yourself look like you're some kind of comedy genius.
Yeah, I always imagined that show was scripted, it just seemed too convenient for them to come out with some of the stuff they did.
El Hadji Diouf spending £420k on a chrome-plated car. Considering he's got Senagalese roots, you'd think he wouldn't be so flash with his money.
Yeah, I always imagined that show was scripted, it just seemed too convenient for them to come out with some of the stuff they did.
Nah I don't think it's scripted to be honest. I'm going to see QI being filmed next week :)).
I wouldn't say shows like that are scripted per se, just the people on it will be given a list of topics and jokes that they could refer to, and then it'll be upto them to deliver them properly.

At least I'm 100% sure Mock the Week is like that.
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