The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

When you're walking down a small side street, you notice someone is walking straight at you so you know you're going to have to get past each other at some point. You signal you're going to right, and they bloody move to the right. So you move to the left. They move to the left. It's like both of us are doing a dance or something just trying to get past each other.

I hate those awkward situations, but even more so when I've signalled.
just grab hold of them and do a little dance mj...
Trying to find a youtube video of Frank Sinatra - That's Life and only finding a millions talentless twats murdering it with their shit covers.
Some lass who was adamant that it was me that rang her at 3am in the morning even tho I was working at the casino until 5am and phones are not allowed at all on the gaming floor so I left my phone in the car and I'm getting woken up by same lass now! Asking me why I rang her when I didn't! She probs aw a withheld number and assumed it was me as many people when I ring them say my number comes up as withheld!

I want my fucking sleep but no point now as I'm awake and will need to start on my accounts work.
A mum has just walked passed our house and says to her kid "Give me the fucking dog, dickhead!", the kid mumbles something and the mum says back to the kid "Fuck off" :ROLL:

And we wonder why there's so many scallys around.
At the post office the other day I had to queue for about 20mins to get served, stuck in the queue with all the doleites and scumbags. One woman was kicking off at how little she was getting for benefit that week and actually picked her kid up and stuck him on the counter and said "You feed 'em on what I get!". It was horrible. Funny though.
At the post office the other day I had to queue for about 20mins to get served, stuck in the queue with all the doleites and scumbags. One woman was kicking off at how little she was getting for benefit that week and actually picked her kid up and stuck him on the counter and said "You feed 'em on what I get!". It was horrible. Funny though.

I'd have just said to the woman, well that's the point of benefits being low... it's to encourage you back into work not provide you with more than enough to live on.
The AI in Fifa 09

Defenders who can't do the most basic of defensive skills such as following the attackers or failing to play the offside rule properly or leaving huge gaps in the back 4 without you asking them to break apart and chase the ball.

Midfielders and forwards who refuse to run forwards as you're on the wing or they'll run at you as you're running so you're both together.

General team mate AI that can be decent at times when you're attacking but as soon as your team loses the ball they all run around like idiots and the opposing team ai spring into all of the gaps easily.

Now I remember why I traded the shit the first time around.

Another one - the deformed faced people they have on the xox 360 ads - why pick the ugliest dumbest looking people and then get them to pull stupid faces to advertise your product?
Another one - the deformed faced people they have on the xox 360 ads - why pick the ugliest dumbest looking people and then get them to pull stupid faces to advertise your product?

:LOL: I second that.
On the kids and parents thing, I hate parents that just ignore their kids. You see them wandering around Supermarkets and the kids asking a question and they just ignore them completely and if the kid keeps asking eventually they turn round and shout or swear at the little blighter.

Then they all go to Burger Donald's for tea for the fourth time that week, because the so called parent can't work a cooker or use their arms and the poor little bleeders a mini pudgy version of their 22 stone mum...

Sterilized at birth and vetted for parenthood, kids are for life not just welfare...
Some kids are seriously fucking annoying though. When we're looking after my girlfriends nephew sometimes he just doesnt shut up asking pointless questions about nothing and after a couple of hours I start to lose my rag!
Some kids are seriously fucking annoying though. When we're looking after my girlfriends nephew sometimes he just doesnt shut up asking pointless questions about nothing and after a couple of hours I start to lose my rag!

But surely that was inevitable, though. At age 4, a child averages 1,546,786 questions a day. Although you do have to take into consideration that there were only 20 variations of questions and that the rest were just those questions repeated (possibly in various tones and pitches).
Some kids are seriously fucking annoying though. When we're looking after my girlfriends nephew sometimes he just doesnt shut up asking pointless questions about nothing and after a couple of hours I start to lose my rag!

Yeah I understand that happens, my cousins and god kids are pains at times it just saddens me to see the next gen being groomed for a life of mediocrity and stunted potential...
Mike Riley being the replacement ref for Steve Bennett who is "ill" for the upcoming Man U v Everton game. Only one outcome now! Oh, and I bet we see a card at least 4 times.
At least spell her name right :ROLL:. And what's wrong with her anyway? Good music and she's alright to look at.
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