The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

Football Replica Shirts. Just washed my Man Utd Away White shirt and the AIG bit is peeling off already when the blue and red shirts are perfectly fine!
This country's justice system!!!

Fucking disgusting!! Ten years... for something so cruel... he should be killed in the exact same way if you ask me. He could be out in five. This justice system is a disgrace. If I was family to that kid I would be going crazy right now and wouldn't stop til he got life in prison at least. How upset must that family be, and how much pain must that poor little lad have been in... it doesn't bear thinking of.

And that's even worse, god so awful I could bear to read past that bit in bold halfway down the page. People don't deserve kids these days. :(
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That is absolutely sickening. He might have been able to be saved had they got him help straight away too. Absolutely sickening. Those 2, and certainly that cunt of a man, should be fucking hanged.
Going from 1.25 to 1.07 k/d in less than two days on COD4.

Suddenly become absolutely shite at sniping, can't line up a shot to save my life (bit of pun there).
Wow that's so harsh!! It won't be you, it'll just be the elites who have played it from day one non stop.

On topic- Housing agencies. We've been trying to move off this horrible estate for like nearly a year now, and the majority of houses we find that are suitable are through agencies. The thing that takes the piss is the fees, as if renting isn't overpriced enough at the minute these fees are just unbelievable.

For example, we found this house that would have been great and the rent wasn't too high considering it was bang in the middle of this nice village with everything you need nearby, but it was the fees that made it impossible.

£40 each to do a background check and get references.

£200 to get a guarantor who had to be working 40+ hours a week and to background check them! Erm, recession? Everybody's hours are getting cut down IF they are fortunate enough to have a job still...

£130 admin fee?!

£575 DEPOSIT!! The rent was only £450 so WTF?! 99% of private landlords only ask for the same amount as the rent or less!!

And with another one that was same rent I think there was a £120 fee for them to take it off the market, then £200 for them to do checks and get references, then a months rent and deposit up front which was fair enough I suppose, but then a £90 fee for them to hand the keys over!!

They shouldn't be allowed to charge so much, even if there was no recession!! I mean who, even with a decent job, can afford that just to move, and that's even before bills and what not. I just think that is a massive piss take and extremely unfair, especially when we've got a kid to look after as well. I don't fucking get this country at all and we're stuck on this shit estate surrounded by chavtastics. Who the fuck these days has a grand to give to some fucking agency before even moving house, really.
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It's even worse in London. Most of the places I was looking at asked for a months rent in advance and a deposit. So you were easily looking at a grand up front.
The biggest ripoff merchants in London, from our experience, was Keatons. They did give you free drinks in their super modern offices though.

mjsmith - so true about the annoying deposits and advanced rent. There's really no point in finding a property early since everyone wants instant payment.
The only times that jokes are not racist or offensive these days are if the joke is about white heterosexual males. Anything else in any sort of way gets ripped apart as if the only reason you were telling that joke was because you hate.

the man's gay - you hate gays.
it's a woman you're a sexist shit
it's a black man - racist
etc... etc...

You can slag a white heterosexual man off until the world ends though and no one bats an eyelid.

I make racist jokes all the time.

The best thing is not to care what people think, if you know you're a good person and you're intention was just a joke.

BTW, am i allowed to make racist jokes here?

Like for example if there is a Japanese poster here; is it alright for me to ask him if Godzilla is still knocking down buildings in Tokyo?

I'm not a racist. :JAY:
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When you try to go to sleep at 11 PM, then there's a fucking blackout and the aircon goes in a bloody 40 degrees country, I try to sleep but nothing in the house works so I'm sweating all night and now its tossing 7 in the morning with it still broken.

Fucking pissed off.
People who, when they find out that I'm Irish, yell "Top of the Mornin' to ya!" in a Cork accent. When have they ever heard any Irishman say that?
The thing that probably annoys me most about it is that I don't even sound like that. I come from Avoca, part of a completely different county in Ireland and therefore have a completely different accent. I wouldn't "imitate" someone from Suffolk in a Mancunian accent, that'd just be stupid so why does it seem to work the other way round?
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