The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

My mum got a Dell notebook about a year or 2 ago - many problems like Dags mentioned. Keys were breaking and wearing off, harddrive failure etc. I guess all things cheap have a catch.
The bugs on FIFA UT. So many crashes and other bugs, what the hell were the playtesters doing?!
Ahhhhhhhhhh I just realised it's your birthday :LOL: I see what you mean now!


I remember I got it on Christmas day, only had enough for three months on me at the time and figured it'll be alreet cause I'll get it off someone for my birthday.

Of course I'd forgotten that by today...

Still annoys me that we've gotta pay for it.
The bugs on FIFA UT. So many crashes and other bugs, what the hell were the playtesters doing?!

Don't blame the testers, all they do is report bugs. It's up to the powers that be whether or not something is released and you'd be surprised what gets left in.
My friends...

Planned a night out tonight as most of the lads are back from their respective Unis for Easter and I agreed to meet up with them. I was driving as I didn't really want to pay extortionate prices for a taxi home and didn't fancy drinking. One of our mates got absolutely hammered when we all met at one of the lads Uni flat and we didn't think he'd make into Academy, club/gig venue in Leeds (in reality he wasn't going to as he was not a student and you need student ID on Wednesdays to get into that place as it classed as Student night.) He buggers off to Revolution next door for a couple of hours with his brother.

My mate gets a phone call from his brother saying he's been kicked out of Revolution and is basically totally fucked off his head! Now I'm getting asked if I'd drive him home, I point blank refused saying I'm not going out of my way I came here to enjoy my night at Academy and it just split all of our friends right down the middle with some actually backing me up and saying I shouldn't have to take him home and the others saying I should, to take pity on him! It caused a lot of cold stares and people effing and swearing at me

In the end I said fuck you all man I shouldn't have to end my night early just because my mate can't handle his fucking drink! I just walked out, stuck my pissed up mate in a taxi while his brother fucked off back into Revolution thinking I'd be taking him home. I texted the brother I ain't doing jack shit he's your brother you should have gone in the taxi with him! He made up some bullshit excuse saying he wouldn't have enough cash to get back to Leeds either(As explained below he was with his lass), I said well go with him and go home. He just shrugged and again went back into Revolution with to be his lass (Yet the quote blood's thicker than water springs to mind.) But the taxi driver refused to take him and I was left with no choice but to actually take him home myself! (The taxi driver would have taken him if his brother went home with him!) as I don't like my mates to be left up shit creek without a paddle so to say... but it just annoys me that I'm apparently supposed to be your guarranteed lift home just becuase you wanna get pissed off your head boy!

I came home steaming fucking pissed off at people who said I should have taken him homeas I thought it was bang out of order to actually ask me, when I came out to have some fun and a bit of banter with them... Why can't I just be able to enjoy myself for once and not have to deal with silly things like this, they managed to go out and use taxis while I've been at Uni.. just because I'm back doesn't mean hey let's invite Sean out we'll get a lift off him, 2 of the lads tonight who backed me up actually offered to share a taxi home with me tonight before we all met up, again as explained I didn't fancy drinking Alcohol as I've seen what it can do to people and I prefer to stay teetotal or drink whenever I feel like it but the majority of the time I am very much teetotal and sober!

(Excuse the long story I do apologise!)
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I'd have backed you up Sean, that lad sounds like a tit. And his brother is just as bad for fucking him off as well.
Nice mates.....I'm on your side. .....and what sort of fucking brother is he? Irresponsible, that's for sure. If his bird was a decent type she'd have told him to do the honourable thing.
I'd have backed you up Sean, that lad sounds like a tit. And his brother is just as bad for fucking him off as well.

Nice mates.....I'm on your side. .....and what sort of fucking brother is he? Irresponsible, that's for sure. If his bird was a decent type she'd have told him to do the honourable thing.

Aye the thing is he point refused blank to get into a taxi, saying he wanted me to take him home. I refused as he lives Wakefield and I'm basically living right near Leeds/Bradford Airport.. that's a total of 30 miles drive... as I was driving him home, I asked for his wallet and his phone as he tends to lose these things big-time. Just as I was driving him home, his brother rings his phone, he's asleep so I answer it, he tells me to take £10 out of his wallet for the petrol as my mate agreed to pay me but tbh I didn't want to get accused of theft. my mate's so hungover this morning he remembers nothing but me dropping him off (I recieved a text from him this morning) and his brother doesn't remember our phone call last night, so I didn't get paid...

His bird was inside Revolution she never actually saw anything happening just was told to stay there I guess as I could see her looking out the window wondering what the fuck's happening. The brother made a bad call last night surely once he could have met his bird today for lunch or summat, doubt he was gonna get a shag the state he was in, he was pretty fookered as well and his bird is a small drinker, I've known to see her last from 10pm to 3-4am in the morning on 5 glasses of wine.

I've recieved texts from most of my mates apologizing for having a go at me and they've backed me up.. just a fucking shame they couldn't have done that last night and I could have walked through the door at 6am, thinking what a good night that was! Rather than 2am so pissed off, at how everything just turned to shit!
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65p for a fucking normal sized mars bar!

Are you taking the piss?

Stupidly as well they were selling a pack of 4 for £1 so i grabbed that.. yum yum
They're that much now?! Fuck, I remember not long back they were 30-40p!!

RE- Topic Title. On FIFA, Arsenal constantly telling me they "don't have enough players to sell any" but then put someone on the transfer list, so I try to buy him out of curiosity but yet they tell me "they don't have enough players" WILL THEY EVER FIX THIS BUG?!
Widows Vista is the biggest pile of shit ever. I mean it doesn't run hardly any stuff right that I used to use fine on XP, I can't even find the fucking registry anywhere even after googling about it and it has these pointless stupid animations on every bastard thing, yeah I can turn them off but still what is the point.

Fucking Microsoft, I wish I had loads of money then I'd get a Mac.
Oh and another thing IT NEVER FUCKING LETS ME DELETE ANYTHING. Well, not anything but you get the point- but like folders I don't need anymore that have nothing in them or anything important. It says I need permission all the time, I'M THE ADMINISTRATOR!!!! :CURSE: I've tried even downloading programs that are supposed to get rid of this, I've turned all user account control off, all the firewalls and everything, but noooo apparently I'm not the administrator even though it says I am.

And I'm not using Windows 7 either, because if Vista is this shit then I don't want to go near something they've brought out not long after. I'm gonna have to get Tiny XP back at some point I know it, I HATE reinstalling everything though it's so harsh.
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