The Retro-PES Corner

So why they made two ways to the pass and move action.

You can do it either with short Pass + L1 or Pass + R2.

I didn't find the answer in any guide.

But maybe the difference that for the first one it can only be done with a short pass (X) cuz if you combine Through Pass + L1 = Chipped through pass, so for the second one you can combine a Through pass/ Chipped through pass with R2.

So the R2 pass and move was to let the pass and move after a Through pass
Not sure where best to post this, but have been trying out ChatGPT, was curious to see if it would be any good at generating player stats from a pool of attributes... who knows maybe in future this could be good for regens. 😁

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Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted in this thread, but my evo-web posting has been dominated by ML stories and the World Cup as of late. :LOL:

Wanted to ask.. Does anyone know of a good PES 2011 gameplay mod that works with PESEdit patch? Even though there are a few floating around online, the ones I found come in conflict with the patch and I haven't been able to apply them. Anyway, even though I like the base gameplay, sometimes I feel like the responsiveness and teammate behavior could be improved upon. Thanks!
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Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted in this thread, but my evo-web posting has been dominated by ML stories and the World Cup as of late. :LOL:

Wanted to ask.. Does anyone know of a good PES 2011 gameplay mod that works with PESEdit patch? Even though there are a few floating around online, the ones I found come in conflict with the patch and I haven't been able to apply them. Anyway, even though I like the base gameplay, sometimes I feel like the responsiveness and teammate behavior could be improved upon. Thanks!
A programmer joke can describe this actual situation:

"It's not a bug, its a feature!"
Even to cancel a short/throught/long pass it doesn't work

It works when the player would perform a first touch feint (To cancel the pass / shot before the players receive it), but even in this situation there's some times a bug
After @geeeeee and @markr notice me on problems with team list and formations, I fixed that and upload new v6 version with all previous functions:
Copy Stats, Paste PSD Stats, Player ID, and nationality.txt.
I hope that this is last version of PES 2008 PS2 Editor. :)
PES 2008 PS2 Editor Explanation Video


  • PES 2008
    295.7 KB · Views: 39
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I hope that guy will make it complete, PES 1 is (to me) the one that i never found easy, older, or unbalanced.
The most "PES" to me with 5 and 2008. There's H_B_F_S on the commentary but there's pseudo purpose here...

I searched everywhere, and was pretty frustrated that there wasn't any patchs at least for WE5FE etc. or an editor.
Every-time i play that version, even from 22 years ago, it's "another match" as it's pretty challenging.

NOTE / If someone is on Reddit, please ask him to do it for WE5FE. Not WE5 : it's one if not the worst PES/WE PS2.
I can sent the english translation here and can check on my account to give the link.

EDIT: i didn't saw that he will do it for WE5FE, i was too excited about the project :LMAO:

Because it's PES 1, but with transfers, top version from that season, rebalanced, debbuged and with small animations added here and there in more.
WE5 is a lost of time (even stats are on "19" like ISS Pro Evo lol)
WE5JL is the same but with the very low J.League stats it feels very different, super slow, very hard to handle (which is cool, but very slow and not really dynamic)
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Not sure where best to post this, but have been trying out ChatGPT, was curious to see if it would be any good at generating player stats from a pool of attributes... who knows maybe in future this could be good for regens. 😁


That's a cool gadget (no idea what's the project behind if there's one) but the stats have nothing in common with Konami's old sets. 35 in shooting in game lol, i'm pretty sure to kick the ball stronger.
I hope that guy will make it complete, PES 1 is (to me) the one that i never found easy, older, or unbalanced.
The most "PES" to me with 5 and 2008. There's H_B_F_S on the commentary but there's pseudo purpose here...

I searched everywhere, and was pretty frustrated that there wasn't any patchs at least for WE5FE etc. or an editor.
Every-time i play that version, even from 22 years ago, it's "another match" as it's pretty challenging.

NOTE / If someone is on Reddit, please ask him to do it for WE5FE. Not WE5 : it's one if not the worst PES/WE PS2.
I can sent the english translation here and can check on my account to give the link.

EDIT: i didn't saw that he will do it for WE5FE, i was too excited about the project :LMAO:

Because it's PES 1, but with transfers, top version from that season, rebalanced, debbuged and with small animations added here and there in more.
WE5 is a lost of time (even stats are on "19" like ISS Pro Evo lol)
WE5JL is the same but with the very low J.League stats it feels very different, super slow, very hard to handle (which is cool, but very slow and not really dynamic)

You've clocked that I commented on the Reddit post (maybe not connected the dots as I'm having an identity crisis with usernames across various platforms), but I wouldn't be prepared to tell him to focus on WE5FE. It's his time, knowledge and effort - he can do with it what he wishes. He may think WE5 is the best game in the series and who are we to argue.
I hope that guy will make it complete, PES 1 is (to me) the one that i never found easy, older, or unbalanced.
The most "PES" to me with 5 and 2008. There's H_B_F_S on the commentary but there's pseudo purpose here...

I searched everywhere, and was pretty frustrated that there wasn't any patchs at least for WE5FE etc. or an editor.
Every-time i play that version, even from 22 years ago, it's "another match" as it's pretty challenging.

NOTE / If someone is on Reddit, please ask him to do it for WE5FE. Not WE5 : it's one if not the worst PES/WE PS2.
I can sent the english translation here and can check on my account to give the link.

EDIT: i didn't saw that he will do it for WE5FE, i was too excited about the project :LMAO:

Because it's PES 1, but with transfers, top version from that season, rebalanced, debbuged and with small animations added here and there in more.
WE5 is a lost of time (even stats are on "19" like ISS Pro Evo lol)
WE5JL is the same but with the very low J.League stats it feels very different, super slow, very hard to handle (which is cool, but very slow and not really dynamic)
He says in comments that he is working on 3 versions:

Now as for the rest, i have both an Identity and a language crisis, so I can't understand anything else, but to leave something as a context, if i understand at least the minimum: If this guy is Angelotero, i was following his kit blogs back in PES 2015 & 2016, and i can guarantee that he is an 100% trustworthy kitmaker of the PES community, having contributed the maximum, during the PS3 and early PS4 era.

If this doesn't have any relation, pardon me , mea culpa.

I am mostly, breading Pokemon, harvesting berries, and hunting Ribbons these days :)
Hey guys! :) Would like to ask a question about kits. I'm playing an ML in PES 2019 with Bolton Wanderers and I would like to edit their first and second kits. (the home shirt is solid red and I would like to use something more traditional according to their colors). I added the "additional" third and fourth kits (which are the ones I'm using during the actual matches) from ones I found online but would like to be able to edit the first and second.

The reason? The game itself has screenshots with the main kits, and the fans in the crowd use them as well. The third and fourth kits only apply during the matches.

I'm using smoke patch, which has been working great, but the only problem is: The first and second kits are locked for editing, as they come in a CPK (I believe the file name in the download folder is "05_smkdb_kit").... My question is: can these kits be edited in any way? The same issue occurs with other versions of Smoke Patch which I've been using (for example, PES 2017).

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He says in comments that he is working on 3 versions:
View attachment 192446

Now as for the rest, i have both an Identity and a language crisis, so I can't understand anything else, but to leave something as a context, if i understand at least the minimum: If this guy is Angelotero, i was following his kit blogs back in PES 2015 & 2016, and i can guarantee that he is an 100% trustworthy kitmaker of the PES community, having contributed the maximum, during the PS3 and early PS4 era.

If this doesn't have any relation, pardon me , mea culpa.

I am mostly, breading Pokemon, harvesting berries, and hunting Ribbons these days :)

I didn't make the link between that weird pseudonym and Angeltorrero lol, yes he his a fast kitmaker, never been my first choice especially for not following the Konami's colors 10/10/10 for black, 53/53/53 for white or it's super shiny, sometimes the logos Nike/Adidas not at the same position for the 3 main kits etc.
But for smaller teams it's okay.

I remember there was a super good kitmaker for NT and sometimes when he got time Premier league if i'm right : 4N6L_77.
The best i know is doing kits for PESuni, "Carrasco" but... Unfortunately, he's only doing Spanish kits. I'm not a big follower or fan of Spanish Liga, and only play one or two exhibition games with them.

Best for PL i don't remember i discovered him 2 years ago. But he's so perfectionist than his kits takes a bit longer to create than others ones.
Needs to check my Twitter another day (hate that website, didn't go since a month) but i see vs real pics, and vs others PNG : he was clearly alone on the podium.

BUT i saw his progression, and he improved year after year. Now he can rivalise with the kings of kitmaking i believe.

Every year i assign Angeltorero waiting the other kits coming lol. The LOD and rendering is art. But Angel kits makes the job very, very well.
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Can anyone extract the font files from the PC version of PES 2008?

>>> I make a second demand about that post, JLWE2008 is probably the best PES/WE i've never played with WE2008 (PES 2008 got database issue and less feature like 6 stars difficulties)
So if ANYONE got an old version as long as Menu (those on PNG format) are in English, it's okay. The big issue is i can't import sponsors. Perhaps there's a place in the 0_TEXT where you can add some of it, no idea...

The ML or Japanese competition is also awesome. But if i got a WE2008 editor / which permit to import players from PES 2008 US (especially > the number of players is the same), i would rework on it. For kits and logos : no problem you can import all from WE10, and with WE10 editor then import the kits in game... Voilà!

FTM i got several issues in my real life, editing is a bit like a anti-breakdown so....
Thanks in advance in the first or second case.

That’s the one I’m currently working on.

I have translated most of the game now because unfortunately the patch above is an older version of Fernandos translation. I think the final one for J.League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship was v3.5 and the one linked is 1.5 so I’m trying to fill in the gaps as I can’t find a working link anymore for v3.5.

I have also managed to import all the club emblems and competition logos as well as new referee kits, goalkeeper gloves and some hackjob version of adidas boots too! Working on the option file as well to fix the unlicensed Premier League and La Liga kits.
As well as some other little fixes here and there 😉

Like @Lucian0 and @vialli82 have been saying J.League 2008 is one of the best PES releases ever. It’s similar to PES 2008 but unbelievably with even better AI and newer rosters. I wish I had listened to them before and spent more time playing it earlier as I wouldn’t have wasted my time with J.League 2007 which is much closer to PES 6 instead.
>>> I make a second demand about that post, JLWE2008 is probably the best PES/WE i've never played with WE2008 (PES 2008 got database issue and less feature like 6 stars difficulties)
So if ANYONE got an old version as long as Menu (those on PNG format) are in English, it's okay. The big issue is i can't import sponsors. Perhaps there's a place in the 0_TEXT where you can add some of it, no idea...

The ML or Japanese competition is also awesome. But if i got a WE2008 editor / which permit to import players from PES 2008 US (especially > the number of players is the same), i would rework on it. For kits and logos : no problem you can import all from WE10, and with WE10 editor then import the kits in game... Voilà!

FTM i got several issues in my real life, editing is a bit like a anti-breakdown so....
Thanks in advance in the first or second case.

I have paid a gentleman in Brazil to help make the option files for me for JLWE2008 and WE2008 whilst I focused on the translating and other things. They are complete and of good quality and will share them once the ISO's are ready in a few weeks time, hopefully before Christmas.
I have paid a gentleman in Brazil to help make the option files for me for JLWE2008 and WE2008 whilst I focused on the translating and other things. They are complete and of good quality and will share them once the ISO's are ready in a few weeks time, hopefully before Christmas.
Be sure that after the release, i will work on the database mate.
Faces especially, errors height/weight, boot / only colors wearing of course don't remember if there's a brand on that game.
Tactics are already done for the end of the year so no need to change.

I need to re-create a Paypal account and told me after how much you paid. I will send you a "good beer" + some extras for your work and dedication.
I'm again on PES 5, that game need to be restored players by players...
And with my personnal family issues i lost several days unfortunately.

I really want to switch to something else i will play with (to be honest after playing PES 2008/JL2008... There's everything i was searching in a PS2 era PES/WE)

I still like PES 5, but i'm doing 3 or 4 PS2 PES games that i will invest myself on. PES 5 is not the higher game on my list (2008 all version before) but I'm doing it as i like that season (prefers 02-03 and 04-05 but well), for the community and modders to have a basis to work on a real "original version" ;)

Need to try WE9LE because on PES 5, my issue is the ball physics > i mean in comparison to PES 2008.

The 4 top games or derivated i will invest myself
-PES 2008 / JL 2008
-WE9LE / PES 5 (one or the other, need to try)
-PES 1 / WE5FE
-PES 2014 PS2 (it's the most special version with the best ML, and it's one of the last season i liked in football 2013-14)

For the rest, i will do cup on WE8LE, WE9, WE6FE, WE7I Jap. I like PES 2 and it's sad i can't edit transfers but i don't care, one game time to time, one cup. Short. I don't have anymore the "one more match" on those version. I just turn the PS2 off or change the game.

> One thing in common with all those version, they got errors in database (WE8LE/WE9 the worst)

I can tolerate it in PES 1 as we can't edit players lol so i deal with it (there's also a bit less errors for i don't know what reason)
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BUT if you found an editor for WE5FE or even PES 1 to correct some weird stuffs, i give you an helicopter for Christmas.
There's one for WE5, but i don't care at all as that game is pretty bad and the editor it's not compatible.

Also for PES 2 to do transfers or logos or whatever, there was one in the past from what i heard, now there's one but for PS1 only :(
I don't hate WE6FE but i prefers PES 2 from the WE6-PES2-WE6FE season. Also WE6JL is pretty awesome.
@goalgerd if ever you've corrected some players body structure from the season 2005-06, you may share it by PM mate ;)

I worked a bit on some small players or less known but didn't superstars like R9, Zidane, Totti etc.
Thanks in advance.

@BillyKong i've made a bundesliga from scratch on PES 2008. But i wasn't aware of something REALLY important : NEVER EVER use the players in "Others leagues C" : their cost is very very low and doesn't fit for ML if you select it (no player of those teams doesn't appears if you don't select them on your ML, like fakes NT). I worked very hard on it. It's too long to recopy manually to WE 2008 or J-League 2008.
So for your patch, just tell the guy not carrying, we don't care if there's no Bundes : i will check and add the maximum of Bundes club manually on Other Euro ;). Dortmund, Schalke, Werder, Leverkusen and Schalke are the 5 top (Wolfburg is yo-yo , sometimes up, sometimes pretty down on the ranking)

I will try my project by adding Bundes on Others C for not loosing Eredivisie, but it's a bit too tricky and i'm fearing that it may not work.
-If not : Sweden league got a parternship that year with PES, that's why there's so much Swedish limit unkown teams.
I can make to version, it's easy with the OF Editor and OF2 copy function, just repetitive and annoying lol:

First type : i will replace some Bundesliga big teams over the 5 Swedish teams (i will keep AIK Solna, there's 6).
Second Type : that one will be a patch as i will replace Eredivisie with Bundesliga, then 3 to 5 teams over Swedish ones (there was missing important teams to create).

But if my big trick fails : it should be the first option. If it's too long : fuck the database i want to play too 🙃
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