League 1
- 26 September 2013
@rsl1: Hi, and welcome to the Corner, I'm glad you're enjoying the thread. Reading people's stories and experiences is so entertaining, it persuades us to try those games ourselves doesn't it?
As for your question of what we consider retro-PES here...when I created the thread I decided to open the discussion to any PES version except the current, latest one. Still, I suspected that a few older games would be more popular (like PES6, PES3...), mainly because the majority of PES fans do recognize the PS2 era as the "golden age" of PES games. After 85 pages on this thread, I don't remember anyone mentioning PES17 or 16 or 15 and even if someone did, games like PES2008 PS2, WE9LE or PES3 are lightyears ahead when it comes to popularity here on the Corner.
However, the purpose of the thread is to encourage people to try the whole collection of past PES games out there, from the oldest to the more recent ones, and play whichever version(s) they want - which goes against the established idea of modern gaming that you should definitely be playing the latest version because it's new.
Yes I agree, it is great to see and read everyone elses experiences and see the passion coming through.
I think I am trying to recreate or rekindle something that I had in my youth with ISS then the golden age pro evos on PS2. I still play the new game each year and this year is looking the best it has in a while but they are all missing something so the search continues annually.
The number of retro PES versions on my laptop is ridiculous, I currently have PES3,5,6,13, 14,17 & 18 plus WE9LE installed. I also have standalone variations of 6 such as nostalgia & classic patches and the standalone version of 13 Every 4 years.
On top of that I recently went out and purchased PES 2009 - 12 for the Xbox 360 to see if I liked any of those as they were all either 99p or less than £2 in CEX.
I think I may have a PES problem haha