The Retro-PES Corner

On a side note, has anyone got any contact with @mattmid ? I am trying to find a post that he wrote within the last couple of years, I have been sifting through pages of posts but no joy as yet. I noticed he was last on the forum at the start of November.

It’s funny though reading through all the old posts, who needs to buy a book when you have the Retro PES Corner thread :D
A nice retro video, posted by a member in the greek PES forum. Don't remember to have watched it in the past.

Of course money was always the No1 priority, but back at those "romantic" days, i assume developers vision was equal to money profit.

Those days are gone forever unfortunatelly. Now the developer's anxiety is not the player-customer what may watch the Intro Cinematic, but the Powerpoint with the fiscal analysis and the income potential, that he will present to the shareholders/investors meeting

Imagine a group of guys, with the passion and vision of those days and the resources and technoogy of today. Would be a crazy combo! But we can only dream for now...

Just watched it yesterday. It was very cool to watch it. Thanks for sharing !
Beware this is a long post…

Konami can be confusing sometimes. Especially when it comes to editing PES snd ML etc. or could it be the external editors that we use?

For example on my previous option files, as a rule, I never use players from TEAM A to TEAM R. This is because they create either very low valued players in ML or the dreaded 5000 valued players.

I found out before that they do not appear in ML as long as I do not edit their stats in any way (I don’t want them appearing as PLAYER A1, PLAYER A2, etc). Now this can be difficult as I like to reduce the game speed by doing global stat adjustments which will of course adjust the players in TEAMS A to R.

So what I did with my previous option file, after I did the global adjustments I readjusted those players in TEAMS A to R back to what they were before (all of their stats are 70 apart from the GK stat which is 50). So that they do not appear.

So now I have been working on my new 23/24 option file using my previous one as a base. Because of the extra tools that are now available to me by the excellent guys on here (not mentioning names but @marqisspes6 and @adams06 to name a couple) I am now able to copy and paste the stats from SOFIFA website straight into the editor. I thought it would make sense to global adjust the file back to normal so that the new players I create fit straight in.

But I forgot that doing the global adjustments would adjust the PLAYERS in TEAMS A to R too so that they are not all 70s. So when I was playing ML with my unfinished option file to test it, they started appearing again.

When I realised, I adjusted them so that their stats were back to normal…but…when I played ML again, they STILL appeared. 😤

I could not work it out!

Until I decided to go to the in game editor and press “back to default” on each of those players. Then they stopped appearing again. Success!

But this has got me wondering now, if I create players using those in TEAMS A to R using the in-game editor and not an external editor will they still appear as 5000 valued players?

Hmm I did not have time to test because it is late, 3am! But I may test tomorrow.

Yep Konami can be a bit confusing at times.

Hopefully you stayed awake when reading this post. :D
Beware this is a long post…

Konami can be confusing sometimes. Especially when it comes to editing PES snd ML etc. or could it be the external editors that we use?

For example on my previous option files, as a rule, I never use players from TEAM A to TEAM R. This is because they create either very low valued players in ML or the dreaded 5000 valued players.

I found out before that they do not appear in ML as long as I do not edit their stats in any way (I don’t want them appearing as PLAYER A1, PLAYER A2, etc). Now this can be difficult as I like to reduce the game speed by doing global stat adjustments which will of course adjust the players in TEAMS A to R.

So what I did with my previous option file, after I did the global adjustments I readjusted those players in TEAMS A to R back to what they were before (all of their stats are 70 apart from the GK stat which is 50). So that they do not appear.

So now I have been working on my new 23/24 option file using my previous one as a base. Because of the extra tools that are now available to me by the excellent guys on here (not mentioning names but @marqisspes6 and @adams06 to name a couple) I am now able to copy and paste the stats from SOFIFA website straight into the editor. I thought it would make sense to global adjust the file back to normal so that the new players I create fit straight in.

But I forgot that doing the global adjustments would adjust the PLAYERS in TEAMS A to R too so that they are not all 70s. So when I was playing ML with my unfinished option file to test it, they started appearing again.

When I realised, I adjusted them so that their stats were back to normal…but…when I played ML again, they STILL appeared. 😤

I could not work it out!

Until I decided to go to the in game editor and press “back to default” on each of those players. Then they stopped appearing again. Success!

But this has got me wondering now, if I create players using those in TEAMS A to R using the in-game editor and not an external editor will they still appear as 5000 valued players?

Hmm I did not have time to test because it is late, 3am! But I may test tomorrow.

Yep Konami can be a bit confusing at times.

Hopefully you stayed awake when reading this post. :D

Quoting my own message above.

So I just tried what I said, and edited 5 players from TEAM A using the in game editor and moved them to Birmingham and 2 of them showed up as 5000 players and the other 3 are really low value. It's a bit of a joke really.

Do they only stay at their proper value if you leave them in TEAM A? What is the point of having 23 editable players in each 18 editable teams if you cannot use them in Master League. If you choose not to use them in ML they will just show up anyway. It means that if I was to start a ML with Birmingham then their wages would be 10000 more than what they should be which means it is basically impossible to get through season one because I would not be able to afford the teams wages at the end.

I really thought that this would only be a problem with the external editors but nope it is a big fault with Konami.

Sorry for the rant but it is really disappointing, even if it is not really new news. I just thought that I had found a solution to the 5000 point players. :(
Quoting my own message above.

So I just tried what I said, and edited 5 players from TEAM A using the in game editor and moved them to Birmingham and 2 of them showed up as 5000 players and the other 3 are really low value. It's a bit of a joke really.

Do they only stay at their proper value if you leave them in TEAM A? What is the point of having 23 editable players in each 18 editable teams if you cannot use them in Master League. If you choose not to use them in ML they will just show up anyway. It means that if I was to start a ML with Birmingham then their wages would be 10000 more than what they should be which means it is basically impossible to get through season one because I would not be able to afford the teams wages at the end.

I really thought that this would only be a problem with the external editors but nope it is a big fault with Konami.

Sorry for the rant but it is really disappointing, even if it is not really new news. I just thought that I had found a solution to the 5000 point players. :(
IIRC we've made this discussion again in the past, my memory is fading as I'm getting old.

I had the same issue with the so called Player1,2,3 etc in PES 6 on PC, the last time i created my friends 🤣.

What i had , was every player had 5000 salary. With some tuning here and there, i managed to drop most of players between 1500~1200.

What did i notice ..(not now, i am talking about November-December of 2006 😁 ).

It was more difficult to get to the soft spot, of dropping from 5000 directly to 1500, than from 1500 to 1200 included all the range, 1300, 1400 etc.

I even managed to created a LB friend, (my best mate in my marriage 😜) with a salary of 990+something.

The whole process was a trial and error in the in game editor. What i remember messed a lot, was put for the outfielders the lowest rating for GK ability, i think 01, and i almost cut all the special skills from everyone, each player had 1 max 2 special skills.

If you plan to go by trial and error, i would suggest to test first a player with stats you want and no skills at all. Then mess with the playable positions, and only in the end mess with hell of tuning stats, cause it is a nightmare of cryptographic integers that maybe the developers put there to stop people from creating all-99 rated players, or maybe it can be just a accidental trigger.

From the modern games that the OPR is visible, I've noticed that some specific stats create some crazy ups and downs to the OPR, meaning that the formula is hooked to some stats that only KONAMI knows which and why.

I had created a player from pesmaster in PES 21, and i was alarmed cause in my console his OPR was 77 while on PESmaster 75. A +/-1 is a usual thing, between pesmaster and game editor, but a +/-2 means something is wrong.

After the second check, i noticed that i copied wrong his Speed stas, or Acceleration, i made it +1 higher. This +1 in the speed stat, was a creating a +2 in Overall Player Rating, which is crazy enough by itself.

To connect this , with the PES ps2 issue, if a similar formula applies for ML wages, there may be only one stat, different for each player position, that creates the gap between 1500 and 5000 salary points. And good luck to find it. 😜
Quoting my own message above.

So I just tried what I said, and edited 5 players from TEAM A using the in game editor and moved them to Birmingham and 2 of them showed up as 5000 players and the other 3 are really low value. It's a bit of a joke really.

Do they only stay at their proper value if you leave them in TEAM A? What is the point of having 23 editable players in each 18 editable teams if you cannot use them in Master League. If you choose not to use them in ML they will just show up anyway. It means that if I was to start a ML with Birmingham then their wages would be 10000 more than what they should be which means it is basically impossible to get through season one because I would not be able to afford the teams wages at the end.

I really thought that this would only be a problem with the external editors but nope it is a big fault with Konami.

Sorry for the rant but it is really disappointing, even if it is not really new news. I just thought that I had found a solution to the 5000 point players. :(

Apparently, this has been fixed in World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008.
IIRC we've made this discussion again in the past, my memory is fading as I'm getting old.

I had the same issue with the so called Player1,2,3 etc in PES 6 on PC, the last time i created my friends 🤣.

What i had , was every player had 5000 salary. With some tuning here and there, i managed to drop most of players between 1500~1200.

What did i notice ..(not now, i am talking about November-December of 2006 😁 ).

It was more difficult to get to the soft spot, of dropping from 5000 directly to 1500, than from 1500 to 1200 included all the range, 1300, 1400 etc.

I even managed to created a LB friend, (my best mate in my marriage 😜) with a salary of 990+something.

The whole process was a trial and error in the in game editor. What i remember messed a lot, was put for the outfielders the lowest rating for GK ability, i think 01, and i almost cut all the special skills from everyone, each player had 1 max 2 special skills.

If you plan to go by trial and error, i would suggest to test first a player with stats you want and no skills at all. Then mess with the playable positions, and only in the end mess with hell of tuning stats, cause it is a nightmare of cryptographic integers that maybe the developers put there to stop people from creating all-99 rated players, or maybe it can be just a accidental trigger.

From the modern games that the OPR is visible, I've noticed that some specific stats create some crazy ups and downs to the OPR, meaning that the formula is hooked to some stats that only KONAMI knows which and why.

I had created a player from pesmaster in PES 21, and i was alarmed cause in my console his OPR was 77 while on PESmaster 75. A +/-1 is a usual thing, between pesmaster and game editor, but a +/-2 means something is wrong.

After the second check, i noticed that i copied wrong his Speed stas, or Acceleration, i made it +1 higher. This +1 in the speed stat, was a creating a +2 in Overall Player Rating, which is crazy enough by itself.

To connect this , with the PES ps2 issue, if a similar formula applies for ML wages, there may be only one stat, different for each player position, that creates the gap between 1500 and 5000 salary points. And good luck to find it. 😜

Haha :LOL: creating your mates in ML, something I did too.

I remember posting something about this a while ago.

I was looking at the "posting history of 5000 salary points players" :P .

Here is one

One of the workarounds it seems is giving the player a lot of Special Abilities and then his salary goes down.

Someone also mentioned about changing the transfer frequency to Normal and apparently that prevents it.

Apparently, this has been fixed in World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008.

Thanks @Juventino32 how does that play? Is it better than the regular PES 2008?

Actually please tell me it's rubbish because I don't want to have to spend years updating that one too. :D
Haha :LOL: creating your mates in ML, something I did too.

I remember posting something about this a while ago.

I was looking at the "posting history of 5000 salary points players" :P .

Here is one

One of the workarounds it seems is giving the player a lot of Special Abilities and then his salary goes down.

Someone also mentioned about changing the transfer frequency to Normal and apparently that prevents it.

Thanks @Juventino32 how does that play? Is it better than the regular PES 2008?

Actually please tell me it's rubbish because I don't want to have to spend years updating that one too. :D

It's in fact different, with a lower speed and a 6th difficulty (but I suspect it's a different scaling with max difficulty being equal in both game).

It's a matter of preference in the end.

But at least the infamous 5000 players are gone ahah. But to be 100% sure, better to run some tests like you did.
It's in fact different, with a lower speed and a 6th difficulty (but I suspect it's a different scaling with max difficulty being equal in both game).

It's a matter of preference in the end.

But at least the infamous 5000 players are gone ahah. But to be 100% sure, better to run some tests like you did.

If you do run some tests please let me know how you get on.

In my OF for PES 6 and PES 2008, I created myself (based on the stats of Castolo and co.) to insert me in the ML default team ahah.

I always create myself in my option files, it's a kind of 'copyright' thing. So if anyone claims my option file as their own, and then somewhere down the line someone mentions this excellent young signing that they made in ML and it turns out to be 'me' then I will be after them. :D
In my OF for PES 6 and PES 2008, I created myself (based on the stats of Castolo and co.) to insert me in the ML default team ahah.
Yeah, it was a tradition i strangely started from FIFA 99 and 2000. Then continued on ISS proevo, creating 23 friends for the Greece national team.

Of course myself included as a RWF and of course everyone was 2,10 meters tall and 99 to all stats.

By the early days of PES 6, heights and stats became as realistic as possible, and i had 5 teams, friends from Westside of my Hometown, friends from Eastside of my hometown, friends from my summer resort village, friends from University and a team of Rest of Greece Friends and Foes (in order to complete a playable squad).

It was like a captain Tsubasha in house universe, and the best friends were called to the Greece national team too.

The funniest facts were, when i started creating myself, my age was younger than the minimum age the game allowed, while now i am heading to an age that i am older than the maximum age, the game allows 🤣.

Also in my teenage years, for some reason I was creating myself completely bald and with a beard , while now in my 37's i have a small hairfall and i can't stand a beard more than 5 days. 😜
So I did some tests, I created 5 players in TEAM A and transferred them to Birmingham and started a ML.

First of all I just transferred them over with no stat changes, this led to no 5000 salary players.

Then with stat changes:
  • High transfer activity, classic players on = 1 x 5000 salary player
  • High transfer activity, classic players off = 1 x 5000 salary player
  • Normal transfer activity, classic players on = 1 x 5000 salary player
  • Normal transfer activity, classic players off = 1 x 5000 salary player
  • Low transfer activity, classic players on = 1 x 5000 salary player
  • Low transfer activity, classic players off = 1 x 5000 salary player
I even tried it with Reset Prevention selected and then not selected. Nothing at all makes a difference.

If you are wondering why I wrote everything down in a list like that…well it is to add more weight to my annoyance :BRICK:
Created players... I used to do that only for local multiplayer matches v my dad. He was usually Brazil and I was usually Japan. So we had a version of myself and a version for him, usually followed by the traditional friendly taunts whenever the scored. I'm sure by created player scored a rabona once after kinda rounding Doni.

Miss those day tbh, full of annoyance when you lose and joy when you win. Alongside the banter and one-liners that come with it. Can't remember though if created players were just PES 2009 on PS2, or if we'd done that for earlier games. I think just 2009, although creating players in ISS Pro Evo was possible too I think. Never player ML, so I haven't created players for that. Just exhibition
@geeeeee , classic player setting on/off is broken on PES 2008 PS2. It always acts as yes.

On the PSP version, they fixed it. As well in WSWE2008.

Yeah i knew that it was broken but just thought I would test it to see if it miraculously stopped a player demanding 5000 salary :D

This is probably a dumb question, and I am guessing the answer is no, but do you think there would be any way that the ISO that I am editing for PES2008 can be converted or copied to work on WSWE2008?
Anyone know much about PES2014 PS2 version?

I know that it is probably the best one since 2008. I was looking online and there are quite a few patches for it. I downloaded this one…

and it is really good but I cannot change the language otherwise I would probably give that a test run in ML.

There are a few other patches like this one…

but the links are dead even though they are only a couple of months old.

I might give it a test by emulating on my Xbox and see what it is like. No way is this me stopping my PES2008 project but I just want to test the waters. Especially when it comes to ML. ;)
I guess I am kind of hogging the thread at the moment :D

In the end I downloaded this one...

Which is a really excellent patch. Works on Xbox PS2 emulator. So I played a couple of games and even though it has all the 'bells and whistles' the gameplay is not as good. I started a ML on the second from highest level which is what I play PES2008 on and I found it quite easy. There was hardly any pressure on the ball, there was lots of space on the pitch, and I found it quite easy making room for a shot. Basically when I scored there was not that feel good factor about it. Also there was hardly any free kicks.

I started up PES2008 and had a game on my ML and straight away the pressure is there from the CPU. You really have to work at getting opportunities and even though I won 4-2 I thought it was a really hard fought victory.

If PES2008 was not around then I would probably invest my time in PES2014 but as it is, even with the 5000 player salary bug, I will continue with PES2008 because "what happens on the pitch is what counts" :)
Does anyone know of a good patch for WE10 (PS2) that basically just 'licenses' the default game? I found a patch called KM Mix patch, but it seems to have disappeared/not much info around about it
Yeah i knew that it was broken but just thought I would test it to see if it miraculously stopped a player demanding 5000 salary :D

This is probably a dumb question, and I am guessing the answer is no, but do you think there would be any way that the ISO that I am editing for PES2008 can be converted or copied to work on WSWE2008?

Don't know.
But even converting the OF is not possible because if I'm not wrong players ids are different.
I can't find the motivation to manually convert my PES 2008 OF although I really want to.
Maybe once I'm done with my PES 6 OF.
Does anyone know of a good patch for WE10 (PS2) that basically just 'licenses' the default game? I found a patch called KM Mix patch, but it seems to have disappeared/not much info around about it

Here is a link to my drive for that WE10 KM Mix patch. I would have linked the forum page that details the patch but I couldn't find it on here.

There is a widescreen version of the WE10 iso in here which is great. You need the OF with this patch and you'll find that in this folder too.

This probably has more added than just the Licenses but I really rate this patch. Enough for me to have recorded a 4 season ML on it.

Here is a link to my drive for that WE10 KM Mix patch. I would have linked the forum page that details the patch but I couldn't find it on here.

There is a widescreen version of the WE10 iso in here which is great. You need the OF with this patch and you'll find that in this folder too.

This probably has more added than just the Licenses but I really rate this patch. Enough for me to have recorded a 4 season ML on it.
Thanks for that, really appreciate it. It looks good, outside of the fact that it seems to be around the 05-06 season. I have this already in WE9: LE (which I noticed you had also on that memory card), so am looking for more the 06-07 season. But thanks anyway. Searching online seems fruitless, as it just comes up with loads of patches that are not what I'm looking for really. Too many patches, it can make the brain explode to count them tbh 😅

BTW, I've been inspired to download a few games to my phone from your YouTube shorts. I don't think I'd have tried out WE6 otherwise 😁
BTW, I've been inspired to download a few games to my phone from your YouTube shorts. I don't think I'd have tried out WE6 otherwise 😁

Excellent 👌 glad you found some new inspiration.

regarding WE10, the game is such a strange one in the timeline of releases. It was actually released during the end of the PES5 cycle, hence why it is still based on the 05/06 season. You could say it is like PES5 but with the PES6 game engine.
Excellent 👌 glad you found some new inspiration.

regarding WE10, the game is such a strange one in the timeline of releases. It was actually released during the end of the PES5 cycle, hence why it is still based on the 05/06 season. You could say it is like PES5 but with the PES6 game engine.
Ah, i see that now. April 2006. That's weird, especially when you consider the amount of WE9 games there is. J.League WE + Europa League 06-07 makes more sense now
I just wish WE10 had a pc port, would have loved to see what the community would have made. It really is a gem. For me a perfect blend of PES5 and PES6, but would have loved it to be a little slower and to have less aggressive keepers - super easy to round them 1v1.

There’s a lot of WE10 patches out there, seems to be the game of choice for a lot of patches still made in Brazil, wish there were some new English ones though!
I just wish WE10 had a pc port, would have loved to see what the community would have made. It really is a gem. For me a perfect blend of PES5 and PES6, but would have loved it to be a little slower and to have less aggressive keepers - super easy to round them 1v1.

There’s a lot of WE10 patches out there, seems to be the game of choice for a lot of patches still made in Brazil, wish there were some new English ones though!
other have for indonesia patch but idk
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