The Retro-PES Corner

And also the "special hairstyle 2" stuff (or just special hairstyle but for specific players) to convert for example from PES 2013 to PES 5.
I don't know if there's a way with the .csv or plrv. What's the result, i didn't checked.
Doing a full table is a bit long, there's issues with new preset etc. i don't know if that's possible to convert without issue. Just put a simple word about "hairstyle / if not compatible with the player will be shaved. Only hair color will be converted".

You can't do everything : that's editing, it's not like you convert > done instantly. Up to us to check the hairstyle or better, create an almost similar hairstyle for the player but the basic ones and the preset 1 on players you need from the option file you want to convert BEFORE the conversion i believe.
That's what i would do.

There's a list for all preset > so with special hairstyle / i found for PES 5 to 2008, and one for PES 13 and 14.
Also, there's almost 1000 special hairstyle 2 on PES 2014 lol, some from the previous versions they didn't erased.
Do you know how to edit a plrv?
Do you know how to edit a plrv?
I didn't really checked about it mate, i just discovered it 3 days ago only.
I opened one with a Notepad.

There's only some one line with weird characters (not a lot) then a code like a password with 8-10 letters.
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I would like to know how to get tactics from Hidden/Unplayable teams i got interest on. I exported a full team and registered it, but neither the formation or the tactics showed up when i make a "team copy Tmlrv".

Fortunately it's only China and Venezuela (who got the exact same formation as on PES 5, so tactic probably) for PES 5, and i will use the tactics for PES 6 for the version 2, but still 2-3 teams i won't got tactics, individual consign, etc

I check and reproduce them by playing against them on WE10 Internationnal Challenge, taking a screenshot like here :


I tried in vain to exchange side lol, but impossible. Also to copy their formation by "exchanging", but you need one saved formation (pehraps it's doable with an external editor, no idea)

Well it's for having less work, otherwise i can reproduce more or less accurately a tactic regarding the formation, players strengths/weaknesses especially stamina/attack/def/agression/overall technique.

Not that important to got the exact same way as China was playing in 2005....

But i can't leave a team with tactics completely blank or not related to players style or even sometimes Coach style (that's how i did the tactic for Morocco, as they're part of the 3 disappearing teams with Venez/China). PES 5 got already a very strict way to handle AI, for not saying a bit limited and "straight"...

I don't even think Konami was aware of it. But perhaps they were shit in terms of facebuilds, but pretty good for formations/tactics representation. I checked England, Italy, even i remember following Iran as i always loved that team and it was pretty accurate.

Now, about all IG teams, i think to keep the original tactics/formations from august but changing players is good enough. I prefers to focus on totally inaccurate facebuild and errors in height/weight/preferred foot. Well i will probably do it perhaps for the next O.F. ....

BUT i really want to focus on PES or WE 2008 (gameplay is closer to JL2008 and there's 6 stars difficulty) than PES 5. So there will be a full corrected version for sure, but i don't know if i will continue : to me it's okay without the WC 2006 teams, even if you play...
World Cup. Angola, Togo and Trinidad were quickly out of the competition, some good players but overall for Continental league too : China, Venezuela and Morocco are enough as pillar. And the way i will build it (over Classics) you may reproduce a Konami Cup to create for example an African cup of Nations, but not selectable (i think) for playing with.

I love to play with Nations through, and very small teams... But i can make without, and every team will be worked, compatible for both real Hardware and i created it for having a very solid basis for PES 5 on both PC for mods and PS2 with really original roster for summer (not winter and plenty of errors)...
In 4 words "i'll see later"

Because it's always PES 5, yes it's immortal but i believe that PES 2008 era, so until JL2008 is the better PS2 version of all, much more variety, ball physics is the best from all PS2 versions. The most unpredictable, and balanced. Best of both world like one article said on that game...
I didn't really checked about it mate, i just discovered it 3 days ago only.
I opened one with a Notepad.

There's only some one line with weird characters (not a lot) then a code like a password with 8-10 letters.
Because I wanted to edit the faces and hair of the players in the editor of flavio but I do not know the corresponding number.
Hey bros! :TU:

I was wondering if any of you guys had the .PDF downloadable version of the PES 6 instruction manual. Would like to read it with some depth, with all the stats explanations and everything. I've heard it is very detailed!

I did a search of the forum but couldn't find it posted. Let me know if any of you can find it or if you have a downloadable copy. Thanks in advance!
Strangely, the website seems to be unsafe, it shows that its "security certificate" is expired, plus it does not let me register in the actual forum.

Hopefully we can find it someplace else. :)

that's just the certificate, many website can't update it, happens even with mine, have trouble with it is either pay or manage to get it working and it became quite hard to me, if you zoom enought the "register" button will appear
that's just the certificate, many website can't update it, happens even with mine, have trouble with it is either pay or manage to get it working and it became quite hard to me, if you zoom enought the "register" button will appear
Right. Once I bypassed it and tried to register, I entered a username/password/captcha, and it wouldn't let me register. It's like the site is down.

Is there any chance you might upload the PDF in mediafire if you have access to the file? Thanks in advance.
Right. Once I tried to bypass it and tried to register, I entered a username/password/captcha, and it wouldn't let me register.

Is there any chance you might upload the PDF in mediafire? Thanks.

oh... didn't knew, no sorry i dont have an account there and sadly my interest over that content is almost null, but if you search over here i think someone upload it he manage to download it from there
Hey bros! :TU:

I was wondering if any of you guys had the .PDF downloadable version of the PES 6 instruction manual. Would like to read it with some depth, with all the stats explanations and everything. I've heard it is very detailed!

I did a search of the forum but couldn't find it posted. Let me know if any of you can find it or if you have a downloadable copy. Thanks in advance!
I think the PES 2009 guide (in spanish) I posted had a better explanation of the stats

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I have to books but I don’t have them on PDF. If there is anything specific you’d like to know then I can photo them. I can’t scan the whole book though.
I've heard that the book itself is very detailed, not only in terms of stats/abilities explanations but also in Master League. Mostly, I wanted to read all of it haha.. But no worries I'll probably find try to find a copy on ebay or somewhere, it's actually not expensive like 5 euros, it'd be cool to have a physical copy now that I think of it. :)
good news is i got my new pc up and running with no data lost, bad news is the AI on top player has become self aware ;)

First, congratulations on a new device,
I have two questions,
• what are the characteristics of your new device, secondly,
• when will you put a * patch classic Goalgerd * for us?
First, congratulations on a new device,
I have two questions,
• what are the characteristics of your new device, secondly,
• when will you put a * patch classic Goalgerd * for us?
I just put a gtx 2060 into my i7 optiplex, nothing fancy, as for the release date it will be ready when it's ready, life is fairly busy for me these days
I'd like to know, how are player performance ratings (after the match) calculated in PES 6? Is there some kind of formula, or perhaps @Shales' manual mentions something about this? I'd love to know how this is calculated and what it takes into account.
Going back in time for some international action in PES3 for the World Cup and wanted to give a belated thanks to @Flipper the Priest for the option file he shared here a while back. Finally got it installed. I notice you posted an even more comprehensive one here Flipper Is it still live as I can't see a link?

Generally speaking, how the he'll does an almost 20-year-old game like PES3 look and play so well still? It really is a joy. The AI could well be the best ever. And those pitches!
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