The Retro-PES Corner

Bros, I just had a REALLY nice match in PES 2008 (PC version, with VirtuaRED patch)! It was my first ever full match in this installment!

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It was one of the most enjoyable matches I've played recently! For my first encounter, I decided to play as NIGERIA vs one of their biggest rivals, ARGENTINA.. And the NIGERIANS pull it off in this classic rivalry!! A classic Smash and Grab win!! :GSCARF::GSCARF:

Loved a lot of things about this one! Played with 0.94 speed which I felt suited me best, Loved the pacing, the overall energy and feel of the game, it was exciting and fluid!! In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I decided to upload the match highlights!

A beautiful goal by Yakubu at minute 41, and the rest of the match was just a defensive stellar performance by the Nigerians, as Argentina really piled it on and had me on the ropes, especially in the second half.. Really thought the tactics were realistic, the Argentineans really pushing forward and showing desperation, as I tracked back and tried to salvage the win! I was really pleasantly surprised by this! A very dynamic and fun match that had me on the edge of my seat while playing. :)

Will be playing a lot more of PES 2008 in the future. @Madmac79 was right.. It can be a very enjoyable experience!!
the only thing i don't want to play pes 08 is camera zoom. is there any tool or patch for changing camera height and zoom
About diving, i remember more it was mocked. Like "Diving? Only that? Hahaha like if we care about it, it should'n't even be called a new feature"...

Well people waiting for a new engine, i remember especially for animations... But Fifa engine for PS3, with animation an inertia "automatically-managed" by that new engine was what people waited from PES. But diving lol. If not a new engine, a new style for dribbling or passing, i don't know, but something new.

But i don't care, thanks that we got PES 2008 like it is right now. It's a very fun and immersive game, you forgot the rigidity when you're playing match after match, with teamvision, other way to defend etc.
Sad that the bigger pitch makes some animations and passing a bit faster. They should have keept PES 6 360 basis, all was more natural, pitch smaller but from the very small difference... You don't even notice it.
About diving, i remember more it was mocked. Like "Diving? Only that? Hahaha like if we care about it, it should'n't even be called a new feature"...

Well people waiting for a new engine, i remember especially for animations... But Fifa engine for PS3, with animation an inertia "automatically-managed" by that new engine was what people waited from PES. But diving lol. If not a new engine, a new style for dribbling or passing, i don't know, but something new.

But i don't care, thanks that we got PES 2008 like it is right now. It's a very fun and immersive game, you forgot the rigidity when you're playing match after match, with teamvision, other way to defend etc.
Sad that the bigger pitch makes some animations and passing a bit faster. They should have keept PES 6 360 basis, all was more natural, pitch smaller but from the very small difference... You don't even notice it.

i remember that i played it when it came out, i was really dissapointed (with the pc/ps3/x360 version, of course, the ps2 one its a pleasure) i remember i was able to score from the middle of the field, goals from corner so easily, goalkeepers were trash, in fact the diving thing was something i really like it, but if you can't even release a stable game, dont try to add new features, but... that's konami.
I think by this point I've played most of the PES, but one that remains kind of a mystery to me is PES 2009.

Right now I'm really enjoying PES 2010, and 17, and haven't really paid much attention to 2009, although I downloaded smoke patch once, I haven't really tried it. There was also a South American patch I played a long time ago, but I only tried a few exhibition matches and that was quite a long time ago.

What are your guys' opinion of PES 2009? To me it is still the "mystery PES". :LOL:
The only thing I've found is this, although it looks fairly complicated to run.. I actually like the PES 2008 camera so haven't really bothered to look but maybe you'd like to try. :TU:

google it a little bit seems to only change the camera angle, which was remove on pes 2008, i found the python code in case anyone needs it

import sys, struct, binascii, msvcrt


def fixcrc(file=OPTION_FILE):
    f = open(file,"r+b")
    data =
    data1 = data[:8] + '' + data[12:]
    crc = binascii.crc32(data1)

def quit(code):
Press any key to exit')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.stdout.write('Enter camera angle (0-9): ')
    try: angle = int(sys.stdin.readline()[:-1])
    except ValueError: angle = -1
    if angle<0 or angle>9:
        print 'Bad angle. No changes made.'

    f = open(OPTION_FILE,&quot;r+b&quot;)
    print 'Camera angle succesfully changed to %d' % angle
@EauRouge Didn't bother to check the links in this one, sorry. It kinda looks like a workaround process with several programs so I didn't actually check. But still it'd be cool if you could mod PES 08's cameras and make it a simpler process, hope you get around to it. :TU:
I think by this point I've played most of the PES, but one that remains kind of a mystery to me is PES 2009.

Right now I'm really enjoying PES 2010, and 17, and haven't really paid much attention to 2009, although I downloaded smoke patch once, I haven't really tried it. There was also a South American patch I played a long time ago, but I only tried a few exhibition matches and that was quite a long time ago.

What are your guys' opinion of PES 2009? To me it is still the "mystery PES". :LOL:
Do you really want our opinion 🥺😃😸😃😸

If you like Disney on ice, go for it. This shote is frenetic. It's like a faster PES 2010 but without the physicallity of 2010.

Well good or bad physicallity in 2010, it was at least applied in terms of shoulder bardge, in respect to Body Balance stat.

Here in 2009, is completely run'n'gun... Just take a really fast player and run through bodies like a ghost. The Balance was totally cosmetic...

The only innovation, apart from the licensed Champions League, no official Europa League though, IIRC, was the illumination . Some dusk/afternoon matches, showcase the early tooth of PS3 and that generation of PC/consoles in regards to lighting.
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@millossobek jokes aside, i believe all us (me included) who are negative biased towards 2008-2009-2010, should stay away from giving reviews, even if we like it retrospective wise, cause scratching the old wounds, always bring memories to the surface.

For example, just by your discussion above about 2008, i just remembered that they did something to Broadcast camera and broke it, and was from the very first hits below the belt.

I can't even recall if it was the angle, the height or the zoom, but it was not like it used to be in PS1 and PS2 era... I can't recall how game breaking it was or not, but inside the general mess of the 2008 early days, i had one extra issue, trying for other camera options.😁
If no one talk about 2009, if that's it's a version to forget. I don't remember after a retry than the game was so fast than in my memories, but pretty offensive and unbalanced that's sure. Fast probably i would have see it if i played more 2008 and on the middle term.
Well the best HD version was PES 6 360, no pitch bigger so everything fitted (no need to make longer steps animation or ball faster etc.) but it was out before PS3. With that basis + teamvision and Edit mode / 2008 PS3 suffered to lack on it too like no emblems, kits only.

PES 6 360 was kits without sponsors, no way to edit faces : the system was the same as PES 2008 to 2013 but the "in game editor" wasn't ready

Was pretty ugly but i remember we didn't edited Other league C.
Didn't edited that verison but they didn't created Bundes on it for the same reason about the low cost player from that league.

Well even if @slamsoze is totally right about "open wound" lol, if you take the game apart, with the big recoil we have now and zero expectation about a future engine : PES 2008 is the only acceptable from the 3, and on PC especially for full editing too is PES 2008. But the best HD is PES 6 360, gameplay talking. Nothing like PES 6 on PS2, closer to PES 2008 PS2 than PC weirdly / except for faces. Body build were less slim but not like on PS2 : mix between the 2 let's say.

Still don't understand how they found the time to make a "special" version like that X360 only.
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Gotta say though, in terms of lighting, I find PES 2010 much prettier than 2011, 12, or 13. The color palette in it is really something impressive, it looks quite realistic and in a way, cinematic. :)

Screenshot from my Bolton Wanderers save.. Jay-Jay Okocha! (so good they named him twice)!

I think I'll skip 2009 for now, taking into account your reviews and also some things I've heard about it in other sources. Not really a fan of installments which are too fast or slingshoty, But I'm really enjoying 2010 with reduced speed, love the flow and overall feel of the game (playing at 0.89 speeder at the moment with Jenkey's gameplay mod).
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Best lighting in PES.
And it was pretty simplistic in comparison to super tech lighting from others games (later PES, FIFA), i mean it wasn't a new system. But some small changes added.

Like for example face didn't get shadows, only on the global face not the nose etc., all was done manually.
But sometimes and pretty often Artistic > Technology.
They never reached that level later, with super new lighting stuffs added to the games on PS4.
Do not forget about become a legend that was the first pes to have it
Oh yeah... Pardon could i forget. Debut of BaL, and in my humble opinion, this and some latter version with the best corr features that make sense in a Become a Legend mode, which are:

1) Play with the local team of your neighborhood.

2) Receive offers according to your shity/or not performance.

3) Receive only from lesser clubs in the beginning.

4) Be able to play in-house 11vs11 training match in your clubs training facilities. ( Here only, i can't recall if your performance in training match had any impact in your manager's picks for next match, as it was in ISS2000 Carrer Mode (BaL like mode in N64).

But even if your performance in training was meaningless, all the fundamentals for a good Become a Legend mode were there, for a road to glory.

From that point, how did KONAMI achieved to remove with surgery accuracy every good fundamental, and we got to the point were you create a player and Join Manchester United from day 00, and just play a League Mode with locked cursor, is a very long discussion.
Here's the decisive match for your first team offers in your career

Latter in your new club, the in-house training match

And some features were removed very early , prior to the PES 2014 barebones BAL and ML.
Best lighting in PES.
And it was pretty simplistic in comparison to super tech lighting from others games (later PES, FIFA), i mean it wasn't a new system. But some small changes added.

Like for example face didn't get shadows, only on the global face not the nose etc., all was done manually.
But sometimes and pretty often Artistic > Technology.
They never reached that level later, with super new lighting stuffs added to the games on PS4.
I have a feeling, that not only PES, but other franchises too, FIFA, NBA 2K, Dragonball games, tried to be a lot photo-realistic in PS3/Xbox360 era, and latter in PS4 era, they made a turn to more cartoonish colour.

I don't know hot explain but the photorealism in PS3 era, ended up to glaring, everything that reflected light , was like made of aluminium, or doctor Manhattan from Watchmen, or the low lighting was like blurred in fog. It was more CGI han realistic.

Only PES 2014 achieved a good balance in photorealism. Then again in PES 2015, i think is more obvious, that colour pallete is more close to cartoons colouring than in real life colours.

Or from other genres, Dragonball Xenoverse tried colous closer to cartoon/anime than real life, as the Raging Blast and other games in PS3-only era, were a lot try-hard photo-realistic, but with questionable results.

Even after PES 2018, with the new lighting environment in 2019 and the Enlighten engine in 2020, they tried to re-approach the photo-realism, but in PS4 and PS4pro case, the console is blowing like a space rocket, and the results sometimes are good, some other are questionable.

NBA 2K tried to have photorealism in the general environment, and the human bodies flesh is coloured in more cartoonish pallete, at least in PS4.

I believe in terms of lights/lighting, we didn't have a huge step, in the PS3-PS4 transition and that now it's the time for it, with the ray-tracing technology and the rest mumbo-jumbo that i am not aware of..
Yes, it's a lot because lighting was not "to be retouched", but on PS4 era there was a lot of lighting engine and nothing to retouch etc.
While in PS3, devs needed to add their own "artistic palette".

Ray-tracing i already talked about it but it's far from being ready. Everything looks like a mirror, it's not natural. They need to enhance their system : the lighting reflect obviously doesn't recognise all type of material. Some material doesn't reflect that much, more matte, while some are like mirrors.

So to me Ray-tracing is a tool but from what i see in some game you can activate it like if i was V-sync or whatever special effect.
It's not not to me something "autonomic", but it needs to be balanced by the devs themselves. When i saw in i don't remember which game that a guy was sweating (i think it's NBA2K) and his face was reflecting, all shiny... No, i prefers without for the moment.

They made some comparative when they launched it before/after Ray-tracing, and the "before" looked less weird.
Found a good a bad thing about my editing stuffs. As i already said : i'm working on PES 5 and PES 2008 (probably JL2008 later but it will be quick to do).
PES 5 V1 should be ended "soon". PES 2008 was done at 85% but i falled in the Others League C players cost trap... I didn't know.

Good news : i found a way to have real values for both Korea and Japan NT.
It's quite simple with DKZ : i exchange the players (sometimes 2 players, as they got ALL 350 points) with the ones from Classics teams. There's +- 45 players so there's no problem : i exchange then i made a base copy "re-exchange" if the player is duplicated (Nakamura1 for Batistuta, Nakamura2 for Maradona... Then i got more than enough players to restore the Classics)

Note: on PES 5 Classics Nations doesn't appears in ML. And giving Free nationality to JAP/KOR isn't enough : it gives +- half of their real values (615 vs 1150 Park-Ji-Sung if i remember : so it's not a solution)

Now, i got an issue and i need to do a trick for PES 2008... It's not ultra necessery, but i want a clean database. So i will ask a question to our expert @marqisspes6 , as no editor i tried except DKZ can do that... But it's kinda hard to add PES 2008 on DKZ, i tried several times.
Well the question is : is that possible to or

-Litterally erase a player i put on "Free agent" from the game with i don't know what editor
-And my first idea was to exchange (not copy) the "Others league C" players with Unlockables players and lock them so they don't appears i ML (i tried with PES 5 editor : it blocks me to transfers, and with DKZ : both exchanged players appears on Free Agents and one player "Not Registered" appears instead in Unlockable)...
So the player wasn't transferred.

> BUT there's a last option, well more "O.F." style and it won't affect ML : is to put at least more than 150 dummies players on Free agents with "0" on every stats (just base copy a "Not Registred" with the OF Editor, and for no reason they got "0" for the modest cost of 5000 points 🤣. So it's totally safe. Just not as much pro... I see those players like trash.

But if you don't care about those fakes "Dummy-like" players on ML... I can do it instead of any trick, it's not really pro but effective at least. Personnaly i just want to play, and practically sure it won't cause issues with that cheap last solution.
What do you guys think or purpose? I got +- 320 players usable and i need, to replace the "PLAYER A001" type 288 (there's less players in US version : 18 instead of 23 so it's doable)

(Nothing hurry for the answer through, just that i tried today for no other reason than i'm editing NT for PES 5, and wanted to know if my idea was OK)
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Wondering if someone can help me, I'm trying to locate the texture in PES 3's AFS to remove the radar, power bar and cursor icon like I do for most of my PES games for immersion, but I can't seem to find the damn file in AFS explorer.

Does anybody know which unnamed folder it's in and the name of it please?
Just checked everywhere the map there's nothing but kits and sounds...
More for WE6FE than PES3/WE7I (Us version)

You can remove radar, player name + power bar (they're linked) and change the title of the cursor (for that impossible to remove), but you have to put something on it or the game doesn't accept it. I remember putting i simple 1 as in PES 3 it was an ugly "<1>"

Well you probably knows it already, just talking. For the scoreboard in my opinion it's always better to keep it for TV like immersion.
Regarding the 08/09/10 trilogy, I think while each of them had important flaws, the Ps2 DNA that is heavily present in each still allows for some good fun to be squeezed out. 10 is probably the better wrapped up of the three, despite his many weirdnesses. Well as some of you already knows I'm doing a ML on 08 pc and despite it being the bad port it is I'm really enjoying it, producing some precious football moments. In 09 inertia is terrible and I really have no idea why they did the choice they did like giving all players those atrocious super fast turns.. would probably thrive in modern football market lol. That said stats are still very relevant for the most, AI is fun to play against and shooting was satisfying, even for how terribly "light" it all is if you go in with the right expectations it's playable.

Then, again, they all are very messy in some way, I prefer to reiterate it even if sometimes it feels like one has to justify having fun a with supposedly "bad" game lol. Maybe it's aging, experience or whatever, when it's possible I prefer to see the glass half full, the grey instead of the black/white. I could tear down practically every Fifa or Pes without putting too effort if I wtaned to, even the most untouchable and masterpiece like ones, but what's the point really? I prefer to have another mindest (again, when it's possible.. there are exceptions). Also why I came to appreciate more the good of something like 2021 which globally isn't really my "style".
PES 2008 pc is the only pes i know where AI get yellow card two times from diving. The best part is it's back to back diving inside the box, lol. Never seen anything like this ever again in newer pes.
Do you mean... In the same match?
I saw the AI get booked at times in PES 2017 for diving, but it never happened more than once in the same match.
is there a possibility in pes 6 to extract the game results of e.g. an exhibition / cup match? i mean information like game result or more detailed information such as passes played per player, goals scored etc.?
Do you mean... In the same match?
I saw the AI get booked at times in PES 2017 for diving, but it never happened more than once in the same match.
Yes, same match and it happened back to back diving, lol 😂

From my experience in PES fox engine, ai mostly diving towards the end of the game usually at 80' or so but in pes 2008 it happens randomly.
Guys I need your help in testing something for me please.

Please take a look at the video below:

It shows the issue I am currently experiencing with WE10, PES6, JLWE2007CC, PES2008 and JLWE2008CC. Basically in any match/training mode etc when you are near either your goalkeeper or the opponents goalkeeper for some reason their movement is incredibly erratic, like they are moving too quickly and jumping around and it looks like their animations are glitching and skipping frames despite the game running at a locked 60fps. This is occurring on PCSX2 Stable as well as Nightly and even the RetroArch version of PCSX2.

I basically need some other users to test it on their versions of PCSX2 (on PC or any other platform such as Xbox Series S/X and even Android) with these games and see if they can replicate the issue. I have tried changing the video driver from OpenGL to Vulkan and then to DirectX 11/12 etc with no luck and even running the game at 50Hz and switching between 4:3 and 16:9. What's strange is this does not occur on WE8LE or PES5/WE9.

If any users like @vialli82 or @geeeeee can please take a look if this occurs on real PS2 or PS3 hardware as well by testing simply in training mode that would be really helpful. I need to determine whether this is a bug with emulation or it actually occurs across real hardware platforms. Thanks.
Not on real hardware (that's why i brought a PS2 : fluidity and no slowdown or glitches etc.)
Already said, PES is bad emulated on PCSX2, but some version are playable. PES 2008 is okay, PES 5 i believe too. But 1/2/3 etc. and after PES 2008 versions there's no really glitches but frame drop (the game doesn't slow down in reality)
And hair polygons disappearing making Nedved an co looking like mini-Zidane
Found a good a bad thing about my editing stuffs. As i already said : i'm working on PES 5 and PES 2008 (probably JL2008 later but it will be quick to do).
PES 5 V1 should be ended "soon". PES 2008 was done at 85% but i falled in the Others League C players cost trap... I didn't know.

Good news : i found a way to have real values for both Korea and Japan NT.
It's quite simple with DKZ : i exchange the players (sometimes 2 players, as they got ALL 350 points) with the ones from Classics teams. There's +- 45 players so there's no problem : i exchange then i made a base copy "re-exchange" if the player is duplicated (Nakamura1 for Batistuta, Nakamura2 for Maradona... Then i got more than enough players to restore the Classics)

Note: on PES 5 Classics Nations doesn't appears in ML. And giving Free nationality to JAP/KOR isn't enough : it gives +- half of their real values (615 vs 1150 Park-Ji-Sung if i remember : so it's not a solution)

Now, i got an issue and i need to do a trick for PES 2008... It's not ultra necessery, but i want a clean database. So i will ask a question to our expert @marqisspes6 , as no editor i tried except DKZ can do that... But it's kinda hard to add PES 2008 on DKZ, i tried several times.
Well the question is : is that possible to or

-Litterally erase a player i put on "Free agent" from the game with i don't know what editor
-And my first idea was to exchange (not copy) the "Others league C" players with Unlockables players and lock them so they don't appears i ML (i tried with PES 5 editor : it blocks me to transfers, and with DKZ : both exchanged players appears on Free Agents and one player "Not Registered" appears instead in Unlockable)...
So the player wasn't transferred.

> BUT there's a last option, well more "O.F." style and it won't affect ML : is to put at least more than 150 dummies players on Free agents with "0" on every stats (just base copy a "Not Registred" with the OF Editor, and for no reason they got "0" for the modest cost of 5000 points 🤣. So it's totally safe. Just not as much pro... I see those players like trash.

But if you don't care about those fakes "Dummy-like" players on ML... I can do it instead of any trick, it's not really pro but effective at least. Personnaly i just want to play, and practically sure it won't cause issues with that cheap last solution.
What do you guys think or purpose? I got +- 320 players usable and i need, to replace the "PLAYER A001" type 288 (there's less players in US version : 18 instead of 23 so it's doable)

(Nothing hurry for the answer through, just that i tried today for no other reason than i'm editing NT for PES 5, and wanted to know if my idea was OK)

Not completely sure if we can use dkz for pes2008 i remember that @H_G use a different software for we10 and some j league if im not wrong, probably with that will work better.
About the other ideas I'm not so sure what to answer, the ML is still a mistery to me and the best we can do about it is completely test and try to understand how it works with all of his bug 😅 but its gonna take some time i believe
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