Retired Footballer
Watching the video right now after playing both 15 and 16, and it's some CPU ai right there.Well, i would say PEs 2017 is the last PES that CPU AI has some real ID. 2015 and 2016 were the games that really nailed the CPU ID. After that, every new itteration had an issue. Superstellar AI in PES 2018, wing spamming in PES 2019, one dimensional and with bad awareness in 2020-2021, etc, etc.
You can of course watch it by your own eyes, and while i am not a fan of TheTrueBrits, i've seen a recent video of him, while he is revisiting every old PES due to the eFutebol no-news issue. Just check how the COM-controlled Barcelona plays in this video. Really amazing. Well you can say, that they play the same tiki-taka in PES 2018, but then again, every team in 2018 on superstar ML, plays lasser guided tiki-taka, with one-touch, deadly accuracy back-heels.
Sorry for the user, just focus on the video content.Some amazing plays by CPU. I really miss it, and now we have half-past 2022, i mean the AI should play better, not worse...
Looks and plays great