The Retro-PES Corner

Yeah, i was not clear, i mean November of 2014 the year not the game, that PES 2015 was released. The code that we are playing in this current/last generation 2015~2021.
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alculating your input, in combination with other factors, like inertia, pitch condition, physics, player stats, Team Spirit, or the general scenario, that many people call handicap, or scripting or the invisible force that makes you fight with yourgamepad,
Two others abilities were removed since PES2014, short pass speed and long pass speed. They kept the the accuracy
Two others abilities were removed since PES2014, short pass speed and long pass speed. They kept the the accuracy
According to @vialli82 this is replaced by the power gauge strictly, which makes some sense...

I have some little doubts here, cause depending on assistance settings or other factors, power gauge usually affects other things, like ball speed, elevation, distance of pass reciever, pass power, etc... But in general terms, i agree with VIalli's explanation.
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You can do that formula for every player on PES 2014, it will work. I trought you already know it. One guy founded it (me at the same time) but didn't for Ball Winning.

Better with all the players in World and Euro Classics players : their stats didn't changed the whole season, it equal the game without DLC.
And WE 2014 Aoki Samurai no Chosen on PSP or 3DS, i think, got the same stats as the latest PES DLC / ain't totally sure, perhaps the same as the DLC 5.0 or 6.0.

That formula (Attack+Attack+Response and Defense+Defense+Response/3) is working for every players in the game on PES 2014. Excluded Keepers, as Reflexe > Reaction. But they remade the stats differently with a larger scale on PES 2015. That's not the reason the database is bad, we already know why (kids as Data Editor)

Personally for Response in Attack you got to check for Attacking Prowess and the same for Defence.
The Definition is clearly mentionning it "It dictacte the speed of reaction and adaptation of the player on attack/defence" (translated from french)
The difference is now, it's rated indiviually and not depending to one other stats which increase both of them, with that formula.

I said it a long post ago > all stats are diffently handled and influenced since the Fox Engine. For that @slamsoze is right.
But i said it some page ago, perhaps even one page ago lol, that Reaction didn't disappeared : it's now divided in two (on PS2 it was also linked the exact same way, depending to Attack and Defense)

About Ball Winning now and PES 2014:
I've found the Ball Winning formula i was on PSD (i disagreed with their sets, i was only there for reseach about stats and ratings) : it depended to how high the player got A position in attack, the formula got a lower multiplication.
It was (Balance+Balance+Defense/3) and if the player got A in CF/SS > *0.75, AMF 0.80, CMF/LMF/RMF 0.85, DMF 0.90 and SB/CB 1.00)
You can try if you want.
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I said it a long post ago > all stats are diffently handled and influenced since the Fox Engine.
yes, for example: the dribble speed (as a combined stat) on PES2014 are different compared to the PS2 version.
ROUND(((("DRIBBLING"*1)+("SPEED"*2))/3) aka Dribble Accuracy + Top Speed

that Reaction didn't disappeared : it's now divided in two (on PS2 it was also linked the exact same way, depending to Attack and Defense)
So it's a hidden stat used to calculate the Att / Def awareness.

Btw I still don't understand what the Attack attribute does to the player. Does the effect differs from controlling the player and when the COM control him ?
Both, but in term of positionning AI is kinda complicated to understand. We can easily found how a player shoot strong or how speed he his just by seeing him, even how fast he react but Attack positionning, well, since there's different Playing style...

"Goal Poacher" for example is a lot of Inzaghi style, more runs and try to get as closer to the goal, i believe more based on Reaction.
While "Fox in the box" is more about Positionning for shoot (Batistuta style).
It's only that i noticed that good shooters are more the "Fox in the Box" type, while speed striker/making a lot of movement are more "Goal Poacher".

Talking about Inzaghi, he got average stats everywhere except Attack very high and Goal Poacher. He's perhaps one of the best when you play a lot of trough ball with him, on counter attack you will be very very often you're in front of goal with him. In one touch or by running a very few meters with the ball.

Does the effect differs from controlling the player and when the COM control him ?

I suppose but teamates / your strikers / positionning are also pretty important. But i believe for us it's really the feeling or reactivity and AI positionning / even if you can yourself makes your teamates runs, well they will react faster for the run simply, as you control positionning /

The CPU don't feel the reaction but it doesn't mean that the players won't react faster with an higher attack.
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Now the question about the CB with attack, on PS2 i remember Lucio got 75, the higher for a CB, but also 85 in Stamina, also the higher for a CB Only.
At that time he was clearly an "Extra Frontman", on Leverkusen and Bayern, don't remember a CB scoring that much than him, i mean on the pitch, and not only on corner. Mihaijlovic scored also a lot but on Free Kick, no relative with attack stat then, not an Extra Frontman.

To me it's like the participation when the team is in possession, attacking, and now another stats will be important as if the CB is ofter in attack and needs to come back to defense he needs Stamina.
You can also check and notice that practically all players with high in both Attack/Defense got high stat in Stamina too. Wing Back, CMF, some DMF etc. As they need to be good on both ATT/DEF, but for that, you need a high participation > workrate.
I always see Workrate +- = to Stamina since forever.
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They react and positions very fast just after making a pass. When you made a pass in a "basic" game, a player would'n be so quickly smart to found a position unmarked. Look at the Winger, even the AMF. For the CF it's obvious of course. But i think it's a bit like "intelligence" in ISS and ISS DELUXE.
Intelligence is related to found the good solution quicker.

They position at the good unmarked position and quicker.

Don't you see that? It's noticeable directly after 10-20 second. Even more as the others got 1 Def/Reaction... So about positioning and following the ball, it's open bar.
And i checked later on the vid, it continues. Player with less stamina but all with 99/99 is very a big increase.

Hey guys, is there any way or mod which can change PES 5 Master League difficulty during the season? The default game says that difficulty can only be changed during the offseason, but I've already played several matches (close to the first signing period) and would like to perhaps change it from 4 to 5 stars without having to wait for offseason/restart. Thanks in advance. :TU:
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View attachment 157064

Hey guys, is there any way or mod which can change PES 5 Master League difficulty during the season? The default game says that difficulty can only be changed during the offseason, but I've already played several matches (close to the first signing period) and would like to perhaps change it from 4 to 5 stars without having to wait for offseason/restart. Thanks in advance. :TU:

Not a mod but if you follow this guide

It should be the same for pes5
View attachment 157064

Hey guys, is there any way or mod which can change PES 5 Master League difficulty during the season? The default game says that difficulty can only be changed during the offseason, but I've already played several matches (close to the first signing period) and would like to perhaps change it from 4 to 5 stars without having to wait for offseason/restart. Thanks in advance. :TU:
Yeah i tried at least 15 times lol. Never worked.
There was another guy who has made a translation before, i saw his name but impossible to found any trace of download.

I got an issue with Italian translation btw : they change Fiorentina by Chievo. I want the original database FFS, and Fio got more history and well known players (from the WE6FE jap version). Also took players "not really useful" from others teams to complete Chievo.

BTW i only wanted a simple, even without real kits or Emblems, translation in or English, or Italian. There's a Spanish one (less familiar with spanish) but same shit than with the database and Chievo... But without Emblems lol.
One of the very, very best. Underrated, I think.
I don't found it underrated, just at his good place and less known let's say.
From experience, it was our first leagues we were doing together, in comparison to the 1st and PES2 : lots of goals, pretty fast, we did 5 minutes matchs but intense. PES 2 didn't got too much issue regarding balance.
But i would say : both WE6-PES2-WE6FE were, from a PES view : I don't know if you had the same feeling. It's like a PES but players motions, the way you dribble, shots etc. were APART from every others version. I don't know if you have that feeling. That why i love to play sometimes a bit of PES 2.

WE5FE and PES 1 are never mentioned. It's the same engine as the PS1.5 from the first Pro Evo btw, before PES 3. But totally different feeling.

Talking about PES 1 me it's the best memories i had, and the hardest to dribble : but i played so much that i could dribble on very small area lol.
I tried also WE5FE, same as the 1st with bug in less probably... But the WE5 was pretty bad. It's like a PSX version, stats on 20, lots of bugs etc.
Was like a beta for the first European version.

Was bad for header btw until the 3, a friend was super good with crosses and that type of play on the wing. We called him "cross-head and goal", it was pretty annoying.
The way i play was fast pace passing, central... Thinking of it i never changed my style lol. Some long shot time to time, but more for annoying the defense, i rarely score that way especially on PES 1.
The first was VERY related to timing in everything, i loved it.
There's even a program made for full WE6fe translation....
But you got to do all by yourself, and it's in Portuguese-Brazilian : good luck lol.

Links below, with plenty of others tool links end of the post for WE6FE : never see that much tools for a WE (PES 6 PC excepted)

Also as the first one you could edit from your PC and mod everything, i never seen a PES/WE PS2 version so much patchs. Perhaps i suppose the big start of the mods... Which killed our PS2 lens

We played our league with Wedoit Club Edition, stats and all were fine, not too strong or weak for that time.
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Never tried it in fact lol, too much work for a game that doesn't interest me. I can play cup or some exhibition but i won't do an ML. I already killed the game with PES 2 ML, that's the only i did it with PES 5 if i remember... And i knows a bit too much how it works. PES 2 ML was super simplistic for players evolution.

As we played much, MUCH more with friends, i got less interest in ML than i could have now if i replay those game... But i would try it on PES 2008 PS2 as i see it's much more advanced, PES 5 or PES 2014 (even more small little stuffs here and there on it)

I'm registered so i can pass you the program to check if you want mate.

I think i gived you the wrong link before, here's the tool for translation. the "Simple Editor" well you could perhaps restore Fiorentina on an Italian/Spa version but that's all.

Translation tool : (in Brasilian that one)

I'll uploaded both, do as you can/want mate.


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No prob. If you need something else from that website, ask me.
It's the best around regarding old tools.

Some RARE links aren't working and some tools don't have link at all (forgot) but it's a solid website overall.
Would you guys say PES 2017 qualifies for this retro thread? I think enough time has passed to discuss it here. I've only played the PC version, with Smoke Patch updated to 2022, and I really enjoy it! The Smoke Patch really improves a lot of aspects graphically, which is a plus, but I think the heart and soul of any football game is the gameplay, which I think PES 2017 does quite well!

Out of the newer games, it has my favorite vanilla gameplay. I haven't played with any gameplay patches as I don't feel they are needed for this version. Haven't detected any script, gameplay is a good mix of realism and arcade (play Top Player or Superstar, 20 minute games, -1 speed produces some great games with nice ball physics, rhythm and fun factor). What are your thoughts on PES 2017 as a whole? I highly recommend you play it with smoke patch latest version, tons of leagues, stadiums, just overall a very well-made patch. :TU:
Well, i'm open to make an exception with PES 2015 to 2017 (the engine was retouched, the pitch bigger and face parameters changed and evolved on that basis only since PES 2018... At that time, it was right to said "3 years cycle" lol)

Now one thing :

And i kinda understand a bit more PES 2008 PS3PC360 after replaying it time to time.
The game got better AI positioning than PES 6, with Teamvision (impacting also your team) i feel it as they regroup when i play too central, but less assistance in defence : that's why the Arcade feeling is there.
We defended like in older PS2 title, and the game is not that fast as i remember (PES 2009 is... Probably the worst PES i played with PES 2016. PES 4 is a masterpiece in comparison)

Got several games without goals, as you need to use sliding tackle more. Positionning is better but you have to be more active/aggressive defensively, but your players were better positioned.

to cut some passes etc. than just pushing X and Square. Issue to me was the animation engine, a bit too rigid. Don't understand as PES 6 360 got it pretty well : perhaps the model change (more human and slim) giving that impression? No idea.
Also sad for two things
-The game wasn't ready for DLC's updating the game. We could have for the first time real starting rosters. Only one correction patch i remember, well Japanese discovered the PC style of update and DLC and where 4-5 years late lol.

-And one pretty important for editing : you couldn't edit, on PS3, the Emblems. Which is pretty important, as much as kits. But you could've make faces scans lol, one futuristic thing on the game vs one old but essential stuff. I don't even remember that you could create manually the team's Emblems.
P.S. > I need confirmation if that removed stuff was because PS3 didn't opened the stuff to import image from USB.
Needs to check if you could do it on PC, as i don't think there was limits in the number of i don't know, face to import or whatever else.

But the Fifa 08 animation, even with 8 directions where less rigid, if we got to compare with the other game from the same year.
(I replayed FIFA 08 btw, but it's not the thread. Very different from my memories of that "game-changer" as we were doped with PES so it feeled "new")

And PES 2010 is kinda liked here, but the ball physics where you shoot was lost. Shoots were too often on target and there was by far less complete miss like you can get in PES 5-6-2008 By shooting practically like an Home Run because you where misplaced.

Also, the change with 2xForward i used for runs was transformed in a weird super rare trick, which makes you push the ball with the opposite foot in a weird position... At the time, i completely disliked the game only for that lol.
But without it at the time, it's an very fun version, PS2.1.0 game. Now i'm used to run with twice R1 so i got that problem less, retrying it.
any recent game that has good graphics and play like PES 5? i dont like PES 21 offline, too much ai cheating on ml and other mods, i had enough.
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