The Retro-PES Corner

@mattmid , That 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 formation sounds less festive and more a defensive mountain of a formation, perhaps 7 - 2 - 1 ? Big Sam and I are proud as punch.:APPLAUD:

Now all you need is a massive brute of a target man up front like Harts, Samaras or Magallanes. :D

:D Hamsun is that man but he is turning into more of a Shearer type really as he has the ability to go with it. 46 goals and counting!

Big Sam would be ultimately disappointed though as I work it through midfield :D

Was just thinking though, with Jaric's long passing stat maybe you can use him to 'Sam' it upfield to Hamsun.

@miguelfcp and @mattmid , all this talk of playing in the top flight against the big clubs and big players is making me want to go back to the PES 3 ML for a while. When I left it, had just won a game 6-5 with five headers. :BY:

The Ossie Ardiles at Spurs approach to management :LOL:
:D Hamsun is that man but he is turning into more of a Shearer type really as he has the ability to go with it. 46 goals and counting!

Big Sam would be ultimately disappointed though as I work it through midfield :D

Was just thinking though, with Jaric's long passing stat maybe you can use him to 'Sam' it upfield to Hamsun.

The Ossie Ardiles at Spurs approach to management :LOL:

@mattmid , I must say I do like Hamsun, himself Fouque and Ruskin are developing fast even with bugger all wins each season. Hamsun can definitely be a centre forward / hold the ball up / flick on type of player. Big Sam just wishes he was above 1.90 m height for the far post headers. :SHAKE:
Very surprised at the stats in PES2. No Weak Foot, Consistency or even GK Skills.
Stability (Condition in PES6) is 1-99.
Less Specials but there is Feed Kick Ability which is pretty much GK kicking.
Very surprised at the stats in PES2. No Weak Foot, Consistency or even GK Skills.
Stability (Condition in PES6) is 1-99.
Less Specials but there is Feed Kick Ability which is pretty much GK kicking.

But in fairness, each stat really makes a difference to a player's gameplay on the pitch in PES 2 and PES 3. Even a small difference in technical stats like four or five points shows up on the pitch.
In later PES games, like PES 6 and PES 2009 and PES 2010, it is as if a giant wet blanket of "mehness" :NONO: has been thrown over all players, everyone runs at much the same pace, dribbles and passes and shoots in much the same way.

Samuel Eto'o for example in PES 2010, when played through clear on goal used to get closed down by a plodding centre back. I gave up that game after that happened a few times. :R1:R1:R1
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Gosh PES1 is even more extreme! 70-89 is yellow and even the best players in the world at the time have low stats. 90s are rare too.
Also, no Shot Technique!
Gosh PES1 is even more extreme! 70-89 is yellow and even the best players in the world at the time have low stats. 90s are rare too.
Also, no Shot Technique!

There are still a few red stat players I bet, but very few. PES 1 was reviewed badly by alot of games sites for not being enough of a leap forward for the Playstation 2 debut game, from the playstation ISS Pro Evo games, their stats in the ML were only 1 up to 10 by the way. :SHOCK:

And a yellow or red stat in those early games meant something.
@WhoAteMeDinner, as a Big Sam adept, did you find a way to make two centerbacks come up on corners and free kicks on PES 3 ? I noticed only one comes up, the tallest one i think. My created Sergio Ramos won't come up on corners, because Helguera is taller but he's shitty for headers. :((
@Bond!JamesBond! Yeah but only to look at the database. It runs too slowly to have a game.
@WhoAteMeDinner It was actually impossible to get more than three sent off. For some reason the referee just gave up.
The jump from PES1 to 2 was actually bigger than I remember.

Yep, that's what was said at the time. PES 2 is sort of seen as the real Playstation 2 generation foundation game, a big jump indeed. :APPLAUD:
@WhoAteMeDinner, as a Big Sam adept, did you find a way to make two centerbacks come up on corners and free kicks on PES 3 ? I noticed only one comes up, the tallest one i think. My created Sergio Ramos won't come up on corners, because Helguera is taller but he's shitty for headers. :((

@fmicablues7 , have a look in formation / team strategies, there is alot of options in PES 3, or else, briefly change the formation to three CBs before the set piece, that would normally allow two to come up.

I am going back to my PES 3 ML today, Arellano, Dario Silva and Heinrich are bored with all the Big Sam coaching sessions, the ball never touchers the grass. :SHAKE:But it sure does pay off in PES 3, where the ball zings into the box from frees and corners.

I also have bought Cygan, the giant French centre back for headers and Kleberson, the Brazilian DMF recently, to firm up the team in Divsion 1. :!
3 to 4 was pretty big too.
Looking at 1 you can tell it's early PS2. I understand why people would have been unhappy about the transition to PS2 but it was my first PES and why I switched from FIFA.
3 to 4 was pretty big too.
Looking at 1 you can tell it's early PS2. I understand why people would have been unhappy about the transition to PS2 but it was my first PES and why I switched from FIFA.

Is PES 4 very good ? Did not think the change form PES 3 could be that massive as 3 had a new game engine and graphics upgrade. Is PES 4 as fast as PES 3 ?
You can see where it starts to develop into 5 and 6. Having entire leagues too for the first time was huge for the series. It's worth a play anyway as there are things unique to the game. GKs up for corners in the last minute was a nice addition.
Not sure on speed. I would guess so.
You can see where it starts to develop into 5 and 6. Having entire leagues too for the first time was huge for the series. It's worth a play anyway as there are things unique to the game. GKs up for corners in the last minute was a nice addition.
Not sure on speed. I would guess so.

Yes, PES 4 shares some similarities with PES 5/6 and the subsequent PES on PS2. The transition between PES 3 and PES 4 was huge, after that they basically kept the same base gameplay and tweaked it each year until PES 2014. I remember though, back in the day when i was on pesfan forum, a lot of people complained about PES 4 and thought it was a downgrade coming from PES 3, because it was more arcady. Given your love for PES 3 @WhoAteMeDinner , i'd recommend you to play PES 5 (or WE9LE) which is the closest to PES 3 IMO gameplay-wise. I wished the AI was better though, they struggle to attack, but great game nonetheless.

Oh, and GKs up for corners happen on PES 3. Just yesterday, Rustu came up on a corner, when i was playing against Barcelona in the last minute (they scored for the record :(().
About corner kick strategies, lately I've been testing a new idea: setting up a formation designed specifically for corners/free kicks. Then assign that formation to a button combination (L2+O/X/Triangle/Square) and trigger it right before the corner/free kick is taken. I'm going to do the same for when defending set-pieces and also offensive long-free-throws.
Yes, PES 4 shares some similarities with PES 5/6 and the subsequent PES on PS2. The transition between PES 3 and PES 4 was huge, after that they basically kept the same base gameplay and tweaked it each year until PES 2014. I remember though, back in the day when i was on pesfan forum, a lot of people complained about PES 4 and thought it was a downgrade coming from PES 3, because it was more arcady. Given your love for PES 3 @WhoAteMeDinner , i'd recommend you to play PES 5 (or WE9LE) which is the closest to PES 3 IMO gameplay-wise. I wished the AI was better though, they struggle to attack, but great game nonetheless.

Oh, and GKs up for corners happen on PES 3. Just yesterday, Rustu came up on a corner, when i was playing against Barcelona in the last minute (they scored for the record :(().

@fmicablues7 , thanks for the info on games between PES 3 and PES 6. I am relieved I have not missed out on a PES classic after PES 3. While I totally understand why many others prefer the later PES titles, with a more gradual style of play and way more options and teams than in the early games, I don't really bother with all the messing about in the menus.

And that regulate condition screen makes me laugh always. How is clicking ok below a list of your squad automatically improving their fitness, when Free Training would be more logical and real world. :SHAKE::SHAKE::SHAKE:
Yeah I never use the "regulate condition" thingy. But surely comes in handy particularly in later PS2/PSP titles, which I noticed that blue/dark-blue arrows (low condition) are much more common than in PES2008. I remember my PSP ML saves and every match I'd have 3 or 4 down arrows at least, in PES2008 I rarely have even a light-blue arrow.
That is why I find that option a bit absurd, was not present in early PES games, if players were fatigued or unfit, that was part of the challenge of the ML and you had to manage your squad well.

I indeed never used it. As you said, the process of facing the match with whatever condition you are randomly given is a good part of the fun (and also very real life appropriate).

To see players almost always fresh and good to go as it is in the modern soccer games is at the opposite one of the reasons why the career/ML experience feels so dull, so often.

Take Pes 3.. I have no idea if it's just a default guys thing as a lot of them have low stamina (at least I think?, excpet from the obvious examples ala Burchet and Minanda I've never checked), but I'm FORCED to rotate them often or most will end dead by the end of the first half. And this contributes to variety and storytelling immensely.
@miguelfcp and @WhoAteMeDinner i use the ‘Regulate Condition’ option before every game in PES2008. But it is a bit of a gamble because an arrow can get a ‘downgrade’. I only use it on players that have 10 or less in the Stamina section of that page. Because when you Regulate Condition it can take up to 20 points of Stamina and will mean that the player will tire in the next game.

I agree that you don’t really need it in 2008 but i think it gets more useful but also more of a gamble in Div 1 when the games come thick and fast.
It's crazy how low the stats are in PES1. However if that database was carried over into PES6 I don't think it would ruin the game. Players with 90+ are truly special and should be appreciated. But in later PES games it seems far too easy to find these kind of players.
BTW Ivarov's wages in PES2 were under 100.
@Titch Don't suppose there's an editor for pes1 to do a csv export is there? I presume not as it wasn't on pc at that stage?

@WhoAteMeDinner I never use the regulate condition either, I'd rather just leave things as they are. If Burchet can only do 40 minutes so be it! It won't stop me trying to sprint with him when he's out on his feet anyway :BLINK:
It's crazy how low the stats are in PES1. However if that database was carried over into PES6 I don't think it would ruin the game. Players with 90+ are truly special and should be appreciated. But in later PES games it seems far too easy to find these kind of players.
BTW Ivarov's wages in PES2 were under 100.

@Titch , Ivarov and Castolo in PES 6 deserve about 2 quid wages a season and a belt across the back of the head from Big Sam. :MAD::MAD::MAD:
I never use the regulate condition either, I'd rather just leave things as they are. If Burchet can only do 40 minutes so be it! It won't stop me trying to sprint with him when he's out on his feet anyway :BLINK:

Fair enough not using Regulate Condition :) but if you was to use it on Burchet it will mean he will do less than 40 mins not more because it uses up Stamina / Fatigue. That’s the gamble. ;)
@Titch Don't suppose there's an editor for pes1 to do a csv export is there? I presume not as it wasn't on pc at that stage?

@WhoAteMeDinner I never use the regulate condition either, I'd rather just leave things as they are. If Burchet can only do 40 minutes so be it! It won't stop me trying to sprint with him when he's out on his feet anyway :BLINK:

@mattmid , It is a bit of bolloxology really as PES have always had lovely free training pitches where you can play your entire squad against each other in a practice match.

Surely that would be sensible to award stamina and fitness increases for. :?:?:?

Yes you would think that would make sense wouldn't you.

Oh and I wouldn't be so generous to give Castolo the £2. Especially since he just held me to ransom for 364 for his last contract renewal!
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