The Retro-PES Corner

PES 6 Season 3 Default Squad Challenge Update:

PLD 10 W 4 D 0 L 6 GF 6 GA 22

PES is a fierce difficult game to get used, if like me, you have played ninety per cent of Pro Evo football on PES 2 and PES 3. The main issues I have and would call them almost glitches is the weird slow passing that makes you double pass when you don't intend to. And the odd tackle button issue, if you hit the tackle button, when not in possession and not near a COM player who is, your player just slides over on his ass like some half-wit. This is a PES 6 thing only, odd. The worst one is maybe the inabillity of even good technical players to dribble with the ball at speed without kicking the ball five or more yards ahead, it results in one-on-ones with the keeper no longer a contest, as the goalie just collects the ball everytime with ease. :CONF::CONFUSE::SHAKE:
@WhoAteMeDinner: Generations mode is indeed a very tough challenge, but I'd suggest you tweak it up a bit if you'd like to keep playing it. Instead of waiting for a player to retire to bring in a new one, you could allow yourself to get one or two newgens at the end of each season, in an NBA-like "draft pick". Just an idea for those who currently find this challenge to be too hard.

@Madmac79: Over the last few years I've been obsessed with high defensive lines so I reproduced it into PES a lot. I find it best to use the offside trap manually instead of letting the game define it - at least on PES6 you're able to do this, don't know about PES3 - and if you want to reproduce Maurizio Sarri's Napoli line of defense I find it best to allign the 4 defenders, place them high up on the pitch and tuck in the sidebacks closer to the centre-backs, rather than hugging the sideline. As I told you I don't think you can reproduce it with 100% accuracy but this for me is the best configuration.

@Titch: Back when I spent months experimenting with every PES I owned, one of the games that surprised me the most was PES2, which I hadn't played for decades until then (unlike PES6, PES5, PES3 and a few other retro-PES which I played once in a while). I only played a few friendly matches but was impressed with the quality of the gameplay, definitely worth revisiting.

@mattmid: Congratulations! I had a feeling this was the season. It was tight as ever but your players handled the pressure very well and killed the ghost of Heracles to clinch promotion and the title. Now with Herrero and Park, combined with your next two signings (very curious to find out who you'll pick) I think you're absolutely ready for D1 football.
Wait, Zamenhof is alive? You were able to force him out of his permanent vacation, Matt for Manager of the Year!
I think your decision to drop Kremer for Ivarov was fundamental for your success. It mustn't have been an easy decision to drop your newly acquire newgen but you went for it and you won the bet.

@miguelfcp , I may take this tweaking advice, good idea. :TU: Had to do that anyway last season to remain in positive points. Some COM team inexplicably offerd 5000 points for a transfer of Dodo. :SHOCK: Took the cash and avoided game over and signed the new gen Celnili, only problem is a 17-year-old Celnili is slower than Ivarov between the sticks. Can't play him now, too risky. :Y1

I am caught in a trap at the moment, three seasons in, winning sod all games means the young players are developing very slowly and my old guard are slowing down and dropping stats all over the place.

Ruskin is the only standout young player, he is 21 now, and has already got speed and acceleration stats in the mid-80s. :BEER:
@mattmid: If this was Pokemon I'd say Duffy looks like the evolution of Stein. Karahan is an interesting guy, really balanced overall so he'd be eligible for many positions out there. Things are shaping up for you Matt, you're building a very decent core of players for the fight for top-level football.

@Madmac79: It's going to be a nerve-racking end of season for you. If I remember @WhoAteMeDinner's experience in PES3, there's a playoff for promotion right? So there it is, even more drama. It surely is addictive not only to play but to read the experiences of people here on our Corner, it is changing my gaming habits completely.

@WhoAteMeDinner: Since we were able to convince you to try out a PES6 ML and abandon your sweetheart PES3 for a while, I think it's only fair I do the same and try out a ML in PES3. Right now I'm still completely immersed in my PES2008 ML but it's on my checklist, definitely.
Glad you liked the idea, and don't lose faith on PES6 just yet. Give it more play time and bit by bit you'll be adapting to the gameplay.
Speaking of default regens, Minanda's son just appeared in my newcomers list...though he's absolute and utter cr*p I'm tempted to get him...
ML United - Season 5 - Mid-season update

It's our first-ever season in the D1 so my objective is clear: avoid relegation as soon as possible. Talent-wise we're quite the diverse squad, with a few very solid players like Jackson, Gutierrez and El Moubarki; a few good ones like Fredriksson, Jaric and Ordaz but the vast majority of our roster is sub-par when compared to the lot of great teams in D1.
The D1 itself is made of teams from all over the world, a kind of "domestic Champions League/Europa League with River Plate in it". Having played them all already, it's clear that there are no weak teams and even the best ones aren't that far ahead from the bunch.
Even though we started the season with a (well-deserved) loss against River Plate, the next few matches we began to play like a seasoned D1 side, winning matches and putting out great team performances. If we were known as a counter-attacking team in our D2 days, it was surprising to see us getting +60% possession in most matches as we re-defined our style to a more possession-based. There's an explanation for this: D2 teams were noticeably worse on defense, giving us more space to take advantage of in the counter-attack. Soon I realized I wasn't getting that much space now and that the defenders were much more competent in D1, so we had to take more time to build-up play.

Also, we were beginning to show a certain defensive stability that we never had in 5 seasons of this save. Up until the last 5 matches before the winter break we were the best defense in the league!

Points-wise, our excellent start put us right up there with the best, soon creating a major gap between ourselves and the bottom of the table, which meant we were rapidly moving towards conquering our objective of avoiding relegation. Right now, we're 13 points away from the relegation spots.

We lost fuel over the last matches, losing against 1st placed - and so far the dominating team of this league - Benfica, drawing against Bayern and losing at home against Sporting. This made us lose the train of the fight for the first two spots of D1, still we're holding on to the possibility of playing WEFA football next season.

1st - Benfica - 39 pts (0 losses!)
2nd - Bayern - 34 pts
3rd - ML UNITED - 27 pts - 8W /3D/ 4L - 26 goals/15 conceded (3rd best offense, 3rd best defense)
4th - Fenerbahçe - 26 pts
5th - Olympiakos - 25 pts
6th - Sporting - 24 pts

Top Scorer: Gutierrez (13), Nuno Gomes (Benfica, 9), Ballack (River Plate, 8)
Assists: Ordaz, Ruskin and Ljungberg (Olympiakos, 5)
ML United MVP: Van den Berg (6.2)

-- Benfica is a machine. Honestly our defense has been so good that no team was able to dominate us with their offense, except for the portuguese giants that made us look like we were back in Season 1. Their team is certainly not full of world-class players, not anywhere near it, but their offensive strategy is just brilliant. There are many D1 sides with much more offensive talent than them but it's not even close when it comes to the quality of the football they produce, which explains their total domination.
So far it looks like Benfica and Bayern are going to play their own little competition between them and the 3rd-6th placed teams will battle for the 3rd place. Currently the 7th placed has 19 points, so we're already witnessing a gap between the have-nots and the winning teams.
As for ML United, I'm hoping to keep the high level of play for the next half-of-season in order to qualify for the WEFA competitions. Why not?

D1 Cup: After sailing past Fenerbahçe, we just won the first leg of the quarter-finals against Nancy (1-4) on their homeground.
@mattmid: If this was Pokemon I'd say Duffy looks like the evolution of Stein. Karahan is an interesting guy, really balanced overall so he'd be eligible for many positions out there. Things are shaping up for you Matt, you're building a very decent core of players for the fight for top-level football.

@Madmac79: It's going to be a nerve-racking end of season for you. If I remember @WhoAteMeDinner's experience in PES3, there's a playoff for promotion right? So there it is, even more drama. It surely is addictive not only to play but to read the experiences of people here on our Corner, it is changing my gaming habits completely.

@WhoAteMeDinner: Since we were able to convince you to try out a PES6 ML and abandon your sweetheart PES3 for a while, I think it's only fair I do the same and try out a ML in PES3. Right now I'm still completely immersed in my PES2008 ML but it's on my checklist, definitely.
Glad you liked the idea, and don't lose faith on PES6 just yet. Give it more play time and bit by bit you'll be adapting to the gameplay.
Speaking of default regens, Minanda's son just appeared in my newcomers list...though he's absolute and utter cr*p I'm tempted to get him...

@miguelfcp , the PES 3 ML playoffs are even more exciting than that. It is a round-robin group of the two teams Division 2 promotion contenders and the bottom two from Division 1. @Madmac79 , I think said he was playing PES 3 on a Playstation 2 PC emulator platform. Not sure if that gives a more PC type gameplay and pace. @fmicablues7 , and I have discussed on here how PES 3 on the Playstation 2 is unique in terms of speed of play and ball physics. I would recommend if possible, you play your ML in PES 3 on a Playstation 2 directly. When you have time. :shiver:
Been following this. Any good patches for PES 6 with some old late 2000s or early 10's transfers to start a proper a ML?
I was hoping for a specific recommendation for what you guys were using.

I think most are using default PES's. Check out Sany's Full Installers in the ps6 patches section. If you read the first page there's about 60 patches in there, mostly pes6. Lots of different years, should find one to suit in there. :)
@miguelfcp A great first half of the season in your first year in Div 1! It would be excellent if you can into the WEFA for next season at the first attempt.

I played the first game of the season last night and met a Rapid Wien side with Messi and Pogba in it. I decided I'd abandon my 4-3-3 for now until I see how things are going to be, I didn't want to start the season being open at the back and getting torn apart. After some deliberation I decided to go with the 'christmas tree' 4-3-2-1. I also decided to give Kremer the first chance in goal. So my side was Kremer; Giersen, Herrero, Liberrman, Ruskin; Duffy,Stein,Jaric; ( a real wall in front of my back four) Fouque, Kerehan; Hamsun

It proved very strong and also didn't leave Hamsun isolated, particularly as he is so strong so can hold up the ball to allow others to join. Messi was played in a three behind the striker and was as expected tricky on the ball but because of my three in midfield (Stein a touch deeper) he had very little room to work in most of the time and I could get bodies around him to break up play. Pogba done a couple of little tricks early on but stopped that when Stein dumped him on the ground. The main danger in fact was striker Joelinton who was very quick and had he been a bit more accurate with his shooting the outcome might have been a bit different. However midway through the first half Hamsun pounced on a chance and buried it and then he added another in the second half for a 2-0 win! I wasn't expecting that and I really like this formation.
yeah, it runs fine on my intel hd 4600 i-7 4770k
Ah I don't know why it won't run then. The main reason for it was for database aspect but knowing I could have played any PS2 game was mouth watering.
I don't know how interested people would be to see stats from PES1 mind you :D
@banbenbin: Welcome to our Corner! I always use the default database for my ML saves, nowadays I don't even care about the fake team and player names.

@mattmid: That midfield is bulletproof! How's Karahan doing in such an offensive role?

@Titch: Count me on that list, it's the only PES I don't have from the PS2 golden era (PES1-6) so I'm very curious to find out about stats. It was already 1-99, right? If I recall properly PES1 on the PS1 still had the 1-9 range.
@miguelfcp Still only played the one game, but he did well in the game, he was making some nice runs off the ball and got a couple of shots in as well. Plus as an added bonus he can defend well from there too, putting pressure on their full backs as they come forward or DM's if they have them. The really nice thing with this formation could also be that it'll be handy for keeping the players fresh as they can all juggle about within it. Hamsun will play always when fit enough but even then Ordaz and Park can slot back to AM and do a job there. I brought them both on for Fouque and Kerahan later on and they both did fine. I was really pleased to field a strong side and think, hang on I haven't even got Ordaz, Park and Dodo in the side.
What year is PES1 00/01 or 01/02?
01/02 for sure.. I didn't have a Ps2 at times but I remember always going at home of a friend of mine with others and playing countless games one against the other or even two vs two, even tho I've never personally owned a copy it's one of the Pes I'll always be more attched too.. gameplay wise it felt like the latest Psx chapter on MASSIVE steroids.. pure fun.
@mattmid , That 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 formation sounds less festive and more a defensive mountain of a formation, perhaps 7 - 2 - 1 ? Big Sam and I are proud as punch.:APPLAUD:

Now all you need is a massive brute of a target man up front like Harts, Samaras or Magallanes. :D
@miguelfcp and @mattmid , all this talk of playing in the top flight against the big clubs and big players is making me want to go back to the PES 3 ML for a while. When I left it, had just won a game 6-5 with five headers. :BY:
Funny thing Konami have always done is mix the squads. So some of the squad you will get from the previous season who are no longer there, and others are summer signings. Better still, players who never even signed for the club (Hatem Trabelsi anyone?)
PES1 did have 1-99. Rather looking forward to this :)
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