The Retro-PES Corner

@miguelfcp , I am Game Over in the PES 6 ML after four seasons of bottom feeding like a shrimp. Totally get your advice about slowly building and developing the young defaults and the regens. But only winning a pathetic four games a season and scoring no more than eight goals in fourteen games at best was just torture. There was no chance of me ever making any of the players improve with so few wins. And worst of all, Minanda, Castolo and Zamenhof were doing a Chelsea-style dressing room coup against me, never played a game and refused to retire, just sucking the team dry of salary points to make sure I got the boot. :MAD::MAD::MAD:
@WhoAteMeDinner: If I may suggest you a challenge, a while back I tried to win the WC with Scotland on PES5, forcing myself to play the kick and rush with Duncan Ferguson up front. This challenge has your face written all over it! If this doesn't inspire you, I don't know what will.
As for your ML save, I don't blame you for losing your motivation, the challenge is indeed really hard. After four seasons of ML, how're you finding the gameplay now?

@Madmac79: Exactly, I don't have enough time to fully enjoy all these many ideas, so many challenges to try out...
I'll have to check it out but at least a few of the more recent PES PSP games (which are ports of the PS2) have at least a full european qualifying stage.

Meanwhile on my 2008 ML, I'm still holding on to a WEFA qualifying spot with just 5 matches to play until the end of the season. As usual, it has been really fun and challenging, this game never disappoints.
@WhoAteMeDinner Only really watch the Premier but I hate what it's become.

Agree about England, we have some decent young players but until we have an Erikkson, De Bruyne, Silva type we have nobody to bring it together. If our first choice in midfield is Henderson you know we are poor. Still we can look forward to a 95% pass completion from him as he picks out his centre backs. All the while directing traffic by pointing. Honestly the times he demands the ball from a centre back, looks forward, realises he can't find that pass and plays it back to them. International player my arse! Can't see it being any different this time especially with our defence. But I just enjoy watching the other teams that you don't get to see, Panama, Saudi Arabia etc it will be interesting to see what they are like.

@wildwind I don't think I have it on my computer now. I haven't played it in quite a while and I only had the patch version (that you overwrite the original pes6 with) I didn't even know it had been done as a standalone patch until I found that when I was looking for it for you. I'm not sure if the multiplayer would still work?
@miguelfcp , I am Game Over in the PES 6 ML after four seasons of bottom feeding like a shrimp. Totally get your advice about slowly building and developing the young defaults and the regens. But only winning a pathetic four games a season and scoring no more than eight goals in fourteen games at best was just torture. There was no chance of me ever making any of the players improve with so few wins. And worst of all, Minanda, Castolo and Zamenhof were doing a Chelsea-style dressing room coup against me, never played a game and refused to retire, just sucking the team dry of salary points to make sure I got the boot. :MAD::MAD::MAD:

I think the twitter campaign to get you out was harsh. :LOL:
@miguelfcp Especially when Ferguson gets suspended in your first match for headbutting someone.

I've still only played 1 game of Div 1, haven't had any time this week, hopefully will get back to it tomorow.
Near the end of my 5th season, the first-ever on D1.
We faced Benfica on the semifinals of the D1 Cup. Benfica had gone half a season unbeaten, and I saw what their powerful offense was able to do when we faced them in our league encounter.
One of their particular strengths is the ability they have to play down the wings. They use a 4-1-3-2 with two side-midfielders, but both of them tend to join the two strikers and the offensive midfielder in more central areas of the pitch, allowing both sidebacks to explore the wide areas which they do very often.
Juninho Pernambucano (yeah, the FK wizard) and Dañobeitia had been their side-midfielders on our league match. The first acted as a false-centre-midfielder and the second was basically a second-striker disguised as SMF; and they absolutely destroyed us. This time around, after a productive winter transfer window for Benfica, I had to face Juninho and Beckham as SMF (probably the two best FK takers in the database) so I modified my strategy for this match.

Instead of having Fouque as AMF, Van den Berg as CMF and Stein as DMF, I used Ettori instead of Fouque and as a CMF. Our midfield comprised of Stein, Dodo and Ettori (1 DMF and 2 CMF) successfully neutralized Benfica's wide areas for now we had two CMFs who helped both wingbacks to contain their attacks. We spent a lot of time defending in this match but our counterattacks were really effective and we were able to win it 1-3.

On the second leg we repeated the 1 DMF-2 CMF scheme and again we won 3-1, advancing to the final.

Now against Besiktas it was a tense match. Wonderful to see two teams with little between them, few clear cut chances and a midfield battle that seemed to last forever...getting an inch of space was rare.

It was 0-0 until the 80th minute when Gutierrez managed to find a little bit of space near the corner of the box, and though he had three defenders around him he managed to shoot it (if he had tried to shoot the ball a millisecond later he'd hit the defender's foot!) and finally we scored against a team who has regen Maldini!...
We managed to keep the 1-0 until the final whistle, winning our first D1 Cup after winning the D2 Cup and D2 League last season.



Meanwhile on our league journey, it's official: we're going to participate in the WEFA competitions next season! Thanks to a 1-3 win against Bayern (2nd in the league) we're 4 points away from a WEFA Championship spot (which would be a kind of Champions League participation), but at least we've clinched a spot in the WEFA Masters Cup. 4 matches to go until the end and we'll still have to face Benfica, who'll soon be crowned champions of D1.
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Great job @miguelfcp .. I'm sure part of the strategy for the semi-finals was also to never commit a foul anywhere in the last 30 mt :D .. nice to see the guys celebrating by the way.

Good luck for your WEFA qualification battle! Seems like your group is growing quite well, I'm sure they'll give you great satisfactions in the next seasons!
@miguelfcp ,

Congratulations on the Division1 Cup win and best of luck in the league. Masters Cup by the way, I always likened to the old Cup Winners Cup, a great cup competition to win. You must have seriously developed all your default youngsters and regens to compete at that level. I mean I am second in Division 1 in the PES 3 master league, but as you know, my team has at least seven real player and top quality footballers in it, the entire defence and Arellano, Dario Silva and Ojigwe, a Nigerian winger.

I found PES 6 a real culture shock in terms of gameplay. And having just gone back to my PES 3 Master League campaign, after three weeks playing PES 6 ML, the same shock to the brain in re-adjusting to the PES 3 frenetic gameplay and ferocious shooting is making me lose a tonne of games and my title chances in the first season in Division 1 is looking less on the cards.

Very hard to explain but as @fmicablues7 , and I mentioned that we think, PES 3 is the definitive Playstaion 2 PES game, on what many feel is the ultimate PES console.

I would go as far as to say that there are almost two different PES football gaming trees, the line from ISS Pro Evo in 1999 to PES 3 in 2003. Then, maybe two transitional games PES 4 and 5, to a more PC-type of football experience from PES 6 onwards. PES 6 has some late PS 2 glitches like a tackle defect where players tackle empty space and a boot thing where all footware is the same.
They are all hints to me that PES series was by then a Playstation 3 and PC franchise only in reality.
@miguelfcp Congratulations! A Cup win in the first season and a WEFA qualification already is great going! Sounds like you really earned the Semi Final win nullifying their threat excellently. Any retirements coming?

I'm now 7 games into my season 3-1-3 and mid table so pleased enough with that so far. 6pts off the top and 6pts of 2nd bottom (the first relegation spot) Long, long way to go of course. After two games I thought I'd cracked it, I won the first as I'd mentioned against Rapid Wien and then followed it up with a 5-1 win over Heerenveen with no less than 4 goals from Hamsun! I went 1-0 up against Austria Wien inside 5 minutes in the next match and thought wow, we are steamrollering these at the moment, only to be brought back down to earth quickly ending up losing it 4-1! and losing the next two as well.

A win and a draw since sees me mid table. Although the draw was really annoying as I was coasting at 3-0 against bottom team Young Boys when with players beginning to get fatigued and Ajax up next I took off Hamsun, Liberrman and Dodo. And with my decent subs also not playing due to fatigue I thought, 20 mins left, ok I'll bring on Ximelez, Burchet and Stremer for a run out. Boy was that a big mistake! Last kick of the game and it's 3-3 after the striker waltzed past a 63yr old Stremer.

Kremer continues to frustrate. The first two games of the season he actually looked like a proper keeper and made some good saves. Since then he's gone back to not saving any decent strike or parrying them back out. I think it's the Teflon coated gloves he's using.
Guys i wanna ask some questions .Since yesterday i restarted a patched PES 3 i found from this forum. As my memory has faded through ages, do the players develop in ML? I am sure that they didn't age but i don't remember if their stats used to develop and how did it work exactly? They kept raising until reach 99?Also when starting ML there is an option saying "ALLOW COM TEAMS sign retired players" .What does it mean?Classics or the ones you release?

Secondly i would like to share with you my personal belief about PES 3 shooting system. Maybe it is a placebo but it used to work well for me in the past (2004) and now in some friendlies i played seems to be the same. After games and games i realized that the shoot wasn't going where i was aiming. I played and i am playing on PC with keyboard though.I believe that the shooting system is close to the modern advanced shoot and the D-pad arrows or the arrows on keyboard are left and right to aim left and right as your players heading and up and down are for Strong shot or Weak shot. And i noticed it when i was playing from the away side cause i was pressing the UP arrow to aim to the right side of my players heading and especially if he were left footed he used to make an outside curled shoot to the left side, directly opposite.
Maybe it is a personal placebo , but thats how i feel the shots.
No player development in PES3 but you can train youths. Retired players is from the shop or the classic players.
Guys i wanna ask some questions .Since yesterday i restarted a patched PES 3 i found from this forum. As my memory has faded through ages, do the players develop in ML? I am sure that they didn't age but i don't remember if their stats used to develop and how did it work exactly? They kept raising until reach 99?Also when starting ML there is an option saying "ALLOW COM TEAMS sign retired players" .What does it mean?Classics or the ones you release?

Secondly i would like to share with you my personal belief about PES 3 shooting system. Maybe it is a placebo but it used to work well for me in the past (2004) and now in some friendlies i played seems to be the same. After games and games i realized that the shoot wasn't going where i was aiming. I played and i am playing on PC with keyboard though.I believe that the shooting system is close to the modern advanced shoot and the D-pad arrows or the arrows on keyboard are left and right to aim left and right as your players heading and up and down are for Strong shot or Weak shot. And i noticed it when i was playing from the away side cause i was pressing the UP arrow to aim to the right side of my players heading and especially if he were left footed he used to make an outside curled shoot to the left side, directly opposite.
Maybe it is a personal placebo , but thats how i feel the shots.

Most players do not develop in ML. Stats and age remain the same throughout the master league for them. Only a few ones called "growth players" do develop. I think "Allow COM Teams sign retired players" allows the CPU to buy classic players unlocked in PES-Shop, but i'm not 100% sure.

Interesting about shooting. But isn't this the case also for the other PS2 PES on a lesser scale ? I mean, the stats have a bigger weight in shooting algorithm, then the direction you choose to shoot in these games. But i thought this was automatic, i didn't know you could choose weak/strong shot. I will try to see by myself, on PES 3 although i have a controller, so maybe it is different.
...on PES 3 although i have a controller, so maybe it is different.
Thanks @Titch and @fmicablues7 for the info. For the shooting try with you controllers d-pad. Shoot and immediately up arrow after power gauge appears. I used to score many long shots like this with Rivaldo back in the days. In normal occasions the shoot should go completely left or right depending on where your player is facing.Maybe it is what you said. It depends most on stats and algorithms and less on user aiming.I was not sure in 2004 when i used to play pes 3 every day and i am not still sure in 2018. Thats the good mystery of PES. Many mechanics hidden in-game, that are not explained in game's manual. Like every function of R2, that used to be something like top secret for years.
I always assumed pressing up would send it left and down would send it right. Might need a practice.
@Madmac79: Benfica only had one free kick in both matches, thanks to a fantastic save by Fredriksson it wasn't a goal. On one of the few corner kicks they had, Beckham crossed it and they scored...

@WhoAteMeDinner: A few pages ago I showed a few default/newgens of mine to show how they've developed, but later this evening I'll show more. Currently only Van den Berg and Ruskin aren't D1-worthy in our starting-11, looking at their statsheets, and also Stein and Baumann who can't do anything else besides defending. The problem is that we don't have bench depth, as there's a a major gap between the quality of the starting-11 and the rest of the squad. Throughout the season I've been using 14/15 players mostly (Libermann, Dodo, Macco and Hamsun had a lot of minutes in our rotation) since it's impossible to trust in the likes of Valeny, Stremer, Espimas, Ximelez, Burchet and others to have a positive impact when playing against individuals like Maldini, Ballack, Roberto Carlos, Klose, Juninho, Beckham...
Next season will surely be interesting because we'll have to play a greater number of matches (D1 + Cup + WEFA) so inevitably I'll have to trust these players; if I don't, my starting-11 won't last half a season!...

@mattmid: So far only Castolo announced his retirement, I don't think more will follow...I'm very much leaning towards getting a CMF to replace our yearly analytics' MVP Van den Berg or a hybrid that could play AMF/ST at least.
I too have dealt with inconsistency in D1, every team is able to beat each other in this NBA-like competition. I've beaten Bayern comfortably only to lose deservedly against Nancy who's close to being relegated, and rarely was I able to keep a winning streak longer than 2 matches. I think the key is to avoid at all cost losing streaks (I might be crazy but it seems to affect the performance of the players...) even if it means to embrace inconsistency.

About Kremer, is he improving his stats though? At a certain point this season I was this close to replace Fredriksson with Ivarov (though we always had one of the best defensive records) as he was committing too many mistakes, but I kept him on and I'm reaping the rewards now, as he's becoming a monster of a goalkeeper. Also he's currently 0 out of 20-something attempts at scoring a free kick, but here too he's improving bit by bit...
@miguelfcp Yes, he's still improving so I'm sure he'll come good eventually. I do think age/experience must be built into his performance somewhere. I'm not surprised those free kicks are still missing, it's an awful long run back to the goal if he hits the wall!

I know what you mean about the fatigue though. If either of us had somehow managed a promotion in season 1/2, the players would be out on their feet by about week 4 and done for the season. Making those three subs weakened the team so much in that game against Young Boys.

You have a 28 man squad I think you mentioned in the pes you're playing? You must be due a few to retire together with a bit of luck (although I wonder if the game limits it - I've yet to have more than 2) Huylens is the new Zamenhof, 41, not playing and no intention of retiring. At least he did contribute in the early days though!

@slamsoze Yes, up and down does 'aim' to an extent. Test it out on corners with headers. If you aim up it will go towards the far post (assuming near post is bottom of screen) and down to near post. Like you say though, all the various player stats will also have an effect on the accuracy of the aim, plus not being off balance and so on.

Had a great kick by Ruskin yesterday, he's very left footed and as the ball was bouncing I decided to cross it in first time on the volley but he was positioned wrongly for it as I ran on to it and had to have a swipe at it with his right trying to effectively volley in a cross with the outside of his weaker foot. He mishit it completely and swiped it up in the air. Love the way the stats used to matter and create instances like that.
@mattmid: Which makes the D2 struggle a necessary "evil", if you get promoted too soon it'll ruin your long-term project for the club. I'm lucky I'm now able to use 15 players out of the 28 players I have, if I had to play the D1 on my second season I'd have only 2/3 players with acceptable ability for a D1 environment.
Huylens is not getting the message, is he? For his next birthday, offer him a cake with "retired" spelled in chantilly. It would be cool if somehow you could keep him further on, imagine him playing as a 50-year old! Now that'd be quite the story...
Pes 3: Soo.. I surprisingly failed playoff qualification.

I tought I had three relative easy games, with 3 points up on Longobardi and the face off between them and first classified Lisbonera on parallel, but I played an awful football losing one game and drawing the other, arriving at the last game against an already qualified Lisbonera still with "only" 3 points up to Longobardi.

I prepared myself to an all defense game, Edingson and Espimas low on the sides and three defensive midfielders with Iouga just a bit advanced than Harty and Celnini. Castolo orchestrating, in my mind, the counterattacks and Njorgo fighting for high balls.

The game immediately felt downhill, early minutes advantage with a nice long ball from the sides for Njorgo, that stopped and beat their keepers with a low shot.. so early that maybe it's where lost it, I relaxed and they turned the game before the 2nd half, 2-1, Longobardi is winning their game and the music isn't changing in the second half.. Njorgo fights like a lion but even if I put the barycenter of the team as forward as possible, he's desperately alone, their defense feels like a wall of bricks.. Burchet comes in but he can't revive my team, and Castolo hitting the internal crossbar with a truly nice shot at the 80 minute mark meant the end of my run..

I'm partially disappointed of course, but after all this kind of fails are what makes storytelling unique and comparable with real soccer in Pes, right :D? It was an hell of a ride that I'm glad I took and I think I'll restart Master League later with some kind of other challenge. Now I'll dedicate myself to that sweet World Cup challenge for some time.. not only on Pes 3 on which I'll surely play one, but also on Pes 5 (Exogenesis) and Pes 6 (Pech Ultimate 17/18) among the others, two beautiful community jobs of revamps that I can't wait to properly try/review again.
Most players do not develop in ML. Stats and age remain the same throughout the master league for them. Only a few ones called "growth players" do develop. I think "Allow COM Teams sign retired players" allows the CPU to buy classic players unlocked in PES-Shop, but i'm not 100% sure.

Interesting about shooting. But isn't this the case also for the other PS2 PES on a lesser scale ? I mean, the stats have a bigger weight in shooting algorithm, then the direction you choose to shoot in these games. But i thought this was automatic, i didn't know you could choose weak/strong shot. I will try to see by myself, on PES 3 although i have a controller, so maybe it is different.

As ever @fmicablues7 , spot on about all PES 3 details and to add I always liked the fact that players do not age in the ML or other formats as you can keep your team together and the defaults stay at their best, and there are 2600 players to choose from as well, a massive selection.:WORSHIP:

Releasing classic players in the PES shop is a bad idea if you have no funds to buy them as even free agents have a transfer fee and a COM team can buy them too. I once faced Klintzmann and Euserio (PES spellings:BLINK:) in a COM team Longobardi, that already had Bobby Baggio in their ranks.

On the shot power thing, all the walkthroughs say, and I have found in gameplay too, that shot power is boosted alright by pushing the analogue stick in the the goal direction, when shooting. Of course, as we both know, with PES 3's dynamic ball physics, shot power is a very delicate matter, a tiny tap of the shoot button can often be more than enough, unless you are miles from goal.
@Madmac79: It's really hard to try and control matches with the went all-in on a defensive strategy but they were unable to hold off Lisbonera. At least you had lots of drama in your season, I bet it was entertaining.
I also just finished my ML season so now I'll be free to join in and try a few World Cup challenges myself as well. I'm leaning towards either a Latvia save on PES4 or Angola on PES6...
ML United - Season 5 - End-of-season update + transfer news

Never would I thought we'd be fighting for the WEFA competitions in our first season on D1. Before the winter transfer window we were close to Benfica and Bayern, who held the only two WEFA Championships qualifying spots, and already a few points ahead the 7th placed team - 2nd-6th enter the WEFA Masters Cup.
We managed to hold on to the 3rd place throughout most of our campaign, but our inconsistency allowed Olympiacos and Galatasaray to get closer whilst letting Bayern more comfortable as 2nd. As for Benfica, I don't think they ever left the 1st place and always were at least 2 wins ahead of Bayern and often +10 points ahead of any other team in the league.
A brilliant 1-3 win against Bayern got us 4 points away from them, as we entered the last few fixtures. However, a terrible run of 1D/2L on our last three matches made us not only lose our chances to get a spot in the WEFA Championships but also lose the 3rd and 4th places, finishing 5th though we spent most of our season as 3rd.
Next season, we're on the WEFA Masters Cup.
3rd best offense, 4th best defense. We'd be the 2nd best defense if we hadn't conceded almost 10 goals on our last three matches...

How can I improve on this record next season, given we'll only be allowed to acquire one newgen/regen - and we'll have to divide our efforts on 3 competitions (WEFA Masters Cup, D1 Cup and D1)? I honestly don't have a clue.

Congratulations also to Gutierrez, who conquered the title of D1's Top Scorer on his first season among the greats!


Castolo has retired. I say he won't be missed...this gives us a chance to acquire a new player.
Looking at the Newcomers group, I was tempted to not use our pick on this offseason. Representing the regens was a bunch of uninspiring players except for Cafu and Toldo, but honestly I'd rather acquire newgens instead. On the newgens list, the best player was a guy named Chapi who looked like a great acquisition (83 att., 97 agility...) but he had 44 mentality and 41 teamwork, and I really hate players with low mental stats so I discarded him. A few others were interesting but they weren't a Jackson or a Fredriksson; which means, they weren't talented enough to come in and play rightaway at a high competitive level. You can assess how important it is to choose wisely who to buy since we're only buying our 3rd player in soon-to-be 6 seasons of the save...
There was Oscar, the spanish midfielder who's 17 and already has grey hair (a quirkiness that almost made me get him) combined with a pretty decent statsheet. The thing is, if I bought him I would be confirming that he'd be my CMF for the following years (you already know I'm willing to replace Van den Berg) and I'm betting that there will be much better CMFs on the newcomers list over the next few seasons.

After a (quite long) while I went with Park, the korean striker whose name I always mispell. Shout out to @mattmid, his scouts recommended me the player. He's a goalscoring machine in the making, but I can see him struggling to fit in our system because he currently can't do much else rather than scoring goals (94 mentality, I'm drooling). Wasn't planning to get a striker since we already have Ordaz, Hamsun and Gutierrez fighting for 2 spots up front, but both Gutierrez and Hamsun are able to play as AMF and we'll have more offensive depth for a busy Season 6. Also, Park will only cease to be an under-23 player when Hamsun and Ordaz are already +30-years old, so Park's acquisition could fit our timeline pretty well as Gutierrez's next partner up front in a few years.
@miguelfcp ,

Below are the stats for my best player in PES 3 ML, maybe you could post the stats for your best default squad player from PES 2008 to compare. :THINK:

Darío Silva

Nationality Uruguay
Team Sevilla F.C.
League Liga Española
Position CF
Age 32
Stronger Foot Right
Height 175
Weight 74
Ability Settings
84 Attack
53 Defence
82 Balance
82 Stamina
90 Top Speed
86 Acceleration
90 Reponse
80 Agility
74 Dribble Accuracy
77 Dribble Speed
72 Short Pass Accuracy
74 Short Pass Speed
58 Long Pass Accuracy
63 Long Pass Speed
78 Shot Accuracy
86 Shot Power
86 Shot Technique
71 Free Kick Accuracy
67 Swerve
84 Heading
86 Jump
83 Technique
88 Aggression
76 Mentality
50 Goalkeeping
69 Teamwork
6 Consistency
5 Condition
Special Ability
Similar Players
76 Takahara
73 Nano
78 Asamoah
78 Asamoah
75 Ezquerro
81 Mathieu
74 Szabics
80 Nuno Gomes
80 Nuno Gomes
71 F. Johnsen

@miguelfcp Great write up as usual and a great first season! Park should be a good long term pick I think. I've worked on his pace in pre season and will continue to do that over the next 2-3 seasons as it's his only real weakness for his position. In my current formation he's having to share duties at AM in the 2 behind Hamsun and occasionally with Ordaz sharing up front when Hamsun is tired. It's not ideal for him, I see him more as a poacher with that agility, accleration and response, but for now that's the formation I'm going with and Hamsun is irreplaceable up front (8 goals in the 6 games he's played) and now through the 50 goals mark for the club!
@WhoAteMeDinner: Here's the starting eleven, plus a few interesting bench players and our new acquisition Park Jyun Hi.

I'm on the beginning of the pre-season so with a bit of pre-season individual and collective training some of them are bound to improve even more. Stein is the oldest of our starting-11 (31) so the rest of the players are still developing, except for Ruskin and Fouque who seem to have reached their peak, and also Ordaz's stats haven't increased much this last season. On the other hand, Jackson (newgen) is on his way to become one of the best defenders in the world if he keeps developing at this pace.

As you can see, and contrary to popular belief, the defaults may seem worthless but if you give them a chance most of the younger ones actually become solid players. You do need to understand their weaknesses, as trying to build-up play using Stein as if he were Pirlo will certainly punish you immediately. Unlike modern PES games, just looking at the players' overall rating is not going to help you; guys like Stein or Ruskin will be utterly worthless if you don't maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. For example, 90% of Ruskin's game is running back and forth to help the defense and then make off-the-ball runs to look for space in wide areas; if he then gets the ball I'll cross it. As soon as I try something more complex with him like build-up play or dribble out defenders, he's lost out there. Same with Van den Berg, if I spawn the R1 button for a few minutes he'll lose all his energy, so when I'm controlling him I know I should be extra-careful with stamina usage.
It really feels like real football because I'm literally forced to use every player in different ways if I want to win, which contributes a lot for that elusive thing we call "player individuality" in PES.

Also I just added to my default strategy two alternative formations to be triggered manually, one for offensive set-pieces and the other for defensive ones. The defensive one lets Fouque up front as SS, four midfielders with defensive duties and 5 CBs; the offensive one uses the tallest players + players with best aerial game as strikers, Stein and Ruskin as the only defensive-minded. Still testing it to see if it's something worth exploring.

@mattmid: Your post reminded me, have any of your players reached the 100th match? My Gutierrez is one match away from it, whilst Jaric and Stein if I recall properly are close too.
@miguelfcp I can't see anywhere to see how many games they have played (other than when they retire you can click on them and their picture comes up with details and games/assists/goals. In the opponents page in the main ML menu you can click on any opponent and get that screen but there doesn't seem to be any way to do it with your own players . Goals, assists of course you can go back on your record to see each player's individual season but it doesn't show games played. So it seems like I'll have to wait until they've retired to find out how many games they've played.

What's interesting though is Minanda retired at the end of last season and it said he'd played 90 games, so I would think some must be getting close and would certainly go over it this season (Season 7) with a minimum 32 games to play.

Way back I think it was @WhoAteMeDinner who mentioned about the bandages and injuries. I just had Hamsun get a knock and play on with a bandage on his knee :)

You're right about having to watch how you play with different players. Valeny for example when he had to be played regularly I had to make sure it was simple passes only otherwise he'd give the ball away in dangerous positions. Stein as well. Short and simple with those two. I feel like I haven't exploited Jaric's passing ability enough though.

Have you seen Herrero in the newgens yet - perhaps he's already been picked up by another team. He is developing brilliantly. He's already my captain. Progress has slowed this year and he's developing slower but then he did develop unbelievably last season (+8-9 across the board!)

Just looking at your screeshots. My Jaric is about 2 higher on almost everything. Stein is 1 higher on a couple but mostly the same. Ruskin is 4-5 higher across the board. Fouque is virtually identical and Ordaz is 1 higher here and there but mostly the same.
My Hamsun is (top to bottom same order as your pics)

ATT 89
Balance 95!

He is absolutey superb in his role up front. Bullies defenders shoots well with both feet and a decent header of the ball too. He has decent pace and can run with it well to (best at slower pace as he's hard to knock off the ball).

Funny thing is I don't really ever remember using him much in the past ML games I played in PES6.
@Titch: I should've done that, I suspect friendly matches count for the total appearances of a player in PES2008, can't confirm though...if this is true I don't know how many official matches my players have.

@mattmid: I can only see how many apps a player has after a match is played, when you come upon that screen that shows you how many EXP points your players got. You press X on a player and it shows apps/goals/assists.
I looked for Herrero but he wasn't there...what a player, developing that much as early as that!
Damn, your Hamsun is a stud, much better than mine. I'm to blame though, I've always preferred Ordaz and Gutierrez up front (it's our striker duo since day one...) though Hamsun is now my 12th player, let's put it this way. He has about 70 matches played total (far from Gutierrez's almost 100), but he probably has not more than 10 matches in which he played the majority of the minutes.
Road to the World Cup (CPU Co-op Challenge on PES 3):

I'll play a World Cup in PES 3 default database with a few players created or updated with PSD stats. Here is the list :

England :
-Terry (04-06 stats)
-Ferdinand (06-08 stats)
-Lampard (04-06 stats)

France :
-Kanté (current stats)
-Pogba (13-16 stats)
-Griezmann (15-16 stats)
-Henry (03-06 stats)

Germany :
-Schweinsteiger (10-14 stats)

Italy :
-Buffon (04-07 stats)
-Conte (95-96 stats)

Portugal :
-Cristiano Ronaldo (10-13 stats)

Serbia and Montenegro :
-Vidic (08-11 stats)
-Matic (13-15 stats)

Spain :
-Guardiola (95-97 stats)
-Diego Costa (13-15 stats)
-Sergio Ramos (13-14 stats)

Ukraine :
-Shevchenko (03-04 stats)

Wales :
-Bale (13-14 stats)

Egypt :
-Salah (current stats)

Argentina :
-Messi (11-12 stats)

Brazil :
-Juninho (02-05 stats)
-Neymar (14-16 stats)

Chile :
-Alexis Sanchez (16-17 stats)

I'll most likely pick Ukraine, it'll be very challenging with all these players added !
I played a friendly game as France against England, and i won 3-0, they couldn't do anything. Pogba and Kanté destroyed their midfielders, Henry got a double and Gary Neville scored an own goal.
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