The Retro-PES Corner

I always consider the Master League of PES 2012 the best.
Even better than PES 2020.
Why ?
Cause there was interactions with players about training, offers, shirt numbers and number of games, and their form will change depending on your response
I don't know why Konami deleted all of this from PES 2013 and the rest.
I have posted about this millions of times on PES2020 topic. The period 2010-2013 on ML, had all the staff AND EVEN MORE that was promoted for the reforged Master League of PES 2020. More specifically the MLs of 2010 and 2011 were the most accurate in terms of quality and content. Even 2012 which had the player interaction, had still haircut-ed content in comparison with 2011.
Τhose two Master league of 2010 and 2011 had exactly as content as possible to form a balance for good game with good content.
Unfortunately as we all know, KONAMI loves to rip apart everything good, without any reason. You could programm your team finances, programm your players training, programm your youth academy, in how good regens will give you, you could program almost everything fundamental for a club.

SHame, shame, shame that the reworked pes2020 Master League did not have even the 50% of all those.
It happens simply because EA/Konami now invest much more on multiplayer online gaming. They don't care too much about improving those areas... because they get the profit from the online part of it. Konami even releases the online game for free after a couple of months.
Why bother create a proper career mode, with much more teams (or slots) and proper fixtures when they know a big part of their customers maybe only uses Liverpool/Barcelona and PSG the whole year?
I have posted about this millions of times on PES2020 topic. The period 2010-2013 on ML, had all the staff AND EVEN MORE that was promoted for the reforged Master League of PES 2020. More specifically the MLs of 2010 and 2011 were the most accurate in terms of quality and content. Even 2012 which had the player interaction, had still haircut-ed content in comparison with 2011.
Τhose two Master league of 2010 and 2011 had exactly as content as possible to form a balance for good game with good content.
Unfortunately as we all know, KONAMI loves to rip apart everything good, without any reason. You could programm your team finances, programm your players training, programm your youth academy, in how good regens will give you, you could program almost everything fundamental for a club.

SHame, shame, shame that the reworked pes2020 Master League did not have even the 50% of all those.
Well, I like ML of PES 2012 for the intraction, it's like Football Manager.
I'm playing with A. Bilbao, and Llorente played the entire season in a bad form because he wanted to have rest after international games but I always play him all games.
That kind of details is missing since PES 2013
Well, I like ML of PES 2012 for the intraction, it's like Football Manager.
I'm playing with A. Bilbao, and Llorente played the entire season in a bad form because he wanted to have rest after international games but I always play him all games.
That kind of details is missing since PES 2013
I remember it had a side effect still cause KONAMI is KONAMI. I had pissed of Leto on Panathinaikos and he was purple arrow angry face, but on the beginning of the season, i think it was October. After that i had him play all matches and he was my mvp, captain and top goalscorer, but despite the succes he was always purple and angry, resulting i couldn't renew his contract. It should give the ability to rehab. It is not like the "mad girlfriend", that never forgives.
I always consider the Master League of PES 2012 the best.
Even better than PES 2020.
Why ?
Cause there was interactions with players about training, offers, shirt numbers and number of games, and their form will change depending on your response
I don't know why Konami deleted all of this from PES 2013 and the rest.

I still remember when Ronaldo always, like always asked the Number 9 at the start of Master League when using Real Madrid 😌
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@geeeeee Looking forward to see how your ML gets on. I know you spent a long time on the OF, and it must be nice to finally start the real thing. I like hearing from those who use the defaults as we all have our own unique experiences with them and have acquired fond memories. Also, following @miguelfcp PES 5 ML journey has inspired me to start my ML in PES 5. I gotta say the game plays quite a bit different than PES 2008, but it's fun going back and forth between the 2.
I think CB Overlap predates the PS2, but only affects open play. Could be wrong though, certainly of PES 2008.

I am pretty sure that they come up for corners too but will confirm once i get to try it.

That's great! Really pleased for you @geeeeee , I know how long and hard you've been working on that! Look forward to seeing how your ML pans out. You could compromise and pick a weak team to start with? I'll certainly download it - might have to csv it into 6 though as I can't bear the thought of a long ML on 2008 PC, if you're ok with that.

Thanks Matt, yep it has been a long time but hopefully it will be worth it.

I went for the defaults in the end and looking forward to seeing how they progress with their different ages.

I will upload and post it to you.

As @Flipper the Priest says I think the CB overlap is different, I'm playing 2013 at the moment and it's in there as a strategy whilst the 'up for corners' is a separate option. If I remember right it's not in PES6 as an option but I think if you put a forward arrow on a CB he'd go forward sometimes. It's hard to keep track with Konami isn't it, with the constant removing and putting back in of things as to what version has what!

One of the worse things they removed was free side select.

Having recently gone full retro by linking my PS2 to a CRT rather than a modern TV and noticed the difference in the look and gameplay of PES 2008 and PES5, I thought I'd give the PS2 version of PES 2011 a spin over the weekend.

Now this game is of course one of the last PESes on PS2 and while it has basically the same gameplay as the PES6 era games, it also has all the features of the PS3 PES 2011 Master League, the Champions League licence, real currency rather than PES points and all the features Konami left behind in the classic era of PES. Oh and it also has new goal nets - sexy, bulging goal nets! :LOVE:

Anyway, my findings so far is while PES 2011(PS2) was fairly impressive on my modern TV, like the previous games, it really comes to life on an old telly. The graphics are really quite something - certainly a step up from PES 2008 which goes to show how much work Konami put into this game even though most had moved on to the PS3 by then. This lost, as I like to call them, era of PES games (PES 2009-2014 on PS2) really seem to push available technology to the limit in terms of graphics.

I'm finding gameplay as varied as PES 2008, player individuality possibly even better and the attacking AI as potent. Fouls and physicality are nowhere near the heady heights of PES5 but the shooting and weightiness on the ball physics are really quite something.

I'm looking forward to continuing the ML I started a while back on this game, having started with the defaults. Transfers seem more frequent among the other teams in the leagues although, once again, bids for my own players still seem lacking.

I always found that anything after 2008 the CPU mostly dribbles in attack and not so varied. It is good thst you are enjoying though, there is so much in retro PES for everyone.

Looking forward to your updates.
@geeeeee Looks like some tough games ahead in that first season I would think. Look forward to seeing how it goes. :)

Yes i think it will be tough going as there are 4 real life Premier League teams in there too.

@geeeeee Looking forward to see how your ML gets on. I know you spent a long time on the OF, and it must be nice to finally start the real thing. I like hearing from those who use the defaults as we all have our own unique experiences with them and have acquired fond memories. Also, following @miguelfcp PES 5 ML journey has inspired me to start my ML in PES 5. I gotta say the game plays quite a bit different than PES 2008, but it's fun going back and forth between the 2.

Yeh i am so looking forward to seeing how the seasons pan out. I plan to spend as many seasons as possible, maybe even win the treble who knows ha ha (no expectations there then).

PES5 was where love for ML began. I loved it so much that when I got PES6, i couldnt get into it and gave it away and went straight back to my ML.

Look forward to your updates.
I'm surprised there aren't more people boarding the retro wagon. Having played PES 2020 more than any since PES6, I don't consider myself a luddite. Nor do I consider myself to be one for rosy retrospection. But taking everything into consideration I think there's more fun (that's what it's supposed to be, right?) to be had in golden era PES.

Everyone should give it a try, at least. Even if you're a simple console man like me, chances are you'll have a PS4 or Xbox controller. Without leaving this site, you could be using that controller to play PES3 to PES6 within 10 minutes. For free. What's the harm?!
Congrats @geeeeee, we were all rooting for you here. It must've been tremendous to do that work but our beloved PES08 PS2 deserves it, doesn't it?
Good luck with your ML, if it's already loads of fun to do a save on default PES08, must be quite a thing to play this mode on an updated, improved PES08 database: especially with the PSD stats that improve Teamwork and Mentality stats upon your typical retro-PES database, making it an even tougher experience than what one usually gets.
Perhaps on the highest transfer frequency setting you'll be using you might see some offers for your players. If so, then we'll know the "normal" setting is kind of broken on this regard.
Licerio Ordaz always cracks me up :D ever since you mentioned that invented first name of yours here on the Corner, in my mind I always think of him as Licerio Ordaz. I don't know, it just fits so well! Bonus points for Minanda not having a first name, because Kings don't need two names. We all bow before our beloved leader, King Minanda I.
Looking forward to hear about your save.

About the PES12 ML discussion, that ends up being one of the many reasons to explore retro-PES games: for Konami is known to add/remove many features over the years, hence some iterations becoming completely unique like, say, a PES11 with its ephemeral Stadium creator, which I don't think has ever made it back to the game, has it?

@Special4988: Nice! PES5 has a few problems of its own (it's not a "whole game" like PES08, which is great all-around) but that game must have some visual drug hidden within because it's goddamn addictive nevertheless.


After the end of my ML's Season 2, I thought I'd take a break and go back to a recent favourite of mine, PES2 (PS2). It had completely flew under my retro-PES radar and upon trying it out to write my retro-review about it, I adored it. I have a couple of ideas for a quick "palate-cleanser" type of experience before I go back to PES5 for to continue my very enjoyable and so far dramatic ML:
1. - A realistic FIFA World Cup 2002 with Portugal, to avenge our dreadful performance in real life;
2. - A kind of "Champions League" with a very potent team, as lately and for a long time I've been exclusively using horrible teams.

Last night I was toying around with Navarra (Real Madrid) - why, Konami, would you call a team from Madrid "Navarra"? - and this team was incredible. You say the only thing keeping it from being perfect is Pavón, as Hierro deserved a better CB partner, but I say it's even more perfect because you've got the perfect scapegoat there. Figo has the ball down the right wing, tries to dribble the leftback, loses the ball: "f*ckin' hell Pavon, you stupid f*ck!". Casillas fails to save a simple shot? "What the f*ck Pavón?!?!?"

Congrats @geeeeee, we were all rooting for you here. It must've been tremendous to do that work but our beloved PES08 PS2 deserves it, doesn't it?
Good luck with your ML, if it's already loads of fun to do a save on default PES08, must be quite a thing to play this mode on an updated, improved PES08 database: especially with the PSD stats that improve Teamwork and Mentality stats upon your typical retro-PES database, making it an even tougher experience than what one usually gets.
Perhaps on the highest transfer frequency setting you'll be using you might see some offers for your players. If so, then we'll know the "normal" setting is kind of broken on this regard.
Licerio Ordaz always cracks me up :D ever since you mentioned that invented first name of yours here on the Corner, in my mind I always think of him as Licerio Ordaz. I don't know, it just fits so well! Bonus points for Minanda not having a first name, because Kings don't need two names. We all bow before our beloved leader, King Minanda I.
Looking forward to hear about your save.

About the PES12 ML discussion, that ends up being one of the many reasons to explore retro-PES games: for Konami is known to add/remove many features over the years, hence some iterations becoming completely unique like, say, a PES11 with its ephemeral Stadium creator, which I don't think has ever made it back to the game, has it?

@Special4988: Nice! PES5 has a few problems of its own (it's not a "whole game" like PES08, which is great all-around) but that game must have some visual drug hidden within because it's goddamn addictive nevertheless.


After the end of my ML's Season 2, I thought I'd take a break and go back to a recent favourite of mine, PES2 (PS2). It had completely flew under my retro-PES radar and upon trying it out to write my retro-review about it, I adored it. I have a couple of ideas for a quick "palate-cleanser" type of experience before I go back to PES5 for to continue my very enjoyable and so far dramatic ML:
1. - A realistic FIFA World Cup 2002 with Portugal, to avenge our dreadful performance in real life;
2. - A kind of "Champions League" with a very potent team, as lately and for a long time I've been exclusively using horrible teams.

Last night I was toying around with Navarra (Real Madrid) - why, Konami, would you call a team from Madrid "Navarra"? - and this team was incredible. You say the only thing keeping it from being perfect is Pavón, as Hierro deserved a better CB partner, but I say it's even more perfect because you've got the perfect scapegoat there. Figo has the ball down the right wing, tries to dribble the leftback, loses the ball: "f*ckin' hell Pavon, you stupid f*ck!". Casillas fails to save a simple shot? "What the f*ck Pavón?!?!?"

One of the very few spanish quotes i know, besides bad words. "Zidanes y Pavones"~
@miguelfcp Ha ha for the names I just used a random name generator and you can change the name to a different nationality. Whether Licerio is a Spanish name I don't even know but that is what the generator came up with.

With Minanda i couldn't add another name to that legend.

I love the way you are getting every drop of goodness out of each PES, certainly getting your money's worth over the years.

So, fixture 1 of the new season was a tough one at home to Cardiff.

At the moment I am keeping Jon Champion and Mark Lawrenson on as commentators. I do think Champion is pretty good when he gets excited but Lawrenson can be a bit boring sometimes. I think that is a pattern with all co-commentators in footy games.

I really wish that the video quality was as good as what I see when I play. It plays in HD but records in SD i think.

Canvey Eagles 0 Cardiff City 3, it was a bit of a hammering if I am honest after we started well in the game. But 3 first half goals killed it straight away.
@geeeeee It's going to be a tough season I think, but that's the whole fun of it isn't it, makes any success all the sweeter. That's the Ordaz I tend to get with those missed chances. My last ML it was Hamsun who really shone, he became quite a player.
I'm surprised there aren't more people boarding the retro wagon. Having played PES 2020 more than any since PES6, I don't consider myself a luddite. Nor do I consider myself to be one for rosy retrospection. But taking everything into consideration I think there's more fun (that's what it's supposed to be, right?) to be had in golden era PES.

Everyone should give it a try, at least. Even if you're a simple console man like me, chances are you'll have a PS4 or Xbox controller. Without leaving this site, you could be using that controller to play PES3 to PES6 within 10 minutes. For free. What's the harm?!
I do what I can mate. Let me be the baby here. 2017 is my toy. ;)
I noticed something in - maybe - all ML or Ligue I played in PES series.
I have always the best defence = less goals conceded even if I'm 3th or 4th
@mattmid in my tester ML Hamsun started coming on strong too in the second season. We will see what happens here.

Fixture 2

Aston Villa v Canvey Eagles

If you don't want to watch all the highlights, the last 25 mins is all what retro PES is about :)

Aston Villa 1 Canvey Eagles 2, an excellent brace by Castolo to get the win.
@geeeeee solid stuff mate. Will delve deep into Pes/We 2008 myself sooner or later. I'm kinda postponing it to savour it even better, like some vintage wine :D.

@miguelfcp nice! Can't wait to see your Pes 2 experience. Short tournies are indeed very nice to watch/read about. Worth noting all the same that Pes 2 it's the only Pes ever existed with a 3 divisions ML!
Finished season 5 of my PS2 version of PES 2011 (Top Player, 15min matches, ML set to hard) ML last night with what was a chance to finally get out of Division 2. I had started the season terribly but my time on PES 2008 meant I returned to this ML in much better form.

Going into the last three games of the season I was sure I was going to sneak into the top two, that's the way ML is set up isn't it? Not in the classic PES era it's not. Two epic draws and a defeat at home to bottom-placed Palace in the season finale has sentenced me to yet another season in Div 2 having finished third. No modern era PES rubber-banding here.

What's more is that I've lost three top players to my rule of not renegotiating with out of contract players who turn down a new deal. So that's the end of Krull in goal, James Rodriguez (still not sure how I managed to get him in the first place) and top scorer O'Sullivan.

I'm now scrabbling for new signings, gloriously hampered by PES 2011's feature of having to scout players first to see any of their stats. One oddity is that, with my squad down a five or six players, the directors went and signed two players for me, including Valery! Yes, the trusty default CB/RB is back.

Loving the surprises and the hidden depth of this ML and looking forward to season 6 and a push for promotion this time, surely.
@reinelt97 We seem to say this every week, but Konami used to add so many great things and then remove them. Some great touches there, like the scouting and even the directors signing two players!

Nice win! From behind as well, great ending to the game, end to end stuff!
Anyone know where I can get a ps2 max drive? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find one
Slightly different from mine but it may do the same.

Wow that link looks big!
that Hourihane cpu goal was impressive! Castolo is clutch when he is in the mood. Love it.

Yes it was excellent, i loved the way he kept his balance
Finished season 5 of my PS2 version of PES 2011 (Top Player, 15min matches, ML set to hard) ML last night with what was a chance to finally get out of Division 2. I had started the season terribly but my time on PES 2008 meant I returned to this ML in much better form.

Going into the last three games of the season I was sure I was going to sneak into the top two, that's the way ML is set up isn't it? Not in the classic PES era it's not. Two epic draws and a defeat at home to bottom-placed Palace in the season finale has sentenced me to yet another season in Div 2 having finished third. No modern era PES rubber-banding here.

What's more is that I've lost three top players to my rule of not renegotiating with out of contract players who turn down a new deal. So that's the end of Krull in goal, James Rodriguez (still not sure how I managed to get him in the first place) and top scorer O'Sullivan.

I'm now scrabbling for new signings, gloriously hampered by PES 2011's feature of having to scout players first to see any of their stats. One oddity is that, with my squad down a five or six players, the directors went and signed two players for me, including Valery! Yes, the trusty default CB/RB is back.

Loving the surprises and the hidden depth of this ML and looking forward to season 6 and a push for promotion this time, surely.

I forgot about the scouting system in the newer ones. I wish that was in 2008 I didnt know that the director steps in like that. That is great.

@reinelt97 We seem to say this every week, but Konami used to add so many great things and then remove them. Some great touches there, like the scouting and even the directors signing two players!

Nice win! From behind as well, great ending to the game, end to end stuff!

One of the things they took out was being able to select whatever team you wanted to play as before a match. That was great for cup games because you could pick 32 human teams but then have one assigned to the cpu for each match.

Regarding the match, we were really holding on at the end. I loved the moment when the cpu put a cross in which missed everyone who were flinging themselves at it but then it happened again from the other side of the pitch. It is moments like those which i love.
Slightly different from mine but it may do the same.

Wow that link looks big!

Yes it was excellent, i loved the way he kept his balance

I forgot about the scouting system in the newer ones. I wish that was in 2008 I didnt know that the director steps in like that. That is great.

One of the things they took out was being able to select whatever team you wanted to play as before a match. That was great for cup games because you could pick 32 human teams but then have one assigned to the cpu for each match.

Regarding the match, we were really holding on at the end. I loved the moment when the cpu put a cross in which missed everyone who were flinging themselves at it but then it happened again from the other side of the pitch. It is moments like those which i love.
Thanks man, I saw some of them but was unsure if they were the right one as it said it’s for cheats and modifications. But it works the same as the max drive!!!
After the discussion with @1nn5 , i decided to resume a ML from either 2012,2011 or 2010. I also plan to start my search for the "bald-Iniesta" referee/linesman screenshot, which will take me search from 2010 to 2017 or 2018 for sure.

My PC (laptop) is in its last-whisper moment the last two years. It probably needs a format, it works properly, but when you boot up it takes many time to start working.
First attempt yesterday: I boot-up, it starts working after 2hours, it comes the time to go to work, so i fail.
Second attempt today: I boot-up, it starts really fast!!! almost after 30 minutes!!! My son realizes it, and conquers my seat demanding to watch Sunny Bunny and PJ-Masks on Youtube. i failed again!! :)
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Thanks man, I saw some of them but was unsure if they were the right one as it said it’s for cheats and modifications. But it works the same as the max drive!!!

Don't take my word for, as I am not 100% certain if does. I would be surprised if it does not. I will try and check later when I have a bit more time and I will let you know.
Don't take my word for, as I am not 100% certain if does. I would be surprised if it does not. I will try and check later when I have a bit more time and I will let you know.
Dw man. I checked the manual and it says it can be used to crush and Uncrush save files on memory card.
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