The Retro-PES Corner

Thanks! As you noticed, I haven't invented anything new. The gameplay is not mine, and a good share of tactics are from your amazing OF.

It is slower and AI can be a real pain to break through, especially in competitive games. Balance edits give more fouls. I also play longer games (20min) games with it. I feel Professional gives a good enough challenge with this, as on Top Pro everyone turns into never tiring never stopping machines on the pitch. I don't think individuality is lost - even if you compare player radars, they still give you correct idea on strengths and weaknesses of each.

Fair spot on player stats, abilities or appearance (noticed the same with Reuter) - I haven't edited any of those, only except for Baggio I think. So any inconsistencies like those you mentioned should be addressed to patch makers.

I like this gameplay, although sometimes, in competitive games, AI get's crazily tough, when you hardly can take the ball from them. As if sometimes it works better/more fluid, sometimes not so much, don't know how to explain. I play this in exchanges with another OF, that has only agility (greatly) and all speed stats (slightly) reduced, and I like both.

If you edit/remake any of the tactics/stats/anything, feel free to share it! :))

Here's the OF with my changes. I'll edit in more info later.

I changed mostly player stuff, teams were largely untouched.
I looked at Brazil, Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Croatia, Argentina and edited:
- Form/Condition for most players according to WC performance (from memory)
- TW & MENT stats for many players, TECH & AGG for some
- Special Abilities
- Positions
- Pierre van Hooijdonk had ridiculous stats was like 20cm shorter than he should be..., the Colombian starting CF has similarly weird stats (fit for a DM) but I don't know the guy so I'd start Asprilla or Valencia instead (haven't done that yet)


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Yet, even most who get on this journey don't last. They're dissatisfied with modern PES/FIFA, some are even downright mad at those franchise's developers (mainly because of the nefarious effect of microtransaction-based modes on the latest installments) and for that reason decide to go back to a famous past-PES, expecting it to be a kind of personal "football gaming saviour". This is dumb. Some of the retro-PES iterations we love here might be bloody fantastic, a few select ones were even totally revolutionary, but they're not going to jump on their time-machines, travel 20 years forward in time, come in, steal the show and save everyone from football gaming hell. So when I hear someone utter those famous "this retro-PES X title is better than PES/FIFA20!!!" I always suspect he will soon exit the retro-PES scene. He's comparing the incomparable, his perspective is faulty: the games we enjoy here are not the third footballing alternative on the market to PES and FIFA; they're not a kind of "This is Football 2020" or "Football Kingdom 2021", they are retro games. Personally, it was only after I truly internalized this that I was finally able to enjoy these titles.

Couldn't agree more Miguel.

There is no "perfect game" to be found here. There are a lot of titles that, however, could give you the experience you are searching for in that precise moment, if you give them the chance. Or at least that's how I see it.

PIcking up old titles hoping somehow to find this all round satisfying game you'll play until forever will lead to frustration or disappoinment in most cases, especially if just want something "better" than the last chapter.

Anyway.. nice to read about your Navarra adventure! Going out in an epic match most of times feels even better than win the whole thing. UTD had some great players too back then, I'm sure your next one will be as fun :) ..

@mattmid Man I hope you'll share your danish OF for 2013 when it'll be done :)! I think Pes 13 benefits even more than the others of lower stats.
@Madmac79 Of course :) I'm toying with the idea of having a Scandinavia/Iceland ML set up. There's going to be 50 Danish teams in total. I think there's 150 teams in the Euro ML part plus those 24 extra European teams that show up in the Euro competitions. So, with 50 Danish, 2 Swedish leagues would add 32, two Finnish 24, two Norwegian 32, that's 138 and 12 from Iceland would rather nicely work out spot on the 150. I'd probably then use team rankings or something to split them up fairly equally so the lowest 18 would begin in D2. Then I could make 24 top European teams to make a tough European campaign for anyone qualifying from these leagues. Anyway we'll see, for now I'll get on with the Danish leagues! One step at a time. I'm well into D1 now with the editing.
I'm not sure how the emulator OF works but can you load a WE10 OF into the editor and is it the PES6 editor (or was it 2008, if that then my idea won't work) If you can load it into 6, then you could export a csv from the PES5 editor and import it into 6 with the new import option. Sadly though I have a feeling WE9 was the one that you could do with the 6 editor though.

Thanks man! I'll try that.
WE9 can be edited with PES5 editor. WE10 should correspond to PES6.

I'm too young to have watched him play but in PES games I looooooove Prosinecki! Twisting and turning in midfield without losing the ball. Ever. End product is top notch, too, the man can pass & shoot.
Matchday 3 is away against Brighton who sit second in the table scoring 3 conceding none.

How will we do after our last victory?

Brighton 3 Canvey Eagles 0, we got completely hammered and out played as Brighton doubled their goal tally. Back down to earth for us.

Matchday 4 is against second from bottom club Norwich. Hopefully we will perform better against the Canaries.

Canvey Eagles 1 Norwich 0, a very scrappy game. In fact the first noticeable effort came after 28 minutes. You could really tell the difference between playing Norwich who are second from bottom and Brighton who are now top and still without conceding any goals in four games. Our goal was an excellent break away goal started by a great piece of midfield play by Ettori who broke down the play and played a lovely through ball to Ordaz who passed to Huyens as he was running in space and he cooly finished past Tim Krul. A great victory. Next it is Huddersfield in the EFL Cup.
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Hi guys, it been a while. Hope you all are doing well.

Just wanted to know your opinion on menus from slightly different perspective.

Do you think the modern pes games' menu responsiveness get in your way of enjoyment ? I believe going into a game, the menu should have a certain rhythm with your button presses, for eg. tekken games menu, or even retro pes where you know where to go without even thinking about it. It used to be so intuitive it was almost like you and the game were in same wavelength (lol).

With modern pes, i just feel like the menu lags behind the rhythm that i go into. I think its mildly infuriating at times, especially when you come back to the menu after losing a game. People discuss a lot about the menu design and all but i think this aspect is largely ignored.

I could be totally off the mark here but i wanted to get different perspective.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to use my pc option file for my ps2. And if I can will it transfer stuff like the kits and stadiums?
Hi guys, it been a while. Hope you all are doing well.

Just wanted to know your opinion on menus from slightly different perspective.

Do you think the modern pes games' menu responsiveness get in your way of enjoyment ? I believe going into a game, the menu should have a certain rhythm with your button presses, for eg. tekken games menu, or even retro pes where you know where to go without even thinking about it. It used to be so intuitive it was almost like you and the game were in same wavelength (lol).

With modern pes, i just feel like the menu lags behind the rhythm that i go into. I think its mildly infuriating at times, especially when you come back to the menu after losing a game. People discuss a lot about the menu design and all but i think this aspect is largely ignored.

I could be totally off the mark here but i wanted to get different perspective.

Hi Chill, my family and me are good thanks hope yours is too.

I have only played the newer PES’ a few times but yes I agree I find the new menus confusing and slow to react to button pressing etc...I much prefer the simplicity of the older games.

I feel the same about the cut scenes during matches, the celebrations go on too long with players acting out taking selfies and giving it the big ’I am’. I cant stand that arrogance in real football and so certainly don’t like it in PES. And it takes more than one button press to get through them. I don’t mind seeing the cut scenes in retro PES because they only last a few seconds and then it is back on with the match.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to use my pc option file for my ps2. And if I can will it transfer stuff like the kits and stadiums?

You can only transfer what you can edit ’in game’. So not stadiums, faces, fancy kits etc...basically you cannot transfer a whole patch.
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@Chilleverest I totally agree about the current menus. The only 'modern' one I have is 17 but I've played demo's of the others and they seem the same. In 17 it drives me mad to set up a cup. Firstly why can't it be more intuitive in the first random pick of teams it gives you. If I pick a club side it's likely I don't want international teams in my cup! Then you press a button to select the team you want to replace, go to a menu list, choose the area, choose the league, scroll right down to the bottom to choose the last team, does it cycle back around to the top, no you have to go right back up if you change your mind and want one earlier in the list. Ok got your team, great, select it. Now your back at the cup schedule. Ok now let's change the other 30 teams that you didn't want!!

Totally agree with @geeeeee re the cut scenes, way too long and it takes an age to 'escape' out of them. So may things in the game could do with a little tick box in the options to say whether to have them or not.
@mattmid yes i agree regarding cups, and why did they take out the option to select a team and then randomly enter them into the draw. That is such a simple feature but adds to the cup. Doing a world cup draw like that and getting a group of death.

On a different topic, do any of you guys remember the PS2 PES where the sub wouldn't come on? What would happen is you would make a sub and then go to the match and the player would still be playing. The workaround was to immediately pause the game and restart and then the player would appear.

Then there was another bug in a different retro PES. Playing a group format cup, when a player got booked some random player would have the yellow card in the team stats page, even if he had not yet played, and the actual player would receive nothing.

I think this was round about 2009, 2010 era. Hmm...hopefully not PES2008.
Hi guys, it been a while. Hope you all are doing well.

Just wanted to know your opinion on menus from slightly different perspective.
Menu's and responsive & cohesive navigation are a very, very important part of games and i can't help but feel like sometimes the simple point for them has been lost and they've become a hyper mess on the senses in recent years.

PES 2020's is a lot more flat & simplified visually, But there's still a little bit of "stickiness" when moving the cursors or selecting and option, But above all else, The obnoxious myClub pop ups when you boot the game or the forced connection to the online database when ever you want to play an exhibition is just infuriating.

I do agree that a good premium looking menu can be as important part of teh presentation and can really make your p[product feel like it's top flight software but i'd take functionality over gloss any day.

I could write a book on awful menu's in non football games but i'll save that for another time. There's a reason why FIFA used the same menu layout for years, Because it built familiarity, Sure it was mocked by it's fans for being stale but it worked.

Something else i can't stand is changing menu's and where to find certain options year after year for the sake of it, It's like supermarkets doing it for no other reason than to surprise customers & make it look like they've improved something.

The pre 2011 menu's in PES were very budget looking and a bit naff but given their age and the less understanding of the importance of menu's in the industry at that time, I'd give it a pass and some of them have that charm. But 2011-2013 had that real mature look and feel and it felt like a football game for adults. Intuitive and responsive.

2014's menu was dreadful and felt like it was designed as a place holder, So much regression.
2014's menu was dreadful and felt like it was designed as a place holder, So much regression.
PES 2014 for PC (nextgen) has the most un-ergonomic and laggy menu, i have ever seen in video games history.Even some "Command & Conquer: Red Alert" rip-offs i played back on Windows 98 era, had better menus.
I really can't understand what happened that year. Menu was laggy, gameplay on version 1.00 was like an experiment that went bad, all the game modes had gone for a brave haircut. The ML menu specifically, content, management , everything was sent back to ISS PRO 98 era.
Everything about his game was like they had an office moving, on summer of 2013 and they did n't achieve to open all their stuff in carton boxes, in time.
On the other hand i found the menus of:
2011-2013 era as good and mature as

2015-2016 had a sence of "the more the merrier" but at least you knew what option you choose for,

2017 menus were a 2015-2016 tided-up version,

2018-2019 had a 2017 tided-up menu, but heavily favoring MyClub, with online shitty pop-ups and especially on 2019 pinning only MyClub tabs on first page.

2020 has this pseudo-minimal menu, but resulting to most player can't find how to play a simple custom league, or do the training mode. If you are not familiar with PES franchise, you need to do "tests" in order to play a simple option, while many viable and important options are hidden below the ground.
PES 2014 for PC (nextgen) has the most un-ergonomic and laggy menu, i have ever seen in video games history.Even some "Command & Conquer: Red Alert" rip-offs i played back on Windows 98 era, had better menus.
I really can't understand what happened that year. Menu was laggy, gameplay on version 1.00 was like an experiment that went bad, all the game modes had gone for a brave haircut. The ML menu specifically, content, management , everything was sent back to ISS PRO 98 era.
Everything about his game was like they had an office moving, on summer of 2013 and they did n't achieve to open all their stuff in carton boxes, in time.
Haha that was hilarous to read. PES 2014 in my opinion has absolutely surpassed 2008 as far as being the worst PES launch i can think of. To PES 2014's credit they was able to salvage most of it thanks to patches which wasn't common place in the series in 2008. And 2008 was at least a more cohesive game that still had PES magic in essence.

I don't hate 2014, It's more of a historical prototype if anything for what a pure simulation PES could be, Just the timing was horribly wrong. The future of the series could've been so different at least for a couple of years, If the PES 2014 impression was perfect. They released that game a year early, I truly believe that. I do think the fetish for blitzball and brainwashing for digital currency would've come eventually though and spoiled the good thing we would've had coming.

On the other hand i found the menus of:
2011-2013 era as good and mature as

2015-2016 had a sence of "the more the merrier" but at least you knew what option you choose for,

2017 menus were a 2015-2016 tided-up version,

2018-2019 had a 2017 tided-up menu, but heavily favoring MyClub, with online shitty pop-ups and especially on 2019 pinning only MyClub tabs on first page.

2020 has this pseudo-minimal menu, but resulting to most player can't find how to play a simple custom league, or do the training mode. If you are not familiar with PES franchise, you need to do "tests" in order to play a simple option, while many viable and important options are hidden below the ground.
I agree, with all of that mate. 2015's menu was class. With the 3D render of random players on the menu with the debut of the tiles. I never understood why they got rid of the player, I don't recall it ever affecting performance or anything?

I remember when they first revealed the new PES 2020 menu at E3 i think during the live play test, And i truly assumed it was just a functional placeholder with how minimal it looked - I thought surely it wouldn't ship like that? I was shocked when it made it into the game, If not just for how amateurish it looked and the choice of player pictures they went with was such an afterthought it seemed.

Also, Took me a few goes to realise they moved all the competition modes into Kick Off!
Haha that was hilarous to read. PES 2014 in my opinion has absolutely surpassed 2008 as far as being the worst PES launch i can think of. To PES 2014's credit they was able to salvage most of it thanks to patches which wasn't common place in the series in 2008. And 2008 was at least a more cohesive game that still had PES magic in essence.

I don't hate 2014, It's more of a historical prototype if anything for what a pure simulation PES could be, Just the timing was horribly wrong. The future of the series could've been so different at least for a couple of years, If the PES 2014 impression was perfect. They released that game a year early, I truly believe that. I do think the fetish for blitzball and brainwashing for digital currency would've come eventually though and spoiled the good thing we would've had coming.

I agree, with all of that mate. 2015's menu was class. With the 3D render of random players on the menu with the debut of the tiles. I never understood why they got rid of the player, I don't recall it ever affecting performance or anything?

I remember when they first revealed the new PES 2020 menu at E3 i think during the live play test, And i truly assumed it was just a functional placeholder with how minimal it looked - I thought surely it wouldn't ship like that? I was shocked when it made it into the game, If not just for how amateurish it looked and the choice of player pictures they went with was such an afterthought it seemed.

Also, Took me a few goes to realise they moved all the competition modes into Kick Off!
Yeah, just this is what i forgot to post. The pes2015 player on the background, wearing the shirt of the club you picked as favourite team. If it was an edited one, it was like the perfect showcase for your kits.
I don't remember eithet to drop performance, even on my potato PC. But i remember posts from people complaining about performance issues cause of this. It had also some similar fullscreen visuals in ML , when you were signing new players or when your lads had a NT teams call, but guess what. It was removed also, on future PES releases.
I feel the same about the cut scenes during matches, the celebrations go on too long with players acting out taking selfies and giving it the big ’I am’. I cant stand that arrogance in real football and so certainly don’t like it in PES. And it takes more than one button press to get through them. I don’t mind seeing the cut scenes in retro PES because they only last a few seconds and then it is back on with the match.

It's this, and also the sheer amount of time it can take to simply pause the game in PES 2020. I've found myself being summoned through to another room for little to no reason thanks to my girlfriend and when I return the CPU is on the attack. Turns out pressing the options button 14 times isn't enough to cut through the necessary replays and animations.

The obnoxious myClub pop ups when you boot the game or the forced connection to the online database when ever you want to play an exhibition is just infuriating.

This. A million times this. There's no such thing as a quick game of PES 2020.
Hi Chill, my family and me are good thanks hope yours is too.

I have only played the newer PES’ a few times but yes I agree I find the new menus confusing and slow to react to button pressing etc...I much prefer the simplicity of the older games.

I feel the same about the cut scenes during matches, the celebrations go on too long with players acting out taking selfies and giving it the big ’I am’. I cant stand that arrogance in real football and so certainly don’t like it in PES. And it takes more than one button press to get through them. I don’t mind seeing the cut scenes in retro PES because they only last a few seconds and then it is back on with the match.

You can only transfer what you can edit ’in game’. So not stadiums, faces, fancy kits etc...basically you cannot transfer a whole patch.
Oh ok, I’ll have to do that by burning onto the CD.
It's this, and also the sheer amount of time it can take to simply pause the game in PES 2020. I've found myself being summoned through to another room for little to no reason thanks to my girlfriend and when I return the CPU is on the attack. Turns out pressing the options button 14 times isn't enough to cut through the necessary replays and animations.

This. A million times this. There's no such thing as a quick game of PES 2020.
The most crazy part is, if you boot up PES 2015-16-17-18, that the server is down, in 3~5 seconds you are on the main menu, plus intro video skipped!
Finally uploaded the first episode of my Euro 2012 odyssey with PES 2012. And let me tell you, This game is truly incredible. I jumped into here it and there as I've hyper actively rotated my retro PES sessions but when you finally commit to it for the haul of a tournament, you really have a chance to get acquainted to the games strengths and weaknesses.

It's something that really makes the heart ache - The notion that once upon a time the most important thing to Konami was capturing the ebb and flow of a football match realistically, While still respecting the simplicity of controls, Player inertia and ball physics.

Many of us know there can be times in this series where you can see a situation unfold or a goal coming from a mile off and it totally breaks your immersion and just sours you a little because you know you had no agency in preventing it but with PES 2012, There truly is drama and diversity.

Many times when i saw a ball land in someones lap for a goal and they either miss or it's saved heroically, I leap out of my seat. Long shots are so perfectly balanced that you never know what side of the net it's going to nestle in and that's even if you can connect with a sweet strike in the first place. I used to think shooting was weak on this but it's not, Just contextual.

My only complaints that I've noticed after finishing all the group stage games now is that the game has a touch of AI "ninja dribbling" - When they turn it on it can be literally impossible to tackle them despite it making perfect sense for them to lose the ball. I think sometimes it sticks to their feet for the sake of an animation which probably coincides with the :l1: & R3 trick combo function introduced in PES 2011.

My second complaint is sometimes your team mates can become very static. Your blazing forward with a lethal counter attack, Waiting for that penetrating run of a winger or forward but they just... Don't move? You end up running past your own runners and it just fizzles out or you hold up the ball hoping they'll wake up and burst on through but then you get ganged up on by defenders and you lose the ball.

Other than those 2 niggles and the usual Konami mystery behind a lack of customisation options in cup modes and forcing every game to be played at night as if nobody tested these things, On the pitch the game is an emotional, Immersive breath of fresh air. PES 2013 has been getting a lot of love on Twitter this week, Here in our corner I've noticed 2012 is considered to be a more definitive simulation than 2013 although i'm sure the latter introduces some quality of life improvements in other areas too.

It's time for UEFA Euro 2012, Co-hosted by Poland & Ukraine - Courtesy of the incredible PES 2012!

Finally uploaded the first episode of my Euro 2012 odyssey with PES 2012. And let me tell you, This game is truly incredible. I jumped into here it and there as I've hyper actively rotated my retro PES sessions but when you finally commit to it for the haul of a tournament, you really have a chance to get acquainted to the games strengths and weaknesses.

It's something that really makes the heart ache - The notion that once upon a time the most important thing to Konami was capturing the ebb and flow of a football match realistically, While still respecting the simplicity of controls, Player inertia and ball physics.

Many of us know there can be times in this series where you can see a situation unfold or a goal coming from a mile off and it totally breaks your immersion and just sours you a little because you know you had no agency in preventing it but with PES 2012, There truly is drama and diversity.

Many times when i saw a ball land in someones lap for a goal and they either miss or it's saved heroically, I leap out of my seat. Long shots are so perfectly balanced that you never know what side of the net it's going to nestle in and that's even if you can connect with a sweet strike in the first place. I used to think shooting was weak on this but it's not, Just contextual.

My only complaints that I've noticed after finishing all the group stage games now is that the game has a touch of AI "ninja dribbling" - When they turn it on it can be literally impossible to tackle them despite it making perfect sense for them to lose the ball. I think sometimes it sticks to their feet for the sake of an animation which probably coincides with the :l1: & R3 trick combo function introduced in PES 2011.

My second complaint is sometimes your team mates can become very static. Your blazing forward with a lethal counter attack, Waiting for that penetrating run of a winger or forward but they just... Don't move? You end up running past your own runners and it just fizzles out or you hold up the ball hoping they'll wake up and burst on through but then you get ganged up on by defenders and you lose the ball.

Other than those 2 niggles and the usual Konami mystery behind a lack of customisation options in cup modes and forcing every game to be played at night as if nobody tested these things, On the pitch the game is an emotional, Immersive breath of fresh air. PES 2013 has been getting a lot of love on Twitter this week, Here in our corner I've noticed 2012 is considered to be a more definitive simulation than 2013 although i'm sure the latter introduces some quality of life improvements in other areas too.

It's time for UEFA Euro 2012, Co-hosted by Poland & Ukraine - Courtesy of the incredible PES 2012!

If i can make an analogy, no equals of course, what is pes5 and pes6, is pes2012 and 2013. I mean pes5/pes2012 pays attention to more simulation aspects, like inertia, slow tempo, while pes6/pes2013 is the more "arcadey" in sense. They are also simulations , but is more easy for a match on pes6/pes2013 to transform into an end-to-end "run & gun".

All the next gen 2011-12-13 saga is good, but it has only one cons that doesn't allow me to love the game 100%. The player models and the ball are so small in size compared to every other PES title, that doesn't help me to feel the weight, the physicality to its 100%. It reminded me much of FIFA 11 models.
I remember back then, after 2 years of playing pes2011 and 2013, when i watched the first YouTube video of pes2015 i felt like back to basics, cause the player models looked big again, they were like giants, on my first watching!
Another couple of matches in ML season 1, both are away against Huddersfield.

The first match is the EFL Cup Quarter Final 1st Leg and I made a few changes including the one and only Zamenhof in goal for his first game this season. I love the attacking by the CPU in this game, especially Mbenza who was excellent throughout.

Huddersfield 3 Canvey 0, as I said Mbenza was excellent. I loved his second goal, the way he headed it down and burst through. But the way he set up Campbell for the third it took me completely by surprise. I thought he was going to shoot but instead he laid it off for Campbell to place it from about 20 yards. Leaves us with it all to do in the second leg. Brighton meanwhile still have not conceded a goal.

Next it is Matchday 5 in the league, away against Huddersfield again. This time we have a full strength team.

Huddersfield 0 Canvey 2, this was a complete smash and grab. Huddersfield were pretty dominant especially in the first half especially with King in an AM position. But we got a lucky penalty, no way was it in the box. Gutierrez scoring from the spot with his first of the season. Then there was a couple of chances from Town, and then we got a free kick and this time Jaric put it away. You have to feel for Town, but now we have won our last 2 league games and up to 3rd. Brighton finally conceded a goal in their 1-0 loss to Fulham, we have Fulham 2nd against 3rd...
@geeeeee some great CPU goals there, the kind you can only applaud really. Third one was the icing on the cake. Great unselfish awareness for the assist and then a perfectly placed finish from distance. Reminds me of when Busquets scores a rare goal, how he calmly almost passes it in with perfect weight and precision. At least you got a little revenge in the next match.
Huddersfield 3 Canvey 0, as I said Mbenza was excellent. I loved his second goal, the way he headed it down and burst through. But the way he set up Campbell for the third it took me completely by surprise. I thought he was going to shoot but instead he laid it off for Campbell to place it from about 20 yards. Leaves us with it all to do in the second leg. Brighton meanwhile still have not conceded a goal.
That third goal was very human like play from the AI wasn't it. Great awareness to roll it back for the strike and a lovely guided finish.

But we got a lucky penalty, no way was it in the box.

He could barely see the box from where he went down :LOL:
@MafiaMurderBag Great! I was looking forward to that Euro of yours. And I can also enjoy the presentation of this PES 2012 that I've never played. I actually think the graphic cannot be better than that

As for myself, I've started playing PES 1 (Pro Evolution Soccer for PS2) and the game is totally different from other PES titles. Did you know that it actually has 4 gears?? Like, it has 4 different running speeds depending on which button you're holding!

R1 - the fastest dash
R2 - "trotting" with the ball
normal speed
L1 - slow dribble

I had to read the manual because I couldn't pull off anything in this game. Now I'm kinda getting the hang of it, but a couple of days ago I was trashed by Jamaica 4-0 and I was playing with Russia. I couldn't even get into their half and shoot, let alone have a scoring opportunity.

I just wanted to show you just how difficult this game is:

While (certainly re-) reading some dribbling tutorials for the old games, I found this sheet. Reminded me of the times when there were booklets coming with the game. Instructions on paper.

And did I mention how much i love that there is an intro video coming up every time I boot 2017?! I’m sure i did, but it’s just so nice!! Every time! For me at least. :D

Edit: I even checked the god damn lyrics on that song so I can sing along. :WOOT:
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2012 is a complete game. The thing that used to bother me the most is the physics on through balls, both high and low. It seems sometimes they are on some kind of binary, or at least that's how I perceive them. But for the rest- players IDs, team playing varied football, individuality, shooting, passing.. it's a very good experience. Plus it's the last year of our beloved defaults and the last game that had Seabass credited as a producer.

2013 is also very good but something was certainly lost in the process.

@MafiaMurderBag which camera are you using?
@Meazza84 Nice video man. It does looks quite tough to break the lines. Has a nice flow about it and the (invisible) ref seems quite whistle happy which I like. Remind me, was this the first PES to feature super cancel? Or was it the last one to not include it?
@MafiaMurderBag Great! I was looking forward to that Euro of yours. And I can also enjoy the presentation of this PES 2012 that I've never played. I actually think the graphic cannot be better than that

As for myself, I've started playing PES 1 (Pro Evolution Soccer for PS2) and the game is totally different from other PES titles. Did you know that it actually has 4 gears?? Like, it has 4 different running speeds depending on which button you're holding!

R1 - the fastest dash
R2 - "trotting" with the ball
normal speed
L1 - slow dribble

I had to read the manual because I couldn't pull off anything in this game. Now I'm kinda getting the hang of it, but a couple of days ago I was trashed by Jamaica 4-0 and I was playing with Russia. I couldn't even get into their half and shoot, let alone have a scoring opportunity.

I just wanted to show you just how difficult this game is:

where do you play those good old goodies? :)

now you made think of buying ps2 to play those old pes games :D
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