The Retro-PES Corner

Since years ago, I noticed something about Ligue - maybe ML too - at least in PES 6 / 2008
When you play an exhibition game before playing a Ligue/ ML game, the opponent team will change the lineup
Hey guys, does anyone know if and how I can convert/import my WE/WE9LE/PES5 OF into emulated PS2 WE10?
I fired PES up again a few times and really feel like playing with some teams not from 2006....
@Flipper the Priest: Plus you only have to go to Sany's installers thread and you're set for life (or two or three lifetimes...) when it comes to quality entertainment.
I'm with you, I don't know why the "retro wagon" you speak of isn't popular yet, especially in a time where both football franchises are clearly out of ideas, failing to move their games forward, whilst being hated with a passion by their "fan"bases. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the general audience doesn't really know how to enjoy retro gaming. Upon trying, say, a PES3, 50% will say "it's old!", 40% will claim ridiculous things like "oh but this game doesn't have 360 degrees dribbling or 4K graphics like the new PES!" (as if more advanced technology automatically made something more enjoyable...) and the remaining 10% will be wise enough to appreciate a retro gaming for what it brings to the table: a deal that gets you countless, varied entertainment options, countless mods and an opportunity to travel back in time - either for nostalgia, curiosity or to enlarge your knowledge about gaming history. No, it doesn't get you 4K graphics but I'd say this is a fantastic deal nevertheless.

@geeeeee: I certainly am. This PES5 disk (in perfect condition) cost me...50 cents. One of the greatest football games of all time for 50 cents. Last time I checked on that same store your beloved PES08 PS2 was for sale for...1 euro. This is madness. It's as if you found gold and put it in the trash because it tastes weird...

Regarding the commentators, lately I've been listening only to the English ones on PES2, mainly because of this:

...but I generally prefer the Spanish dudes, they're much more enthusiastic.

Am thoroughly enjoying your videos, the attacking AI seems much better than on the default game (which is already pretty good!).

@Madmac79: You're right, again, why did they remove that? This means I'll have to do a ML on PES2 too at some point.

@reinelt97: Wow, I had no idea that the CPU would sign players for you in time of absolute need, how interesting! Old-gen PES11 is one of the best of the PS2 era: the gameplay is a bit more arcade-y but very tough and fun, plus there's loads of content like the Libertadores, CL, BaL, etc. And, at least on the PSP, it's the PES with the biggest stadium count.
@Flipper the Priest: Plus you only have to go to Sany's installers thread and you're set for life (or two or three lifetimes...) when it comes to quality entertainment.
I'm with you, I don't know why the "retro wagon" you speak of isn't popular yet, especially in a time where both football franchises are clearly out of ideas, failing to move their games forward, whilst being hated with a passion by their "fan"bases. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the general audience doesn't really know how to enjoy retro gaming. Upon trying, say, a PES3, 50% will say "it's old!", 40% will claim ridiculous things like "oh but this game doesn't have 360 degrees dribbling or 4K graphics like the new PES!" (as if more advanced technology automatically made something more enjoyable...) and the remaining 10% will be wise enough to appreciate a retro gaming for what it brings to the table: a deal that gets you countless, varied entertainment options, countless mods and an opportunity to travel back in time - either for nostalgia, curiosity or to enlarge your knowledge about gaming history. No, it doesn't get you 4K graphics but I'd say this is a fantastic deal nevertheless.

@geeeeee: I certainly am. This PES5 disk (in perfect condition) cost me...50 cents. One of the greatest football games of all time for 50 cents. Last time I checked on that same store your beloved PES08 PS2 was for sale for...1 euro. This is madness. It's as if you found gold and put it in the trash because it tastes weird...

Regarding the commentators, lately I've been listening only to the English ones on PES2, mainly because of this:

...but I generally prefer the Spanish dudes, they're much more enthusiastic.

Am thoroughly enjoying your videos, the attacking AI seems much better than on the default game (which is already pretty good!).

@Madmac79: You're right, again, why did they remove that? This means I'll have to do a ML on PES2 too at some point.

@reinelt97: Wow, I had no idea that the CPU would sign players for you in time of absolute need, how interesting! Old-gen PES11 is one of the best of the PS2 era: the gameplay is a bit more arcade-y but very tough and fun, plus there's loads of content like the Libertadores, CL, BaL, etc. And, at least on the PSP, it's the PES with the biggest stadium count.
@miguelfcp @geeeeee and anyone tried all the PESes and WEs for PSP. As all of you have revied the PES games for PSP and we know the standards, does this game follow the old PSP titles? I mean framerate drop on corners and 1 stadium only.
Just WOW! I had no idea Ps2 Pes 2011 had all that stuff. I tought ML was more or less the same one as always. If it has the same depth of the Ps3/Pc one it's seriously worth a try. Plus the Libertadores and the CL! Man I was already full of retro Pes/WE to try out, it seems somehow it never ends :LOL:

By the way, since this is the condition of 2011, I'd love to know if other chapters like 2010, 12 or 13 retained some of the features of their next gen counterparts in the ML. Would blow my mind even more! I'm drooling at the tought of playing whatever Ps2 title there is with some added managerial depth.
In the end, I chose to play a kind of Champions League with the almighty...Navarra! (It turns out, it'll be more of a club world cup because the group stage won't have CL's 6 matches (home and away), only 3).

Our group was, in theory, an easy one to overcome - but then again, we're Real Madrid - ahem, Navarra! - and this squad is one of the most memorable of the millennium, so we are expected to win it all and in style.
Navarra, Noordzee-something (I assume it's Feyenoord, but with all the Oranges00x, one never knows...), Ruhr (Leverkusen) and Provence (Monaco?). Anyway, the names of our opponents don't even matter. They could all be called Oranges and Apples and Bananas for all we care: we're Navarra and we're going to win.

The first match was against Noordzee-something. Like I said, there are far too many Oranges00x on that team, but I soon found out it had to be Feyenoord when a certain tall, dark striker almost scored a brilliant free kick with the trademark effortlessness and class that was to typical of FK specialist...Van Hooijdonk. Still, after 30 minutes we had already scored twice (both by Figo) and we weren't even trying. 2-0 by halftime, we got this...maybe not. Noordzee-something improves a lot and sneaks back in with the 2-1. We still got this under control. Minutes later, the unthinkable:

Oranges00FreeKickTaker, probably Van Hooijdonk, avoids Makelele with a classy and effective first touch, then delivers a wonderful lob to possibly yet another Oranges00something, who headers it brilliantly for the 2-2. Navarra's defender who didn't even jump and let the alleged-Oranges alone for a header? Guess who...
...Pavon. Freakin' Pavon.

2-2, but we're not over yet. Helguera does his best Beckenbauer impression and orchestrates a counter-attack by himself, sending a killer pass on the right moment to Raul, who scores the final 3-2.


It was far from a brilliant exhibition, but a win is a win.


Next was vs. Ruhr. Better team than Noordzee-something, for sure: a young Ballack, Neuville, Kirsten...
Much like our previous encounter, we were far from totally dominating the match, yet this time we failed to score early on, which gave hope to a threatening Ruhr team. Halftime, 0-0. The problem is, the second half derailed the game completely - and it was all Pavón's fault. Navarra gets a red card. 5 minutes later, another. 15 min later, the 3rd - one of those red cards was actually awarded to Pavón...The ref was a black guy who has also haunted me on later retro-PES titles, so I know it's personal. it's alright though, we still have Figo, Zidane, Raul, Morientes, Roberto Larcos...we can do this - though by the 3rd red card, we were already losing 0-1. I switch to an ambitious 3-3-1 with Roberto Larcos as a false CB-actually-LB, Zidane as "Zizou-Take-The-Wheel-And-Do-Something-To-Get-Us-Out-Of-This-Hole-Midfielder", Ndjitap as the work horse, Valdo as the guy I did not even remember to have subbed in and Raul up front. This did work early on, when Morientes was still around and he scored the 1-1; up until the last five minutes when the inevitable happened: Ruhr finally scored the 1-2 they did deserve and won the match.


So, before the last matchday, the standings foreshadow loads of drama!


Pavon is suspended for the last fixture so we'll surely win it.
@slamsoze: Now that you mention it, I have no idea whether there's any difference between PES/WE on the PSP, I never played a WE there.
The framerate issue happens mostly on corners yes and it's a feature that was only totally eliminated from the game post-PES2008 PSP (PES08 still has it).
As for the stadiums, from PES5 to I believe PES10, only Blautraum Stadion existed on the PSP versions. PES11 as I said is the game with the most venues, containing the PS2 stadiums such as the older ones (Cuito Cuanavale, Gran Chaco, etc.) as well as the newer ones introduced recently on newgen PES, like Estádio do Dragão, Estádio do Escorpião, etc. On the PSP, post-PES11 up until PES14 has less stadiums than PES11 for some reason.

If that WE2007 is anything like PSP PES6 - looks like it -, it'll have that framerate issue and 1 stadium only.

@Madmac79: Retro-PES is the gift that keeps on giving! I haven't played a PS2 PES ML post-PES09 but on the PSP versions, the ML is pretty much your classic ML still, with a few tweaks here and there. I remember the game's calendar had more days in it (though I don't think it was a full calendar anyway), at some point real money was introduced to replace PES Points, and you can improve/downgrade a coach, a scout and I believe a kind of fanbase manager - which would impact how your players evolved, how competent your transfer market activity would turn out to be and how profitable your fanbase would be for your club. Basic stuff, but adds to the immersion.
@miguelfcp Haha love that PES 2 English commentary.

Not sure if you guys follow a youtuber "TheTrueBrits", he mostly has does newer PES content, but recently he started a mini-series with PES 6 doing a champions league run with Real Madrid. What's interesting was how he reacted going back to a retro PES game. His first game he struggled a bit getting used to how the game plays, and gave some positive comments on the game but I felt his overall comments seemed to indicate the game is a bit out-dated.

Well he released his 2nd video yesterday and play a couple more games in this series, and at one point even said that this game is more fun than PES 2020 as the game was fast, lots of action, and drama. Something else I noticed was a lot of the comments on the video were really positive and some said how the game looked more fun than PES 2020.

I think this backs up all of our own opinions of how the retro PES games are just more "fun". They have enough simulation that it feels like we are really playing a football game, but isn't taking too far in the sim side where it takes away the fun aspect.

Here is a link to his latest video if anyone wants to check it out.

Briefly tried Pes 2011 ps2 before dinner. Had a blast! ML is indeed like a smaller scale version of the next gen one as already described by @reinelt97 .. scouting, players and team popularity, sponsors and so on. Could really be a gold mine for challenges. I just played a game for test, which I lost 2-1 and I found the cpu quite good; they scored me this nice goal:

unfortunately replay is too short, but in the not-seen portion Leto smartly brought my defense around by dribbling backwards and then suddenly served their left wing, who crossed and put Govou in condition to score with a casual head/shoulder shot, that caught my keeperby surprise.
Then they also tried to waste time near the corner flag in the final minutes.

When I'll feel like making a pause from Pes 3 ML, I think I'll do at least a Copa Libertadores here :SMUG:
Speaking about tournaments, if someone here is playing this patch..

View attachment 39617 can try my OF. I started doing it some time ago, and came back to finish it now. It has two things:

1) Alex gameplay, that I think is one of the most interesting and realistic for PES6.
2) My own tactics for all 32 WC teams participants. They are carefully recreated using Pes Classic Stats website, some of my own knowledge as well as teachings of @Chenghis.Khan (in fact, some tactics are taken straight from his own WE9 option file). I don't remember all teams and there was a fair share of guessing and assumptions involved, so not claiming they are perfect by any means. Have not even played with all of them.


(hope the link works)

I just tried a few games with that patch and your OF and it's great fun!
I like those stat changes, especially the Balance one. The game finally feels slow and heavy while still keeping the fun. Keeping the ball in the final third requires some serious trickery for me, those crazy CBs & DMs with their supercharged BB & RES destroy everything they can touch. Very nice. I'm a bit worried about losing player individuality this way, although competent dribblers, long passers and strong or tricky strikers already stand out. Prosinecky should've been born 25 years later, he'd be perfect for the game right now with his ability to resist & evade pressure. Also playing against Holland, they made great use of their pair of technical forwards, keeping possession and bringing others into play and controlling really difficult passes.

I noticed the OF is set to Professional difficulty. Do you find the AI plays better this way compared to Top Player?

Also congrats on the team tactics! I'm really liking what I've seen so far (top teams mostly). The game feels like it did back then with the field wide open and space everywhere because both defenses stay kinda camped around their respective boxes. Combining between the lines is hard (if there are any lines at all....), the formations of that time kinda force you into hopeful long balls into the forwards just to pray they win a 1v1 or 1v2 duel and can keep the ball a little while your midfielders slowly catch up. Ugly but beautiful. xD

I noticed a few little things:
- German RB Stefan Reuter is not a black man, he's as white as they come °°
- I'd give German AM Häßler two diagonal forward arrows to get him to look for wider spaces more. The German AM role back then was by no means confined to the centre of the pitch.
- Mihaljovic should be taking all the Yugoslavian dead balls, c'mon
- I edited some player stats, onl wanted to change what seemed safe as don't have a feel for the new stat environment with all these global reductions.
- I began modifiying player positions. I'd only give them the roles they played within their NT tactics that year and remove all others, no matter where they played in their clubs. Rivaldo being registered *AM, Beckham *CM, Thon *SW and so on. I want the AI to pick the right players in WC mode.

Why are there some midfielders and defenders with the *Post Player special ability, was that done on purpose?

I also have an idea. Because the tournament already happened and we know how the players actually performed, we can edit the CONDITION/FORM stat to reflect their performance. Players who played well will get better form arrows and vice versa.
Higher for players who played great in most games, like basically all the french defenders and DMs/CMs or M. Laudrup, Owen, Thon, Dunga, Cafu, Roberto Carlos, etc..
Lower for everyone who was struggling to find their form or wasn't as effective for the NT compared to club play like Beckham, Scholes, Matthäus or Seedorf (correct me if I'm wrong),.
Bench players with 1st 11 worthy stats rated a bit more inconsistent, like Henry, Trez, Pires, Prosinecky.
Hey guys, does anyone know if and how I can convert/import my WE/WE9LE/PES5 OF into emulated PS2 WE10?
I fired PES up again a few times and really feel like playing with some teams not from 2006....

I'm not sure how the emulator OF works but can you load a WE10 OF into the editor and is it the PES6 editor (or was it 2008, if that then my idea won't work) If you can load it into 6, then you could export a csv from the PES5 editor and import it into 6 with the new import option. Sadly though I have a feeling WE9 was the one that you could do with the 6 editor though.

Prosinecky should've been born 25 years later, he'd be perfect for the game right now with his ability to resist & evade pressure

Ah, Prosinecki, my all time favourite player. I had the privilege to watch him play for my team for a season at the tail end of his career. Our chairman at the time was a personal friend of his but even so it was totally unbelievable when I found out we'd signed him. I honestly thought it was a joke. My friend didn't really know much about him and I told him what a treat he was in for. I don't think he believed what I was telling him. He soon did. :)

I think he was 32 when he came to us. He couldn't run much, he allegedly smoked two packets a day and was completely and utterly brilliant. On another level to the rest of our team and you could see his frustration at times when they couldn't read what he was trying to do. I can't begin to imagine watching him live in his prime. He could pick out passes that you couldn't even see were on in sitting in the crowd. I'd have paid to watch him kick a ball around the garden. One memorable game he scored a hat-trick and was sensational, only for us to throw away a 4-2 lead to draw 4-4. At the end he turned to the crowd with his arms out and shrugged as if to say what more can I do?

I later watched several years of us in the Premier League for a few years after that and there wasn't a single player I saw who was better on the ball than him. Pure brilliance.
Speaking about tournaments, if someone here is playing this patch..

View attachment 39617 can try my OF. I started doing it some time ago, and came back to finish it now. It has two things:

1) Alex gameplay, that I think is one of the most interesting and realistic for PES6.
2) My own tactics for all 32 WC teams participants. They are carefully recreated using Pes Classic Stats website, some of my own knowledge as well as teachings of @Chenghis.Khan (in fact, some tactics are taken straight from his own WE9 option file). I don't remember all teams and there was a fair share of guessing and assumptions involved, so not claiming they are perfect by any means. Have not even played with all of them.


(hope the link works)

Wow man! No idea how I missed this since I downloaded this patch only a week or something ago (98 being my favourite WC ever).

Just did a bunch of games.. it truly plays beautifully! Between tactics and edits it feels so different than vanilla Pes 6. Really well done, playing a WC with your OF it's definitely on the list :) , maybe even from the qualifiers if the patch will permit it (which I honestly don't have idea of).
Some of you may remember myself, @miguelfcp and @sniglet released a Danish Div 2 (3rd Tier) OF for PES6 last year on the Project Odyssey thread. As I've been getting into 2013 I decided to transfer it over and then thought if I'm going to do that I might just as well get it up to date as well. Then I thought why not do the D1 and Super Liga too, so that's what I'm doing.

Anyway I've completed the D2 which consists of 24 teams in two leagues of 12, Group1 and Group 2. Once they've played twice the top 6 in each go into the Promotion group, the bottom 6 in each form the relegation group. Whatever points they have carry over and these two new leagues play the other 11 teams in their new league just once and the points are added to what they had previously. This decides Promotion/Relegation

My long term plan if @PeterC10 's tool goes to plan is to pick a team and see if I can get them up to the top level. In the meantime I'm going to play out a league manually (seeing as Konami took out the regular league option - seriously WTF Konami?) and pick one team in each league, one I will manage only, the other I will play as. I'm not sure who to pick yet so I'm going to watch the first round of fixtures in each and choose two teams.

Here's a little 5 or so mins clip of some goals and missed chances from the first 6 games from Group 1

I just tried a few games with that patch and your OF and it's great fun!
I like those stat changes, especially the Balance one. The game finally feels slow and heavy while still keeping the fun. Keeping the ball in the final third requires some serious trickery for me, those crazy CBs & DMs with their supercharged BB & RES destroy everything they can touch. Very nice. I'm a bit worried about losing player individuality this way, although competent dribblers, long passers and strong or tricky strikers already stand out. Prosinecky should've been born 25 years later, he'd be perfect for the game right now with his ability to resist & evade pressure. Also playing against Holland, they made great use of their pair of technical forwards, keeping possession and bringing others into play and controlling really difficult passes.

I noticed the OF is set to Professional difficulty. Do you find the AI plays better this way compared to Top Player?

Also congrats on the team tactics! I'm really liking what I've seen so far (top teams mostly). The game feels like it did back then with the field wide open and space everywhere because both defenses stay kinda camped around their respective boxes. Combining between the lines is hard (if there are any lines at all....), the formations of that time kinda force you into hopeful long balls into the forwards just to pray they win a 1v1 or 1v2 duel and can keep the ball a little while your midfielders slowly catch up. Ugly but beautiful. xD

I noticed a few little things:
- German RB Stefan Reuter is not a black man, he's as white as they come °°
- I'd give German AM Häßler two diagonal forward arrows to get him to look for wider spaces more. The German AM role back then was by no means confined to the centre of the pitch.
- Mihaljovic should be taking all the Yugoslavian dead balls, c'mon
- I edited some player stats, onl wanted to change what seemed safe as don't have a feel for the new stat environment with all these global reductions.
- I began modifiying player positions. I'd only give them the roles they played within their NT tactics that year and remove all others, no matter where they played in their clubs. Rivaldo being registered *AM, Beckham *CM, Thon *SW and so on. I want the AI to pick the right players in WC mode.

Why are there some midfielders and defenders with the *Post Player special ability, was that done on purpose?

I also have an idea. Because the tournament already happened and we know how the players actually performed, we can edit the CONDITION/FORM stat to reflect their performance. Players who played well will get better form arrows and vice versa.
Higher for players who played great in most games, like basically all the french defenders and DMs/CMs or M. Laudrup, Owen, Thon, Dunga, Cafu, Roberto Carlos, etc..
Lower for everyone who was struggling to find their form or wasn't as effective for the NT compared to club play like Beckham, Scholes, Matthäus or Seedorf (correct me if I'm wrong),.
Bench players with 1st 11 worthy stats rated a bit more inconsistent, like Henry, Trez, Pires, Prosinecky.

Thanks! As you noticed, I haven't invented anything new. The gameplay is not mine, and a good share of tactics are from your amazing OF.

It is slower and AI can be a real pain to break through, especially in competitive games. Balance edits give more fouls. I also play longer games (20min) games with it. I feel Professional gives a good enough challenge with this, as on Top Pro everyone turns into never tiring never stopping machines on the pitch. I don't think individuality is lost - even if you compare player radars, they still give you correct idea on strengths and weaknesses of each.

Fair spot on player stats, abilities or appearance (noticed the same with Reuter) - I haven't edited any of those, only except for Baggio I think. So any inconsistencies like those you mentioned should be addressed to patch makers.

I like this gameplay, although sometimes, in competitive games, AI get's crazily tough, when you hardly can take the ball from them. As if sometimes it works better/more fluid, sometimes not so much, don't know how to explain. I play this in exchanges with another OF, that has only agility (greatly) and all speed stats (slightly) reduced, and I like both.

If you edit/remake any of the tactics/stats/anything, feel free to share it! :))
Last edited:
Wow man! No idea how I missed this since I downloaded this patch only a week or something ago (98 being my favourite WC ever).

Just did a bunch of games.. it truly plays beautifully! Between tactics and edits it feels so different than vanilla Pes 6. Really well done, playing a WC with your OF it's definitely on the list :) , maybe even from the qualifiers if the patch will permit it (which I honestly don't have idea of).

Yeah, it's a definitely interesting alternative.

You'll get slightly disappointed, as there are only 32 teams playable from that final tournament. Amazing patch though, I just wish I could just play, for example, knockout stage, instead of having to play everything from the groups.
Some of you may remember myself, @miguelfcp and @sniglet released a Danish Div 2 (3rd Tier) OF for PES6 last year on the Project Odyssey thread. As I've been getting into 2013 I decided to transfer it over and then thought if I'm going to do that I might just as well get it up to date as well. Then I thought why not do the D1 and Super Liga too, so that's what I'm doing.

Anyway I've completed the D2 which consists of 24 teams in two leagues of 12, Group1 and Group 2. Once they've played twice the top 6 in each go into the Promotion group, the bottom 6 in each form the relegation group. Whatever points they have carry over and these two new leagues play the other 11 teams in their new league just once and the points are added to what they had previously. This decides Promotion/Relegation

My long term plan if @PeterC10 's tool goes to plan is to pick a team and see if I can get them up to the top level. In the meantime I'm going to play out a league manually (seeing as Konami took out the regular league option - seriously WTF Konami?) and pick one team in each league, one I will manage only, the other I will play as. I'm not sure who to pick yet so I'm going to watch the first round of fixtures in each and choose two teams.

Here's a little 5 or so mins clip of some goals and missed chances from the first 6 games from Group 1

Looking good :))

Not sure if I ever posted this here (I think you'd seen it at least @mattmid), but I had some fun with that original PES6 OF and created a little D2 highlights package based on the Danish SuperLiga style.

It also serves as a bit of a "proof of concept" for a small crowd sound patch. No idea if one of these exists already, but would be great for these more obscure leagues!
Some of you may remember myself, @miguelfcp and @sniglet released a Danish Div 2 (3rd Tier) OF for PES6 last year on the Project Odyssey thread. As I've been getting into 2013 I decided to transfer it over and then thought if I'm going to do that I might just as well get it up to date as well. Then I thought why not do the D1 and Super Liga too, so that's what I'm doing.

Anyway I've completed the D2 which consists of 24 teams in two leagues of 12, Group1 and Group 2. Once they've played twice the top 6 in each go into the Promotion group, the bottom 6 in each form the relegation group. Whatever points they have carry over and these two new leagues play the other 11 teams in their new league just once and the points are added to what they had previously. This decides Promotion/Relegation

My long term plan if @PeterC10 's tool goes to plan is to pick a team and see if I can get them up to the top level. In the meantime I'm going to play out a league manually (seeing as Konami took out the regular league option - seriously WTF Konami?) and pick one team in each league, one I will manage only, the other I will play as. I'm not sure who to pick yet so I'm going to watch the first round of fixtures in each and choose two teams.

Here's a little 5 or so mins clip of some goals and missed chances from the first 6 games from Group 1

05:15 isn't it offside?? I am analysing it in 0.5 speed!!!! It seems a little bit off the border of offside line. :P
@slamsoze I thought it was too, it's borderline but he does look just off. No VAR though. :D I forgot to add in a clip of a tackle that was a clear as day foul and certain yellow card, that didn't even get given! I do like the dodgy decisions though, all adds to the enjoyment. One thing I've noticed Konami had removed by now (2013) yet another good thing removed(!) is coming back to book a player after an advantage. Not sure what version this got taken out but it never should have been!
Looking good :))

Not sure if I ever posted this here (I think you'd seen it at least @mattmid), but I had some fun with that original PES6 OF and created a little D2 highlights package based on the Danish SuperLiga style.

It also serves as a bit of a "proof of concept" for a small crowd sound patch. No idea if one of these exists already, but would be great for these more obscure leagues!
Man. Those crowd sounds are awesome (for the appropriate fixture)! :LOVE:
Wish there were differences in future PES games respecting that!!

Just lovely!! :APPLAUD:
It also serves as a bit of a "proof of concept" for a small crowd sound patch. No idea if one of these exists already, but would be great for these more obscure leagues!

I just had a thought on this! The training ground! If we could find which file numbers those crowd sounds are, they even have the applause when you score remember, we could use those to replace all other crowd sounds.
I just had a thought on this! The training ground! If we could find which file numbers those crowd sounds are, they even have the applause when you score remember, we could use those to replace all other crowd sounds.

You're so right! Must test it out as is, but at the very least it would be a great baseline for adding a few more random sounds to, as I feel like it might be a bit quiet during general play even for Denmark D2 ... :D
You're so right! Must test it out as is, but at the very least it would be a great baseline for adding a few more random sounds to, as I feel like it might be a bit quiet during general play even for Denmark D2 ... :D

Yep :)

Yes, as you can use 5 slots for a team you could have that as the underlying sound on all of them add in stuff like you have in your clip, plus if we can find the light applause of a goal, do similar there.

Just trying to locate it in the 0_sound. I'm beginning to wonder if it's in that weird sound file that's in one of the _text's where the sound of the ball hitting the post and so on is in. Still, if it is it can be extracted and saved to .adx format anyway. But surely it must be in the 0_sound somewhere as it recognises a goal being scored so must play a separate file for that.
@sniglet I think it's 0_text unnamed_6844. I've managed to load it in as raw audio into Audacity, have to play it at half speed. Just going through it now to see
Looking good :))

Not sure if I ever posted this here (I think you'd seen it at least @mattmid), but I had some fun with that original PES6 OF and created a little D2 highlights package based on the Danish SuperLiga style.

It also serves as a bit of a "proof of concept" for a small crowd sound patch. No idea if one of these exists already, but would be great for these more obscure leagues!
What graphics patch is that mate ? looks glorious.
@Special4988: To me it's a matter of perspective. I understand how much of an initial "shock" it must be for someone playing PES or FIFA20 on a regular basis to make a sudden transition to a 10, 15 or 20 year old game. Of course he'll be tempted to compare the modern with the retro, which from a modern perspective will always benefit the former...but as you described, after a while and soon enough, one begins to see the individual value of each iteration, and sets out to take the most out of it.

Yet, even most who get on this journey don't last. They're dissatisfied with modern PES/FIFA, some are even downright mad at those franchise's developers (mainly because of the nefarious effect of microtransaction-based modes on the latest installments) and for that reason decide to go back to a famous past-PES, expecting it to be a kind of personal "football gaming saviour". This is dumb. Some of the retro-PES iterations we love here might be bloody fantastic, a few select ones were even totally revolutionary, but they're not going to jump on their time-machines, travel 20 years forward in time, come in, steal the show and save everyone from football gaming hell. So when I hear someone utter those famous "this retro-PES X title is better than PES/FIFA20!!!" I always suspect he will soon exit the retro-PES scene. He's comparing the incomparable, his perspective is faulty: the games we enjoy here are not the third footballing alternative on the market to PES and FIFA; they're not a kind of "This is Football 2020" or "Football Kingdom 2021", they are retro games. Personally, it was only after I truly internalized this that I was finally able to enjoy these titles.

@Madmac79: I'm very interested on yours and @reinelt97's experiences with PES11 PS2, providing of course that you carry on with it. I played a lot of the PSP version and it quickly became one of my retro-PES favourites. Recently I've gotten the PS2 version but haven't played much of it to be able to form an opinion yet.
A Libertadores save would be very interesting because of the player stats' range: there's the powerful sides with many great players, there's mediocre teams and there's also those downright horrible squads, similar to those Japanese D2 teams you'd find on a J-League WE 2008. That discrepancy should provide an unique experience.
Before the last fixture of this kind of Champions League's group stage, I got a message on PES2's screen warning me that if I didn't win the match, therefore moving past the group stage, the PES2 disk would self-destruct and I would never be able to control Navarra ever again. Zidane, Figo, Raul, Morientes out before the round of 16? Too humiliating.

Fortunately, we took care of business. By the 30th minute we were already winning 3-0, completely thrashing Provence. I had mentioned Pavon was suspended, so we played like never before.


At halftime it was 11-2 in shots on goal, so it's fair to say we took our feet off the proverbial pedal as soon as we got ourselves in a very comfortable position.

Ruhr and Noordzee-something's matchup ended in a draw, so we clinch the first place of the group.


...which supposedly was good news...? Not so much. Next up, we'd be facing...Lombardia (Milan), one of the best teams in the world.


This team needs no introduction. Maldini, Rui Costa, Shevchenko...this matchup was worthy of a CL final, and it played like one. I have to say this was one of the most memorable retro-PES matches I've had in years. No, it wasn't a goalfest, there were no fancy dribble moves; rather it was a super-intense match, where an unstoppable force met an immovable object.
We score first through a Zidane header, though the match was very balanced up to that point. Before the 20th minute, Milan ties it with a wonderful first-time shot by the one and only Inzaghi. At halftime, 1-1.

The 2nd half was a bit different. Navarra was collecting more decent scoring opportunities, and Lombardia decided to sit back, betting it all on their potent counterattacks. After wasting a few clear-cut-chances (in one of them Morientes had an open goal with the goalkeeper totally out of the scene and...he hits the post!), in an old-school Italian football way, Rui Costa takes a long freekick with only Sheva and Inzaghi up front, Inzaghi hits it first time with a 90 degrees volley and it's yet another amazing goal, 1-2.
After that goal, our domination only grew but Milan's defense was absolutely brilliant, especially Maldini who scared me so much with his defensive prowess that I wish I'll never have to face PES2's Lombardia ever again.


Of all 4 matches played, this was undoubtedly our best, and we lost it. Pavon had the game of his life as he totally single-handedly neutralized Shevchenko, but Inzaghi up front and Maldini at the back were enough to eliminate us.


This was so much fun, regardless of our early elimination. Zidane is a joy to play with. Roberto Larcos is probably even better than Roberto Carlos, at times it looks as if there are two or three of them at the same time on the pitch. Figo was decent, but I feel didn't get the most out of him, Raul and Morientes.
I am very tempted to do another pseudo-Champions League with Navarra soon...for now, I'll explore more teams. Aragon is probably next (for those wondering, it's Manchester United, despite "Aragón" being a Spanish region...
What graphics patch is that mate ? looks glorious.

If you mean the score display that appears at the start of the video, that was done in Adobe After Effects - I don't think there would be any way to make something like that by editing PES!

The gameplay footage is just default PES6 using @mattmid's option file with a custom stadium, with the internal resolution turned up high. I think I might have added a couple of filters to the gameplay though, there's definitely a subtle vignette and maybe some colour grading on the video captures.
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