The Retro-PES Corner

Wow! Impressive work... I've been trying to keep my expectations low, it's really not fair to put 15 year accumulated wishes into your work... but seeing this daily progress makes me think this time might be it. Hopefully we can slowly get to what we want...
I don't know why Rechi stopped working on his TeamSave Creator... he clearly worked very hard to make such progress on editing the ML save files and then dropped the tool. I don't think it was lack of motivation, as he kept working on PES6...

About the player ratings... instead of trying to match Konami's rating system wouldn't it be easier to export player stats from PES matches and apply a user made formula to get the ratings (based on those individual stats retrieved) that would be also used to get ratings on simulated matches? It's not like Konami's ratings are perfect...
@#71 yeah ideally, I just don't know if we'll be able to get them out of the game without them being manually entered, which would make every game played a bit of a chore. :D

The tool for swapping out teams I am calling PES Team Database for now. Good news is kits and boots both get refreshed the way I did it. With kits for example I have a team database folder in kitserver, and in there I have "team_181" for the team with ID 181. There is also another folder called "unused_sc_liverpool" (SC Liverpool is just a team from my previous custom league). If I want to swap the existing team's kit with SC Liverpool's I just need to rename the existing team_181 to something else, and unused_sc_liverpool to team_181. Then, without needing to restart PES, when I go to start the next match the new kit is there. Same for boots, still need to test faces and hair but should be the same. So if everything goes smoothly the process for swapping out teams will be as follows:

- Alt-tab from PES 6 to put it in windowed mode
- Open PES Team Database
- Select the team you want to replace, and which team should replace it
- Press a button to update kitserver (basically rename some folders) and the option file (import players, tactics, team emblem etc)
- Reload the option file in PES 6
- Good to go (hopefully!)

The only limit I can see right now is down to how many emblems the option file can store, which seems to be 50. So that just means only 50 teams from this database can be active at any time, which shouldn't be a problem I wouldn't have thought.

I'll hopefully get a first version of this out relatively soon, we'll need this and the player generator tool in good shape before work the simulation tool can start. This doesn't mean the simulation tool will need the team database tool or the player generator tool as such, but it will need the logic of both if that makes sense. :)
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Bayern beat Dynamo with the same goal difference as in reality (4:3) in two exciting games, whereas Internazionale eliminated Man United because of the away Schmeichel own goal and later Juventus to get to the final. I played with both ManUtd and Juve and couldn't eliminate this tight defensive team with an amazing forward combo (Djorkaeff - Ronaldo - Baggio (Zamorano)).

The final game is now over and the champions are....

@#71 yeah ideally, I just don't know if we'll be able to get them out of the game without them being manually entered, which would make every game played a bit of a chore. :D

The tool for swapping out teams I am calling PES Team Database for now. Good news is kits and boots both get refreshed the way I did it. With kits for example I have a team database folder in kitserver, and in there I have "team_181" for the team with ID 181. There is also another folder called "unused_sc_liverpool" (SC Liverpool is just a team from my previous custom league). If I want to swap the existing team's kit with SC Liverpool's I just need to rename the existing team_181 to something else, and unused_sc_liverpool to team_181. Then, without needing to restart PES, when I go to start the next match the new kit is there. Same for boots, still need to test faces and hair but should be the same. So if everything goes smoothly the process for swapping out teams will be as follows:

- Alt-tab from PES 6 to put it in windowed mode
- Open PES Team Database
- Select the team you want to replace, and which team should replace it
- Press a button to update kitserver (basically rename some folders) and the option file (import players, tactics, team emblem etc)
- Reload the option file in PES 6
- Good to go (hopefully!)

The only limit I can see right now is down to how many emblems the option file can store, which seems to be 50. So that just means only 50 teams from this database can be active at any time, which shouldn't be a problem I wouldn't have thought.

I'll hopefully get a first version of this out relatively soon, we'll need this and the player generator tool in good shape before work the simulation tool can start. This doesn't mean the simulation tool will need the team database tool or the player generator tool as such, but it will need the logic of both if that makes sense. :)

Wow, that's a tool right there on its own! Impressive stuff :)

Yes that's always been a pain about the emblems, I'm just guessing but would that likely be down to it being coded for playstation and limited memory or something? Although having said that I note there's 51 emblem slots on the PES2013 OF, so they made some progress at least in 6 versions :D

Like you say though it's not a problem as that's more than enough and even if it wasn't it seems it's hardly a long job to get another batch of teams in.

Look forward to seeing it. :)

Do you envisage the tool will be able to keep many seasons going with promotion/relegation etc and tables and so on?

Yes that makes sense.

It would be great if there was a way to get the player stats as @#71 suggested as then we could come up with a way of 'equalising' the ratings whether it was PES'd or simulated. Trust me from doing just 4 games a week, getting every players match stats would get old quickly! I think that'll be the hardest part if it's even possible, but if it is't then so be it.

I'm just getting something together that will hopefully help you with regard to player generation and the stats range we were talking about yesterday, will post it shortly.

I just did a csv dump of a default PES6 OF and removed all players that didn't have a team. I also removed PES/WE teams and all Team A-R players with their 60 stats. So these figures are from every player in the original PES6 game who were in a team squad.

First pic is the average rating for each stat by registered position. It's conditionally formatted across the whole grid and gives a good at a glance view of which stats (greens) are most important for each position. Having seen this I don't know why I ever didn't think of doing this before! It also shows that agility, though fairly high, is not a key stat for keepers which I was never quite sure if it was or not. Response seems the key stat and it's interesting to see that BAL is high too, the highest of any position in fact.


The second pic is the Largest and Smallest stat totals for each position. These are conditionally formatted across each row, so each stat is measured only against the others for the same position. You can clearly see here, in particular where the LOW's are in green that these are key stats for the position as they are the highest of their lows.


Hopefully these will give us a decent guide as to what sort of ranges our generated players need to be within. Although I imagine we'd also lower things a little bit when it comes to generating youth players if they're going to be generated as 15-17(18?)yr olds. This would allow for lots of years of growth. Which is a second whole can of worms. :)
@#71 yeah ideally, I just don't know if we'll be able to get them out of the game without them being manually entered, which would make every game played a bit of a chore. :D

The tool for swapping out teams I am calling PES Team Database for now. Good news is kits and boots both get refreshed the way I did it. With kits for example I have a team database folder in kitserver, and in there I have "team_181" for the team with ID 181. There is also another folder called "unused_sc_liverpool" (SC Liverpool is just a team from my previous custom league). If I want to swap the existing team's kit with SC Liverpool's I just need to rename the existing team_181 to something else, and unused_sc_liverpool to team_181. Then, without needing to restart PES, when I go to start the next match the new kit is there. Same for boots, still need to test faces and hair but should be the same. So if everything goes smoothly the process for swapping out teams will be as follows:

- Alt-tab from PES 6 to put it in windowed mode
- Open PES Team Database
- Select the team you want to replace, and which team should replace it
- Press a button to update kitserver (basically rename some folders) and the option file (import players, tactics, team emblem etc)
- Reload the option file in PES 6
- Good to go (hopefully!)

The only limit I can see right now is down to how many emblems the option file can store, which seems to be 50. So that just means only 50 teams from this database can be active at any time, which shouldn't be a problem I wouldn't have thought.

I'll hopefully get a first version of this out relatively soon, we'll need this and the player generator tool in good shape before work the simulation tool can start. This doesn't mean the simulation tool will need the team database tool or the player generator tool as such, but it will need the logic of both if that makes sense. :)

Sounds great!
I initially thought that it could be 'easier' if you had a kitserver with ALL teams (let's say 2000 folders for kits) and then we would only update the map.txt replacing teamID or just deleting the #. But I guess you found out a more convenient way of doing it ;)
I haven't open the links you provided yet... but I don't understand if those match simulations have some kind of relation to the team (players) value/stats. Is it just random or a better team with better players will have a higher chance of winning as in real life?

If you find any question/limitation on kitserver be sure to check with Juce... he seems a really nice guy and even if he doesn't have the time to help on PES6 I'm pretty sure he'll able to save you some time on a little doubt you might have...
Hmm... patience is being tested now. I am so so close to finishing my OF. Really thinking the players will be complete this weekend.

I have already had to change from getting stats from PSD to another site that converts FIFA stats to PES because PSD is forever having problems since the COVID 19 pandemic. But now the other site has stopped working too. :(

And i was just thinking how reliable that site had become.

Wondering if it will ever get finished.

Sorry for the moaning guys but this is completely frustrating. :(
Hi @Mr. Mine long time no hear. Hope you are well :)

No this not for PES5 or WE9LE like in the past, this is for PES2008 PS2 version. Been working on it for what seems like forever and just trying to get the last 40 players done but not happening because certain sites are not working.

Not surprising though with everything going on.

I just did a csv dump of a default PES6 OF and removed all players that didn't have a team. I also removed PES/WE teams and all Team A-R players with their 60 stats. So these figures are from every player in the original PES6 game who were in a team squad.

First pic is the average rating for each stat by registered position. It's conditionally formatted across the whole grid and gives a good at a glance view of which stats (greens) are most important for each position. Having seen this I don't know why I ever didn't think of doing this before! It also shows that agility, though fairly high, is not a key stat for keepers which I was never quite sure if it was or not. Response seems the key stat and it's interesting to see that BAL is high too, the highest of any position in fact.

View attachment 39671

The second pic is the Largest and Smallest stat totals for each position. These are conditionally formatted across each row, so each stat is measured only against the others for the same position. You can clearly see here, in particular where the LOW's are in green that these are key stats for the position as they are the highest of their lows.

View attachment 39690

Hopefully these will give us a decent guide as to what sort of ranges our generated players need to be within. Although I imagine we'd also lower things a little bit when it comes to generating youth players if they're going to be generated as 15-17(18?)yr olds. This would allow for lots of years of growth. Which is a second whole can of worms. :)

Nice! A few surprises in there. Also aggression in general for 'keepers is very low, as miguelfcp said earlier in the thread, there might be a link to this and getting the 'keepers to be more eccentric in terms of coming off their goal line.

Sounds great!
I initially thought that it could be 'easier' if you had a kitserver with ALL teams (let's say 2000 folders for kits) and then we would only update the map.txt replacing teamID or just deleting the #. But I guess you found out a more convenient way of doing it ;)
I haven't open the links you provided yet... but I don't understand if those match simulations have some kind of relation to the team (players) value/stats. Is it just random or a better team with better players will have a higher chance of winning as in real life?

If you find any question/limitation on kitserver be sure to check with Juce... he seems a really nice guy and even if he doesn't have the time to help on PES6 I'm pretty sure he'll able to save you some time on a little doubt you might have...

Yeah essentially that is what it will be, all folders for team kits in kitserver. Ideally it would just rewrite map but I'm pretty sure the map.txt only gets read when the game starts up, so changing this would need the game to be reset which I want to avoid, but maybe I could make it optional.

Regarding ESMS it's got a pretty good level of detail, players have attribute values (not as in depth as PES but stuff like passing, shooting, tackling etc). It also accounts for players getting more tired as the season goes on, tracks how many minutes they've played etc. So better players will have a better chance of winning, it also supports a range of formations which has an impact too.
Nice! A few surprises in there. Also aggression in general for 'keepers is very low, as @miguelfcp said earlier in the thread, there might be a link to this and getting the 'keepers to be more eccentric in terms of coming off their goal line.

Yeah, that would be interesting to test that out.
Christ, it was one heck of a job catching up with the last few days of chat! Different level stuff. I reckon I could've contributed to this discussion in 2006 but that was many bad PESes and many great vodka and cokes ago.

Great concept though. I've spent lockdown wrapped up in Master Leagues, Champ Man 01/02 and Mystify Soccer (another plug, I'm not on commission, honest!) and this seems to be some sort of mad blend of the three.

What I can pipe up about is CBs coming up for corners. From ISS Pro Evolution to PES4 I'm rather certain - if you left everything untouched - it'd be only your tallest charge who would come up from the back, regardless of ability. That was in a back four; almost never played a three. Hence my love for the V-Train and his 10 goals a season (see: my custom title).
Do you envisage the tool will be able to keep many seasons going with promotion/relegation etc and tables and so on?

Missed this message, but yeah that shouldn't be a problem. I've made databases for football leagues before, the only problem is they were built for web apps so will need something a bit different for a desktop app but the general approach should be the same. I don't see a problem with many seasons being run except potentially if it slows down because of the size of the database.
@Flipper the Priest: Something great is definitely brewing here, I really want to keep encouraging their work but I don't want to jinx it! So I just sit back and enjoy.
Yep, I'm inclined to think that to about CBs. Usually the tallest have better heading stats so that's why they go up for corners, while that particular ability might not even matter.
Plus, you know you've got the retro-PES fever once you read "V-Train" and already know who the guy is...

Here's a PES5 free kick on the highest attacking setting: as you can see on the radar, only two ML United players are behind the ball: they're Ruskin (LB) and Stremer (CB), whilst Libermann is on the opp.'s box, as well as Espimas, the tallest of the sidebacks.

An interesting thing happened on my ML. 90 minutes in, I was losing the match and had an offensive corner. Ivarov appears on the opp.'s box! Surely this wasn't in PES6, so is this yet another thing that got cut off from the game later on?
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Regarding the CB’s coming up for corners, does anybody use the tactic for a selected CB to come up? That works fine doesn't it?
@geeeeee Is that in PES2008? If so they must have put it back in after PES6 as it's not in that one. All I can say for certain is it is in 2013 (you can select up to 3) and they do come up - although not late on if you switch to all out defence, which is fair enough. I'm not sure at what point they stop coming up as far as att/def settings go but certainly on the lowest they don't.
An interesting thing happened on my ML. 90 minutes in, I was losing the match and had an offensive corner. Ivarov appears on the opp.'s box! Surely this wasn't in PES6, so is this yet another thing that got cut off from the game later on?

:) Given his ability for sticking the ball in his own net, you'd like to think he'd be quite useful too!
@Flipper the Priest: Something great is definitely brewing here, I really want to keep encouraging their work but I don't want to jinx it! So I just sit back and enjoy.
Yep, I'm inclined to think that to about CBs. Usually the tallest have better heading stats so that's why they go up for corners, while that particular ability might not even matter.
Plus, you know you've got the retro-PES fever once you read "V-Train" and already know who the guy is...

Here's a PES5 free kick on the highest attacking setting: as you can see on the radar, only two ML United players are behind the ball: they're Ruskin (LB) and Stremer (CB), whilst Libermann is on the opp.'s box, as well as Espimas, the tallest of the sidebacks.

An interesting thing happened on my ML. 90 minutes in, I was losing the match and had an offensive corner. Ivarov appears on the opp.'s box! Surely this wasn't in PES6, so is this yet another thing that got cut off from the game later on?
IIRC in some cases the GK coming for corner is triggered on PES 6 on last minutes. I am not sure if all-out-attack mentality triggers it or CPU chooses to go. You just have to wait for him to come from your goalpost. If you check the radar you will see him coming, on those cases.
Season 2 - ML United - Defaults Challenge

After an impressive first season, in which ML United was promoted to the D1, few believed it would be possible for this team of eternal underachievers to survive in a league comprised of a few of the best European sides outside of the big domestic leagues, such as Porto, Bosphorus (Besiktas), Pelopponisos (Olympiacos)...myself included. If I had had to bet, I'd say we'd be relegated right away.

Yet, surprisingly we managed to hold on to a mid-table spot from the start, thanks to a combination of a rock-solid defense and a disappointing offense. My goal for this season was to at least be competitive on the vast majority of league fixtures and we definitely achieved that, creating loads of problems for almost every team in the league on our matchups. However, because this division is so competitive, by mid-season every team had little point difference between one another; the last placed side could perfectly reach the WEFA competitions with just a couple of wins, that's how tight the season was turning out to be - which meant we had to be on our toes until the very end.

The mid-table spot we achieved almost from the very start (we spent the whole season navigating on the 9th-11th positions exclusively) was never lost and so our hopes of remaining in the D1 next season were never truly threatened: up until the last five fixtures, when a sudden lack of form manufactured a lot of unexpected drama as we get closer and closer to the relegation spots thanks to a few losses in a row. Only on the second-to-last fixture we were able to avoid relegation with an unexpected 0-1 win against one of the stronger teams in the league, Lisbonera.

Rangers wins the league, and Russia Rail performed their Great Escape as they spent a whole season on the 15/16th places, climbing out of those relegation spots on the last fixture! Interestingly, the D1's top scorer is a Russia Rail player, and not even a striker: Izmailov is his real name, another classic ML player of the retro-PES era who had loads of potential both in the game(s) and in real life, but never became that superstar we thought he'd be.


Few goals scored and conceded: the life of a PES5 player. We all know how the attacking CPU in PES5 is, even if on a few occasions it is able to show its teeth...

ML United's season MVP has to be...Castolo. Yes, him. Despite being the most affected by a sharp decline in his skillset, he was our top scorer. This season of his reminded the fans of his good old days back in the late 90s, when his hairstyle still looked hip.
Most players were brilliant, even the likes of Ceciu or...gasp...sometimes, even...Burchet. Hell, Zamenhof even scored a brilliant goal playing as a striker (there's proof of this unforgettable moment a few pages back, look it up). Is this the power of Kampfgeist? I don't know, but I'll never eliminate that sponsor from our team's shirts, that's for sure.

No one is retiring, so I can't make any transfers.

If previously I thought the future looked bleak, as the few classic "superstars" of this Default team grow old and shall retire soon (Minanda, Castolo, Espimas, etc.), now I'm very optimistic, as most of the young folks are improving much more than they did on my long-term PES08 PS2 ML save. Libermann is already better than he ever was on that previous experience of mine; Jaric is certainly one of the most impressive 20-year-old CBs on the database now; Ruskin improved more in half a season than in 15 years on my other save; Lothar hadn't even improved a single attribute previously and now he'll be reaching 80 DEF one of these days - and almost never plays, only on Cup matches. This team is going places.
@mattmid yes i believe it is called CB overlap. I will check tomorrow and let you know.

Well i finally finished the player’s stats in my option file PES2008 so i will be able to begin a ML. I will upload it and send the link if anyone wants to give it a go.

I won’t officially upload it as i still have faces to do, kits to do. Because i know that some (not you guys) will complain because ‘this and thats not correct’. Transfers are probably about 90% accurate because initially i was not going to include the Jan transfer window but because it has dragged on i have moved players to their correct teams as i have updated them.

I have to thank @josev for helping me get the last 20 or so player’s stats from PSD cached pages from Google. That really helped me get over the line but it was frustrating towards the end. That feeling of so close yet so far.

Anyways i am looking forward to finally starting an official ML this week and that should keep me going for quite awhile.

Still not sure wether to start with the newly named newly aged ML Defaults. No offers is putting me off a bit but i may decide to start off with a defaults challenge but then turn it to a more realistic ML. Maybe keep them until they retire and then buy ‘real’ players to replace them.

Have a good night peeps :)
Well i finally finished the player’s stats in my option file PES2008 so i will be able to begin a ML. I will upload it and send the link if anyone wants to give it a go.

That's great! Really pleased for you @geeeeee , I know how long and hard you've been working on that! Look forward to seeing how your ML pans out. You could compromise and pick a weak team to start with? I'll certainly download it - might have to csv it into 6 though as I can't bear the thought of a long ML on 2008 PC, if you're ok with that.

As @Flipper the Priest says I think the CB overlap is different, I'm playing 2013 at the moment and it's in there as a strategy whilst the 'up for corners' is a separate option. If I remember right it's not in PES6 as an option but I think if you put a forward arrow on a CB he'd go forward sometimes. It's hard to keep track with Konami isn't it, with the constant removing and putting back in of things as to what version has what!
Having recently gone full retro by linking my PS2 to a CRT rather than a modern TV and noticed the difference in the look and gameplay of PES 2008 and PES5, I thought I'd give the PS2 version of PES 2011 a spin over the weekend.

Now this game is of course one of the last PESes on PS2 and while it has basically the same gameplay as the PES6 era games, it also has all the features of the PS3 PES 2011 Master League, the Champions League licence, real currency rather than PES points and all the features Konami left behind in the classic era of PES. Oh and it also has new goal nets - sexy, bulging goal nets! :LOVE:

Anyway, my findings so far is while PES 2011(PS2) was fairly impressive on my modern TV, like the previous games, it really comes to life on an old telly. The graphics are really quite something - certainly a step up from PES 2008 which goes to show how much work Konami put into this game even though most had moved on to the PS3 by then. This lost, as I like to call them, era of PES games (PES 2009-2014 on PS2) really seem to push available technology to the limit in terms of graphics.

I'm finding gameplay as varied as PES 2008, player individuality possibly even better and the attacking AI as potent. Fouls and physicality are nowhere near the heady heights of PES5 but the shooting and weightiness on the ball physics are really quite something.

I'm looking forward to continuing the ML I started a while back on this game, having started with the defaults. Transfers seem more frequent among the other teams in the leagues although, once again, bids for my own players still seem lacking.
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So here is my set up for ML

League: English, beginning in the EFL Championship
Team: Canvey Eagles (ML Defaults)
Game Level: Regular (I find this level challenging as i am obviously not good but will increase if I get promotion)
Match Time: 15 min
ML Level: Hard
ML starting points: 10000
Player Development: Yes
Display Curve: No
Transfer Frequency: High

I am guessing by what others are saying that I won't get any offers from other teams for my ML Default players. If that is the case then I have to keep them until they retire. Only then can I buy a player.

But if I do get offers, then I will sell depending on my team's Ranking and the buying team's Ranking and also on the player's Mentality stat. (I have a system in place for this)

Also, when I can buy players they have to be real life players.

Here is the squad with additional first names for some and random ages. So some of the original defaults are younger or older than they normally would be.

GK. V. Ivarov 24
GK. Mathias Lothar 26
GK. Izaak Zamenhof 30

CB. Gerard Velany 29
CB. Novel Jaric 20
CB. Mika Stremer 24
CB. Billy Ceciu 18
CB. N. Libermann 19
CB. M. Baumann 23

SB. Mason Ruskin 18
SB. Daniel Gierson 22
SB. D. El Moubarki 19

DM. Bacco Dodo 27
DM. A. Iouga 22
DM. Ryan Stein 27

CM. I. van den Berg 24

SM. Jules Espimas 24
SM. Marino Ximelez 23
SM. Callum Macco 21

AM. Minanda 29
AM. W. Fouque 22
AM. A. Ettori 26

WF. Bailey Burchet 28

CF. Licerio Ordaz 24
CF. Castolo 25
CF. Marius Hamsun 18
CF. Bora Huylens 22
CF. Gutierrez 22


Crystal Palace
Leicester City
Manchester City
Manchester United
Newcastle United
Tottenham Hotspur
West Han United

Canvey Eagles (me)
Aston Villa
Cardiff City
Huddersfield Town
Norwich City
Sheffield United

Paris Saint-Germain

Bayer Leverkusen
Bayern Munich
Borussia Dortmund
Borussia Monchengladbach
Eintracht Frankfurt
RB Leipzig
Vfl Wolfsburg
Werder Bremen

AC Milan
Inter Milan

Athletic Bilbao
Atletico Madrid
Real Madrid

AZ Alkmaar
PSV Eindhoven
FC Porto
Zenit St. Petersburg
Lokomotiv Moscow
Shakhtar Donetsk
Boca Juniors
River Plate

I will take my time with this and hopefully post highlights of matches.
I always consider the Master League of PES 2012 the best.
Even better than PES 2020.
Why ?
Cause there was interactions with players about training, offers, shirt numbers and number of games, and their form will change depending on your response
I don't know why Konami deleted all of this from PES 2013 and the rest.
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