The Retro-PES Corner

I vaguely recall something about that, do you know why that approach was stopped? A limitation with the game?
To make a team database we'd need to be able to do the following:

  • Import the players (no problem)
  • Import the club details - names, colours etc (this can be done in the PES Fan Editor so should be able to be adapted)
  • Import the club tactics (tactics can be edited in the PES Fan Editor so should be able to be adapted)
  • Import the club logo (can use the emblem slots on the OF)
  • Update kitserver config for faces, boots, kits, stadiums etc (updating the config shouldn't be a problem, but not sure if it requires the game to be restarted, will have to test this. From memory I believe kits can be updated on the fly)
I think I'll look to make a fairly simple first version which is a database for "Other Leagues B" which has 5 teams.

Also have to take into consideration the player ID. Maybe made a list of IDs that covers 32 players for 5 teams and have a rule that a group of 32 must belong to a certain team, or be unregistered.

I guess depending on the size of league(s) you were running you could have any number of 'spare' 32 player team slots after that in the file. Would it be easier also to use the low end ID's for your league and then start at higher up for imported clubs? Perhaps at 2/3000? I think it's something like 4200 odd before you get into the ML and shop stuff (although the classic teams are lower down the ID aren't they?) Although I guess that doesn't matter as it won't be a ML being run so it's not as if it's going to crash anything in exhibition mode.

Formations would be a real bonus - I think they are in the team export in the 13 editor if that would help you with more info at all being as things seem similar through the years. Although I suppose only if the code is available and I have no idea if it is.

Off the top of my head I don't think kitserver does update without a restart, I'm sure I've tried that before after forgetting to add a kit. Could be wrong though.

What might be worth having as well is something along the lines that I started adding when you added the neck/chest/arms etc to the CSV. I was using a simple formula (using height/weight) to get numbers for that (and also not using anything above 1 either to get rid of all the meathead looking players!) to get a player looking at least somewhat near they would for their height/weight. If that was within the tool that would also help for youth players and indeed any players made.

I guess all you'd have to do kits and so on wise is just save a new map.txt with the relevant details?

All sounds great anyway!
Yes PES 2010 have a very fast tempo

thats a non issue with kitserver speeder and the setting of the cam angle multiplicator :))
id say its even the best aspect of playing this game, the slow and heavy gameplay like this, but the AI and issues mentioned ruin it
Yeah, that's the problem.
The game crashs on 63.
How do you find the IA ?

It seemed good from what I saw, but I'm also happy with the PES 6 AI in general so it is hard for me to judge. :)

I wonder if it always crashed or if its a Windows 10 issue, from what I can see this mod was released about 8 years ago.

I guess depending on the size of league(s) you were running you could have any number of 'spare' 32 player team slots after that in the file. Would it be easier also to use the low end ID's for your league and then start at higher up for imported clubs? Perhaps at 2/3000? I think it's something like 4200 odd before you get into the ML and shop stuff (although the classic teams are lower down the ID aren't they?) Although I guess that doesn't matter as it won't be a ML being run so it's not as if it's going to crash anything in exhibition mode.

Yeah there are more than enough ID slots it's just a case of being careful I think. Don't want to accidentally overwrite a player from another team in the base OF. Also need to handle what to do when a team you import has say 25 players, and the team it is replacing only has 5. Need to unregister 5 players without those 5 players keeping their details and going into free agents.

Formations would be a real bonus - I think they are in the team export in the 13 editor if that would help you with more info at all being as things seem similar through the years. Although I suppose only if the code is available and I have no idea if it is.

As the editor is able to fully (or at least almost fully) read formations it should be fairly simple to export and import them. Ideally we would want to have them editable outside of the game and editor but short term I don't think this is too much of a limitation.

Off the top of my head I don't think kitserver does update without a restart, I'm sure I've tried that before after forgetting to add a kit. Could be wrong though.

I'm almost certain it does load the kits live though. I remember years ago when making kits I would add them to kitserver, start a match to see how they looked, make some changes then restart the match and the new kit was there. If that is right then worse case is the tool would just replace the kit in kitserver with the new team's kit.

What might be worth having as well is something along the lines that I started adding when you added the neck/chest/arms etc to the CSV. I was using a simple formula (using height/weight) to get numbers for that (and also not using anything above 1 either to get rid of all the meathead looking players!) to get a player looking at least somewhat near they would for their height/weight. If that was within the tool that would also help for youth players and indeed any players made.

Yeah stuff like this will be essential I think. We also need formulas to say a centre back is more likely to be taller and so on. I think you mentioned before about player roles, the higher stats should be focused on the most important attributes for that role (but also allowing a generated full back to potentially have a hammer of a shot), so we need to come up with something for that. Football Manager has a pretty comprehensive list of roles so that could be a good start point.

I've already started on a basic attributes generator which makes use of that overall calculation that was posted earlier. Basically I tell the generator to keep going until the generated stats mean the player has an overall within an acceptable range of the target overall. I also added some stuff like saying if it is a striker, an the overall is set at 80, keep going until the shot accuracy, response etc attributes are at a high enough value. My last attempt took 7823 runs to come up with acceptable stats but that meant just a couple of seconds in real time. It's not very smart yet, but it's a start. :D

Also need to decide on how to assign special abilities too.. whether that should be before the stats are made and influence certain stats on the abilities or the other way around... We're going to need a substantial amount of formulas, not just for stats also to try and get realistic appearances based on stuff like nationality also. A lot of Maths coming up...

Here's the output of a generated striker, which I wanted to have an overall of about 80 (atm this means 78-82)


As the overall calculation takes into account stuff like shot accuracy and technique, that isn't usually a problem. But most other stats aren't good enough such as mentality and shot power. We probably need to adjust the base value of some if not all stats based on the target overall rating of the player being generated.
Ended my second Pes 3 season. Finished 7th, just one point from Udinese, so no european competitions next year, but giving how short my roster is after market, it's probably for the better. The final rush was a bit complicated as I lost the direct match against Udinese, did all the possible but ultimately couldn't surpass them. Had a very good and fun half season, anyway, notable mention a crazy game I had against Milan at San Siro: 0-1 for me with a Baggio goal, then they draw with Maldini only to have Kaladze sent off for a bad tackle from behind; second half I pressed them hard, resulting in me gaining another red card + penalty, that Baggio shot away.. and, 11 vs 9 for me, with my team in red mentality and all reversed in the other half, guess what? Sheva counter attacked in the last second, dribbled past Burgos and score the incredible 2-1. I wasn't even mad! This game never cease to amaze me in how good it can pack up drastically different kind of matches.

By the way, I sold or exchanged almost all my last defaults (IIRC probably only Espimas, Barota and Njorgo remains) , welcomed Couto and Keown for the defense, De Goey as a second/alternate keeper, Boyd and Collins for an all-scottish left side and, spending practically a 2/3 of my budget, his majesty Fernando Redondo in the midfield.

I only have 18 players in total but there is much more quality and solidity all around, first game of the new season I beat Inter 0-1 with a Baggio (fresh new captain) penalty in a well fought match, I'm confident we'll be able to center Europe :D
I'm almost certain it does load the kits live though. I remember years ago when making kits I would add them to kitserver, start a match to see how they looked, make some changes then restart the match and the new kit was there. If that is right then worse case is the tool would just replace the kit in kitserver with the new team's kit.

Ah it may well do then, thinking about my example I was adding a new team into the map that did not previously have one, not adjusting a kit for one already in it, so that's probably why? I don't think it can re-read the map but if only the kit folder itself has changed in the path then it makes sense that would work.

Yeah stuff like this will be essential I think. We also need formulas to say a centre back is more likely to be taller and so on. I think you mentioned before about player roles, the higher stats should be focused on the most important attributes for that role (but also allowing a generated full back to potentially have a hammer of a shot), so we need to come up with something for that. Football Manager has a pretty comprehensive list of roles so that could be a good start point.

I've already started on a basic attributes generator which makes use of that overall calculation that was posted earlier. Basically I tell the generator to keep going until the generated stats mean the player has an overall within an acceptable range of the target overall. I also added some stuff like saying if it is a striker, an the overall is set at 80, keep going until the shot accuracy, response etc attributes are at a high enough value. My last attempt took 7823 runs to come up with acceptable stats but that meant just a couple of seconds in real time. It's not very smart yet, but it's a start. :D

Also need to decide on how to assign special abilities too.. whether that should be before the stats are made and influence certain stats on the abilities or the other way around... We're going to need a substantial amount of formulas, not just for stats also to try and get realistic appearances based on stuff like nationality also. A lot of Maths coming up...

:) Great stuff! What I did some time ago was take the % of the default option file for how many of each special ability there were in the game to try to keep them fairly close. As I usually use FM stats for a lot of the abilities I base it on being higher than a certain number which I juggle up and down until I get near to the default %. Obvious one's I use are FM's long shots for middle shots, stat being over whatever, same for long throws. I use finishing for the scoring ability, passing, marking, penalties, tackling for sliding and so on. I use as high a number as to get close to the default %'s.

As to whether it would be best to do before or after I think after. Perhaps for each position as in your full back example it could be based on certain stats. So off the top of my head, for the full back perhaps their shot power stat and perhaps a finishing stat over a lowish total but at least fairly decent, then they would get the middle shooting for example.

As the overall calculation takes into account stuff like shot accuracy and technique, that isn't usually a problem. But most other stats aren't good enough such as mentality and shot power. We probably need to adjust the base value of some if not all stats based on the target overall rating of the player being generated.

That's the sort of quirky character that could carve out a career in Amador :LOL:

Just throwing this idea out there as it just came to me. What if instead of the overall calculation there was a range for each position? So shot accuracy for say a full back would have a big range, something like 30-80 perhaps, allowing for the chance of having a decent shot but more likely to not have. Where as a striker may have 60-90 and so on. Again those are just quick rough ranges but you get my drift. Likewise for each stat. Those that are most important for each position have smaller ranges, so the striker would have 60-90 for shot accuracy but his DEF stat could be 10-60 for example.
Yeah there are more than enough ID slots it's just a case of being careful I think. Don't want to accidentally overwrite a player from another team in the base OF. Also need to handle what to do when a team you import has say 25 players, and the team it is replacing only has 5. Need to unregister 5 players without those 5 players keeping their details and going into free agents.

Just thinking about this.

Would the idea be...

At the start of the season you have your base OF with all the players beginning stats (or if it's a future season then whatever changes have occurred plus new youth players and free agents)

Each fixture a new OF is generated with the weekly amendments such as stamina changes, form changes, players left out for suspensions, injuries and so on

and repeat through the season.

Then interspersed with that may be cup competitions that will have these extra teams in.

Is that the basic order? If so, then I would think we could set aside a portion of the option file teams to be blank and used for extra teams.

I don't know what sort of size leagues would be run, if it was a manager league there would be a lot of players left over that were not being used, so plenty of room for extra teams, plus these teams could be written over at any time as and when required, so probably not that many teams would be needed in any one set of fixtures.

If it was something a single person was doing such as #71's idea they might want to have a few leagues, such as a whole English, Italian or whatever nations league set up. But even with a 100 teams of full squads that's 3200 players, say another 500 for free agents/youth that still leaves over 500 ID's available or about 16 teams in one export without touching the league set up. And as those teams will only be used on those occasions they can presumably just be replaced as and when by any extra team.

Will the player ID be used by the software to keep track of everything, is that the plan?

Talking of ID's, retirement is another thing that would have to be worked out. This is so reminiscent of our original plans for the Youth League. I'd worked out a whole retirement thing based on age, how many games they'd played that season and that leading to a percentage chance of them retiring at the end of the season.
Just throwing this idea out there as it just came to me. What if instead of the overall calculation there was a range for each position? So shot accuracy for say a full back would have a big range, something like 30-80 perhaps, allowing for the chance of having a decent shot but more likely to not have. Where as a striker may have 60-90 and so on. Again those are just quick rough ranges but you get my drift. Likewise for each stat. Those that are most important for each position have smaller ranges, so the striker would have 60-90 for shot accuracy but his DEF stat could be 10-60 for example.

Yeah probably the best way to go. I suppose we also need to take into account some players will have multiple positions too. I'll upload a first version soon and will keep it all modular and configurable so it can be played around with easily. I think as well as player roles it would be good to have the option to specify, or the pc randomly pick the type of player, such as a striker who relies on pace or one who relies on being in the right place at the right time. Although I guess if this stats generator does get smarter, it should do that itself... I suppose we need to link certain attributes, a player with top speed of 90 for example shouldn't how an acceleration of say 30... Another can of worms though, aybe this is why Konami never put in newly generated players. 😅

Just thinking about this.

Would the idea be...

At the start of the season you have your base OF with all the players beginning stats (or if it's a future season then whatever changes have occurred plus new youth players and free agents)

Each fixture a new OF is generated with the weekly amendments such as stamina changes, form changes, players left out for suspensions, injuries and so on

and repeat through the season.

Then interspersed with that may be cup competitions that will have these extra teams in.

Is that the basic order? If so, then I would think we could set aside a portion of the option file teams to be blank and used for extra teams.

I don't know what sort of size leagues would be run, if it was a manager league there would be a lot of players left over that were not being used, so plenty of room for extra teams, plus these teams could be written over at any time as and when required, so probably not that many teams would be needed in any one set of fixtures.

If it was something a single person was doing such as #71's idea they might want to have a few leagues, such as a whole English, Italian or whatever nations league set up. But even with a 100 teams of full squads that's 3200 players, say another 500 for free agents/youth that still leaves over 500 ID's available or about 16 teams in one export without touching the league set up. And as those teams will only be used on those occasions they can presumably just be replaced as and when by any extra team.

Will the player ID be used by the software to keep track of everything, is that the plan?

Talking of ID's, retirement is another thing that would have to be worked out. This is so reminiscent of our original plans for the Youth League. I'd worked out a whole retirement thing based on age, how many games they'd played that season and that leading to a percentage chance of them retiring at the end of the season.

First of all I will look to sort a tool that can swap out teams in the OF, independent from the season simulation tool or whatever we end up calling it.

But yeah that is my general idea, here I don't think the PES player IDs matter so much because the weekly (probably better to say match day actually) OF should only be used for that round of games, not as a general OF.

Each player will have a unique ID in the database used for the session (essentially a save game). After a game is played on PES 6 the scorers, player ratings etc will be mapped to each player by their squad number.

This is only my rough thinking though, haven't really though enough about the mechanics yet, but if we can get it to a point where we're able to release some rough versions then sooner rather than later we'll be able smooth out the logic and add in some more complex stuff. :)

Yep very true about retirement, don't want players going on until pension age. 😅 Maybe the growth type could be linked to this, as in a late peak player would be less likely to retire early. Super long term we probably need additional stats outside of PES to help with this too.

For the early version we'll have to start with small leagues but I think one long term goal should be to allow big leagues (24+) as this is a big limitation of the game at the moment. As long as it stays configurable (a big part for me, I want to make these tools work well but I am not the best on working out stats, formulas for stats manipulation), and leagues can be created with various rules (how many rounds played, whether there are play-offs etc) then its really up to the player. Basically kind of like how you can make almost any league you like on Football Manager. :)
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Yeah probably the best way to go. I suppose we also need to take into account some players will have multiple positions too. I'll upload a first version soon and will keep it all modular and configurable so it can be played around with easily. I think as well as player roles it would be good to have the option to specify, or the pc randomly pick the type of player, such as a striker who relies on pace or one who relies on being in the right place at the right time. Although I guess if this stats generator does get smarter, it should do that itself... I suppose we need to link certain attributes, a player with top speed of 90 for example shouldn't how an acceleration of say 30... Another can of worms though, aybe this is why Konami never put in newly generated players. 😅

First of all I will look to sort a tool that can swap out teams in the OF, independent from the season simulation tool or whatever we end up calling it.

But yeah that is my general idea, here I don't think the PES player IDs matter so much because the weekly (probably better to say match day actually) OF should only be used for that round of games, not as a general OF.

Each player will have a unique ID in the database used for the session (essentially a save game). After a game is played on PES 6 the scorers, player ratings etc will be mapped to each player by their squad number.

This is only my rough thinking though, haven't really though enough about the mechanics yet, but if we can get it to a point where we're able to release some rough versions then sooner rather than later we'll be able smooth out the logic and add in some more complex stuff. :)

Yep very true about retirement, don't want players going on until pension age. 😅 Maybe the growth type could be linked to this, as in a late peak player would be less likely to retire early. Super long term we probably need additional stats outside of PES to help with this too.

For the early version we'll have to start with small leagues but I think one long term goal should be to allow big leagues (24+) as this is a big limitation of the game at the moment. As long as it stays configurable (a big part for me, I want to make these tools work well but I am not the best on working out stats, formulas for stats manipulation), and leagues can be created with various rules (how many rounds played, whether there are play-offs etc) then its really up to the player. Basically kind of like how you can make almost any league you like on Football Manager. :)

Perhaps you've already come across this, but a guy recreated a functional version of CM/FM in excel. Never tried it so no idea how well it works, but might be worth pulling apart his work to find out some ideas for managing a league and simulating results efficiently.

Edit: Obviously this is way down the road, but thought it might be useful. I guess it would be best to keep the external simulation quite lightweight, but I like the idea of implementing stats that aren't used in PES.

I know that Championship Manager had a big game player stat, which could be an interesting one, affecting form in derby/6 pointer games. My god you've opened a can of worms!
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Yeah probably the best way to go. I suppose we also need to take into account some players will have multiple positions too. I'll upload a first version soon and will keep it all modular and configurable so it can be played around with easily. I think as well as player roles it would be good to have the option to specify, or the pc randomly pick the type of player, such as a striker who relies on pace or one who relies on being in the right place at the right time. Although I guess if this stats generator does get smarter, it should do that itself... I suppose we need to link certain attributes, a player with top speed of 90 for example shouldn't how an acceleration of say 30... Another can of worms though, aybe this is why Konami never put in newly generated players. 😅

I always thought acceleration is a tricky one because even slow players can get up to speed quickly, they just aren't very fast. I've never really considered it before but I guess height plays a part because if you relate it to sprinting generally the bigger guys take a few more strides to get into full speed. Age too of course, if you take Messi now, he's not as quick as he was in his prime but his acceleration is still probably what it was more or less. Anyway as you say we can't have a 30 for a 90 top speed :)

First of all I will look to sort a tool that can swap out teams in the OF, independent from the season simulation tool or whatever we end up calling it.

But yeah that is my general idea, here I don't think the PES player IDs matter so much because the weekly (probably better to say match day actually) OF should only be used for that round of games, not as a general OF.

Each player will have a unique ID in the database used for the session (essentially a save game). After a game is played on PES 6 the scorers, player ratings etc will be mapped to each player by their squad number.

This is only my rough thinking though, haven't really though enough about the mechanics yet, but if we can get it to a point where we're able to release some rough versions then sooner rather than later we'll be able smooth out the logic and add in some more complex stuff. :)

Yep very true about retirement, don't want players going on until pension age. 😅 Maybe the growth type could be linked to this, as in a late peak player would be less likely to retire early. Super long term we probably need additional stats outside of PES to help with this too.

For the early version we'll have to start with small leagues but I think one long term goal should be to allow big leagues (24+) as this is a big limitation of the game at the moment. As long as it stays configurable (a big part for me, I want to make these tools work well but I am not the best on working out stats, formulas for stats manipulation), and leagues can be created with various rules (how many rounds played, whether there are play-offs etc) then its really up to the player. Basically kind of like how you can make almost any league you like on Football Manager. :)

With the Youth League the plan was to also keep note of total injury time with a long term figure being used that if reached would signal a career ending injury (say a total of 30 weeks injured over their career). With retirement it would also be nice to factor in how many games they played that season. If they are say 34 but playing regularly they'd probably play on where as had they barely played a minute they'd likely retire.

Definitely agree with the 24+ that is so frustrating having to leave out 4 teams when playing the English leagues.

Totally agree with the configurable idea, people will have their own ideas as to stats, stamina depletion, rules as you say, everything really. Having as many variables as possible to be user configured would be ideal - maybe even have a global edit option at the end for those who want low speed all round , or low agility etc although of course that can easily be done in the editor itself.

Just had a thought (this can of worms is getting rather big!) what if you were to have multiple leagues as a kind of mini FM world. Perhaps you want all the big European leagues, or all the British leagues running down to the National League, Scots Lge 2 etc, what if that was all possible within the tool and it would churn out 2 or more OF's for each match day as there were more than number of teams, allowing for lots and lots of teams. After all as long as an entire Division is on the same OF the league can be played/simulated within the game, it doesn't really matter if there are 2 or more OF's that you'll need to use.
I always thought acceleration is a tricky one because even slow players can get up to speed quickly, they just aren't very fast. I've never really considered it before but I guess height plays a part because if you relate it to sprinting generally the bigger guys take a few more strides to get into full speed. Age too of course, if you take Messi now, he's not as quick as he was in his prime but his acceleration is still probably what it was more or less. Anyway as you say we can't have a 30 for a 90 top speed :)

With the Youth League the plan was to also keep note of total injury time with a long term figure being used that if reached would signal a career ending injury (say a total of 30 weeks injured over their career). With retirement it would also be nice to factor in how many games they played that season. If they are say 34 but playing regularly they'd probably play on where as had they barely played a minute they'd likely retire.

Definitely agree with the 24+ that is so frustrating having to leave out 4 teams when playing the English leagues.

Totally agree with the configurable idea, people will have their own ideas as to stats, stamina depletion, rules as you say, everything really. Having as many variables as possible to be user configured would be ideal - maybe even have a global edit option at the end for those who want low speed all round , or low agility etc although of course that can easily be done in the editor itself.

Just had a thought (this can of worms is getting rather big!) what if you were to have multiple leagues as a kind of mini FM world. Perhaps you want all the big European leagues, or all the British leagues running down to the National League, Scots Lge 2 etc, what if that was all possible within the tool and it would churn out 2 or more OF's for each match day as there were more than number of teams, allowing for lots and lots of teams. After all as long as an entire Division is on the same OF the league can be played/simulated within the game, it doesn't really matter if there are 2 or more OF's that you'll need to use.

Why stop at the National League? If I can't start in the St Piran East Division, is there honestly any point in doing this? 😀
OK, but how is the PC version different from the PS2 one in terms of gameplay? (I know the graphics are more advanced, which is understandable).
So PES 2008 on PS2 still used the classic PS2 PES engine, It's actually a far superior version of PES 6 actually, The PS2 team still devoted their efforts to making the best PS2 football sim year after year until PES 2014 while the rest of Konami and the world had moved on 2 console generations.

If PES 2008's PC port was the same engine as the PS2 version then the PES 6 modding community would simply revere 2008 as the greatest & most definitive PES of all time.

Now, The PC version of PES 2008 is a port of the PS3 & Xbox 360 versions which uses a slightly hybrid version of the PS2 versions, With a whole new graphics engine and player models and some new animations. It's essentially built off of the PES 6 Xbox 360 debut. It isn't that much different to the PS2 gameplay in all honestly. The philosophy of the game is still exactly the same, But it's mostly ball physics and passing/shooting speed which is most notably different.

You couldn't play both games the same way.

@MafiaMurderBag didn't you post a world cup on this thread using PES2008 on the PC?
It was EURO 2008 - I'll post it here for gameplay reference :))

@geeeeee Yes I think he did because it inspired me to give it another try, but try as I might I just couldn't get into it. Where as I tried 13 after he'd said about it and I am loving it.
Yeah i understand, PES 2008 isn't to everyone's tastes, I actually didn't mind it, Sure it's not my favourite but it's really not categorically bad like history would have you believe either.

PES 2009 is certainly a more polished version of this game and fixed the main issues such as ball speed and defenders hyper running out of position like headless chickens which was something that frustrated me during my Euro play-through more than anything. However goal keepers are ridiculously impressive and intelligent and on a personal note i quite enjoyed the art style of the game too.
Why stop at the National League? If I can't start in the St Piran East Division, is there honestly any point in doing this? 😀

What level is that, 10 or so? :D Wouldn't that be great though!

Yeah i understand, PES 2008 isn't to everyone's tastes, I actually didn't mind it, Sure it's not my favourite but it's really not categorically bad like history would have you believe either.

PES 2009 is certainly a more polished version of this game and fixed the main issues such as ball speed and defenders hyper running out of position like headless chickens which was something that frustrated me during my Euro play-through more than anything. However goal keepers are ridiculously impressive and intelligent and on a personal note i quite enjoyed the art style of the game too

Yeah that's fair enough, I think it was the disappointment after 3 to 6 to suddenly seem such a dramatic change. I remember not liking the player models, they seemed rigid. Had it been a more gradual move perhaps it would have been seen in a better light years on.

I did have 2009 (no idea where the disc is though it's completely disappeared!) and remember enjoying BAL in that. Really enjoying 2013 though at the moment.
What level is that, 10 or so? :D Wouldn't that be great though!

Yeah that's fair enough, I think it was the disappointment after 3 to 6 to suddenly seem such a dramatic change. I remember not liking the player models, they seemed rigid. Had it been a more gradual move perhaps it would have been seen in a better light years on.

I did have 2009 (no idea where the disc is though it's completely disappeared!) and remember enjoying BAL in that. Really enjoying 2013 though at the moment.

11th tier! And yes, it would be phenomenal. A minimum of 10 seasons of gameplay to get promoted to the top flight, although realistically you'd be playing for the rest of your life 😂
A minimum of 10 seasons of gameplay to get promoted to the top flight

I like the positivity, no messing around, get the job done, 10 back to back promotions :LOL: Imagine the fun though, especially if you went all in on the FA Cup, qualifying rounds and all, imagine getting to the first round proper as a 6th/7th tier team. :)

@PeterC10 If the csv export was always an option (along with the straight into the OF idea) then people could potentially play it on any PES they wish that has an import option in the editor, opening it up to many versions. It might take some farting around on the users part but as long as they can take the player stats columns and player names at a bear minimum and paste them in to another version of the csv import then they're good to go.
I did have 2009 (no idea where the disc is though it's completely disappeared!) and remember enjoying BAL in that. Really enjoying 2013 though at the moment.
The thing with PES 2009 is that it's similar to 2008 in a lot ways but it's a massive breath of fresh air compared to 2008. A lot of quality of life changes that actually made me a bit resentful i had just played 31 matches on PES 2008 without the improvements 2009 had to offer.

I'm currently deep into PES 2012 right now which as a lot of magical mechanics and some frustrating components of their own which i'll get into a bit more shortly, But i'm really looking forward to giving PES 2013 a lot more attention too, I remember this being the pinnacle of 7th gen PES only for it to all go away forever into storage with the advent of FOX.
Thanks for the explanation, now I see the point. By the way, great videos those.
Thanks man, Been enjoying yours too. Doing tournament videos really do feel like a recording a football diary.
Speaking about tournaments, if someone here is playing this patch..

Capturewc98.jpg can try my OF. I started doing it some time ago, and came back to finish it now. It has two things:

1) Alex gameplay, that I think is one of the most interesting and realistic for PES6.
2) My own tactics for all 32 WC teams participants. They are carefully recreated using Pes Classic Stats website, some of my own knowledge as well as teachings of @Chenghis.Khan (in fact, some tactics are taken straight from his own WE9 option file). I don't remember all teams and there was a fair share of guessing and assumptions involved, so not claiming they are perfect by any means. Have not even played with all of them.


(hope the link works)
Thank you! Now I'm curious what @Chenghis.Khan teachings are and where I can find more information about that. :)

Before each tournament I play I actually watch all matches or the extended highlights and I collect information about the formations and tactics. After that I do some corrections to the option file and save it. As @MafiaMurderBag said, it really is like recording a football diary.
Perhaps you've already come across this, but a guy recreated a functional version of CM/FM in excel. Never tried it so no idea how well it works, but might be worth pulling apart his work to find out some ideas for managing a league and simulating results efficiently.

Edit: Obviously this is way down the road, but thought it might be useful. I guess it would be best to keep the external simulation quite lightweight, but I like the idea of implementing stats that aren't used in PES.

I know that Championship Manager had a big game player stat, which could be an interesting one, affecting form in derby/6 pointer games. My god you've opened a can of worms!

Wow, nope hadn't come across that. That is insane, can't imagine how many hours went into making this! Yeah this should prove very useful, thanks. :D

Yeah external simulation is probably the trickiest part, apart from maybe trying to make a half decent transfer system. I plan to give the player the chance to play every match in PES if they want (or if they're wanting to run a league rather than play it directly like Matt's youth league from before), so they could do CPU vs CPU with a high speeder setting but obviously the vast majority won't want to do this so simulating realistic results is important.

I am potentially thinking about using ESMS. I have come across it before but never really used it. Basically you have text files with the player attributes and other stuff like team sheets for a match and so on. For running the match it simply takes in the team sheets and simulates a full match in a moment, and also accounts for players getting injured, substitutes etc.

I don't know if the main website is up anymore, but here is some tools/information about it:

Shouldn't be too difficult to generate team sheets from the database of players, and would make a pretty huge task a lot more smaller. :)

Just had a thought (this can of worms is getting rather big!) what if you were to have multiple leagues as a kind of mini FM world. Perhaps you want all the big European leagues, or all the British leagues running down to the National League, Scots Lge 2 etc, what if that was all possible within the tool and it would churn out 2 or more OF's for each match day as there were more than number of teams, allowing for lots and lots of teams. After all as long as an entire Division is on the same OF the league can be played/simulated within the game, it doesn't really matter if there are 2 or more OF's that you'll need to use.

Yeah that shouldn't be a problem, just need to decide on where the live OF should live basically. Probably on the match day of each league/cup. :) Maybe by default it generates the OF for the match day your team is involved in (if you're only controlling x amount of teams, need slightly different logic if you're running a manager competition like your youth league) but for other OFs all you need to do is go to the relevant league/cup and press a button to generate the OF.
Have attached the match report from a game ran between two test teams on ESMS, and it looks pretty good. The only stat I can see that is missing compared to PES is offside, but that could be generated based off something like the number of fouls minus the yellow cards, or just randomly add in a couple of offsides for each team. :)


  • tm1_tm2.txt
    15.9 KB · Views: 11
Looks pretty detailed. :) Smalridge is going to be having nightmares tonight.

I'd imagine you could even get a match rating from the player stats too. Even something simple like each plus is 0.5 on top of a base of 5.0. So A_Robson would have 3 for the KeyTackle, 1 for KeyPass, giving him 4*0.5 and match rating of 7.0 Dormer would get 8*0.5 so a rating of 9.0. Bit simplistic and it couldn't be just 0.5 as someone scoring 3 or 4 could end up over 10 but there's enough there to work something fairly straightforward out I think.

Can't use it for recent PES's as there are fouls :D
Yeah I suppose the real tricky part is trying to get it to roughly match with the PES rating system which has a mind of its own at times. From memory I think PES 6 player ratings range from 4.5 to 9.5? 5.5 seems to be an "alright" performance, 5.0 means they were poor and 4.5 means they had an absolute shocker. But I'm only really going off my memory from what I ran my custom league. Also not sure when PES decides to give a rating, I guess the player has to play a certain amount of minutes but presumably a player who came on in injury time and scored would get a rating?
I think it's 10 minutes and they get a rating. I always found it tends to over rate subs a bit too, especially if they score. Tying in simulated in that and in PES to be consistent with one another could be the hard part. If you ran a batch of games in that then we should get to see what the best man of the match stat could look like and work from those stats to get to a match rating of 9.5, then see how that looks against other players.

This is more or less what I did in the youth league but set myself up for a lot of work as I had to record the players individual stats. I used a base rating and then added on for interceptions, shots on target, goals and so on.
Subs definitely do get overrated on PES, I remember once in a dull 0-0 game a sub who came on for the last 5 mins or so didn't get a rating, but did get man of the match. :D
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