The Retro-PES Corner

Thanks for the help, I managed to install but there is a problem - the game does not stutter anymore but it does flicker with the color ...
any solution please :(
The enbconvertor files help with the stuttering so are pretty essential but unfortunately make the screen tearing worse in regular fullscreen. I use borderless gaming to play in fullscreen windowed mode which eliminates the tearing with negligable input lag. I'll leave the link and some alternative options. Apologies if you already know about this. If anyone else has any other tips for the smoothest experience, feel free to share.
@Meazza84 which resolution can be played for those old ps2 pes games on that emulator? can we play them in full hd with correct aspect ratio (16:9)?
Yes you can, but you need to download widescreen patches for every game you want to play and place it in "cheats_ws" folder inside the pcsx2 installation folder. You can easily find them in pcsx2 forums.
The enbconvertor files help with the stuttering so are pretty essential but unfortunately make the screen tearing worse in regular fullscreen. I use borderless gaming to play in fullscreen windowed mode which eliminates the tearing with negligable input lag. I'll leave the link and some alternative options. Apologies if you already know about this. If anyone else has any other tips for the smoothest experience, feel free to share.
Hi, guess what, I succeeded !!
I put the "d3d8.dll & enconvertor" in the game folder, and at the same time I opened the D3DOverrider
And it worked! - No stuttering, and almost (99.9%) no color jitter.
Definitely thank you :)
Hi, guess what, I succeeded !!
I put the "d3d8.dll & enconvertor" in the game folder, and at the same time I opened the D3DOverrider
And it worked! - No stuttering, and almost (99.9%) no color jitter.
Definitely thank you :)
Cool. What windows version are you using? I didn't mention D3DOverrider cause it doesn't work on windows 10.
Cool. What windows version are you using? I didn't mention D3DOverrider cause it doesn't work on windows 10.
I use Windows 10, strange that it didn't open to you. :(
My game without compatibility mode (but with regular settings like High Quality and 1920, 1080 resolution and of course full screen) , and so is the D3DO...
i have win 10 64 bit, and in the folder game there is a folder "misc" - "tools" - "D3DO" and that all.
i click on "D3DO" and Then a small icon appears below me and I can open it.
try this
Yeah I can open it as well, doesn't work though. You'll hear a sound when you open the game if it's working. That's all you needed to fix the tearing in windows 7. Did you try the borderless thing I mentioned? That's likely what fixed the tearing and flickering. Try same method without opening D3DO and you'll see what I mean (or try D3DO on its own in traditional fullscreen - you should still get the tearing, indicating it's not working). Let me know cause I'm curious, thanks.
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now i really didnt sound, But even without hearing, the game is flowing well and properly, (just from opening the D3DO and files "d3d8.dll & enconvertor" Really weird, you too try what I say to see that it doesn't just happen to me and catch up;)
Yeah I can open it as well, doesn't work though. You'll hear a sound if it works. That's all you needed to fix the tearing in windows 7. Did you try the borderless thing I mentioned? That's likely what fixed it. Try same method without opening D3DO and you'll see what I mean (or try D3DO on its own in traditional fullscreen - you should still get the tearing, indicating it's not working). Let me know cause I'm curious, thanks.
I try now with "Bordeless Gaming",
The game a little bit with one stutter a few minutes, the jitter did disappear.
Anyway I think mine is better because the stuttering is gone and there is one for a few minutes jogging.
Apparently you can't get everything alive...
what u think anyway ?
@yoadmilan I just tried D3DOverrider again on windows 10, traditional fullscreen. 100% doesn't work. Tons of screen tearing. That's why I use the borderless window for fullscreen. Even a regular window is preferable and eliminates the tearing, artifacts etc when using the enbconvertor files. Other opinions are welcome, I'm not claiming to be an expert.
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@yoadmilan I just tried D3DOverrider again on windows 10, traditional fullscreen. 100% doesn't work. Tons of screen tearing. That's why I use the borderless window for fullscreen. Even a regular window is preferable and eliminates the tearing, artifacts etc when using the enbconvertor files. Other opinions are welcome, I'm not claiming to be an expert.
How do you use in borderless ?
Enable steps? See I didn't miss anything ..

(i open the game on fullscreen and then open bordeless and i click pes6 and ▶ )
@yoadmilan First time, run BG, then run the game, right arrow the EXE to faves/auto. Thereafter, I open BG first, then open the game in windowed mode (1366, 768 to match my screen, not sure about higher resolution screens). Then it does its thing. Borderless fullscreen, enbconvertor fixes stutter, no screen tearing and I can alt tab/w+d to desktop anytime.
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For me the crucial thing for stable performance of PES6 was forcing my Nvidia card run it, instead of the weaker integrated card. And it wasn't enough to set it to the former via Nvidia settings - it still didn't recognized the game until I copy-pasted ENB files I think.

Now for the full screen I was getting tearing after I did that. With Borderless Gaming it works as it should though. Happy about it now. I also set vsync and triple buffering to ON in Nvidia settings (not sure if it works with PES6 though.
The best way to get PES 6 running smoothly is to just run it on Windows Vista probably :P

"When the banks collapse the stud holding cash is gonna get a lot of blow jobs."

A very, very good TV character is Johnson.

I used to have issues with running PES (Windows 10), then I didn't. Not sure what I did differently, if anything!

Emulator on the other hand - slow as treacle.
If it's any help for anyone here's my nvidia control panel settings, currently I'm not having any problems with PES6 and Win10. I've come to think it's an nvidia driver/windows problem to some extent as I've sometimes had no problems and other times a bit of stuttering and had to use the enb, depending on driver updates but maybe that's just a conincedence.

If i can make an analogy, no equals of course, what is pes5 and pes6, is pes2012 and 2013. I mean pes5/pes2012 pays attention to more simulation aspects, like inertia, slow tempo, while pes6/pes2013 is the more "arcadey" in sense. They are also simulations , but is more easy for a match on pes6/pes2013 to transform into an end-to-end "run & gun".
Yeah that's a good analogy. Similar to how when people reminicse, They often bring up PES 6 & the almighty Adriano as the series' high point, PES 5 is often left to the connoisseurs to nominate for it's greatness.

I always suspected Konami alternated between sim & arcade directions bi-annually, Or rather: faster/slower games.

1, 3, 5, 2008, 2010, 2012 & 2014 being the slower more deliberate games and 2, 4, 6, 2009, 2011 & 2013 being the faster and more accessible titles. Though that's just a theory of mine, Would be interesting is anybody else agrees?

@MafiaMurderBag Great! I was looking forward to that Euro of yours. And I can also enjoy the presentation of this PES 2012 that I've never played. I actually think the graphic cannot be better than that

As for myself, I've started playing PES 1 (Pro Evolution Soccer for PS2) and the game is totally different from other PES titles. Did you know that it actually has 4 gears?? Like, it has 4 different running speeds depending on which button you're holding!

R1 - the fastest dash
R2 - "trotting" with the ball
normal speed
L1 - slow dribble

I had to read the manual because I couldn't pull off anything in this game. Now I'm kinda getting the hang of it, but a couple of days ago I was trashed by Jamaica 4-0 and I was playing with Russia. I couldn't even get into their half and shoot, let alone have a scoring opportunity.

I just wanted to show you just how difficult this game is:
Yeah visually these PS2 & PS3 era games are timeless. Once you get them on a PC and the higher resolution cleans up a few of the edges, They really are joyous to look at. Admit table when i was younger i was a graphics snob and longed for unmistakable realism in my games and now we're here, while it looks impressive and the tech is amazing - It's not as fulfilling as i thought it would be but being older my taste and appreciation for the medium has evolved and i can enjoy games for what they are: Works of art and interpretations of reality.

The visuals on PES 2012 are not realistic nor trying to be, They are stylised and characterised - Yet the players are iconic & recognisable.

Just as they are in their own way on PES 1 you showcase below. Graphic artists are more than just employees on a project, They are artists fundamentally and they way they got around limitations to still bring out the character in players like Beckham, Veron or Kahn on PES 1 is remarkable and endearing.

Not to mention a game like PES 1 is also still a solid football game in it's own right - Sometimes we take for granted mechanics that we even introduced 3 years later in PES 4 like passing to further away players, But as always, A few games in and you adjust to the series entry's "laws".

Eacg game has it's own way to play, You cannot play one PES game like another in the series but mechanics and engine aside, After a couple of games you can become so engrossed that your not playing an "older PES game" but rather, You're just playing football with a controller.

2012 is a complete game. The thing that used to bother me the most is the physics on through balls, both high and low. It seems sometimes they are on some kind of binary, or at least that's how I perceive them. But for the rest- players IDs, team playing varied football, individuality, shooting, passing.. it's a very good experience. Plus it's the last year of our beloved defaults and the last game that had Seabass credited as a producer.

2013 is also very good but something was certainly lost in the process.

@MafiaMurderBag which camera are you using?
I do know exactly what you mean, It's almost as if the game is trying to mimic player individuality but due to the changes in mechanics and ball physics, It's no longer 8 directions, Linear power in through balls and ground passes - Now there's all these organic variables it's no longer algorithm based like on the PS2. So it's ass if the game just makes simply categorises certain players unable to nail a sweet lofted through pass and some just have the ability to pull it off with the essential trajectory.

Seabass's influence clearly shows as it's one of the last years PES still captures that player individuality, That feeling that you can only trust certain players to carry out a command over others or even fearing the opposition when Ronaldo or Rooney collect the ball. Playing against Greece with Samaras and their giant centre backs coming up for set pieces genuinely filled me with dread. These are the games that truly make you feel the treat of certain players from a logical perspective, not because the bullshit kicks in on later games and your simply conceding because you're wrestling with the controller to select a defender that's actually in front of an attacker.
anybody know how to make all teams in PES 6 become unlicensed/ editable in edit mode? change writstband, fingerband, neckackle texture.. kitserver is good but I want edit mode renewed.. thanks before
@mattmid Cool, wish I had Nvidia or AMD. Hopefully on my new laptop. I currently use Intel hd graphics 620 which is actually pretty decent and it's only PES 6 that gives me a few problems. Some days it runs great, others it starts being a little you know what. I guess there's no one-size-fits-all solution and it's about tinkering around to find what works best. Do you use (borderless) windowed or regular fullscreen?
@Lexypoooo I didn't even know about that borderless window thing until I read it today. I use full screen.

anybody know how to make all teams in PES 6 become unlicensed/ editable in edit mode? change writstband, fingerband, neckackle texture.. kitserver is good but I want edit mode renewed.. thanks before

Open the OF in the PES6 editor and then select file and choose OPEN OF2 and open the same one again.

Then click the Team tab. Double click a licensed team and you'll see a new window come up with import kit. Clik on an unlicensed team (ie one with an editable kit) and import. That will replace the first team.
You'll have to change the name back though.

Repeat for all the teams you want.

Save the file.

There is a downside though, it messes up the emblems. You can import 50 emblems into the option file and use those to correct 50 of them. So for 50 at least you can solve that problem.

For the wristbands etc, you can export the file as a csv file from the editor (tools drop down) and it now has columns for all that sort of thing so you can change them and re import it to the editor.
Ended my third season on Pes 3.

Was a quite interesting league:

pes3 2020-05-05 23-24-20-63.jpg

I've stayed unbeaten way past half season, even if I was VERY lucky more than once (just look at the draws lol). Bought Bierhoff in the first transfer window and the guy helped me a lot staying competitive. I was fighting for the title until I lost the direct confrontation against Milan, then a mini results-crisis started and I lost track of them, despite ending not too far (but all the first six are there in just a few points as you can see). Will go in Europe, anyway.

Interesting to see the squad building around. Galatasaray for example put togheter a kind of all star (they are indeed one of the much tougher teams in the division):
pes3 2020-04-30 17-55-06-38.jpg

And even tactically I'm seeing very interesting things. Lazio plays with Mihajlovic and Darit (Davids) in front of the defense and they constitute an unusual but nice barricade. Roma uses Cassano as a CM (despite him not even being one as a second role iirc) and he looked quite strong there when I faced them.

Anyway, the true beauty of the season was the D1 Cup victory. Beaten Emilia Sud, Bourgogne in semi, then I faced Peloponnisos (Olympiacos) in the final; I thought it would have been easy, as Giovanni (their big brazilian striker who usually makes me suffer) was disqualified.
At the opposite, a super intense final took place, me losing 1-0 for most of the match and risking the 2-0 more than once, only to draw in the last 10 minutes with Mauro Silva, having Nakayama expelled for a bad tackle, going in the extra time and risking even more, just to stole the victory with an Aldair header in the last minutes. I've put togheter a small highlight:

Miracles of both keepers, missed chances on both sides.. truly loved this final. And this game.

Final notes:

-I bought Burgos cause he looked peculiar and apt to an "old guys" team, with his cap and all, but he revealed himself as a super solid keeper; being inspired by Miguel, to give some breath to my few defenders, I've even made him play as a dc (as a sweeper to be more precise.. old guys team, old tactics ;) ) in the semi returns of Cup (where I was relaxed from the previous 1-3) and he did super well. Then I realized that generally keepers in Pes, despite being slow or having not the softest feet, usually do have high defense and balance stats.. so I guess the good ones could do more than decently there lol.

-I like the way the season is compressed in Pes 3. Less games, more thrills and more chances of both recover or lose it all. Doesn't feel short but definitely doesn't feel too long. The perfect balance.

I'll close with my best goal of the season:

@Madmac79 Wow, love that Baggio goal. That first move to evade the sliding tackle looks quite realistic. That is neat about Galatasaray building up a team. I was always curious how CPU team management was as you get into later ML seasons. Do some teams rise and others fall?? My problem is I am always starting new master leagues so I never make it past season 2.
@Lexypoooo I didn't even know about that borderless window thing until I read it today. I use full screen.

Open the OF in the PES6 editor and then select file and choose OPEN OF2 and open the same one again.

Then click the Team tab. Double click a licensed team and you'll see a new window come up with import kit. Clik on an unlicensed team (ie one with an editable kit) and import. That will replace the first team.
You'll have to change the name back though.

Repeat for all the teams you want.

Save the file.

There is a downside though, it messes up the emblems. You can import 50 emblems into the option file and use those to correct 50 of them. So for 50 at least you can solve that problem.

For the wristbands etc, you can export the file as a csv file from the editor (tools drop down) and it now has columns for all that sort of thing so you can change them and re import it to the editor.
thank you.. I will try now
@Madmac79 Looks like a very decent season in the end even if you didn't quite challenge for the title right to the end. What a game that final was, so many great saves by both keepers! Lovely goal by Baggio too. :) Seeing all that's making me want to start my 2013 ML even more but it'll be a while yet. All the Danish teams are done (50) and I've done the Swedish 2nd Div as well (16), so almost half way now.
@Madmac79 Looks like a very decent season in the end even if you didn't quite challenge for the title right to the end. What a game that final was, so many great saves by both keepers! Lovely goal by Baggio too. :) Seeing all that's making me want to start my 2013 ML even more but it'll be a while yet. All the Danish teams are done (50) and I've done the Swedish 2nd Div as well (16), so almost half way now.
Yo mat, as i missed the beginning of your PES 2012?/2013? project, (in your post above you said 2013) and it is difficult to catch up. May i ask how do you work on your game? You edit the OF and you import data by CSV? HOw did you create 50 teams? you unlocked hidden teams indatabase, or you overwrite existing ones?
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