Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Back in February they said it was a publisher decision:

On possibility of PS4 blocking used games

When you purchase the disc-based games on PS4, it should work on any hardware. So that's what I'm saying.

On activation codes for secondhand PS4 titles

It's a publisher decision. We are not talking about it. Sorry.

Sure it's not a definitive answer but they still haven't given a definitive answer.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Would it be silly of me to purchase a PS3 Super Slim 12gb console? As the PS4 is out the end of this year?

I have been a 360 gamer all this generation but had enough, I've bought 2 PS3s in the past which I've sold, although that did allow me to play Heavy Rain which was outstanding...

Just tired of my 360 being used as a netflix player, paying for the robbery that is XBL considering I rarely ever play online anymore + all the stuff you lot get on PS Plus...

Seriously thinking about it haha.

Think I'll be jumping ship next gen regardless, had enough of the Xbox and the Xbox One presentation done nothing for me. Ooooo TV!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

But surely the current gens will drop a bit more in price when the new ones hit shelves? I'd wait for that. Than you would have a few months of that and don't have to worry about a new console just yet. I might just do that with the 360 myself, being a PS-fanman.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Would it be silly of me to purchase a PS3 Super Slim 12gb console? As the PS4 is out the end of this year?

I have been a 360 gamer all this generation but had enough, I've bought 2 PS3s in the past which I've sold, although that did allow me to play Heavy Rain which was outstanding...

Just tired of my 360 being used as a netflix player, paying for the robbery that is XBL considering I rarely ever play online anymore + all the stuff you lot get on PS Plus...

Seriously thinking about it haha.

Think I'll be jumping ship next gen regardless, had enough of the Xbox and the Xbox One presentation done nothing for me. Ooooo TV!

Personally I'd say go for it, I doubt there'll be any price drops for another six months or more. Plus during that time you could get a huge collection of games for dirt cheap if uou go second hand or shop around. There's the likes of Killzone 2 & 3, Unchartered 1-3, a ton of awesome PSN titles, The Last of Us, Little Big Planet games, some really great exclusives.

Plus, yeah, PSN is free. As someone who until recently mainly used Xbox, I'm in the same boat - my XBL membership has expired but I barely play online anymore. I want to get State of Decay for 360 but I'd have to pay another £35 on top of the game just to play with my friends :(
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

go for it, ps3 exclusives (old and new) are phenomenal games and personally i'll recomend to take a 3 months subscritions, u'll get tons of good games for free, among which u shouldn't miss catherine and demon's souls.

and no gamer should have missed the uncharted trilogoy...
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Would it be silly of me to purchase a PS3 Super Slim 12gb console? As the PS4 is out the end of this year?

I have been a 360 gamer all this generation but had enough, I've bought 2 PS3s in the past which I've sold, although that did allow me to play Heavy Rain which was outstanding...

Just tired of my 360 being used as a netflix player, paying for the robbery that is XBL considering I rarely ever play online anymore + all the stuff you lot get on PS Plus...

Seriously thinking about it haha.

Think I'll be jumping ship next gen regardless, had enough of the Xbox and the Xbox One presentation done nothing for me. Ooooo TV!

Wouldn't be silly to buy a PS3, but it would be silly to buy a 12Gb one as it will fill up in one day if you want Playstation Plus... ;)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4


go for the 120 giga.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Wouldn't be silly to buy a PS3, but it would be silly to buy a 12Gb one as it will fill up in one day if you want Playstation Plus... ;)

Haha yeah, I've decided I'm getting the 12gig one but chucking in a terabyte HDD from my laptop that currently isn't getting used.

Will wait till after E3, just incase there is a price drop.

The last of us is just a game I NEED to play...
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

go for it, ps3 exclusives (old and new) are phenomenal games and personally i'll recomend to take a 3 months subscritions, u'll get tons of good games for free, among which u shouldn't miss catherine and demon's souls.

and no gamer should have missed the uncharted trilogoy...

Agreed with the above. When I picked up my PS3 2/3 years ago, I spent ages catching up with the exclusives. Uncharted 1-3, GoW 1-3, Killzon 1-3, MGS 4, Heavy Rain etc.

Plenty of great stuff.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

so who actually owns a superslim and can tell a little bit about the noise it makes?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

so who actually owns a superslim and can tell a little bit about the noise it makes?

Interested in this too.

I swear if I wait for E3 and there isn't a price cut I'll be depressed.

Still getting one regardless, but it'd be nice.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I've got a superslim, Hardly makes any noise at all other than when you first put a disc in and load it. It only lasts about a minute though and then after that it's just a low hum.

The sliding lid is really shit quality though. It's like the most thin, cheap plastic that is slightly loose so it's not a perfect sliding motion. It does the job but it's not very impressive. I also randomly have an issue where I slide the lid, think its full across and let go, only for it to very slightly spring back open so it's not fully closes. So then no disc icon appears making me think the lazer is knackered again... Then I spot the tiny gap.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

so who actually owns a superslim and can tell a little bit about the noise it makes?

it never annoyed me, it's quite most of the time and when it starts cooling up it does not make any particulartly strong noise.

Even late at nite when the room is quite and i have volume set to minimun i never really noticed anything unusual.

NO issue with noise in my experience with the SLIm (as opposed to my friking lap top that drives me insane as sometimes it almost feel like a 747 taking off...)

I agree with the post above, inserting the disc is always a bit tricky, sometimes i have the feeling the device is broken as it does not take the disc untill i push it to the end.

i have been using a slim model almost on a daily basis for i guess almost 4 years and never had any issue at all (but i usually play short sessions 2 hours max).
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Is there a DIY fix for YLOD? I see a lot of defective PS3's for sale very cheap so wondered if I could buy one and fix it myself?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Does anyone with a superslim play Battlefield 3?

That's the game that makes my original 60Gb PS3 go crazy loud sometimes. I also get a freeze from time to time.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Is there a DIY fix for YLOD? I see a lot of defective PS3's for sale very cheap so wondered if I could buy one and fix it myself?

Very easy to fix, take it apart and throw the motherboard in the oven for 10 mins at 180c.
Then buy some decent thermal paste and put it back together.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Well, Uncharted 3, Little Big Planet Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown for PLUS members on USA and EU next week!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Awesome games. I believe that's just the yearly games so there should still be other content announced at the end of the month.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Very easy to fix, take it apart and throw the motherboard in the oven for 10 mins at 180c.
Then buy some decent thermal paste and put it back together.

LOL seriously? I read some stuff about heating certain parts with a heat gun to reflow them? Is that it?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Looks like the PS4 may be primarily a vertical system...

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

I ordered a PS3 12gb SuperSlim from GAME, it's preowned but comes with a 12 month warranty so if it breaks, they'll replace it. Got a 1TB harddrive sitting here that will slot right in.

It only cost £100 so can't beat that.

Also got a 30day PS+ trial ready and waiting to use... can't wait!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Nice! I'll probably be getting one of those as well if PS3 games on PS4 is greater than 6 months away...

I read that 500gb was the max for a PS3, was that not correct?
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