Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

What does that even mean?


If you're actually being serious, then, firstly, I think I just had a spiritual stroke - I've gone completely limp down my 'faith in humanity' side. Secondly, all it takes to quash your one-liner is for someone, anyone, to release a 60fps shooter. Yeah, screw actually looking at how good it looks or anything - is it 60fps? Jeez.

Thirdly, it says that consoles probably won't be for you, given that the PS4 is going to be the more powerful of the two (so say the tech specs leaked by the guy whose house was subsequently raided by the FBI), and there is unlikely to be that initial spell where the Xbox 3 runs games better.

In the meantime I'm just going to default to assuming that was a joke.

LTFC - I remember saying much the same about a game years ago. Can't remember which, or where... but 30fps always feels much more cinematic, like you're playing something off a film reel, rather than Eastenders. There's a time and a place for both 30 and 60fps - for games like Killzone (offline at least), Assassin's Creed, Arkham City, GTA, Red Dead etc etc, 30 fps is artistically far better looking.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

LOL drama queen much? :) I could care less whether a shooter is at 60fps, Joe Shmoe does care greatly if something's at 60fps or not and it kicks up quite a "social media shitstorm" to have to announce that something isn't going to be running at 60fps...
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I just hate when people don't bother thinking.

"Social media shitstorm" = absolutely jack. If there's anything more upsetting than one person not thinking, it's huge swathes of them not thinking in tandem. They won't remember what they vomited into their touchscreens by the time E3 hits, let alone release - why not let time run its course, and facts replace the need for any intelligence on their part?

Couldn't care less by the way - could care less means exactly what it sounds like.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I could care less, just not very much less ;) And don't underestimate a social media shitstorm, they're effective, unfortunately.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Nah, this one's pretty easy to ignore. It's not a social media shitstorm anyway, but even if it was, it will have literally no consequence on anyone. Ever.

The only people who are going to be affected by it are those who were desperately looking for a reason not to buy a PS4 in the first place - such dumbarse reasons for outrage only exist when people are trying to justify some sort of prejudice. It's utterly irrelevant.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I wouldn't class this as grumpy - just utterly dismissive of nonsense. It's what we were talking about in that other thread - there are a lot of facts out there, you've just got to be able to pick through the BS to get to them.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Does it really bode well for the specs of the PS4 that it can't even launch with a 60fps shooter though?

From what I've read, the developers have been making the game using certain specs as they never knew exactly what the console would be capable of. So they've kind of under developed it slightly. Most people have been surprised by the announcement that the PS4 will ship with 8gb of RAM, so not even the Killzone devs factored this in as the dev kits had less RAM in them by quite a way.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

LTFC - I remember saying much the same about a game years ago. Can't remember which, or where... but 30fps always feels much more cinematic, like you're playing something off a film reel, rather than Eastenders. There's a time and a place for both 30 and 60fps - for games like Killzone (offline at least), Assassin's Creed, Arkham City, GTA, Red Dead etc etc, 30 fps is artistically far better looking.

Agreed, I mentioned movies like The Hobbit but it's the same with games, higher fps above 30 seems to affect movement so that it looks unnatural and like its filmed with a cheap camera. It's the same effect as if you switch on that awful 'motion flow' setting on HDTVs.

That's only my opinion, I'm sure plenty prefer the 60fps effect and the immediacy it offers with online games regarding response times etc, but for me 30fps is much more akin to real life, and yes it makes things look more cinematic.

I remember trying a copy of Rage on 60fps and it not only moved unnaturally but also gave me motion sickness, so I really hope that even if PS4 games eventually go down that route, there'll be an option to revert back to 30fps.

For me the most exciting thing about the Killzone demo was that is was locked at a steady 30fps with that level of detail. Current consoles dip to way below 20 without anywhere near this level of detail and not at full 1080p either. PS4 looks pretty good to me.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

From what I've read, the developers have been making the game using certain specs as they never knew exactly what the console would be capable of. So they've kind of under developed it slightly. Most people have been surprised by the announcement that the PS4 will ship with 8gb of RAM, so not even the Killzone devs factored this in as the dev kits had less RAM in them by quite a way.

Makes sense, poor on Sony's part which also makes sense!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Hmm, did the Killzone devs actually say they didn't know about the 8GB? It's make sense if third party devs didn't know, but I'd have thought Guerrilla would be part of the select few who did. I can imagine they only found out recently though, apparently 8GB only became logistically possible very recently. That tech guy at EG literally didn't know it was possible to get 8GB of the faster RAM until after Sony announced it. If it's as cutting edge as that, I'd half expect the Europe launch to end up next year. Which would benefit MS with their cheaper, more readily available memory.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I think it was in an article on Eurogamer regarding the whole 60fps issue, but I'm fairly sure they didn't know about it. Either way, the recent 8gb announcement raised a few eyebrows.

To be honest I think Killzone still looks awesome for a launch title that probably has a way to go before completion. I also don't understand how some people are underwhelmed by Watch Dogs either (though I think the PS4 'version' we saw was running on a PC). I think seeing a YouTube video and then seeing it in 1080p up close will be two totally different things entirely.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

PS4 APU “by far the most powerful” AMD has produced

AMD global business manager John Taylor has said the accelerated processing unit in the PlayStation 4 is the best the company has ever produced.
“We have not built an APU quite like that for anyone else in the market,” Taylor told the Inquirer.
“It is by far the most powerful APU we have built to date.”
Taylor said the APU leverages new tech which will appear in AMD’s new generation A-series later this year, which will be sold directly to consumers.
“None that will quite be to that level of sheer number of cores, sheer number of teraflops,” he added.
The PlayStation 4 has an x86 APU, and that AMD will be selling similar tech directly to PC users shows just how PC-like the console’s architecture is – but it’s worth remembering that the custom tech has been specially designed through a collaboration between the two companies, so you can’t just rebuild a PS4 in your basement.
Sony hasn’t released full tech specs, but the console has 8GB of RAM and can churn out over 1.8 teraflops of processing power.
60fps gaming is a requirement for me now. Then again I spend a huge amount of time playing racing simulations where higher frame rates genuinely contribute to a smoother, more responsive experience. Saying you prefer 30fps in those circles would have you laughed out of town.

Each to their own though.

Even games like PES and NBA2K look and feel better at 60fps.

Quick question to Supertalk - do you or have you played Forza 4? That is pinned at 60fps.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

60fps gaming is a requirement for me now. Then again I spend a huge amount of time playing racing simulations where higher frame rates genuinely contribute to a smoother, more responsive experience. Saying you prefer 30fps in those circles would have you laughed out of town.

Each to their own though.

Even games like PES and NBA2K look and feel better at 60fps.

Quick question to Supertalk - do you or have you played Forza 4? That is pinned at 60fps.

I still haven't got round to Forza 4 yet, I'm still playing Forza 3 and F1, but I can understand shy people prefer 60fps on racing games, in fact all games, due to the added responsiveness.

That said I've never found games under 60fps to have any problems with responsiveness, certainly not that I've noticed. I have played a few games at 60fps, but like I say, I just don't like the visual look of it. It makes everything feel like its got TV motion flow or like a cheap camera. To me, 30fps feels more natural to what I see in real life than 60fps, but that's just my own opinion. I totally understand why people prefer 60fps from a response and technical standpoint, it I just don't like it. Plus, 60fps gives me bizarre motion sickness.

That said, I have played a friend's racing game on PC at 60fps and it wasn't as much as an issue because of the type of game. I guess there's not as much rapid spinning/rotating of cameras etc as with other games.

So, personally, for my own preference I'd be happy if games retained 30fps. I even think if I had a PC I'd be the opposite of nearly everyone and prefer a game with high levels of detail and resolution locked at a solid 30fps than compromising slightly for a higher fps. But that's just me. From that point of view, when developers do start making games on PS4 at 60fps, I really hope there'll be an option to alter it like you do in PC games. Somehow I doubt that'll happen though.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Yea PS4 looking like a nice HTPC gaming console IMO. just release GTA5 as a launch title and you can take my money
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

PS4 does sound like it's going to be ideal, but with the 8GB of GDDR5 and high clock speeds it'll be interesting to see if Sony are able to keep the heat and price down.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

PSN+ just added Hitman Absolution, 100% of along with a couple more full games.

I'm just stacking these games on my hard drive, no Idea if I ever have time to play all this stuff!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

Catherine as well. Been thinking of buying for a while now but never got around to it so I've got no excuses to not play it now.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

From the EU blog today...

We’re happy to also reveal that ICO and Shadow of the Colossus HD and Demon’s Souls will be PS Plus titles in June. Both titles feature in today’s sale just in case you aren’t a PS Plus subscriber.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 & 4

i might get demon's soul actually. it's actually not easy to find second hand copies of that game.
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