Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ


i really don't see pc gaming gaining any steam in the future. dunno about ur workplace/households but i haven't see an old school pc in years. at work people don't even come to meetings with laptop anymore, it's tablets and fancy phones. at home everyone has a macbook or a joe lap top for basic tasks.

super gaming pc are things for nerds and geeks. And then again, how many of these nerds and geeks really buy pc games? u can crack anything within the day of release.

this is probably the last console generation as well as we know it. things are moving fast in the entertainment biz.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Sorry to keep this topic alive in this thread but this post I've quoted is moronic

i really don't see pc gaming gaining any steam in the future. dunno about ur workplace/households but i haven't see an old school pc in years. at work people don't even come to meetings with laptop anymore, it's tablets and fancy phones. at home everyone has a macbook or a joe lap top for basic tasks.
That point was already covered.

super gaming pc are things for nerds and geeks. And then again, how many of these nerds and geeks really buy pc games? u can crack anything within the day of release.

this is probably the last console generation as well as we know it. things are moving fast in the entertainment biz.
Well done on making a stupid sweeping generalisation.

That's like me saying "consoles are things for 14-year-old racist scumbags" due to the frequency of bumping into them online... or playing up to stupid stereotypes and saying "all black people eat KFC and watermelon for dinner".

See how those types of statements are 1) False and 2) Possibly offensive?...

On piracy, yeah the amount of piracy is a problem especially for PC software, but it isn't an issue exclusive to the platform. Tablets/smartphones especially and even the majority of previous games consoles suffer piracy too. Until the numbers make it impossible for good PC games to turn a decent profit though, PC gaming will continue.

Your final point is a fairly good shout - shame about most of the rest of the post.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Hopefully it feels as good as it looks:COOL:





Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

It looks shit.

Looks like the horribly tacky, horrible made third party controllers you've been able to get since the original Dual Shock was announced.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

It looks really nice, if I'm quite honest. They said there is supposed to be a headphone jack, where is it? LOL.

you can see a hole rightside of something looks like a jack at the 3rd picture.
i guess it's what you are looking for.

It looks shit.

Looks like the horribly tacky, horrible made third party controllers you've been able to get since the original Dual Shock was announced.

maybe it's not to your taste.
i like that design not to mention its spec.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Just read the majority of this thread about some slating pc gaming. here is my 2pence

back in 2007/2008 when the 360 came out, 9/10 people here all laughed at me gaming primarily on the pc with me being the only person defending pc gaming.

people like rob and jamez where console fans to begin with and like the majority, thought pc gaming was too expensive and not worth it.

times have changed and now lots of people here game on pc and this is a true testimate of how popular and how much better mainstream pc gaming has become and will continue to do so once steam launch there own "console" so to speak.

even devs who use to turn there backs on pc(EA sports) now dont and realize the huge potential revenue they can get on pc(EA origin) and further backs how PC gaming is flourishing and will continue to do so.

Those same people who dont like pc gaming or/and laugh at pc gaming(rad etc) i wont be surpised if in a couple of years time u be asking me and others help on how to spec a gaming pc.

PS4 is coming and will have to emulate a lot of things pc already does and even then, as soon as it comes out it will be obsolete.

i reckon the Steam console will be number one console next gen. the HUGE back catalogue of pc games and the price of those games is enough to really take on the xbox and PS brand easily.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I imagine apple will step into the console market soon along with steam and dominate. At least with the casuals.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I hope it's cooler on the hands, I have a skin condition called PPP (pustulosis palmoplantaris) which causes pustules to form on my fingers/palms when they get overheated, lovely I know ;) I find that sometimes the 360 controller causes my palms to get crazy hot which can cause an "outbreak" of the condition :)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I hope it's cooler on the hands, I have a skin condition called PPP (pustulosis palmoplantaris) which causes pustules to form on my fingers/palms when they get overheated, lovely I know ;) I find that sometimes the 360 controller causes my palms to get crazy hot which can cause an "outbreak" of the condition :)
After prolonged use it does get a little sweaty/uncomfortable, usually that's a sign to sign off but let's be honest, when you're addicted to a game unhealthy amounts of time are spent on it! :P

There are third-party controllers with "hand cooling" technology (sorry to bombard you with Amazon links lately, just showing this stuff exists!);

Xbox 360/PS3 ($50);

PC ($10);

There was a model by Logitech called the "Chillstream" which did a similar thing but I can't find it for sale anywhere.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Well my hands tend not to get sweaty, just really hot! Years ago I did have a hand cooling controller for the PC, was quite funky if not a little noisy, might well be worth looking into one for the 360 :)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I'm not even going to pretend I know anything near as much about game design or computer hardware as John Carmack, but that is one hell of a claim and I'd like to see some benchmarks/videos etc. which back it up, because if that actually proved to be true then it would be a long while before PCs could catch up in terms of performance, and without factual evidence I'm inclined to take that statement with a pinch of salt, despite it coming from John Carmack...
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Thought so. Nice. Should have no problem running quality PC games like Arma and rFactor then:)
EDIT - Misunderstood the post I was quoting, doh! Still applies to anyone who would try to say "their exclusives are better".

Let's not devolve this thread into stuff like that.

PS3 gamers could say the same about games like Uncharted, GT5, Resistance, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, God of War, inFamous etc.

Even Wii gamers could say the same about Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 (very good games btw), Zelda, Xenoblade etc.

Xbox 360 with Halo, Gears of War, Forza etc.

Your personal preference on any of the above doesn't matter, because the fact remains that there are many good quality games you can't play or have to wait much longer for on PC - personally, although it's on it's way, Trials Evolution is a top class game that isn't on PC yet and I would have definitely missed not being able to play it had I not owned a console.

PC gaming isn't a one-way ticket to gaming perfection.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Devolve this thread into stuff like what?:CONFUSE: My personal preference does matter and I'd like to be able to play PC games such as Arma and rFactor on a console, which I currently cannot do. With PS4 there may be hope.
I stand corrected, I apologise for misunderstanding you.

I interpreted your post as a dig at the PS4 by, to paraphrase, saying something like "despite the power of the PS4 it still won't have PC exclusives like rFactor or Arma".

It seems though that we're on the same wavelength and I agree with your sentiments about hoping the PS4 catalogue will open up a bit to include some of the more popular PC games.

My post still applies though to anyone thinking about shoving exclusives down anyone else's throats though!
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Why the hell you keep talking about PC gaming in a PS3/PS4 thread? I never went to any PC thread because honestly i don't fucking care about PC games. Please stop posting useless crap about PC here since there are lots of specific threads and forums for that.
Why not? As long as it's constructive and I'm not just going "PS4 sux lololol" then I don't see a problem. In fact I am just as interested in the PS4 as anyone but gaming is a bigger field than just the PS4 and I don't see a point in pledging allegiance to a certain brand, so why censor discussions about the same area of industry?

If I started talking about the effectiveness of renewable energy sources or some other radically different thing then I'd understand your point.

This isn't exactly the most popular of discussion boards and I don't see it brimming with posts otherwise anyway.

You call my posts "useless crap" (arguably that one was as I misunderstood the guy) but what exactly did this one I'm replying to contribute? Absolutely nothing! A few posts back you mentioned PC gamers being "nerds", I thought you were just trolling but I'm starting to wonder if that's how pathetic your contributions are...
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

No ofense, but That's exactly how i see most of the PC gamers, nerds obsessed with performance and tech specs or piracy suporters. And all your talk just ilustrate it very well.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

No ofense, but That's exactly how i see most of the PC gamers, nerds obsessed with performance and tech specs or piracy suporters. And all your talk just ilustrate it very well.
Been through that already:

If my attitude of looking at the platforms without bias and weighing up my options before spending a substantial amount of money makes me (your definition of) a "nerd", then I'm a "nerd" and that doesn't bother me.

You may want to consider how hypocritical you're being though when trying to call my posts useless considering your last few, just saying.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Well, at least i save people time being useless in 2 lines in stead of 20 :P
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