Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I need a tangible title to be able to say that a PC will be better than a PS4, unless PC's start being called PC5 (Generic term for a PC) etc then I can't say that they are better than a something with a higher number in it.

That is why Xbox 360 was much better than a PS3, 360 is WAY more, therefore much better than the number 3.

The same goes for the PC, it has no number, therefore it is not better than PS4.

I think I have ended this debate for everybody, lets move on and just talk about the PS4.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

You know as stupid as this sounds I actually do wonder what Xbox will call their new console to keep up with ps4's number 4. One reason they used 3...60 was Xbox 2 next to a ps3 made it look like their console was inferior.

On topic. With the rumoured march launch for the eu. I don't know if I can be arsed waiting an extra 4-5 months to buy a ps4 at a no doubt inflated uk price. When I expect Xbox to launch in Europe the end of this year. It's very odd that Europe has been sony's most successful territory through the years and they seem to be allowing Xbox to grab gamers first there.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

You know as stupid as this sounds I actually do wonder what Xbox will call their new console to keep up with ps4's number 4. One reason they used 3...60 was Xbox 2 next to a ps3 made it look like their console was inferior.


Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

rob, didn't you know that pc gamers are 'nerds', and console gamers are 'noobs'?


Ok nerds and noobs, let's get back on topic shall we.

Agree! Apologizes for Rob for the noob x nerd war :P

I need a tangible title to be able to say that a PC will be better than a PS4, unless PC's start being called PC5 (Generic term for a PC) etc then I can't say that they are better than a something with a higher number in it.

That is why Xbox 360 was much better than a PS3, 360 is WAY more, therefore much better than the number 3.

The same goes for the PC, it has no number, therefore it is not better than PS4.

I think I have ended this debate for everybody, lets move on and just talk about the PS4.

Great post Bobby, this is indeed more useless than my posts! Keep the great job! :)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I need a tangible title to be able to say that a PC will be better than a PS4, unless PC's start being called PC5 (Generic term for a PC) etc then I can't say that they are better than a something with a higher number in it.

That is why Xbox 360 was much better than a PS3, 360 is WAY more, therefore much better than the number 3.

The same goes for the PC, it has no number, therefore it is not better than PS4.

I think I have ended this debate for everybody, lets move on and just talk about the PS4.

what a crazy nonsense post :lmao:
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I have an XBOX adapter for my PC and 360 controllers, we play FIFA on it quite a lot and we play 1080p FIFA with 8 controllers sometimes

How are you managing to get 8 controllers working in fifa? I thought the adapter only allows 4 to connect. Also, does the 8 have to be 4v4, or can you have 8 vs the CPU?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I had promised myself that I wouldn't buy a PS4 because I think Sony shaft their customers royally. Just look at the cost of memory cards for Vita, or even PS2 in its day. They love to milk their customers dry with these sorts of things.

Then there was my own personal experience with PS3. I bought one for £350 back when it had not been out that long, it lasted just over a year, broke down due to the yellow light issue. Despite being proven that the older models were prone to this, Sony told me to go f**k myself and said buy a new one or pay £150 for a 'replacement'. I did this as I had too many games etc in my back catalogue already, but this replacement only came with a three month warranty. It broke down again just after the warranty expired.

Like a fool, I bit the bullet and bought a new model because I had so much money tied up in bought games, peripherals, online digital purchases etc. I've ended up with three consoles, two breaking down at a cost of £700 over the last five years or so.

So, with that still very fresh in my mind, I'm really not sure about PS4. Sony don't give a shit about their customers. And now I read yesterday that Sony have announced that all PS3 games, including anything bought on the PS Store, won't work with the PS4. Hmm.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Damn that's a really sucky story, I haven't really followed much of Sony's tech problems but thought MS would be considered the evil bad because of the RLOD issues etc.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Ok, I can understand your issues with the YLOD and the way SONY dealt with it. It's really a shame. I don't want to share this kind of experience, that's why I won't become an early adopter. There are still enough games for me to be completed, before I move on to PS4.

But I hardly can understand why people moan the PS4 is not downward / backward compatible (no clue which is the right word... ;) ).
If I want to play PS3 Games I will use my PS3 for it. And once you have an new console you want to play "new" and fresh games on PS4 etc in first place. It would be a nice feature to play old games, but also the first feature which is absolutely not necessary. And if this would help to avoid problems like YLOD it would be better to leave it out from the beginning.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Well personally I don't have a PS3 and never have so it would be attractive to me to get a PS4 if it played the shiny new games as well as the PS3 exclusives I missed out by never having a PS3.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Ok, as you have never had any PS3 Games physically, it won't be a problem, as rumors say that via GAIKAI it should be possible to play "old" PS3 titles via streaming on PS4.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Well personally I don't have a PS3 and never have so it would be attractive to me to get a PS4 if it played the shiny new games as well as the PS3 exclusives I missed out by never having a PS3.

From what they said they have pland to release most of PS3 games on the PSN for the PS4, so you will be probably able to play old PS3 games on the PS4 but only downloading directly on the PS4 (they will probably make versions of the games that works on the PS4).

I just hope they allow people that already own digital copies of the games of PS3 on PSN to re-download them for PS4 without charging them again.

*PS: yes, exactly, by streaming!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Ok well that sounds fine to me, as long as they're not trying to charge £30 for a three year old game for example :)

I doubt that, they are preety greedy... still charges more than $20 for old PS2 games today :(

They will probably sell the top hits like uncharted, gow, heavy rain, etc, for at least $30... I hope not but from the games we see on PSN today that will be the tendency.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Both Sony and Microsoft need to make all of their games downloadable and at decent prices.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Damn that's a really sucky story, I haven't really followed much of Sony's tech problems but thought MS would be considered the evil bad because of the RLOD issues etc.

You're right in that the Xbox 360 had a vastly higher failure rate than PS3, as far as I know however, MS at least recognised it and offered to give people replacements free of charge. I'm not sure how often this happened but I did hear of them doing it.

Sony's attitude down the phone however was to all but tell me to f**k off. I cited the consumer rights act whereby you are entitled to a product that is fit for purpose for 10 years etc but they just told me to deal with it. I remember the guy saying over the phone that I had three choices - pay another £150 for a replacement of a faulty older model with another three month warranty, buy a brand new one again at full price, or don't bother. I wouldn't have bothered were it not for all the money invested in digital downloads, games and peripherals. I mean my girlfriend had just bought the entire Rock Band set up for example.

Trouble was that because my model that broke was the original model, even though that line of model was proven to be faulty, they refused to do anything but offer a direct replacement for £150. So other thsn buying a brand new model, al you have is the option to keep paying £150 for a refurbished old model that is most likely going to fail as the hardware had proven issues, and only have a three month warranty eith each replacement. Lousy.

They have people over a barrel and they know it.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Its never wise to rush out and get the latest console's on launch, thats if you don't mind them releasing much more refined versions for cheaper a year later.

Fall 2014 is when I'll likely get the new console's co inciding with FIFA/PES 15 and likely the other 'annual' releases which launch that time of year.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Xbox actually refused to acknowledge the problem and only changed their policy because they were ordered to by law. If they had got away with it, no one would have got extended warranties and free replacements on certain faults.

You did have other choices other than the 3 Sony gave you. Find a shop or site that repairs them cheaper. Grainger games tech guys repair ps3s, my lazer went bust and their price was £79 I think. I've found places only that will do it for £39 too.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Its never wise to rush out and get the latest console's on launch, thats if you don't mind them releasing much more refined versions for cheaper a year later.

Fall 2014 is when I'll likely get the new console's co inciding with FIFA/PES 15 and likely the other 'annual' releases which launch that time of year.

Very good advice:TU:
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Xbox actually refused to acknowledge the problem and only changed their policy because they were ordered to by law. If they had got away with it, no one would have got extended warranties and free replacements on certain faults.

You did have other choices other than the 3 Sony gave you. Find a shop or site that repairs them cheaper. Grainger games tech guys repair ps3s, my lazer went bust and their price was £79 I think. I've found places only that will do it for £39 too.

I looked around at the time and the cheapest offer for repair I had was £100 with a 1 month warranty. I went with the £150 replacement with a 3 month warranty. Ain't doing that again.

I think it's good advice to avoid a new console certainly for a while, just to see where the land lies regarding failure rates etc. I got mine early at the time because I still had a decent number of PS2 games to finish, so the fact that the older PS3s were backwards compatible made up my mind. I sold my PS2, intending to play my older games and new PS3 games all on one system.

Little did I know that older line of PS3s were faulty. And then of course they removed the backwards compatibility completely. At least this time we know the PS4 won't be backwards compatible from the start. All this business before of different model sizes, backwards or not backwards compatible etc was a farce really. Just like the Xbox originally selling without a hdd attached!
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

How did they remove backwards compatibility from your ps3?

I know they brought out a new cheaper slim console that didn't have BC. But my chunky ps3 still accepts ps2 discs. Though I've not updated it's firmware in years as I don't use it now. Do ps2 games not work anymore since they did that update which removed Linux?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Ive got the Chunky Model Rad which wasn't backwards compatible. Only the very first batch of Fat PS3 had the feature.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

How did they remove backwards compatibility from your ps3?

I know they brought out a new cheaper slim console that didn't have BC. But my chunky ps3 still accepts ps2 discs. Though I've not updated it's firmware in years as I don't use it now. Do ps2 games not work anymore since they did that update which removed Linux?

I think Sony removed the PS2 backwards compatibility/emulation to help reduce their cost of building the PS3 and because they realized PS2s were still selling like gangbusters at the time.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

So was it removed or did they just stop making the models with it in?

I'd like to see at least digital purchases carry over to ps4. The people who made strangers wrath said they got their ps3 version up and running on ps4 in only a few weeks. So it sounds like its a piece of piss.
not only would it give the gamers a ton of games to play on launch bt also mean that ps+ content could be used there and allow them to keep giving out content on the new console.

Seems like a no brainer to me.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

How did they remove backwards compatibility from your ps3?

I know they brought out a new cheaper slim console that didn't have BC. But my chunky ps3 still accepts ps2 discs. Though I've not updated it's firmware in years as I don't use it now. Do ps2 games not work anymore since they did that update which removed Linux?

Yeah only the very first ones still have it Rad. Like mine :SMUG:
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

So was it removed or did they just stop making the models with it in?

I'd like to see at least digital purchases carry over to ps4. The people who made strangers wrath said they got their ps3 version up and running on ps4 in only a few weeks. So it sounds like its a piece of piss.
not only would it give the gamers a ton of games to play on launch bt also mean that ps+ content could be used there and allow them to keep giving out content on the new console.

Seems like a no brainer to me.

Yeah they stopped making later models with BC built in. I agree as above, I think it was partly to keep costs down and also because PS2s were still selling by the bucketload. It of course didn't help me, when faced with either keeping paying over £100 for refurbished models with three month warranties that would most likely keep getting the yellow light thingy, or just buy a new one without the BC and let my PS2 games go to waste without buying a new PS2 as well. Oh well.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Actually, to change the subject, I read today about the Killzone demo shown last week for PS4, and it seems that the game will be running at 30fps. I know this is a huge thing with PC gamers, but personally I'm actually quite happy about this. I appreciate that 60fps games are more responsive and smoother, but I just don't like the visual effect of 60fps.

I think games on current consoles look more choppy because they are constantly struggling to keep up with even 30fps, so if they dip down to 20 or so, then it looks noticeably bad. But for me, the Killzone demo looked good at 30fps because it simply won't dip below that. Games will come out in 60fps, I'm sure, but I thought it was an interesting thing to note about the new consoles when compared to PC gaming.

I just don't like the 60fps effect on my eyes though. I kind of compare it, visually at least, to the filming of The Hobbit. I prefer films in 24fps like I prefer games in 30fps, but that's just me. Either way, I'm happy with the new Killzone game's graphics too. Thought it looked really impressive, especially given that it must look vastly better when the game is actually in front of you. It's hard to tell just how good it would look through compressed internet videos.
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