Sony PlayStation 3

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

can't quite see the reason behind this presentation at this point. do they know microsoft is going to show something big soon?

cause this - in my opinion - was lame and half-arsed. watchdogs looked good - but we knew that already.

new controller - wow. i want to see the console. get a price. or specific release date.

and all of the presenters where somehow boring, uninspired and showed a certain amount of acted excitement.

it all did not add up for me

I agree, we knew a new console was coming. Why not wait till E3 and show us what we wanted to see?
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

it's not like e3 is that far in the future, right?

and leave all the hype at the biggest event to microsoft? well, they seem quite desperate. ;)
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

i think they did not showed the design and told more about the spec, because they want to wait for presentation of new xobx.
it seems that they want to have the strongest console this time. so the keep their specs secret. during the e3 we should be informed about design, price and dates...
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Whatever the specs, the majority of the big console games will be multi-platform and probably look largely the same on both consoles.

What is most important is how well the new features are implemented, how smooth the experience is, the durability of the hardware etc.
Most of that won't be known until the console is actually released.

Don't fully trust and get excited about the word of the people selling you something.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Some of the games on show last night didn't interest me but Mark Cerny explained the hardware/some features stuff very well and I like the direction its going in.

They've shown that they have learned from some mistakes, I just hope the price is another example of this.

Nothing wrong with doing this event now, they've detailed some things, got some things out of the way early, the world is talking about their new system and now people are looking forward to E3 for the main event. Good PR.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

announcements like this are usually designed for share holders and investors, especially since we are at the very beginning of the financial years for most countries and biz related decisions are made well in advance.
E3 will be the stage show, now the biz community knows in details sony path for the future.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Yeah i see the reason for doing this conference to get one over on xbox and get the reveal over and done with so they can spend more time at E3 talking about games and the service and price etc. if Xbox come out at E3 now with basically a system that's the same.... The world isn't going to go bat shit crazy over it. Especially as they're so obsessed with that kinect shit. Better with kinect? My arse it is.
Sony are usually last at E3 too so this gives them a chance to appear to be the first with this new tech and ideas. Typically they announce something on their day that Xbox also spoke of and they look like "me too, me too".

I think the sharing/steam features are going to be astounding. It's the best feature of OnLive and is going to be something that really sets them apart from Xbox. Being able to get in a group and do party chat, then hear your friend shout out over something cool they did and have the ability to see it on video right away. Awesome.

Vita streaming sounds very WiiU like with the gamepad. Give us a price drop like Japan now.

Also love the ideas about downloads and how it will auto download your next predicted purchase so when you ultimately buy it, it becomes unlocked and downloaded right away.
Suspend modes great too, no more having to run to a save point quickly because someone has shown up at your house for a visit or you're called out. Just power down and resume later.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Good news for old farts :)

"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that." - Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida speaking to Eurogamer.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Yeah i see the reason for doing this conference to get one over on xbox and get the reveal over and done with so they can spend more time at E3 talking about games and the service and price etc. if Xbox come out at E3 now with basically a system that's the same.... The world isn't going to go bat shit crazy over it. Especially as they're so obsessed with that kinect shit. Better with kinect? My arse it is.
Sony are usually last at E3 too so this gives them a chance to appear to be the first with this new tech and ideas. Typically they announce something on their day that Xbox also spoke of and they look like "me too, me too".

I think the sharing/steam features are going to be astounding. It's the best feature of OnLive and is going to be something that really sets them apart from Xbox. Being able to get in a group and do party chat, then hear your friend shout out over something cool they did and have the ability to see it on video right away. Awesome.

Vita streaming sounds very WiiU like with the gamepad. Give us a price drop like Japan now.

Also love the ideas about downloads and how it will auto download your next predicted purchase so when you ultimately buy it, it becomes unlocked and downloaded right away.
Suspend modes great too, no more having to run to a save point quickly because someone has shown up at your house for a visit or you're called out. Just power down and resume later.

I think kinect is good and if it evolves like they are saying it will, then it can be very good. I like the voice command stuff myself which makes much more sense on a home entertainment system (if they can do it properly) than on a mobile phone (siri).

You can load up a film, game, search the web etc anything by just saying it instead of scrolling through menus etc. If you can customise voice commands (Instead of saying xbox before everything) and if it can notice different hand gestures and you can apply them to different things, then it can make a huge me anyway :)) (I keep losing my remote ;)) )

At the moment it is gimmicky, but if they integrate it right, then it can become very useful.

But the ideas Sony seem to have come up with, like the sharing button and also the rumoured idea that you can let friends play through your computer, say if you get stuck on levels etc (although obviously it opens up more) and being able to play on the Vita etc are all great steps forward. Also letting friends watch you play is also great.

Hopefully the Xbox has some different things up it's sleeve.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I don't get all these people going crazy over the 8GB. RAM hasn't been relevant in PC gaming for a while now, it's very much about the graphics cards. Sure, RAM is still useful but if the GPU isn't right then the RAM won't make a difference.

I've got 8GB of RAM in my PC and I'm pretty sure it's never used half of that when playing games. I wouldn't think 8GB is as much of a game-changer as people are clamoring on about it to be.

Or I could be completely wrong.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I don't get all these people going crazy over the 8GB. RAM hasn't been relevant in PC gaming for a while now, it's very much about the graphics cards. Sure, RAM is still useful but if the GPU isn't right then the RAM won't make a difference.

I've got 8GB of RAM in my PC and I'm pretty sure it's never used half of that when playing games. I wouldn't think 8GB is as much of a game-changer as people are clamoring on about it to be.

Or I could be completely wrong.

You got to think that the 8GB will be shared between the system and the GPU, so it is more likely to have 6GB system ram and 2GB for the GPU.

6GB is more than enough for even PC games, but unlike you Dags I read the PS4 is more likely going to have a 7670, although a 7850 does sound more likely.

But I am sure whatever happens it won't be as good as any current PC's.

Also the current rumours are saying that the console will be £300.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I don't get all these people going crazy over the 8GB. RAM hasn't been relevant in PC gaming for a while now, it's very much about the graphics cards. Sure, RAM is still useful but if the GPU isn't right then the RAM won't make a difference.

I've got 8GB of RAM in my PC and I'm pretty sure it's never used half of that when playing games. I wouldn't think 8GB is as much of a game-changer as people are clamoring on about it to be.

Or I could be completely wrong.
Mark Reign from Epic "8GB of super-fast RAM - holy cow!"

Strange the old man look much better yesterday during the live in HD :P your screenshot are really ugly (youtube 360p ?)
And the Quantic dreams want to show the emotion, not graphism, just look the hair, look like PES.

edit : the guy on nvidia demo tech don't move, no hair (eyebrown just a texture)...
YouTube - GeForce 8800 Ultra Human Head Tech-Demo

Quantic dreams demo tech filmed
YouTube - Quantic Dream PS4 Tech Demo
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

PC have better graphics, yes.

Is PC gaming the future, don't think so.

As a matter of fact a personal computer, I mean a desktop like, isn't even in the future of our lives.
Why would you want a complicated device that do thousands of stuff you don't even need?

I think Sony is going the right way, adding social features and everything you want/need to enjoy video games.

But video games could totally be like PC in some ways, like updating the video card more often, in a cheaper way of course.
Trying to take the value of the system a bit, focusing more on the user fidelity.

Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida has told Eurogamer that PlayStation 4 will not block the use of second-hand games, contrary to various reports, speculation and even a Sony patent unearthed last month.

I sat down with Yoshida a few hours after the PS4 reveal tonight and one of the first things I asked was whether used games would be blocked.

"Do you want us to do that?" he asked.

No, I said. I think, if you buy something on a disc, that you have a kind of moral contract with the person you've bought it from that you retain some of that value and you can pass it on.

Do you agree, I asked?

"Yes. That's the general expectation by consumers," said Yoshida. "They purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation."

So if someone buys a PlayStation 4 game, I asked, you're not going to stop them reselling it?

"Aaaah," was Yoshida's initial answer, but seemingly only because he'd forgotten his line. "So what was our official answer to our internal question?" he asked his Japanese PR advisor. The advisor stepped in but didn't seem to answer clearly, at least to my ears. Yoshida then took control again firmly:

"So, used games can play on PS4. How is that?"

I said I thought that was fine.

Interestingly, I also spoke to a Sony source elsewhere at the event this evening who told me that the anti used-game patent discovered last month was actually nothing to do with PlayStation 4 at all.

The patent suggested that discs would come branded with a contactless tag that could be recognised and read by your console, which would then bind it to you and prevent you from selling it on.

But whatever reason Sony did have for patenting it, it sounds like it wasn't for its next-generation console. Hopefully Microsoft will also avoid this ludicrous technology with its next-generation Xbox as well.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

A PC is a complicated device, I might not be educated as you.

But think about it this way, it can run programs that create games, it can run tools for work, it can print a cook book for your mom, and all that shit people advertise.

I ain't no nerd, but I assume an operational system needs major tech to run all that stuff.

edit: I was talking to bsmaff above, it was all a misinterpretation of the word complicated, my point explained in this post.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

PC have better graphics, yes.

Is PC gaming the future, don't think so.

As a matter of fact a personal computer, I mean a desktop like, isn't even in the future of our lives.
Why would you want a complicated device that do thousands of stuff you don't even need?

I think Sony is going the right way, adding social features and everything you want/need to enjoy video games.

But video games could totally be like PC in some ways, like updating the video card more often, in a cheaper way of course.
Trying to take the value of the system a bit, focusing more on the user fidelity.
Of course - closed systems with a specific purpose (in the case of the PS4, gaming/entertainment) will always be much more appealing to a wider range of people due to their "simplicity".

Popularity however does not equal quality, functionality or value.

There is a trend for users to move away from desktops towards laptops and (more recently) tablets, because they are more portable and "convenient", but it is a fact that they are far less customisable and upgradeable than a desktop and are more expensive for equal performance.

Just to show how not-complicated PC gaming is - you can build a PC and have it just sitting next to your TV with a controller connected, set up Steam Big Picture to start on boot and your PC will boot up into a screen much the same as the dashboard of a console, which you can navigate with the controller. No more complicated than a console whatsoever.

The initial building cost is fairly high for a top of the range PC, however in the long term if you tend to buy a lot of games (especially on release) it will work out cheaper.

Having seen Battlefield 3 played comfortably at over 60fps with 64 players on ultra detail compared to how it looks on Xbox 360/PS3 with 32, I'm not going to get left behind with an inferior experience for next-gen.
Then there's the whole modding aspect which consoles lack.

But as I said, I will still buy a console at some point if only for the exclusives - money isn't as much of an object for me now as this is the first round of proper console releases I haven't been at school for and actually have a job now! :LOL:

Why would you want a complicated device that do thousands of stuff you don't even need?
That can be said about any recent device though really (except maybe consoles) - they tend to be so multifunctional.
For example the Apple App Store has over 750k different apps, the Google Play Store has over 500k - I know a lot of those are poor or perform the same function as one another, but there are bound to be hundreds/thousands of uses that any user, in your own words, "don't even need".

I'd contrast your question by asking "Why would you only want a device with hardware capable of various functions that are inaccessible due to limitations imposed by the limitations of the OS?" A few examples would be the PS3/360s inability to play .mkv or .flac files without network streaming. The Xbox 360 not having a browser capable of flash etc.

These issues are likely to be sorted next time around but there's going to be things they can't do.

Game consoles are basically desktop PCs (hardware in a box) with a frontend dedicated to media/gaming with every other capability locked down.

I'm not being defensive of the PC platform here (I've played Xbox 360 since 2008), it's just that simply from weighing up the pros and cons without bias, the logical conclusion is that PC does offer a higher quality experience.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

In terms of graphics and mods etc. pc has an advantage. But I don't know anyone with a rig in front of their tv and find that most of the games I care about aren't even on pc. If I did build a rig, the pros you listed mean very little to me when I'm sat on my own with no friends and hardly any games I'd want to play. Battlefield in super hd and 64 players i dont know and have no interest in getting to know (and hacks) or battlefield in decent hd with 32 players most of which are friends I already have.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

In terms of graphics and mods etc. pc has an advantage. But I don't know anyone with a rig in front of their tv and find that most of the games I care about aren't even on pc. If I did build a rig, the pros you listed mean very little to me when I'm sat on my own with no friends and hardly any games I'd want to play. Battlefield in super hd and 64 players i dont know and have no interest in getting to know (and hacks) or battlefield in decent hd with 32 players most of which are friends I already have.

Again though as I stated before BF3 on console is incredibly piss poor compared to the PC version, and again another person who doesn't understand PC's.

I have an XBOX adapter for my PC and 360 controllers, we play FIFA on it quite a lot and we play 1080p FIFA with 8 controllers sometimes(if were drunk enough). My PC is connected very easily to my TV.

There is very very few games which aren't available on PC, we are just saying you get to play all the games on PC in the absolute best possible way.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

In terms of graphics and mods etc. pc has an advantage. But I don't know anyone with a rig in front of their tv and find that most of the games I care about aren't even on pc. If I did build a rig, the pros you listed mean very little to me when I'm sat on my own with no friends and hardly any games I'd want to play. Battlefield in super hd and 64 players i dont know and have no interest in getting to know (and hacks) or battlefield in decent hd with 32 players most of which are friends I already have.
Of course, the social side of gaming is important for a large number of people and the way it's integrated into consoles these days (particularly Xbox Live) is very accessible but all of this functionality is easily available for PC too (Steam/Xfire).

Fortunately for me most of my mates are switching to PC as well so your issue won't apply for me, but it is perfectly understandable, especially if the console exclusives interest you more than their PC counterparts. The difference in quality of multiplatform games (especially the visuals) is staggering though, especially towards the end of a console's lifespan as is the case right now.

The video capturing feature of the PS4 is a nice addition - when I made a PES 2011 goal compilation I had to film my screen with a digital camera :LOL:.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I think it's a common knowlegde that PC gamers are usually nerds that have nothing else to spend their money or people that wants piracy. In some cases, both.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Re: bsmaff

You can Get lost with that pissy defensive attitude. Yet another person who blah blah. Where do I make Any claims about the pc that are untrue that shows I do not understand pcs?

First it's non of your business what platform I have fun with so quit trying to convince me I'm wrong. It's not a fact that pc is best because not everyone wants what pc has to offer. If you value pc over everything then that's fine but get lost trying convince me I'm wrong.

Second. I've had more fun on consoles than on pc. I would always rather choose fun over graphics. My friends are on console, the games like BF runs fine, it's fun. Sure its not as good as pc but what kind of narcissist decides their fun is more valid than another's fun? Quit giving a shit about other people and just enjoy your own interests.
You don't 'need' anything further from a game and certainly I don't need anyone like yourself looking down their nose at me just because they play games on pc in amazing graphics.

Get over yourself

Re Rob
I fully understand where you're coming from. I used to be primarily a pc gamer about 10 + years ago. I was addicted to return to castle wolfenstein, MOH, the original cods, the C&C games (which I still play). Trying to play any of those on home consoles was horrible. Muddy textures and horrible controls. But those who never touch the pc versions didn't know any better so loved them. I don't find the difference these days to really bother me though. Console versions don't look shockingly bad compared, they're just not as good.

The ps2 and going to Uni dragged me away and it's just the way the cards fell that everyone I became friends with we're also into consoles and it just continued. These days though I can't throw money at gaming as much (2 kids and another on the way). So a console just works best. It pleases the kids, my friends and family are into it all and it has enough games to keep me excited. I'd love to have a high end pc again but again, I just can't muster up enough to justify buying one for myself.
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

Not wishing to turn this into a PC vs console gamers fight but there has been a considerable resurgence in PC gaming of late. Just from personal experience I know of many former console players now gaming on PCs. Most of the gaming podcasts I listen to increasingly devote more time to PC gaming. On the forums I visit I'm continually seeing people asking for advice on building gaming PCs.

Now I'm not suggesting PC gaming will ever be as mainstream as console gaming - it won't. However some like to think PC gaming is on the decline and that's not true at all. It has a very strong future in my opinion.

I believe there is an increasing convergence between consoles and PCs. Consoles have taken on a multimedia role since the 360/PS3 and PC gaming has become simpler and much more approachable.

For example, my PC sits beside my TV stand in my living room. It loads to desktop in less than thirty seconds and I can launch a game in the same time it takes to fire up the PS3/360. I play games with a wireless 360 controller. The vast majority of game franchises are available on PC (and are cheaper).

What console gaming has in its favour is plug-and-play simplicity within a compact unit, with games fully optimised for the hardware. There is a hell of a lot to be said for that.

I wouldn't trade that for all that PC gaming offers, though. The PS4 looks nice but all it's doing is playing catch-up with what PC gaming has offered for some time, and it won't be long before it's left behind again.
Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

I totally understand, but in my personal case, that would not be possible, first is that with a powerful PC even though I have a notebook, I'd definitely be running all Adobe stuff on the PC.
If I paid real money on it, why not run Photoshop and do all my work there, got make it worth it. So latest software would be a must for me.
But that's not even the main problem, the thing is all the people I live with, would look at the PC and think let me go on Facebook, let me download tons of illegal softwares, let me watch some 1080p adult movies :P
People are still used to do shitload of stuff on a PC, if I was a lone wolf like Gab_ or a selfish prick that says no to everything I could have it exclusively for gaming.
But its not the case :( I'm not ronery Gab_ I kinda of wish I was.

In Sony's presentation yesterday, I saw exactly what I hoped, to me when they don't focus that much on hardware, graphics, they are admitting they can't compete with PC.
I also like to think, though I don't really believe it, that by not showing the actual system, they want to test it's value. How can they sell the brand itself.
As I said before that's where I see the next bold move is. Taking the value of the actual PS4-5-6 and making it more about the PlayStation experience. Where you have your account, games, apps, friends, movies etc not linked to a system but to the brand, like Apple already do, those hipsters bastards.
I really don't know how they would work it, or if they ever will make this move. But I'd like to see more frequent hardware updates like the PC have, that's how I see they competing in the future.
Haha I understand, I have a load of software I'll probably never really use on my laptop just for the sake of it!

I'm not preaching here to convert anyone, that would be mad, but I think it's best that people know the lay of the land and what's on offer when it comes to gaming platforms - it's not a cheap hobby by any means (unless you compare it with skydiving or something) so having more information can only help your decision which is why I brought it up. Points made, so moving on.

Hardware updates is a tricky thing for consoles - if it were done cheaply and it were simply a case of plugging something into an "expansion bay" then that would be feasible, however if it involved actually opening the console up then issues like the validity of warranties come into play as well as many users being afraid of damaging their property (handling computer hardware is actually quite easy/safe if you take care, it's a misconception but it's understandable).

The other main thing would be offering an equal service to all your customer base - if due to money constraints or the issues above some people haven't upgraded, they may have incompatibility issues or poor performance in games. This is a problem both for customers and the industry - it divides and hence depletes your target audience.
One of the main advantages of console gaming is that if you buy a game for your console, you know it's going to run without issues due to your hardware (obviously software bugs still exist), this would negate that point.

This issue of hardware upgrades has kind of happened in other areas - most noticeably I'd say in smartphones/tablets.
I have an HTC Desire and a 3rd gen iPod Touch which are, albeit adequate for my needs, quite dated and inferior to the latest models yet the Google/Apple stores still allow me access to apps and games that bring my devices to a crawl and often crash. I wouldn't like that to happen to console gaming.

I think the solution to this issue when it comes to consoles is the introduction of cloud gaming, which we'll actually see for the first time on a major console on the PS4 with Gaikai. As someone involved and interested in a career in computing I am eager to see how this is implemented and the reception it gets. In the UK in particular though I suspect broadband probably isn't sufficient on a wide enough scale for it to realise it's potential just yet.

Something I hope changes with this next generation of consoles is the digital download aspect of the official marketplace - the games are like £50-60 on release and tend to stay around £30-40 even months later... I don't want to keep bringing up PC after saying "points made" but when you see the Steam sales it makes the prices seem ludicrous and I don't know anyone who has used that feature on either PS3 or 360 for new releases!
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Re: Sony PlayStation 3 AND NOW 4!!!!OMGZ

A free little cloud gaming beta by Square Enix here that runs in your browser if anyone's interested in a taster of what it might be like;

You need to download a plugin but no game data - it is quite impressive how responsive it is.
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