Sony PlayStation 3

I bought Outland, as it seemed to be a nice and fun game. And it is. It has also co-op (hasn't tried it yet). But the single player looks great and works.
Got my account, my US account and my girlfriends account on the PS3. Meaning all had the option of the two free games. So in the end I've came away with Infamous, LBP, Wipeout Fury, Dead Nation and Ratchet all for free :D
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Nice one Dags, I still think WipeOut is the best of those games, but that's my choice.
Yep, I've already got the full game so I grabbed the Fury expansion. The only other game left was Super Stardust HD on the US store but I've got that too.
I was just looking through the PSN store and noticed that Red Faction Armageddon, is on sale for the rather unbelievable price of £57.99 to download. Are Sony taking the piss? How can they let anyone try and sell games for that price, hoping someone will buy it because they don't know any better. It's £22 new from Amazon. That is a total disgrace IMO and shouldn't be allowed. Surely people won't actually pay that, it a clear rip off attempt?
I think InFamous is on sale for a crazy price as well. I'm not sure why they do that. I always thought it's supposed to be a tad cheaper on PSN to encourage people into buying it.
i tried infamous, didn't like a bit of it.

anyway i downloaded and installed Wipe Out. But it disappeared from the list of games once i turned on the ps3 a couple of days afterwards.

any idea why?
yeah that was my guess, but i couldn't care less about the other free games.

i still have 2 weeks of psplus, though i really don't seem to care much about that offer. wrong months for gaming for me.
I wouldn't bother too much about Wipeout - downloaded it and thought it's a load of crap.

Totally agree, I downloaded it, played one race and was bored to tears. Haven't tried it since. I think it's just dated badly. Graphics are okay, but that's about it.

As for the pricing thing, you would imagine that download only games from the PSN store would be cheaper, but no. Even Halo Reach is selling on xbox live for £49.99 which is also a disgrace. I think they're going down the road of raising the price because people can get it there and then, rather than have to wait for it in the post or go down to the shops. Should be the other way around considering you don't even get a hard copy of the game.

Whatever the reason, charging nearly £20 more than the RRP for any game, especially when it's already been out a while, is ridiculous. I hope they don't sell a single download.
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The new games are usually £49.99 in the PStore (and probably Xbox Marketplace) but as surprising as it may be, that is the actual RRP for games so it's not exactly 'a disgrace'. Retailers choose to sell them as £39.99 standard. Personally i think the price, whilst being the RRP, is overly stupid considering it's a digital version and you don't get any kind of physical copy. It's obvious that it's aimed at trying to wing money from people who are to lazy to a)go to a store or b)wait for it to be delivered from an internet store. If you do pay 50 for a download game then you better have been lobotimised at some point in your life.
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I despair when I see games sold on XBL Marketplace or PSN Store for above the standard market RRP.

If digital distribution has a future - and I'm sure that's the way it will go whether we like it or not - it has to be sold on two basic principles:

a - it's cheaper to download a game than buy a physical copy for obvious reasons (production and shipping costs, selling through a third party, etc....).

b - it's quicker and easier to download than buy in a store or online.

Now for me the second one is something of a moot point. I buy nearly all my games through ShopTo or Amazon, and they are nearly always on my doormat within 48 hours, sometimes next day. Personally I'm prepared to wait a couple of days for a good price.

So therefore digitally distributed games have to be sold for said 'good price'. A new release would have to be in the region of £25-30 at the most for me to download it otherwise I would rather buy a hard copy (which I would prefer to have anyway).

There are other points such as pre-ordered games arriving early when bought with online stores, and also the length of time it takes to download large files such as games. The recent Infamous download as part of the PSN welcome back pack was absolutely painful If you're lucky enough to have super-fast broadband then this is not a concern, but personally it put me right off the idea of DD.
The new games are usually £49.99 in the PStore (and probably Xbox Marketplace) but as surprising as it may be, that is the actual RRP for games so it's not exactly 'a disgrace'. Retailers choose to sell them as £39.99 standard. Personally i think the price, whilst being the RRP, is overly stupid considering it's a digital version and you don't get any kind of physical copy. It's obvious that it's aimed at trying to wing money from people who are to lazy to a)go to a store or b)wait for it to be delivered from an internet store. If you do pay 50 for a download game then you better have been lobotimised at some point in your life.

So yeah, the fact that they are trying to wing money out of people is a disgrace. And £55 for a game, and a not very good one at that, is even worse.
So yeah, the fact that they are trying to wing money out of people is a disgrace. And £55 for a game, and a not very good one at that, is even worse.

I concur but there's no pressure on them to deliver a fair digital distribution price. If there is a future in that, and i believe there will be but nothing major, then they're going to need to sell their digital games at competitive prices.
PSN Online Passes Arriving to the PS3 this Fall

"When it comes to online gaming, used game enthusiasts are soon going to be out of luck, unless they want to shell out additional cash. Sony has announced that an "Online-Passes" program will be arriving to the PS3 this Fall. The program will be similar to the program which Electronics Arts instituted into Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, FIFA 11, and other titles. With the PSN Pass program, gamers will receive a one time use code, which they will use to activate online play. If you purchase a used game and want to play online, you will be required to purchase an online pass separately. The first game to institute this program will be the highly anticipated Resistance 3, which is shaping up to be one of Sony's premiere titles this upcoming holiday season. Sony has stated that all titles will be adopting this new program"

YouTube - PSN Pass OFFICIAL! Ready for Outrage?
Was always going to happen. Sad but inevitable.

As for the digital distribution thing, there isn't any pressure on companies to release digital stuff cheaper, but surely sales would radically improve if they reduced the prices of digital copies? I'd be convinced to buy things if they're cheaper.

Konami released PES 2011 on XBL for £19.99 as digital download and that price point made me buy it. I don't think this is just reserved for games though, movies are sold on the PSN for near on the same price as a brand new bluray disc. Why would I want a copy of a movie, for the same price, that is tied to my PS3 when I could have a physical copy?
Anyone here got Outrun Online Arcade? I love this game, play it regularly since I got the PS3 in 2008. It's no longer available in the Store because the Ferrari Licence expired for Sega! A shame for those who didn't get it, although I imagine it's not to everyone's tastes. Those who have it though, add IcelandicOps and we'll grab a game. Hardly ever anyone online these days.
Has anyone else installed the new iplayer app, is normal for it to take so long to load?
It seems to be a one time thing, working properly now.
Has anyone else been getting the PSN error 8002ad23 recently?
I've gone back to a wired connection and that seems to have solved the issue.
I'm going to sell my PS3 once I've bought and completed Uncharted 3 but I haven't got a clue what price it's worth these days?

It's the old phat-style PS3 which had a 40GB HDD but I've since swapped it out for a 500GB HDD. Still got the box.

I'll also be including:

- Playstation Move camera and two controllers
- Two Singstar wired microphones
- The Bourne Consiracy
- Promo copy of Haze
- Singstar Take That
- Singstar
- Singstar Pop Edition

I'll likely sell Uncharted 3 separately.
Really not got a clue how much all of that is worth, any ideas?
I'm going to sell my PS3 once I've bought and completed Uncharted 3 but I haven't got a clue what price it's worth these days?

It's the old phat-style PS3 which had a 40GB HDD but I've since swapped it out for a 500GB HDD. Still got the box.

I'll also be including:

- Playstation Move camera and two controllers
- Two Singstar wired microphones
- The Bourne Consiracy
- Promo copy of Haze
- Singstar Take That
- Singstar
- Singstar Pop Edition

I'll likely sell Uncharted 3 separately.
Really not got a clue how much all of that is worth, any ideas?

About 150 probably on ebay (taking away fees you'll lose get charged by paypal/ebay)
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