Sony PlayStation 3

Used to have an Xbox, now i have a PS3. All i can say is that the switch between premium live and free psn has made no difference to me. If it wasn't for the several billion threads about it on the internet i wouldn't even think about it. I have no idea why this is annoying people so much. How impatient/unreasonable/dependent on playing CoD online every day are people? Seriously Gamefaqs (generally known as the home of petulant spoiled gamers) is going berserk about this PSN thing.

If anything comes out of this then i hope it is that it annoys the kids who can't get their daily COD fix so much that the ones who didn't already have Xboxs sell their Ps3s and go buy an Xbox instead to play on live because they feel butthurt by the PSN being down for a couple of days. All the better for me and the PSN if they go because when it' back up i won't have to hear their shrill voices.

/this is a rant
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Used to have an Xbox, now i have a PS3. All i can say is that the switch between premium live and free psn has made no difference to me. If it wasn't for the several billion threads about it on the internet i wouldn't even think about it. I have no idea why this is annoying people so much. How impatient/unreasonable/dependent on playing CoD online every day are people? Seriously Gamefaqs (generally known as the home of petulant spoiled gamers) is going berserk about this PSN thing.

If anything comes out of this then i hope it is that it annoys the kids who can't get their daily COD fix so much that the ones who didn't already have Xboxs sell their Ps3s and go buy an Xbox instead to play on live because they feel butthurt by the PSN being down for a couple of days. All the better for me and the PSN if they go because when it' back up i won't have to hear their shrill voices.

/this is a rant
Some people can only game at certain times of the week mate
Not wishing to stir up a PSN vs Xbox Live debate or anything, but for me XBL is a far superior service and is worth paying for.

In terms of actually playing games online then for me there is nothing between the two. But in terms of pure functionality and user-friendliness XBL wins hands down. Doing simple things like messaging or chat using PSN can be a convoluted process, whereas with XBL it is quick and intuitive. And don't get me started on the forced installs and ridiculous download times for updates on PSN. It's the little things, particularly time-saving functionality, that make a service.

The one thing I really do like about PSN is that it feels like a more mature, grown-up service, compared to XBL's more casual feel with the naff avatars and all that.
The one thing I really do like about PSN is that it feels like a more mature, grown-up service, compared to XBL's more casual feel with the naff avatars and all that.

I hear you. After having not been on a 360 for almost 2 years now, it feels refreshing and kind of fun in comparison. Pretty sure after a while I'll think it's a bit on the "childish" side.
Some people can only game at certain times of the week mate

I know, it's pretty unfortunate but i'm willing to bet you do have other interests to keep you occupied and/or single player games to play. That is all i meant really.

There's always next week. Game twice as hard then.
Not wishing to stir up a PSN vs Xbox Live debate or anything, but for me XBL is a far superior service and is worth paying for.

In terms of actually playing games online then for me there is nothing between the two. But in terms of pure functionality and user-friendliness XBL wins hands down. Doing simple things like messaging or chat using PSN can be a convoluted process, whereas with XBL it is quick and intuitive. And don't get me started on the forced installs and ridiculous download times for updates on PSN. It's the little things, particularly time-saving functionality, that make a service.

The one thing I really do like about PSN is that it feels like a more mature, grown-up service, compared to XBL's more casual feel with the naff avatars and all that.

This is a fair point. I don't even have any friends on PSN because everybody i knows owns an Xbox (Fifa and COD gamers coincidently) so i haven't had to endure things like the stuff you mentioned but i could see how it'd be way more annoying than it is on Xbox Live.
I know, it's pretty unfortunate but i'm willing to bet you do have other interests to keep you occupied and/or single player games to play. That is all i meant really.

There's always next week. Game twice as hard then.
yea i do and infact. i personally couldnt care if psn is down for another month as i have not touched mine for 2 months already but i sympathize on people who do game on it
I hear you. After having not been on a 360 for almost 2 years now, it feels refreshing and kind of fun in comparison. Pretty sure after a while I'll think it's a bit on the "childish" side.

I'm kind of in the same position. I've only occasionally used my 360 since I got a PS3 last May, and let my gold membership run out many months before that.

However I'm actually looking to get back on my 360 more now, and possibly get my gold membership going again.

The PS3 has been a disappointment in some ways. The games invariably look exactly the same, if not poorer, than the 360 with poor anti-aliasing. Only the exclusives look impressive, but the ones that interest me are few and far between (such as GT5, which is an unfinished mess). The user interface is poor and quite archaic. It's a nice and quiet console with good connectivity, but a year on I am left asking myself why I bought a PS3 when it brings virtually nothing to the table a 360 can't do already (I have a seperate Blu-ray player before you mention it).
- Demon's souls
- Uncharted 1, 2 3?
- Heavy rain
- The last guardian
- Little Big Planet
- Flower
- Infamous

I know it may sound little to some, but this for me justifies owning a PS3. Only with Demon's souls and Uncharted, I consider the console has been put to good use. Now, if only they didn't break so often, I could be playing right now!
- Demon's souls
- Uncharted 1, 2 3?
- Heavy rain
- The last guardian
- Little Big Planet
- Flower
- Infamous

I know it may sound little to some, but this for me justifies owning a PS3. Only with Demon's souls and Uncharted, I consider the console has been put to good use. Now, if only they didn't break so often, I could be playing right now!

None of those games interest me at all. I'm more into my sports & racing games, plus the odd shooter. Generally stuff that's multi-platform.

It's my own fault, I know.
It was a number of reasons that led me to the PS3. At first the 360 was brilliant, but then the exclusive games dried up and since 80% of titles are multi platform plus the sheer amount of PS3 exclusive titles and the free PSN it was a simple decision to make.

The Xbox 360 has stagnated since 2008. The NXE update wasn't that big of a deal and there are few exclusive titles that would cause me to go out and buy it.

In comparison the PS3 has been improving pretty much year on year. The only thing missing for me personally is Cross Game Chat/Party Chat.
I'm currently waiting GAME stores to send me the money for my 3rd PS3, as I had it with an insurance to cover faulty hardware. It's my 3rd PS3 in less than a year and it's getting ridiculous. Hardware nowadays is crap. The only doubt is whether is voluntarily crap or they didn't plan it like this, but I would say it's the first one. Corporations work like this nowadays, and no one can stop them.

I hear you mate, I'm on my third ps3. Very annoying. First one broke down, sent it back, got replaced with a brilliant door collection service. No complaints there. However the replacement broke down two weeks after the warranty expired. Both 60gb backwards compatible ones gone. They then just told me to sod off or buy a new console that wasn't backwards compatible as they no longer make them. Sweet. I originally paid extra for the backwards compatible one in the first place..... I was tempted to not buy one, but with all my games collections, peripherals etc and paid dlc then I didn't really have much choice :(

As for the PSN, it's hilarious how some are reacting. I read some comments on IGN today with people stating that they deserve compensation via wallet credits or free games. It's a free service, in this regard Sony don't owe anyone anything. And yeah, just go outside, it's like summer right now. Bar a few offline games of PES I've all but stopped gaming in favour of the good weather recently. For me a summer BBQ with mates sure beats online gaming. But some people are crazy. It's only been down for, what, 5 days, yet people are even threatening to sell their PS3's in disgust. Very bizarre.

It personally find xbox live to be a little better though, but I suppose it should be as you pay for it. Far less firmware updates, easier use, and I kind a like the avatar thing. It's a bit childish but it's still fun, which is what it's all about. My only gripe with PSN is the playstation plus thing, which I personally think is a rip off, and also witholds stuff from normal free users for a while. I never realised that if you purchase a game that's been discounted via the PS Plus service, if you then later unsubscribe, you can't play the game you've bought. Surely that's not right?
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If PSN+ offered more value then I'd happy to pay for it. Cross-game chat obviously would be one of those things, although you could argue it should be a standard feature anyway. Right now I'm struggling for reasons to pay for it.
I never realised that if you purchase a game that's been discounted via the PS Plus service, if you then later unsubscribe, you can't play the game you've bought. Surely that's not right?

Na mate, your wrong there, if you buy games via Plus with the discount, they are yours to keep and play forever, even if you dont re-subscribe. It's only games that have been 'free' to play when you have Plus you wont be able to play, you'd have to buy them or re-subscribe.
Na mate, your wrong there, if you buy games via Plus with the discount, they are yours to keep and play forever, even if you dont re-subscribe. It's only games that have been 'free' to play when you have Plus you wont be able to play, you'd have to buy them or re-subscribe.

Ah, fair enough :)

As for that photo, blimey....if anyone in all seriousness part exchanges their PS3 with a rip off trade in shop because the network goes down for less than a week, then they must have something lacking up top. Crazy.
What on earth did we do before online play?

Oh yeah, I remember, enjoy games much more.
Multiplayer always was a lot more fun in most games though, even back then - I'd much rather have some mates round to play ISS/early PES than just sit on my own and play some offline campaign mode. Plus you have the fact that the AI is so dumb in most games and/or the single player modes so crap that online play is the only worthwhile part of a lot of games.

Some games like Assassin's Creed, Batman, Fallout and Oblivion which are purely offline games are obviously not subject to this, and maybe getting stuck into something like that would be a good idea during the PSN downtime?

Anyway, here in the UK the weather has been fantastic recently... Why not go have a real kick-about, barbeque and a few drinks? :)

From here on in I'm sticking to PSN cards for all my store purchases.

I hope the hackers pay for this shit but how can the network be vulnerable like that in the first place, poor show Sony.
So glad I removed my card details from PSN a couple of months back after the rumours that Sony's encryption was less than stellar.

PSN cards all the way now.

Sony are in the shit up to their necks if anything comes of this.
Thats pretty bad.

I'm going to inform NatWest tomorrow morning about this so they are aware. They are usually very good at immediately detecting suspicious transactions but it will be good to let them know of the situation (if they already don't).

Like Tobi said I think i'm going to move to PSN cards from now on. I will need to change the passwords to both my UK and US accounts now too.

I must say that Sony haven't handled this well at all. Its taken them nearly a week for a proper response and now we find out that credit/debit card information may have been compromised. If they knew this from the start they should have informed their consumers straight away instead of taking 6 days to do so. Furthermore it seems that their security was not very strong. I hope they learn a lot from this and improve upon it hugely.
They must have already ended up in Nigeria/Uganda/Ghana/_insert African country here_

Im calling from your bank.....

The bank that you bank with.......
I've checked my account and everything seems fine but I'm going to the bank tomorrow and requesting a new details etc.

I have been cloned in the past though, thankfully my bank alerted me immediately but I'm convinced it was linked with a website that shall remain nameless.
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