Sony PlayStation 3

Chu chu rocket was a great game and really could be argued one of the first sort of casual puzzle game on consoles.
The Dreamcast was so amazing. Jet Set Radio was fantastic as were Shenmue, Phantasy Star Online, Sonic Adventure etc. Hopefully loads of them will be released.
DC was and still is my favourite console of all time. Most of the games were refreshing and original. These days most games are sequals.
Dreamcast was ahead of it's time. Just brilliant.

I wonder if Nakayama and Stolar hadn't been ousted, would Sega have continued in producing hardware and pssibly released a successor to the Dreamcast.
Cant believe the DC love in the Sony PS thread! Anyhow, I doubt Sega would ever of released another console, they just didnt have the money to compete with Sony or MS or even Nin-pokemonfinaced-tendo.

Anyhow, back on topic, has anyone tried the Sony 3D stuff yet?

40 quid / 50 euros for a year

12 quid / 15 euros for 90 days

Sign up for a year before the end of August, get LittleBigPlanet Downloadable full game free.

As a member you can expect to get your hands on at least four games a month at no extra charge. Each month there will be a selection of one PSN game, two minis and one PS one classics available on PlayStation Store for you to download. You also get premium avatars and dynamic themes each month, many of which are exclusive to members.

OK, from reading the blog there, while you are a member of PlayStation Plus, you can get all that and play all that, however if you go of the service, you wont be able to play the games you got for free.
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Full game trial sounds AWESOME

Full Game Trial:
This premium feature gives you the chance to try PSN and Blu-ray disc titles before you buy them in a whole new way. We are not talking normal demos of selected parts of a game here. With Full Game Trial, you can download the full game and play it as if you owned it for approximately one hour, depending on the game, before you decide if you want to buy it or not. So you can check out the online modes, play against friends or anything else you’d normally do with a game.

So does the auto download feature so you can tell your ps3 to auto download demos as soon as they hit the store.


Can't get enough of this video. One of my all time favourite games. What a surprise.
YouTube - Twisted Metal Demo: Sony Press Conference

I hope they keep the same kind of twisted humour as the old games had - this ending still ranks as one of the best
YouTube - Twisted Metal 2 - Hammerhead's Ending
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One of my favourites as well. Many many hours spent on it with my... uncle :LOL:

So much fun back in the day. I really despised sweet-tooth. I liked Shadow and spectre or spectrum or something.
Can't say I'm too impressed with Playstation Plus at the moment. A few features sound great like the full game trials.
"Then if you do buy them, your progress and the trophies earned during the trial will be unlocked and saved so you can pick up from where you left off."
That's very cool. Though again they say 'SELECTED TITLES' so chances are this will only be for crap and one or two decent games.
Obviously sods law be mean it will never be a game that YOU are looking forward to.

I'd like to see a real full feature list though. From the EU PS website they only list;

What does PlayStation Plus include?
PlayStation Plus includes premium gaming features such as Full Game Trials and Automatic Download of demos, game updates and system software updates. PlayStation Plus also includes PlayStation Store special offers, such as game downloads, discounts, early access to demos and beta trials and other exclusive goodies.

Sure it's all nice... but I don't know if it's really worth the asking price. It's not like with XBL where you can look at gaming online as a whole and think 'well for the subscription I'm getting all this online play'

Store discounts sounds alright but again... chances are it will be the crap they can't shift at full price. Automatic downloads doesn't interest me as I'll never be leaving my PS3 on standby on the off chance a patch comes out when I'm doing something else. If they can do these downloads in the background while you're playing other games then maybe... but the question then would be; WHY NOT DO THAT ALREADY?

Exclusive demos and betas. Again hard to tell at the moment, they've just started First Play in the uk and that promised exclusive demos and betas and so far I think the only one they've delivered is on issue 10 or 11 this week and it's backbreaker... which is also on the USA store for everyone else to get anyway. Maybe by October to December like last year there will be a huge amount of games that need betas and the attraction will be greater but at the moment.

I guess though this free trial they're offering will be a good indication for us all. Roll on June 29th
What free trial?

When you pay for a 12 month subscription you get three additional months for free, 15 in total.

I'm going to try it for three months and see what happens, the free game is useless to me at the start though, I already have Wipeout HD.

EDIT: The 3D update for Super Stardust HD has further improved the already awesome graphics and sound.
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I thought they were giving everyone a 3 months free trial... didn't realise it was buy 12 months and get an extra 3 free. ahh.

Well no matter.
I'm doing my yearly 'giving up the 360' hissy-fit - normally lasts until October when FIFA drops!

Anyways, anyone going the other way (oo-er) and fancy trading the PS3 versions for the 360 ones of these games...

* Red Dead
* Bayonetta
* DJ Hero w/Turntable
* FIFA World Cup 2010
* MW2
* Lego Indy & Lego Indy 2

I wanna be a one console kinda guy!
I'm doing my yearly 'giving up the 360' hissy-fit - normally lasts until October when FIFA drops!

Anyways, anyone going the other way (oo-er) and fancy trading the PS3 versions for the 360 ones of these games...

* Red Dead
* Bayonetta
* DJ Hero w/Turntable
* FIFA World Cup 2010
* MW2
* Lego Indy & Lego Indy 2

I wanna be a one console kinda guy!

i never see the point of getting rid of games/consoles and later buying the same thing again. just keep it all man. jesus
Sick of Red Dead, Modnation AI is bothering me... I've kinda played PES to death the last few days so I fancied something different. Then I spotted Stand O'Food reduced to £1.74.

I love these kinds of games.

YouTube - Stand O 'Food for PSP minis

My problem now is I had to add £5 to be able to buy this so now I have about £3 and whatever change I already had and got from the £1.74.

So anyone know of any minis or other games at around the £3 price that are worth having a go on?
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Kojima to announce PS3 exclusive at TGS

Metal Gear auteur creating exclusive title for Sony platform

Hideo Kojima is set to announce a major PS3 exclusive at Tokyo Games Show in September.
That's according to a senior US publishing source close to CVG.
We were told at E3 yesterday that Kojima - who made a star turn at the Los Angeles expo this week - will announce a "massive PS3 exclusive that will own the show" in Tokyo.
Details are thin on the ground, but we understand the title will be published by Konami. The publisher oversees Kojima Productions in Japan.
CVG understands that Kojima was keen to show the game at E3, but decided to polish his demo until September "to ensure it's bulletproof".
Kojima was in London this week to sign copies of his latest opus, Metal Gear Soild: Peace Walker on PSP.
His games - MGS: Rising on 360/PS3 and a MGS: Snake Eater demo on 3DS - were the talk of E3 this week, with early indications suggesting Rising will support Kinect on the Xbox platform.
What would YOU like to see Kojima announce at TGS?
Has the new Castlevania game been shown yet? He's working on that too.
I dont, but I know Game have a rental service, also think Tesco do as well, but not too sure. I think Dags did used to rent games. PM him or ask him, or he'll be along shortly I suppose.
On the official Playstation European Blog, James Thorpe has commented and released the first 2 months content available on the brand new service Playstation Plus.

Hi, this will also be on very soon –

Month 1: June 29th – August 3rd
Intro offer: LBP (standard edition)
PSN PS3: Wipeout HD
minis: Field Runners, Age of Zombies
PSone: Destruction Derby
Full Game Trial: Shatter, Savage Moon
Discounts: LBP God of War Pack – 50%, LBP: LocoRoco costume pack – 50%, Gravity Crash – 20%, Fat Princess DLC – 20%

Premium Game Element: KillZone 2: Steel & Titanium DLC
Push demo: ModNation Racers, Heavy Rain
Dynamic Themes: LBP Theme, SCEE produced: PlayStation “Game Is Just The Start” Dynamic Theme
2 x Fat Princess Premium Avatars

Month 2: August 4th – September 1st

PSN PS3: Zen Pinball
minis: Blast-Off, Alien Zombie Death
PSone: Medievil
Full Game Trial: inFamous, Mushroom Wars
Discounts: Zen Pinball Earth Defence Table – 20%, Warhawk Triple Combo Pack – 50%, Super Stardust HD – 20%, WipeOutHD Fury – 20%

Premium Game Elements: Motorstorm Pacific Rift: Adrenaline Pack
Push Demo: Flower, Pixel Junk Shooter
Themes: “SCEE produced: PlayStation Plus Dynamic Theme, Heavy Rain Crime Scene Theme
2 x Heavy Rain Avatars (Bird and Butterfly)
It looks like Sony, or at least SCEE, may be starting a new brand for Playstation 2 collections being enhanced on the Playstation 3. Coming out this fall, The Sly Collection features enhanced HD graphics in addition to 3D, Playstation Move and trophy supports. It will be joining the God of War Collection as the only Playstation 2 compilations enhanced on the Playstation 3.

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