Sony PlayStation 3

Modnation Racers is getting a patch to speed up the load times.

June will be fun.
My 60BG just got the YLOD last night with Modern Warfare 2 still in it!
What do I do? What can I do about all my saves + the game?
My 60BG just got the YLOD last night with Modern Warfare 2 still in it!
What do I do? What can I do about all my saves + the game?

Bad news, some people get a second chance to remove the disk as the thing comes back to life after being off for a while, but do not take apart to remove the disk...

Check for local repair places as they will fix the YLOD but it's a bigger job if you open up to remove the disk, even if you put it all back together...
My 60BG just got the YLOD last night with Modern Warfare 2 still in it!
What do I do? What can I do about all my saves + the game?

Happened to me too, i had MLB the show in it...


And turned it on, was able to removed the disc... my Ps3 still didnt work though, i just could remove the disc.. sold it next day and got a 120gb slim.
Is anyone else having trouble syncing their trophies? Its taking ages. It gets up to 10% then almost slows down to a halt.

Just because it's awesome and...

Hustle Kings: Patch and Snooker Pack Coming Soon to PS3

Posted by Michael Pulst // Associate Producer, SCEA

Hi Everyone! For all you Hustle Kings out there, we have two great bits of news for you.

Firstly, on May 19th a new patch will be made available which contains the following features and changes:

* Improved Breaking! Instead of the rack being perfectly spaced every time, a very slight variance has been introduced between the balls which causes almost every break to be different.
* You can now replay the shots that are played in attract mode.
* You’ll see more stats during loading screens.
* Game options can be modified in online rooms.
* You can watch other people’s matches in the all new Spectator Mode!
* Plus a new loading icon, viewing player’s profiles during an online match, and more.

But that’s not all, there is a brand new chalk coming to the in-game store: The Second Sight chalk allows you to see the path of an additional ball… really helpful on those tough trickshots and plants.

Hustle Kings Snooker Pack for PS3

Finally (and the best bit in my opinion) is that the Hustle Kings Snooker Pack will be launched for PS3 on June 8th. Included in this great pack is a brand new environment, new ball set, with the full Snooker rules and scoring. As well as traditional Snooker, if you get this pack you will also get an offline tournament mode, more music, and a brand new game mode called “Snooker6” where there are only 6 red balls allowing for a much quicker game.

Hustle Kings Snooker Pack for PS3

The Snooker Pack will be available for $2.99 and the full game of Hustle Kings is required prior to installing the Snooker Pack. Once you get the Snooker Pack there will also be a batch of new trophies for you to try and unlock. To help with this we have included a free pack of Eagle Eye chalk if you purchase the Snooker pack! Overall I have really enjoyed the time I have spent playing snooker and can’t wait to get online to pit my skills against the rest of the community!

Since the Snooker game type of billiards isn’t quite as popular here in the US, I wanted to give a very brief overview into the game. May I present, The Brief Intro into the World of Snooker!

Snooker is a completely different style of game from how a game of pool is traditionally thought of in the US. It has different balls placed in a new layout, is played on a different table, and the games last much longer. Snooker tables are much bigger (approximately 6ft by 12ft) and they have rounded pocket corners.

Each colored ball has a specific point value. Red (1 point), Yellow (2 points), Green (3 points), Brown (4 points), Blue (5 points), Pink (6 points), Black (7 points).

The ball placement is as shown in the following image:

Hustle Kings Snooker Pack for PS3

How to score points in Snooker:
The player must first pocket a red ball for one point and the ball is then left off the table. Then you must pocket a ball colored other then red. The point value of that colored ball is awarded to you and then that ball is placed back on the table at its original placement point. Then you pocket a red ball and alternate pocketing between the two groups of colors (Reds and all the others) until all the red balls are pocketed. Now you must pocket the remaining balls in their point order so, Yellow followed by Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and finally Black. When you have more points than there are left on the table you can then call that frame.

In an ideal world with a perfectly skilled player (aka. someone besides myself) you would pocket a red followed by the black ball and continue that until all the red balls are off the table. That would give you 8 points each cycle (1 point for the red plus 7 for the Black).

The minimum penalty is always four points. So should you scratch the cue ball, then you concede 4 points to the other player. If you pocket a ball of the wrong color you concede at minimum four points to the other player. If you incorrectly pocket a ball with a point value greater than four then you concede the point value of that ball to the other player instead of the minimum four points. If you strike a ball of the wrong color first and pocket a different colored ball, you then concede the minimum penalty or the value of that ball.

That in a nutshell is the game of Snooker. It’s an extremely challenging type of game style in billiards. Although it is really rewarding to play due to the increased amount of strategy needed to play the game. A “give-away” hint for you… don’t hit a non-red ball if you are breaking. I learned that one the hard way and gave away 6 points to my opponent for striking the pink ball my first time playing. Oops.

We hope you enjoy the new features as much as we do and we’ll see you online!

Images and original link
Kevin Butler is the best video games representative ever. 2nd is Reggie. Also that Snooker pack for Hustle Kings sounds nice!
I have one of the first PS3's and it's slow as funk at downloading updates. Are the slims better and are game or whoever still doing good trade-ins?
I have one of the first PS3's and it's slow as funk at downloading updates. Are the slims better and are game or whoever still doing good trade-ins?

From what i know the PS3 models shoundt be a factor on speed when dowloading stuff, but have to say that after i got my new Slim ive been downloading stuff a lot quicker.. it can be a coencidency but its definatly happening.
From the PS3 Slim and its portable sibling to the more recent Little Big Planet 2 fiasco, it’s pretty apparent Sony has a history of not being able to keep a secret. You would think those past blunders would prompt who ever’s in charge to make some swift changes, however it seems it’s business as usual over at Sony HQ. Despite the PS Move being on record for a slated fall launch, the latest news making it’s way around the net seems to suggest otherwise.

The South African retailer most notable for spilling the beans on Microsoft’s 250GB Xbox 360, has once again come into the spot light. Courtesy of lazygamer, the following image comes from an online catalog that was recently posted by BT Games on their site.

Our first instinct is to brush this off as a possible typo, but taking into account the retailer’s inability to keep privileged information, well, privileged, we’re reluctant to do so. With E3 2010 right around the corner, we’ll know more about Sony’s summer plans in just a few short weeks, but considering Microsoft’s Natal pegged for release sometime in November, it makes more than perfect sense for Sony to shock and awe the competition with a surprise attack first strike.
Has anyone played Blur, is it any good?

I thought I'd get Split/Second at some point but the 30fps bugs me and I've read that the online is already full of people with the Time Savers pack.
Is home of any use any way? I've been on it the past 2 days. Honestly I almost forgot it existed. Before buying a PS3, I thought home was supposed to be there instead of the xmb.
I thought home was supposed to be there instead of the xmb.

Thank God that didn't happen.
Biggest problem with Home, is the loading time and updates. Its a complete disaster IMO.

If the PS3 booted up (more or less) instantly into Home and that was your actual hub - as I'm sure they pictured, but was over-ambitious - then it would be superb.

Trouble is, by the time you select it, load it in (both which take 3-5 mins), plus if there are any updates you are screwed... then you could already be into a MP game of COD2 by then. Its just pointless.

It will happen one day, but it needs to be integrated into the core system better than it is at the moment.
Biggest problem with Home, is the loading time and updates. Its a complete disaster IMO.

If the PS3 booted up (more or less) instantly into Home and that was your actual hub - as I'm sure they pictured, but was over-ambitious - then it would be superb.

Trouble is, by the time you select it, load it in (both which take 3-5 mins), plus if there are any updates you are screwed... then you could already be into a MP game of COD2 by then. Its just pointless.

It will happen one day, but it needs to be integrated into the core system better than it is at the moment.
well said, home should have replaced ps3 xmb imho.
I like the xmb as it is. I like just being able to boot up, slide left and right and get straight to what I want.

I'd hate having to load into home on boot even if it was super fast and then have to use those in game menus to navigate around.

Maybe if they booted you up into a bog standard home space. So there was no need for updates or downloads... it's just a plain home space stored on your HDD. Then once in there you can connect to PSN and see a list of friends who are online and see what they're doing and can walk over to them to start a chat or join their game and then give us another option of not having to walk around - you can just press start and get to the same via a in game menu. So no one is being forced into having to walk around if thy don't want.

Home at the moment is too messy, like pbb said.. too many updates, having to re download each space just because they tweaked a poster or moved a tree over and over and then you have the fucking queues to play virtual games!?! QUEUES!

Stupid shit.

I bet the next box 360 has a home like thing with avatars being used. but they'll end up shitting all over sony's version and as usual showing them how you actually do something right the first time.
then you have the fucking queues to play virtual games!?! QUEUES!

Stupid shit.

That really bothered me. Downloaded a few updates from the audi section thinking I'd fly around as iron man or test drive the A1 straight away, but instead I had to stand there waiting without a clue. Then I asked someone and told me there's a queue. Meh...
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