Sony PlayStation 3

Damn.... No Aerosmith, Massive Attack, Guns N Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers and there are only two NIN videos :THINK::BORED:.
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Apart from all the videos being in ugly 4:3, no BD remote support, some videos being out of sync and no Lupe Fiasco, its a cool service. Its kept me away from the Island for nearly an hour.
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No keyboard support while searching for artists :FAIL: REALLY low resolution as well, slow letter-changing during search, no mass-delete function to clear songs from your playlist.

No Jason Mraz, Guster, Pete Murray and likely a load others but I can't be arsed waiting for the search function to change letters.

Still, nice app considering it's free and there are a shitload of songs on there.

"The Best Of Hip Hop" has some cracking tunes in there, including Kweli and Souls Of Mischief which I wouldn't expect. Although to balance the greatness they do have loads of 50 Cent.

Loads of Nas as well.
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I like it! :)

Dont think the resolution matters too much Dags (i'm just watching 'Only' by NIN nails and its very good quality) and I'd rather have the speed over quality - which is what I'm glad they went for.

The absolutely VITAL thing for this service to work is that it doesnt stutter or pause and so far so good. If that means a hit in quality then thats fine.

Can see this being used as a video jukebox at parties etc.

Kudos to Sony for this excellent service!


Spoke a bit soon, played Kasabian 'Fire' and it paused 3 or 4 times - not ideal, but for launch day, its to expected I suppose.

Still, dead impressed :)
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I noticed tracks you have already played don't need buffering again... at least that's what i've found so far
Found out last night that when searching for an artist, you have to start with the first letter of their name or it wont work.

For example I tried searching for Jason Mraz. Rather than faff around with the shitty letter-changing for ages, I just tried "Mraz" and it didn't mind anything. Anyone want to try "Jason Mraz" and let me know if there's any vids there? :D
Found out last night that when searching for an artist, you have to start with the first letter of their name or it wont work.

For example I tried searching for Jason Mraz. Rather than faff around with the shitty letter-changing for ages, I just tried "Mraz" and it didn't mind anything. Anyone want to try "Jason Mraz" and let me know if there's any vids there? :D

I found out they've only put in the standard A to Z 1 to 9 so you can't search for Mötley Crüe. Id you search for MOT it doesn't find them so you have to search M and then fucking scroll all the way to the bottom to get to them. and no Dr Feelgood :(
VidZone is class really, it has to be said. MS are bringing to the 360 but this already beats in showing the videos.

The only thing I can think has over this is it scrobbles your songs and gives recommendations. It'd also be good to see what my friends listened to.

Listening to the Metallica songs at the moment, this is quality :ROCK:
had a blast on VidZone last night, didn't know what it was about as I just noticed people in my buddy list on it. Ended up spending a couple of hours watching vids I didnt think would be on there but were!

Tonight it was really bad with buffering so only watched a few. Hopefully Sony will be able to dot the I's and T's with other Record companies to expand the catalogue.
I've just watched a few now without a single buffering problem! Bit gutted about the quality and the adverts popping up seemingly every 30 seconds, but it's a nice little thing to have when you're bored.
"To get the Blu-ray remote working for VidZone: Go to Settings/Accessory Settings/Reassign Controllers - set the remote to controller 1."
It seems you lot love this Vidzone thing, and I'm sure it's pretty decent, but I pine for the days when a games console was a games console and nothing more.

The PS2 is miles ahead for me.
It seems you lot love this Vidzone thing, and I'm sure it's pretty decent, but I pine for the days when a games console was a games console and nothing more.

The PS2 is miles ahead for me.

Are you kidding? These things (vidzone, media streaming etc) are great, however, the ps3 still is an awesome games machine. Some outstanding titles on this machine and some of the gfx (uncharted 1 for example)are simply breathtaking as well as enjoyable to play. Sure ps2 has a back catalogue, however, i still think the ps3 now is more than holding its own against all systems.
Just read that Fat Princess is rumoured to be released in Asia and USA this week on the PSN. No news on EU but they posted this on the EU PS3 blog.

What’s Coming Up On PSN This June

Fat Princess

Late June, Fat Princess will be rolling onto PSN! The online mode will include multiplayer for up to 32 people where you’ll be trying to rescue your beloved princess from the opposing team and their magical girth-expanding cake.

So if the US get it this week then it will make sense we get it the week later (the last week of June)
Are you kidding? These things (vidzone, media streaming etc) are great, however, the ps3 still is an awesome games machine. Some outstanding titles on this machine and some of the gfx (uncharted 1 for example)are simply breathtaking as well as enjoyable to play. Sure ps2 has a back catalogue, however, i still think the ps3 now is more than holding its own against all systems.

I love Uncharted and the likes, but from a purely gaming standpoint, this generation has been garbage, and it doesn't help with the manufacturers moving their products away from games consoles and into media devices that the whole family can use.

I miss the simplicity of previous generations.
I love Uncharted and the likes, but from a purely gaming standpoint, this generation has been garbage, and it doesn't help with the manufacturers moving their products away from games consoles and into media devices that the whole family can use.

I miss the simplicity of previous generations.

Dont really know where to start with this one!!!

Off the top of my (tired) head...

Gears of War, GTAIV, COD4, Gran Turismo 5, LBP, Killzone2, SFIV, Bioshock, Forza 2, Halo 3.

Add to the that the emergence of online gaming with Live! and PSN, peripheral gaming on a whole new level (RB, GHWT, SS), the move to online gaming delivery with Live Arcade, PSN and the App Store....

Are you mental?
I enjoyed Gears, fair enough.

GTA IV was boring as hell and not a patch on III, VC and SA. They went for realism and forgot the fun and immaturity that made GTA games fun. It's the single biggest dissapointment for me of this generation.

COD4 is great, fair enough.

GT5 isn't out yet, but aside from the graphics, GT5p is not as fun as GT3 is, and doubly not as fun as the two original PS1 games are.

LBP is original, but doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, there's no depth to it at all, I bought it in January if I remember correctly, and I've barely played it.

Killzone 2 I just don't want, I wasn't impressed by the demo at all.

I played Street Fighter in a HMV in Liverpool and it was god awful, I really can't understand why people rave about it so much. This is the same for Bioshock (I'll add Dead Space to this as well), I played the demo and that was enough, it seemed really dated to me.

I've aired my views about Forza 2 and Halo 3 in the past so I won't bother with them.

It's been a bloody awful generation for sequels IMO, nothing has lived up to its past greatness. MGS4 and FIFA are the only exceptions to this rule for me.

On the whole I enjoy online gaming I must admit, but if I didn't have access to it, then it really wouldn't bother me at all, and of course, I wouldn't be paying for Xbox Live either.

Perhaps I'm just falling out of love with gaming, the PS1 and 2 days just seemed so much better and more exciting than now, and I still can't get it out of my head that it's down to games consoles being incorporated as all-in-one devices nowadays.
That's a bit harsh pbb. I can see where matherto is coming from to a certain extent. I loved the older generation of games and can name in excess of 30 games that were truly ground breaking, something which has been rare in the new-gen.

The online aspect is a mixed bag aswell and IMO for all the good Live/PSN has brought by introducing an online community, DLC, sharing with friends it's also revealed all the arseholes out there who love to ruin games just to get those online achievements/trophies/ranks/leaderboards. I'm not totally hooked on online gaming at all and only really use it to play against friends on here, AVForums or friends I've known for years who do not live close enough to have a game with locally.

I don't think it's absolutely true to say this generation has been garbage, but there have been a number of disappointments. Bioshock/LBP/Fallout 3/Uncharted are great games and I could play them again and again and carry on enjoying them. However, there have been a lot of disappointments in this generation for me which overshadows this generation and funnily enough they tend to be the sequels: MGS4 - too many cutscenes and not enough gameplay (45mins total? :SHOCK:), Fable 2 - really short, Far Cry 2 - where do I start, PES! - oh dear, Mercenaries 2 etc etc.

All in all, it's early days compared to last gen, next gen has only seen 4ish years and I'm sure with the potential of the machines they can push the boundaries further and further.
I'm pretty sure most of the 'bug guns' from last gens on PS1 & PS2 didn't come out in the consoles first 4 years of life.

I think GTA4 was much better than GTA3. Much better to look at, way better camera and aiming controls. Better storyline, soundtrack and it has an online side to it.
Dont get me wrong, I'm old enough to remember the very dawn of home gaming. Watching two planks hit a square pixel back and forth was mind blowing in the early 80s!!!

I just think its easy to look back with rose tinted glasses and often when you go back to these games, they are missing something. Take SWOS for example, I doubt there has been a game in history that I have put more hours in. During summer holidays we would literally play it from 9am to 7pm (then it was bed time!).

But playing it now is awful - either emulated or on the 360. I feel you have to 'live in the gen' to appreciate it. SWOS on the Amiga, with the Amiga joystick etc at the time, was gaming heaven - now, it just doesnt feel the same.

I think in some respects (some) games have lost the soul they used to, but I cannot put my hand on heart and say I'd rather have a PS1/PS2 than a 360 or PS3. I'd say playing Rock Band the first time was about the best gaming experience in my 25+ years of joystick fiddling - and I'd rather have that experience than any 'old' gen games.
I think developers are running out of ideas really. Gaming has been going for so long now that pretty much every avenue to tell a story or come up with a unique game idea just won't happen.

Interactivity is the future, with the likes of Rock Band, Guitar Hero, DJ Hero, the Tony Hawk skateboard and then the likes of Natal and the Sony motion sensor.
Regarding GTA IV, I hated that game, I got 40% in the game and thought to myself, what is in this game apart from maybe the graphics and online that couldn't have been done on the PS2 and Xbox. Niko is a boring character, CJ in San Andreas was much better.

Don't know why I allowed myself to get caught up in the hype, especially when I got to 50% in San Andreas and bored of doing the same stuff over and over again. At least that game had the awesome OG Loc.
Regarding GTA IV, I hated that game, I got 40% in the game and thought to myself, what is in this game apart from maybe the graphics and online that couldn't have been done on the PS2 and Xbox. Niko is a boring character, CJ in San Andreas was much better.

Don't know why I allowed myself to get caught up in the hype, especially when I got to 50% in San Andreas and bored of doing the same stuff over and over again. At least that game had the awesome OG Loc.

TBH I never finished the game, I still put it on just to cruise around and see how far I can get on four or five stars, and find new jumps etc, I find most if not all games far too linear...
Dont really know where to start with this one!!!

Off the top of my (tired) head...

Gears of War, GTAIV, COD4, Gran Turismo 5, LBP, Killzone2, SFIV, Bioshock, Forza 2, Halo 3.

Add to the that the emergence of online gaming with Live! and PSN, peripheral gaming on a whole new level (RB, GHWT, SS), the move to online gaming delivery with Live Arcade, PSN and the App Store....

Are you mental?

gears of war: average storyline and gameplay

GTA4: got boring pretty quickly and the graphics put me off. too jaggy. lack of AA big time

GT5: Still waiting on that game to be released and i doubt it will be as realistic has GTR EVO on the pc

Killzone 2? another sequal and poor controls ruined this for me. glad i diddnt waste money on this

LBP: First original new IP game. can give this one a thumbs up

Halo 3: you kidding me?

Cod4? seriously if you have been gaming on a pc before you will quickly see how cod4 is nothing new and exciting about.

Add to the that the emergence of online gaming with Live! and PSN, peripheral gaming on a whole new level (RB, GHWT, SS), the move to online gaming delivery with Live Arcade, PSN and the App Store....

Again are you seriously kidding me? PC gaming has has in game chat, proper online play with unlimited player count still not seen on many console games and to boot online lobbies. nowadays, console online games just toss's u into a freaking match making halo stlyle system. pants!!!

Last gen had MORE original titles
god of war, shenmue, crazy taxi, jet set radio etc etc. plenty from the playstaion and dreamcast back then.

now all we see is sequals after sequals AFTER SEQUALS.:BLINK:
What's wrong with sequels ? vice City tops most peoples lists as the best GTA game but that was a sequel.

What about Fight Night Round 3 - Much better than the first 2 and really looked like a next gen game. Rockband was basically a sequel to Guitar Hero and built on the guitar only foundations. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I guess could be classed as a sequel and I thought that was great.

If everyone 'really' wanted NEW IPs then why do people pass on games like Mirrors Edge & Dead space, Beyond good and evil...
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gears of war: average storyline and gameplay

GTA4: got boring pretty quickly and the graphics put me off. too jaggy. lack of AA big time

GT5: Still waiting on that game to be released and i doubt it will be as realistic has GTR EVO on the pc

Killzone 2? another sequal and poor controls ruined this for me. glad i diddnt waste money on this

LBP: First original new IP game. can give this one a thumbs up

Halo 3: you kidding me?

Cod4? seriously if you have been gaming on a pc before you will quickly see how cod4 is nothing new and exciting about.

Again are you seriously kidding me? PC gaming has has in game chat, proper online play with unlimited player count still not seen on many console games and to boot online lobbies. nowadays, console online games just toss's u into a freaking match making halo stlyle system. pants!!!

Last gen had MORE original titles
god of war, shenmue, crazy taxi, jet set radio etc etc. plenty from the playstaion and dreamcast back then.

now all we see is sequals after sequals AFTER SEQUALS.:BLINK:

Its easy to look back in hindsight and say "Gears of War" was boring - but it was pretty revolutionary at the time, both in looks and gameplay. It may seem stale now as every other sodding TPS stole the cover ideas.

No good comparing any of the games I mentioned to the PC as that is an ongoing 'gen' of its own. Due to all the configs, I dont really see how you can class it in the same league as consoles. If you have loads of dough and can afford the best set up, then you virtually get a different experience to someone with a lesser set up. Least consoles are on an equal footing - this is a different argument though.

Certainly take your point on the IPs you mentioned there. Although I could just turn it back on what you said and say GoW is a fucking BORING button masher and Crazy Taxi and JSR had no depth. I wont though as the last 2 were class, I stand by my opinion of GoW :LOL:

I'd still rather play Next-gen than PS2/PS1. Dreamcast was ahead of its time and could PROBABLY hold my attention today, though I think the games look a bit ropey in terms of todays graphics, but at the time they seemed arcade perfect.
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