Sony PlayStation 3

Just read that the new firmware is out and it's one on those 'behind the scenes' updates where nothing really changes or gets added but it does things behind the scenes to set the ps3 up for the next update.

I hate these ones
Got Bionic Commando from lovefilm today and almost wish I hadn't bothered
.... LOADING.....
the game seems alright but
... LOADING.....
the checkpoint system
... LOADING.....
is really
... LOADING.....

The swinging
... LOADING.....
mechanincs/controls is really
... LOADING.....
tough to get used to and I've found
... LOADING.....
myself struggling
... LOADING.....
to get around the levels without dying thanks to some
... LOADING.....
crappy level design.

Oh and the game fucking has to load every bastard few feet or so. So you'll exit a building, turn a corner and ... LOADING..... which takes like 20 seconds then turn another corner go into another building and ... LOADING.....

Grrrr - I might be posting this back tomorrow morning
Sounds awful, I read that it only sold 20,000 plus copies in its launch month in America.

I'm waiting for the BCR and The Last Guy (US has it already) trophy patches.
I quite liked Bionic Commando, one of the few games I enjoyed enough to be patient with it and finish the game. It's definately the most frustrating game I've played due to difficulty spikes but overall I'd say it was pretty damn good.
They sent me Eat Lead and Terminator last week and I really enjoyed them both. I read terminator was an easy platinum too but i only managed to get everything but finishing it on hard. It was really badly done though with the enemies only interested in shooting at you and your health not refilling until you killed them all. On medium it was much more enjoyable.
Not heard a good thing at all about Terminator, avoiding that one.

Got Infamous and Resident Evil 5 (360) coming tomorrow, looking forward to Infamous :)
I heard Terminator was terrible by a lot of people but i rented it for the easy trophies. And it took me by surprise how good it was. Well 'good' maybe isn't the right word. That sounds better than it was but it was no where near as bad as i had heard.
I'll agree with you on that Rad. It was better than I thought it was going to be, though it was a bit short and could have had a bit more variety on enemies (maybe a Harvester as one appeared early on).
Yeah I expected a boss battle against that thing at some point. Maybe with us in a chopper or something like an on rails shooter section but nothing :(

The checkpoint system was also screwed up too. Like the section before the harvester if you died on the rooftop you'd get sent back to the scene just before the cut scene then the cut scene would kick in (which you can't skip) and then you'd fight back up onto the roof.


Bionic Commando - Dags how the hell did you put up with these checkpoints!? It's worse than Terminator! You can make it across from one side of the section to another then fall into some water and drown and get sent ALL the way back to the start. Plus there are tons of radiation areas so mid swing you'll try to take a shortcut across a rooftop to avoid the water below you keep dropping into and then you'll die again and get sent miles back.

No wonder the game hardly sold.
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Not knowing what you've already had/played...

Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
inFamous (Might be cheap 2nd hand now)

PSN title - PixelJunk Monsters
For some reason PSN just won't let me sign in. I keep getting this error message (8002A402). I've googled it with no results whatsoever? Anyone got any tips?
According to Taiwanese site UDN, Sony have signed production contracts with two companies to begin manufacture of the rumoured PS3 "Slim", with a delivery date of...oh, next month!

Now, with a PS3 price cut heavily expected around August, and with stocks of the existing 80GB PS3 supposedly dwindling, a July delivery date for the "new" PS3 makes sense. Ship it out in July, have it ready to sell in stores for August.

That is, if it's real. Which, remember, it may not be!
Phoned Sony about my PS3 fan sounding like a hoover at times. I was surprised when the lady suggested to me that I should use my hand hoover and aim it at the ventilation holes.

She also suggested that I cover the console when I'm not using it, don't why I didn't think of that before.

In general she said the console was doing its job when the fan kicks in and that I shouldn't worry about it. Most of the time the fan noise gets drowned out the surround sound but playing FIFA somehow takes the noise to new heights!
Lovefilm are posting Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood and Harry Potter to me today. Potter is for the girlfriend but either way I'm surprised they're sending me new games so soon!
I'm interested in Lovefilm now, what are the pros and cons?

Which plan is best for games, not interested in DVD's n BD's.
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Pro's are that it's a lot cheaper than paying £40 for one brand new game each month when sometimes you can get lucky like Rad and get them new from Lovefilm for a fraction of the price.

Cons are just that, it's luck whether you get a game. I had inFamous and UFC on my list for a while (3 games at a time as well) and only just got inFamous, still not got UFC despite me adding it to my list for both the PS3 and 360.

I'm probably going to keep Lovefilm after my trial, but I'll go with the 2 games at a time for £14 a month or so.

If you haven't used Lovefilm before, msg MJSmith because he provided me with a 90 trial code where you can choose 3 games at a time and not have to pay for 3 months :COOL:
Cheers, I'll send him a message.
I'm interested in Lovefilm now, what are the pros and cons?

Which plan is best for games, not interested in DVD's n BD's.

Yeah the games are a bit hit and miss but the blu rays and DVDs come very quickly in my experience.

Dags, I've heard from a few people on AVForums that you can sign up again after it expires. Just cancel your account, give it a few days/week or so, then sign up again with another email address. Haven't tried it myself though :)).
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