Sony PlayStation 3

Anyone switch between HDMI and normal Scart cable on their PS3?
I took mine down to a mates to play some FIFA before the FA Cup final and it would not show up on his TV through a Scart/RGB cable, it has in the past which is odd, at home I now run it through a HDMI cable.
It worked fine when I got it home through the HDMI cable, could I accidentally have locked it somehow to only work in HDMI mode only...???
You need to reset the PS3's display settings when you change the connection type. It tells you how in the manual but I think if you turn it on by holding the power button for three seconds, it resets to the default display settings and will work fine on scart then.
You need to reset the PS3's display settings when you change the connection type. It tells you how in the manual but I think if you turn it on by holding the power button for three seconds, it resets to the default display settings and will work fine on scart then.

:TU: I will have to try and find the manual but I'll give that a go tomorrow, cheers Dags...
Yesterday while playing fifa my ps3 just died, managaed to turn it on and took the game out before it completely wouldnt work and was giving me the yellow light/red blinking light. (I never even knew this happened)
I rang sony who took my details and told me it would cost £150. Complete piss take. Found out on forums, this is a common problem with the earlier models but there was a way round it. Can register with continuous play for £4.99, then cancel the policy.
Registered with continuous play yesterday afternoon.
Rang them this morning and got my policy number.
Rang back Sony, told them it started working again, i had taken out a policy, and then 'rather suprisingly' the ps3 had died again.
Replacement machine arriving 2nd June between 08:00 and 18:00.
Saved myslef £150, and a broken toe from kicking a filing cabinet in frustration.

If anyone else's ps3 breaks, you can still register and use continuous play even if they already have your details, and quite frankly they deserve it, my ps2 never had anything wrong, and it was chipped. Never expected my ps3 to go wrong.

Now need to work out what to do about all the stuff on my hd.

Lol you think your ps3 breaking ONCE IS BAD? try 6 times on the xbox 360 and NO, lots of people have had there 360's break more then once.

I dont think there is a single person here that has never had a 360 rrod on them.
Yeah but the PS2's were built to last. I still have my launch console/breeze block and it works a charm even after all these years. Have never had to replace the laser and worked perfectly with SwapMagic for Winning Eleven. I played my PS2 to death, must have been 25+hrs per week on PES/WE up until the 360 came out. My console should be framed or something for being such a survivor.

I went through 6 different 360s and in the end gave up, saved up and bought a PS3. I think due to both the 360s and PS3s pushing the hardware side of things they are bound to fall into problems. Let's hope with the new slimline PS3 (I'm saving for one ;))) they have sorted out any problem that is likely to occur in the future.
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Well PS2's had the really common laser problem, but yeah, I've had my first one since launch in October 2000 and it's still going.

Still I think PS3's aren't any more susceptible to breaking than the PS2 was/is, I think they're built pretty damn well if I'm honest.
Yeah but they still kick out a lot of heat; even the new 40GB/80GB models. I don't think I ever worried about my PS2 breaking down but ever since I've had the PS3 my heart skips a beat every time it crashes or makes a funny noise, for whatever reason that may be.
tbh. the gpu's that these consoles use are gpu's u see in pc's and they are pretty big.

if they was to make a new console with a 26gtx inside it. the size of the console would be huge. no way can they fit such a huge gpu inside the current size of a console
I'm the same MJ, must just be because they're so much more complicated and expensive than the last generation of consoles.

Or maybe because I was ten in 2000 when I get my PS2, so obviously didn't pay for it, and didn't feel as worried that it was my own money going down the drain if it broke :D
Just downloading Final Fantasy 7 on the PS3, one of my all-time favourite games :D
Just downloading Final Fantasy 7 on the PS3, one of my all-time favourite games :D

Cool - seems to be a favourite of plenty of people, so pleased its on there for ya!

Never a franchise I could really get into. I dabbled with the PSP one, but thats about it.

Looking for a decent RPG for the iPhone - one like "Link to the Past" that seems good.
If its less than £8 I will definitely get it. Final Fantasy VII is one of the greatest games I have ever played.
I grabbed the NTSC version as PS1 NTSC games were supposedly 17% faster and didn't have the black borders that PAL games had.

Tried it last night and it runs great, except I forgot to create a memory card before I started :LOL:
I grabbed the NTSC version as PS1 NTSC games were supposedly 17% faster and didn't have the black borders that PAL games had.

Tried it last night and it runs great, except I forgot to create a memory card before I started :LOL:

Does it have the black border then? I'll wait and see hat PAL people say about their version from our store today before i mess around with entropay again and get the US one.
I grabbed the US version and it doesn't have any borders, plays perfectly :)
Before anyone posts a 'PSN updated?'

They announced toays update has been delayed by an hour or 2. It should be updated at 7pm maybe a little later. They have a lot of content to upload today (so they say) so that's why it's missed it's usual 5pm ish slot.
Damn Vidzone looks great

YouTube - VidZone E3 2009 Trailer HD

Initial thoughts and news from someone on the EU Playstation Forums who has it early.

Setting Up
Okay - First things first, you will have to agree to some terms and conditions, like with most things! This is really easy to do and will take under a few seconds. The cop I recieved was only 19MB However I am unsure of the final size for the real thing next week - This small download size is brilliant for setting it up as you dont have to wait hours to use this brilliant feature coming to the PS3.

Load up takes around < 20 seconds.

Initial Screen

Upon entering VidZone - This is the first thing you will see, and you will recognise familiar faces from album covers split up into three categories at the moment, consisting of :

The Chart

A top ten list of the best tunes of the moment.


A list of songs that you need to listen to!

Dance Hits

Your favourite dance anthems from past to present!

There is an option to Search for what you want, either by searching for the video, Genre or Artist. At the moment the amount of artists availabe are :

A - 183

B - 191

C - 183

D - 182

E - 83

F - 97

G - 90

H - 73

I - 61

J - 181

K - 114

L - 157

M - 233

N - 84

O - 36

P - 146

Q - 5

R - 132

S - 262

T - 298

U - 21

V - 46

W - 50

X - 7

Y - 18

z - 18

+ 1 - 9 =

2977. Thats right people, before it's even launched there are already 2977 artists offering their songs. Thats not a list of the amount of songs available, just artists.

There are 12 Genres to Select from -




Comedy / Themes


Hip Hop

Jazz / Blues


R&B / Soul

Rock / Metal



Okay, I bet your wondering how well it works. Well I live in the middle of nowhere, and my internet isnt anything to boast about! I have < 2mb, and guess what I haven't seen since using it? A buffer screen. So if the lowlifes of te internet spectrum can use VidZone without insane ( or any at all) Buffers, then this is a very very good start.


I'm watching on my 32", and watched it on my 46" earlier, and I havent seen any pixelation. You can watch the screen in the small version, for browsing VidZone (A very good feature - you never leave your video screen no matter where you go in VidZone). The qualtiy is quite something in full screen, what you'd expect from MTV or any other Music Video Station.

Videos and Menus

When scrolling through the menus you press triangle to bring up the options. Each video has a thumbnail, Artist and Song name.


The user interface is a little tricky to get used to at first, but only after an hour I feel pretty confident roaming the application. The application takes on a similar look to Playstation store, with blue, dark colours for a sophisticated look. At all times you can see what you are listening to and whats up next - A great feature for when someone walks in and asks what was that? or whats up next!

While the video is playing, you always have the option to :

<< L2

|< L1

>| R1

>> R2

Pause = start

Full screen = select.

Just leave the controller to make the "song name" Go away.

All the selections are done the same as Playstation Store, with the D-Pad for selecting. Analogue sticks do nothing as I'm aware!

Video is displayed on the left with all the menus on the right.

Video Options

For each video, you have the option to Play Now, Add to Now Playing, Add to Playlist or Download.


No, not what your thinking unfourtunately! I know, sad. This is actually an option to download the song for your phone for a price through another service, not directly to your PS3.


Creating a playlist is easy and great for when you want the same tracks you know and love all ready for you, and you can edit the name, description and save your playlist.

Something not obvious at the start, however if you go to Playlist > Reccomended you can find Rock, Video Classics and Dance videos all there - with about 80 videos in each one.

Can be used in XMB - not ingame though.
Its released on the same day as Big Surf Island, can't wait.
That's interesting then. Not sure when I'll really use it but it's a nice option to have.
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