Sony PlayStation 3

Oh god the story for Fahrenheit was awesome, especially late in the game as (storyline spoiler)
your guy realises his powers and can fight back more. Reminded me so much of Neo when he realises his power and gets up and stops the bullets
Fahrenheit is one of the best games I've ever played, just superbly put together and not repetitive in the slightest. Really can't wait for Heavy Rain.
I would if it was an Arcade game with achievements etc., otherwise I don't see much point.
Fahrenheit was great because of its creativity, new ways of interaction with the story, etc... I was an addict of old adventures, and this is the only game that reminds me of them in a new way. And the best part, it's not set in a fantastic world / era. It's about reality, everyday characters and scenarios, and it was about time we had a classic detectives game in next-gen!

Christ, I don't even know why someone has done a Philip Marlow series yet!
I got Burn Zombie Burn off a friend a few days ago and I'm addicted. So much so that I'm finding myself playing this more than UFC.

YouTube - Burn Zombie Burn! - Military Base (Freeplay)

The only real negative is there is no online multiplayer, only offline, and some of the games challenges or scores you have to beat really are only possibly with 2 players teaming up. Although no doubt someone can thrash all of the scores on their own.
Got this from the avf forums

E3 next week and GameTrailers are doing live HD streaming.

Monday 1st:

Microsoft @ 6.30pm
EA @ 10.00pm
Ubisoft @ Midnight

Tuesday 2nd:

Nintendo @ 5pm
Sony @ 7pm

All times GMT

I'll guess that ign and the other sites will also be streaming the conferences live.
I usually watch it live on Gamespot every year and they limit the HD streams to paid members just like IGN.

They'll be getting a lot less viewers this year.
I watch it on IGN. If their is a problem then I switch to Gamespot or G4TV. But last year there was a delay in G4TV's live service.
Rumored PS Store Content for 05/28/09

Resident Evil: Director’s Cut PSOne Classic

Saint’s Row 2 DLC - Corporate Warfare

LittleBigPlanet DLC - 2000AD pack

Rock Band DLC

* Ministry “Cuz U R Next”
* Ministry “LiesLiesLies”
* Ministry “The Great Satan”
* The Zombies “She’s Not There”
* The Zombies “Tell Her No”
* The Cranberries “Linger”

Guitar Hero World Tour DLC

That’s it for confirmed content the rest is strictly rumors…

Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! Demo

Trash Panic full game & demo

Inferno Pool (might be EU only)

Virtua Tennis 2009 Demo
Oh cack, do we know if there is damage for sure in this yet...?

Damage and Night racing

Need for Speed Shift is actually next racing game coming and it seems to be going in correct route now more Sim like and its being made by people who worked on GTR 2 on PC.
Well splitscreen in Prologue but only human vs human hopefully improve on that for full game but who knows.

As for NFS shift probably not much chance but not to much been released on it so far.
Jesus Christ, I can't believe they're making a smaller PS3. For the price of a PS3 who would go out and buy a new one just because it's a bit smaller?! That's shocking.
I doubt a Slim PS3 will be unveiled at E3, however I also dont doubt that a Slim PS3 exits. Whats most likely to happen is a PS3 price drop on current 80GB/160GB models and then in the pre-Christmas run up around October announce the PS3 Slim once stocks of the previous model have been mostly depleted. Those that are still available can be further reduced by bundling with games/controllers.
I've been playing GRID a lot lately, great game but I wouldn't call it realistic. The way you go around corners in the faster cars is mental.

I tried PGR4 again and I've got to admit I think it's one of the best racers out, but that's 360 only... :(
Yesterday while playing fifa my ps3 just died, managaed to turn it on and took the game out before it completely wouldnt work and was giving me the yellow light/red blinking light. (I never even knew this happened)
I rang sony who took my details and told me it would cost £150. Complete piss take. Found out on forums, this is a common problem with the earlier models but there was a way round it. Can register with continuous play for £4.99, then cancel the policy.
Registered with continuous play yesterday afternoon.
Rang them this morning and got my policy number.
Rang back Sony, told them it started working again, i had taken out a policy, and then 'rather suprisingly' the ps3 had died again.
Replacement machine arriving 2nd June between 08:00 and 18:00.
Saved myslef £150, and a broken toe from kicking a filing cabinet in frustration.

If anyone else's ps3 breaks, you can still register and use continuous play even if they already have your details, and quite frankly they deserve it, my ps2 never had anything wrong, and it was chipped. Never expected my ps3 to go wrong.

Now need to work out what to do about all the stuff on my hd.
Do you regularly back up your game saves?

If not they might be gone.
Got loads of music on there, that i dont really wanna lose. They said the original hd should be in the machine when i return it, but im think about taking it out to be honest and putting it in the new ps3 when it arrives.
the Gears of war team do a exclusive game for PS3 (survival horror) presented during the Sony Conference.
You cant put the HDD in the new PS3. It will force you to format it. The only way you can resolve this is by backing up your data or asking Sony to do it for you. Speak to customer services and explain the situation to them. Im sure they will be able to help.
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