Sony PlayStation 3

Me and Yana played a superb level before where you were shrank and injected into some ill person and then ran around in his body killing infections. It was really well done. I think it's the kind of game where you have to join someone who knows the great levels and follow them around to have the most fun as it can be quite shitty loading levels that end in seconds over and over and are full of glitches.
There are those mini-reviews of LBP levels in IGN now and then (anonymous llevel lovers or something like that are called). I find them to be really good, like that level all done with text in pixel-art.
LBP will be a game I can always pick up and play but find it hard to put down. :D Loved playing yesterday with ya Rad, got a keyboard for me birthday today so I can finally type without lag YAY!! Very useful, forget its there its so light.
Hello guys. I finally got me a PS3. Anyone interested in adding me can find my PSN ID under my avatar. Have a good day.
Namco Bandai's Keita Takahashi had admitted that even he has no bloody idea what Noby Noby Boy is all about, or why he made it.

Writing on the PlayStation Blog, Takahashi reiterated how it works: the player controls Boy, stretching him with the analogue sticks, with the final measurement being uploaded to a persistent character called Girl.

Girl's length is also supplemented by the Boy-stretching antics of other players around the world, and when she hits certain milestones new levels are unlocked for everyone.

"How come it's hard to explain, you ask? It's because I wanted to make a game that cannot be expressed by words in the first place," wrote Takahashi.

"By making an undefined and ambitious game, I want the player's reaction to be something like, 'I don't know why, but it's somehow interesting. I can't stop playing.' In that way, I would feel I have succeeded at creating what I wanted, that is, creating something that's not easily describable. Anyway, it's been a fun experience working on Noby Noby Boy.

"One big question most people have asked is, 'Why did you want to make such a game?' Seriously, I don't know. When I figure it out, I'll share it on this blog," he added, before adding slightly more after a video:

"As I mentioned earlier, this game is indescribable, and some people may say, 'This isn't a game!' But, what is a game? Should there be a definition for a game? That's the way I feel."
Namco Bandai has told Eurogamer that Noby Noby Boy will cost GBP 3.19 in the UK when it launches on Thursday, 19th February.

That's not a huge surprise, as it falls in line with EUR 3.99 price point announced last month, but it's always nice to have confirmation.

The game, in which you stretch a two-headed "boy" in madcap environments, uploading the length to the internet to cumulatively unlock new levels with all the game's other players, is the latest from Katamari Damacy developer Keita Takahashi.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix finally arrives on the European PlayStation Store tommorow for £11.99/€14.99.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix finally arrives on the European PlayStation Store tommorow for £11.99/€14.99.

YAY! Choice for people now is that, or the far superior looking SFIV out 24 hours later - well done Sony, good marketing again :LOL:

Actually had SSFIITHDR for ages and it is really good :)
I might take the plunge and buy Noby Noby Boy, its only £3.19 after all.
Yakuza 3 demo on the JPN PS Store today.

In a slow week for news here's the rumoured store update for the USA PSN

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour DLC

Wings Track Pack

"Junior's Farm"
"Hi Hi Hi"

Rock Band DLC

Turbonegro – Wasted Again

White Zombie – More Human Than Human

White Zombie – Black Sunshine

Noby Noby Boy

Street Fighter 4 DLC

Brawler Pack

Alternate costumes for: Zangief, E.Honda, Rufus, El Fuerte and Abel.

Bomberman Ultra(Rumor)
Yakuza 3 demo on the JPN PS Store today.

In a slow week for news here's the rumoured store update for the USA PSN

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour DLC

Wings Track Pack

"Junior's Farm"
"Hi Hi Hi"

Rock Band DLC

Turbonegro – Wasted Again

White Zombie – More Human Than Human

White Zombie – Black Sunshine

Noby Noby Boy

Street Fighter 4 DLC

Brawler Pack

Alternate costumes for: Zangief, E.Honda, Rufus, El Fuerte and Abel.

Bomberman Ultra(Rumor)

Good update for me, I love Wings (only the band the Beatles could have been), "More Human..." is awesome, Noby Boy sounds good too.

Time to dig the ole Entropay card out!
Rumoured 2.7FW update... sounding good :)

Friends List:

* Voice Messaging is now available as an alternative to text after selecting a user on the friends list. Voice message recordings are capped at 30 seconds.
* Home Integration: Saved Playstation Home avatar photos can be selected as photo ID for Gamer Card/Friends List.
* Trophy number and Gamer Level are listed under Friend names for quick reference.

Gamer Card & Trophies:

* Gamer Card layout has been changed to more closely resemble the Playstation Store aesthetic.
* Past Trophy information can be viewed in detail by selecting "Recent Trophy History" option.
* Newly aquired trophies auto-sync in the background
* Server infrastructure for Trophies has been optimized. Resulting in faster retrieval time for Gamer Card and Trophy information.

In-Game XMB:

* Loading time for In-Game XMB has been drastically reduced, resulting in a more seemless in-game experience.
* "Theme settings" options while in-game is now available, allowing custom themes to be applied to the In-Game XMB.
* Internet Browser can now be accessed while in-game.
* Voice messaging and voice chat options can be used while in-game.
* Options that cannot be used in the XMB during game sessions are grayed out (but still selectable) to eliminate user accessibility confusion.


* Other slight UI tweaks and enhancements.

Apparantly due "Q2 2009" so anytime before 2011 then...
Wow, some very nice features there. Of course, most of them have been done before but it's nice to finally have them integrated into games.
Eurogamer Noby Noby Boy review:

'It's deeper, wilder, more unhinged, more radical - and more brilliant. It disposes with even the bones of gaming, reducing it down to its very core - the simple notion of play - and then elevating that to an art form. It doesn't just change your mood; it changes your whole frame of mind.'

'Noby Noby Boy is the purest form of gaming sandbox. It has no goals, no structure. You don't need to reach a certain length, fetch and carry anything, defeat any monsters, or overcome any obstacles. There is no work. There is only play.'

'You might think that, without objectives or rewards and with no sense of progress, time spent with Noby Noby Boy would soon become aimless and boring. You would - wonderfully, surprisingly - be wrong. By giving you such limitless possibilities, such an improbable plaything and such an anarchistic playground, Noby Noby Boy inspires creativity, curiosity and simple, careless glee.'

'By some combination of cunning and magic, it makes you a child again. It helps you rediscover the bottomless fascination and joy you had in discovering the properties of string, or sand, or animals, or Newtonian physics for the very first time. It makes you free to play, and happy to make your own entertainment, for hours on end.'

'And in case you're still unsure if it's for you - in case you were thinking of denying yourself a chance to feel like that again - let me say one more thing: it costs less than lunch.'


Apparently the in-game music is out of Sony's hands.

Obviously some games have it (WipeoutHD, Burnout Paradise, etc) but it's the developers choice.

Sony can't implement it as a PS3 feature because M$ have trademarked the feature as one of their own.
Can't see MS trademarking something like in-game music really, though it might explain why Sony are so crap at giving us stuff in updates that the 360 has had for years.
Can't see MS trademarking something like in-game music really, though it might explain why Sony are so crap at giving us stuff in updates that the 360 has had for years.

Yea, its quite obscure trademark like:

"The ability to return to the dashboard in a game and choose an alternate soundtrack"

And its in the ability to bring up XMB and choose a different track that is the issue.

Which is why devs have to put it in as a physical option from their menus.
Money. And lots of it I imagine. I think it's a very silly and greedy thing to trademark, I'd love to be able to listen to what I want in whatever game I want. Don't see why we can't, why we should have it taken away by some greedy fuck.
Well you will be happy to hear that Noby Noby Boy allows for custom soundtracks! I just tried it and it works! I really want to get Flower and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix but its all very expensive.
Yes I can Dags. Brace yourself beacuse it may not make much sense reading it, actually for that matter playing it doesnt help either! Basically you stretch BOY (your character) making him longer and longer and longer around the map. You can eat and crap dogs, plants and various other objects. The maps are randomly generated with objects I believe. The camera is very annoying but the game is so cute, happy and drugged up that you just become relaxed.

Its very strange. I would imagine it wouldnt suit you if your looking for some kind of objective. All you do is play. Its just one big playground. The trophies seem very easy to get and there are 12 in total. The game allows for custom soundtracks, but the original acoustic one is very nice and calming. You can upload videos to YouTube and take screenshots too. Thats basically it. Oh and you can write messages on your BOY.

So to summarise this game perfectly encapsulates the internet meme WTF (What the fuck, for those who dont know). The game is best played when your high on weed, Calpol or LSD. So in that way the initial price point of £3.19 suddenly shoots up lol. But if you have the money get it. Its a wonderfully strange experience. :)
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