Sony PlayStation 3

Anyone heard anything about Savage Moon? I've been looking forward to it for months but it's all gone a bit quiet recently.
what are people's views of the keypad thing ? I was thinking of getting one for Fifa to save me having to use the in game keyboard to type "anyone want a ranked game involving non 5 star teams" the whole time..
Like the 360 one it's decent but it's a lot easier (and cheaper) to grab a USB keyboard off eBay for a couple of quid and stick that on your knee when you want to type something out. Might sound like a pain in the arse but it's really not, plus it has the added bonus of being compatible with both consoles (and the Wii as well most likely).
Yea, USB keyboards are fine on the Wii - we even use a wireless USB one on that.

The PS3 keypad is actually very good (and £18 on Play) and is certainly handy to have if you dont want to balance a keyboard somewhere.

Its light and unobtrusive, you forget its on there after a while. You dont even need it clipped onto the Sixaxis, as its Bluetooth, it works just as well 'off pad' :))
I'm definitely going to get that PS3 one, I was considering it, but hearing that you pretty much forget its there has made me want it more, I DESPISE the virtual PS3 keyboard.
what are people's views of the keypad thing ? I was thinking of getting one for Fifa to save me having to use the in game keyboard to type "anyone want a ranked game involving non 5 star teams" the whole time..

Can't you attach certain phrases to the F1 keys? Even the F1 in the virtual keyboard does it I believe. That's just an answer to your quoted bit as I imagine you are just generalising there anyway.
New Heavy Rain previews



One of the fascinating things about Heavy Rain - previewed on Eurogamer today - is its reliance on development studio head David Cage, who wrote the massive script single-handedly, and motion capture. On a recent excursion to see the game in development, we noted down a few of the more interesting stats in its creator's presentation. We thought you might enjoy them, so here they are:

The script

* 2,000 pages long
* 60 scenes, each about 15-20 minutes long, most, but not all of which you see on any play-through
* 40,000 words of non-linear dialogue
* Based on 6,000 pages of notes and references
* 15 months in development

The art design

* Two weeks scouting for locations on the East Coast of the USA
* 15 months of design by ten people
* Photos, topographical gameplay maps, sketches of every item, paintings of every scene

The outsourcing to Asia

* Over 100 people involved outside Quantic Dream
* 480 man-months of work
* Based on an "outsourcing bible" and "level architect blueprints"

The motion capture

* All done on-site at Quantic Dream in Paris
* 170 days of shooting across nine months
* Over 70 actors and stuntmen involved
* Casting sessions in Paris and London
* 30,000 unique animations recorded

It looks and sounds amazing.
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No PSN store update today? (Sorry if it's been covered already, can't see it in the last few posts though)

Was hoping they'd have The Killers content up for Guitar Hero, which has mysteriously disappeared with nobody at Neversoft willing to comment on it...

Does the US store update on a Thursday as well by the way? Because in the Rock Band wiki the date for the No Doubt album is December 9th, which is a Tuesday, and I thought the uploads only took place on a Thursday...?
All the stores update on Thursday, perhaps the Rock Band tracks can be bought in the in game store on Tuesday?
I was thinking that but they're not there yet, and it's the 11th now. :ANX:

EDIT: They reckon they'll be up within the next 1-2 hours on the US PSN store, so that's that sorted.

Just the Guitar Hero DLC to find, come on Sony, update the UK store today...
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Sony got battered by the 360 in America during November, they got what they deserved though, get off your high horse and cut the price already.

However both got pissed on from a very tall building by the Wii, over 2 million sold in one fucking month!!!
I was thinking that but they're not there yet, and it's the 11th now. :ANX:

EDIT: They reckon they'll be up within the next 1-2 hours on the US PSN store, so that's that sorted.

Just the Guitar Hero DLC to find, come on Sony, update the UK store today...

Can you not see the new GH DLC? Nirvana track pack, superb stuff :) Eagles next week!
It's come up this morning which is great. Still no explanation why The Killers trackpack was removed in the first place though, I'd love to know what it was and why they absolutely refused to comment on it.
Sony got battered by the 360 in America during November, they got what they deserved though, get off your high horse and cut the price already.

However both got pissed on from a very tall building by the Wii, over 2 million sold in one fucking month!!!

Can they really afford to drop the price. I remember hearing people saying last year that 2008 was gonna be the year of PS3.

They are pretty much screwed. L4D sold more than Resistance 2. :)
People can pick up 360's for under £100 now. Many games are on both systems. I personally think PS3's are the better console, but having to pay at least twice as much to buy a PS3?

If I didn't have a next-gen console and wanted one, I'd go with a 360. Better value for money. Sony need to reduce the price or they'll never get a good grip on the market and take a chunk off MS. If someone said to me I had £300, would I buy a PS3 and get one game with it, or get a 360 and still have £150 or so left, it'd be an easy choice.
As long as M$ get their shit together with their hardware for their next gen I'd be more than happy to pick up a xbox console over the next ps console.

In fact, I'd probably take a console with a high fail rate over SCEE any day
Think its a good point chaps. Most of you know that I've been a staunch supporter of the PS3 over the last couple of years and I do believe its the better console.

But like you say, the price difference is now glaring and if Sony cannot afford to drop the price, then PS3 is going to be the next Dreamcast.

Just out of interest though (and this isnt to start a row!), what is the equivalent 360 package to match the PS3 - i.e. with full years live and HDD etc?

Dont think its THAT far off is it? I honestly dont know.

The ads on TV are a bit misleading for the 360, but fair play to 'em!
Thing is though, the HDD isn't necessary, 20GB is just fine to play (hell, even a memory card is fine for a lot of people).

I imagine a lot of people are happy to use their silver membership and not play online either.

HD films haven't really taken off yet, I've not watched one Blu-Ray on my PS3 and doubt I will for a LONG time.

You've really just got to look and think you want to play FIFA 09 next-gen for single-player/local multiplayer. Do you spend £130 and get a 360 with FIFA and you're set? Or do you spend £280 to play the same game? A lot of people come on Evo-Web saying they want a next-gen system to play FIFA, which should they choose.

At these prices, it's a simple answer. Sony need to stop being so stubborn with their prices or they'll only have themselves to blame.
Thing is as a games machine the 360 certainly wins. There is nothing the PS3 offers over the 360 in this department and generally falls short on multi platform titles. Problem for Sony was that all the hype around the 'Cell', it was supposed to do things the 360 couldn't and obviously this has been proven false and also blue ray does nothing to enhance the gaming experience either. So comparitavly as a games machine 360 certainly wins. The PS3 is a great High Def movie player but the jump from DVD to blue ray is nothing like the jump from VHS to DVD so the incentive to buy one for that just isn't there. I really think MS has won this time and Sony can't get back into it, the PS3 will be in its prime by time the next XBOX is ready and then it's surely too late for Sony.
Just out of interest though (and this isnt to start a row!), what is the equivalent 360 package to match the PS3 - i.e. with full years live and HDD etc?

Dont think its THAT far off is it? I honestly dont know.

The ads on TV are a bit misleading for the 360, but fair play to 'em!

Xbox 360 60GB Premium Pack, Kung Fu Panda, LEGO Indy, Lost and Extra Wireless Controller = £166
Live sub = £30

or i have just seen that MS do an offer to arcade users

360 arcade = £99
and from MS, £12.99 for a 20GB Hard Drive
or £20 for the 20GB Hard Drive and 3 months live and a headset.

So that last option makes a big saving really
Yea, that is a good saving certainly!

I do like having the 320gb HD on the PS3 though for all my music, videos, PlayTV and to have loads of DLC stored - plus the exclusives on the PS3 are more to my liking.

But its not a PS3 v 360 type argument as I agree, the PS3 is looking overpriced and as I mentioned, I dont think Sony can bring the price down.

Be interesting to see if devs can get more out of the PS3 to start making it look like a worthwhile purchase for new buyers and I expect Heavy Rain to begin that process...
I couldn't survive with a 20gb HDD. I fill my 60 gig ps3 HDD every few weeks and have to keep going in and deleting all the crap ive downloaded and transferred onto it.

One big thing the PS3 has for myself is the ability to share save files. I love the WWE games where you can create your own wrestlers so for me it's an essential part of the game to be able to share save files around. PES is the same, being able to download OF's and edit data.

If the nextbox can offer those things the same way sony have (and i really can't see why not) i'll be more than happy to pick up their next machine and take my chances with their hardware. If SCEE weren't so shite though id probably just stick with the next ps console.
Yea, that is a good saving certainly!

I do like having the 320gb HD on the PS3 though for all my music, videos, PlayTV and to have loads of DLC stored - plus the exclusives on the PS3 are more to my liking.

But its not a PS3 v 360 type argument as I agree, the PS3 is looking overpriced and as I mentioned, I dont think Sony can bring the price down.

Be interesting to see if devs can get more out of the PS3 to start making it look like a worthwhile purchase for new buyers and I expect Heavy Rain to begin that process...
Been said before though hasn't it, this game will bring everyone over to the PS3 - okay, this one then - okay, this one definitely will...

It's not about one game, the Xbox 360 isn't successful because of one game. For a start it was the first next-gen console and anyone who is a real gamer (i.e. they play for fun, not a fanboy, not an obsessive) isn't going to say "no, I will wait patiently for six months, because the Xbox is sin and the PlayStation is Jesus" before reciting a little prayer. It's cheaper, and you can get a much larger catalogue of games from it, going right back to launch titles like PGR, Kameo and Perfect Dark Zero which are all decent games. It was there before the others and it was decent, so most gamers who only have the money to afford one console will have got that, had a nice Christmas with it and even now with the blanket marketing campaign they're doing people will buy them for Christmas at the price they are now.

I think that's all there is to it, it was there first and it wasn't awful - you've got exclusives etc. but we're hardcore gamers sad enough to spend hours talking about it on forums, most people will just go out and get the first available console, and stick with that if they can get it replaced every time it RRODs and the games are good enough.

I think it's fair to say "serious gamers" will prefer PS3s because of the HDD space and the shareable save files and the slightly more mature audience (far less kids screaming, they're still out there but there's a lower number of them definitely). And from the start there were no achievements/trophies which more mature gamers would tend to say were "for kids" anyway. I did, to be honest, before I got sucked in by it big-time.

In-fact, thinking about it, that's another big reason I preferred the 360 for a long while. It gave you such a big incentive to play games to the end, whereas before I'd usually play a game for five minutes before moving onto the next one.
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Can they really afford to drop the price. I remember hearing people saying last year that 2008 was gonna be the year of PS3.
They are pretty much screwed.

If they are serious about beating the 360 then they'll have no choice but to cut the price. The only people stopping the PS3 from beating the 360 are Sony themselves and they need to simplify things. Killzone 2 is shaping up to be a fantastic game and it will spike a surge of PS3's sold in February/March but in the grand sceme of things not a lot of people will have the chance to play it because they can't afford the console. Its common sense for them to cut the price for Xmas especially considering the current global economy. Releasing the 160GB model is pointless when the the HDD is already upgradable. The sooner they cut the price the sooner they'll start moving serious units on a consistent basis . Also Sony's marketing for their games in this current generation has been pathetic and that doesn't help.
I still can't belive R2 was released in America 4 weeks before Europe (Sonys biggest market)

With all that said I'm still a happy PS3 owner and I look forward to next week when Crash Commando comes out and February when Killzone 2, Alpha Protocol and The Burnout Island hits, Merry Xmas :)
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