Sony PlayStation 3

Not tried it yet. I've read comments that it works good but there's no sound. Also it doesn't allow diagonal controls so some games will be impossible to play.

I'll wait for a more improved version I think, that's if Sony don't block it with a firmware update.
Skeptics are now having a change of heart towards the previously doubted PlayStation 3 console of Sony, and Valve is leading the pack. Hungry enough to get a piece of the PS3 pie to eat their own words, eh?

They've been very vocal about their dislike for the PS3. Gabe Newell isn't obviously a fan, and the company doesn't do PS3. But it looks like that's about to change now. Doug Lombardi has seen the light, so to speak, and told CVG that the console's success has got them rethinking about their position on making games for it.

"We're always evaluating what's happening in the marketplace and certainly something that's happening in the last couple of months is that Sony's managed to sell some boxes." An astute observation coming from Lombardi.

The logical thing to do in business then is to put aside personal preferences and go with what's gonna be good for the company. And as the current stats would support, the PS3 is indeed a viable console for Valve to invest in.

The PC remains to be their top pick, though, with the Xbox 360 coming in at second place because of hardware similarities, Lombardi explains. But fact remains that the PS3 is getting their groove on in the race now, and so they've "got to re-evaluate that for what it is."

So does that mean there's now a bigger chance for Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360, PC) to be coming to the PS3? "It's 50-50 right now," Lombardi replies. Apparently, there already are some talks brewing about the PS3 version seeing as how the game is getting all the right exposure and it's looking to be a hit.

Hopefully it's not too late for Valve to kiss and make up with Sony after all the harsh words said.

For anyone wondering who Gabe is... it's this fat bastard.


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New 80GB PS3 provides minimal power savings, might have 65nm RSX GPU

Last we heard, it was still up in the air somewhat as to whether upcoming PlayStation 3 consoles would house the elusive 65-nanometer RSX graphics processor. According to a curious buyer of Sony's newest 80GB unit, there is a smidgen of data that hints at a 65nm chip actually being under the hood. By using the oh-so-scientific Kill-A-Watt, he discovered that his older 40GB PS3 sucked down 125.8-watts when idle, while the fresh 80GB edition ate up just 111.9-watts. The findings were similar when looking at power draw during DVD playback and while spinning Metal Gear Solid 4. Unfortunately, this mighty fine fellow is planning to return the new unit after being disappointed by the minimal energy savings, so he's not apt to rip the thing open and prove once and for all what kind of GPU is in there. Meanwhile, we heartily suggest that someone do just that and put this question to bed.
CVG has learnt that Sony's next firmware update for PlayStation 3 will include an option for screen grabbing, allowing you to take your own shots of what you get up to on your PS3.

A development source has told CVG that PS3 firmware update 2.5 is rumoured to have screen grabbing built in.

Exactly how this would be done and what you could do with the shots once you've grabbed a piece of the action isn't yet known. But you've got to reckon that uploading them to a server and showing off and using the images as themes would be a safe bet.

Sony hasn't announced anything about a 2.5 update yet and won't even discuss the subject. We'll file this one under 'wait and see' for the time being.

I can't see why this can't be added - they already have the ability with MGS4 to save screenshots to your HDD with the ingame camera.
Wonder if they could do anything with Flickr - like they have in place with YouTube.

So save an image on your PS3 and then upload it to your Flickr account? That would be impressive (and useful/fun).
Exactly and video recording would be more useful.
Saw a few clips of Savage Moon today and after playing pixeljunk monsters i can't wait for this game. It looks like Starship troopers and its a tower defence game like pixeljunk monsters is but in 3D.

I just wish i could find some more videos of it :(

Rumoured and confirmed items for Store Update Tomorrow

# Thursday, August 28, 2008

* The Last Guy | Confirmed
+ Rescue game on real landscapes (supposedly utilizing Google Earth)
+ Japanese teaser site for the game launches
+ Expected to release in Japan on July 31, 2008
+ confirms release date as August 28, 2008
o Source: The Last Guy Teaser Site [JP] :: Kotaku :: [AU] :: PlayStation.Blog

* Linger In Shadows | Rumor
+ Rated E by the ESRB in early July
+ Interactive digital artwork
+ Developed as a technology showcase by the design group Plastic
+ [AU] listed the release date as July 31, 2008 so perhaps the US will see it then
+ Update: [UK] lists release date as August 28, 2008

* NHL 09 [Demo] | Rumor
* Rock Band DLC - Rush, Moving Pictures Album | Confirmed

* Warhawk v1.5 Patch and DLC | Confirmed
+ Releasing on August 27, 2008 in EU territories
+ Includes trophy support and in-game custom soundtracks
+ Most likely includes 3 new training modes
+ May also include another booster pack available for purchase ($$) including new map (Tau Crater), new vehicle (jet pack)
o Source: [UK] :: PlayStation LifeStyle

* Additional Content
o Game Video - Heavy Rain Trailer | Rumor
+ Source: PlayStation.Blog
o Game Video - SCEE Leipzig Press Conference | Rumor
+ Source: PlayStation.Blog

The week after

* Thursday, September 4, 2008

o PAIN DLC | Confirmed
# New Characters:
* 3 new characters releasing on September 4 (school girl, rap video girl, doofy guy)
* All new characters priced: $0.99 US
# New Levels:
* Indoor Amusement Park along with XMB Trophy integration coming September 4, 2008
* Slightly smaller than the downtown level, but with more to do
* Will allow for greater than 190 degrees of slingshot rotation (possibly up to 360 degrees)
* May utilize new gameplay mechanics (may include new SIXAXIS functionality)
* Price: $5.99 USD
# Other info:
* Originally was going to include Online multiplayer w/ voice chat, but that has been delayed
* PAIN labs will also release during this time - Official PAIN Blog
+ Source: Official PAIN Blog

o Qore - Episode 004 | Confirmed
+ LBP Theme, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift Demo
+ Other content: LBP main feature, also features Prince of Persia, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, and Bioshock
I'll start playing Warhawk again from tomorrow (for trophies, I still don't have one but then I haven't really made an effort).

I'll also buy Pain when it gets trophy support too. I'd have bought it beforehand but no point doing stuff in it if I could've waited and got a trophy for it.

Has anyone found an LBP theme on the net?
Can you read the text OK with that theme?

I'm using the Infamous theme off the US store.
Yes, you just click the download link and it goes straight to the themes sections on the machine.

I download podcasts and wmv files all the time via the browswer.
Nope, I recognise the name. Do a search on the HotUKDeals forum, I've seen their name mentioned there.
What a pile of shit! The PS3 browser will only let me put X amount of characters in the address bar! :brick:
The Last Guy got a 9 at IGN, hopefully it will be on our store today.
Bought The Last Guy last night, pretty good game really. Just seen someone else say it's definately got a Pacman vibe to it even though I hate Pacman :LOL:

Gotta say it got pretty hard quickly though, first level was piss easy and then the second stepped right up! I had to do loads of shuttle runs instead of just creating one big line :LOL:

I'll the the Bionic Commando Rearmed demo tonight, hearing really good reviews about it.
Yea, played the Last Guy demo last night and really liked it - love the style of it, the music, voices, graphics etc.

Did you see the Newcastle level in the rolling demo where all the survivors are in St James' Park!!! :LOL: Wonder what other stadiums are in the game?

Love the concept though and I will decide later whether its worth £5. Same with Bionic Commando - thought that was good too and same again re cost.

Shame these games aren't being released with Trophies :(
I'll buy that later, Bionic Commando is pretty good, I haven't got far into it yet but I'm enjoying it and the graphics are great.
I just got a new Debit card put my details into the PS3 everything went through ok but it WILL NOT let me add funds?

Why can't anything on this fucking machine work properly? I really want The last guy as well.
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