Sony PlayStation 3

I'll probably get laughed at for this... but i really like the look of this game.

Do you love puppies and kittens? How about virtual puppies and kitties? If you do you, you might enjoy the new Eyepet game that's just been announced. Check it out in the video above.

It's a virtual pet game that allows gamers to interact with their pet by utilizing the PlayStation Eye peripheral. If you put an object in front of the PS Eye, the pet will interact with it on screen. If you wave your fingers in front of the PS Eye, you can tickle your "loveable, simian-like pet." Eyepet is developed by SCEE and will be available in "late 2009" for PAL regions.
I think the technology going behind EyePet is stunning if I'm honest.

The reaction times between what you do and what happens with the pet is excellent.

I might just buy it for a laugh. Depends how flush for cash I am at the time of release.
Like you say the tech is amazing, I remember some RnD Sony guys a while back showing of some similar tech on the PS Blog.
That 2D tank game?

I thought of that as soon as i saw the drawing part - i wonder if the same technology could be used in LBP?
Sounds excellent yep! I'll be getting it I reckon.

Edit: I typed that before watching the video. I WILL be getting it, awesome video :LOL:
Store Update

New Movement Video
Bionic Commando Rearmed HD trailer
Fatal Inertia Trailer 2
Play TV Trailer
Farcry 2 trailer
Guitar Hero DLC
Everybody's Golf Charatcer - Kratos (God Of War)
Haze DLC - - 4 maps and new game mode - Price: FREE
Star Wars- The Force Unleashed demo
Ratchet and Clank: QFB - Price: £9.99
BUZZ - National Geographic Safari quiz pack - Price: £4.99
PS1 Classic - International Track and Field - Price: £3.49

Leipzig Trailers

Heavy Rain
GTI Club
Killzone 2
Motorstorm 2
Wipreout HD
4 Leipzig showcase videos

Sid Meier's Pirates Full Game - Price: $14.99
Medal Of Honor Heroes : £14.99
That 2D tank game?

I thought of that as soon as i saw the drawing part - i wonder if the same technology could be used in LBP?

Yep, here is the link.

Maybe that's what LBP is holding back, it would be awesome it that's what it was.

Heavy Rain looks excellent. I loved Fahrenheit and this looks like more of the same, but with a Silent Hill feel to it :DANCE:
I loved that 'end of Matrix 1' feeling towards the end of Fahrenheit where you sort of 'wake up' and that fight scene near the end - wow - i died so many times on the running on the side of the building part.

Loved that game and it had an awesome story - im amazed they haven't announced a sequel already as im sure the ending hinted that his powers had been passed on... i think?
In the newest issue of Qore, as well as having a behind the scenes look of LittleBigPlanet and Prince of Persia plus Bioshock, Qore will have an exclusive demo of Motorstorm: Pacfic Rift.

It will be for anybody who buys the issue of Qore with Europeans getting it a month later.

Considering that since it's started and that it's been out on the first Thursday of every month since the start, expect it on September 4th.

Undecided about this Qore - i have the cash on my usa wallet so i could buy it and try out the demo - but then i dont want Qore to be a success as they'll just throw more and more demos on there each month and it will become a joke.
Don't do it, Radiation. Like you say, it'll give them more incentive to charge for demo's if people keep paying for Qore.
I enjoyed the demo except for the auto prompts every 5 seconds.
PS3 Exclusives: The Full List

Spoiler Boxed to save people who don't care and don't want their page stretched down with my long post

The folks over at PS3 forums have put together a full list of all confirmed PS3 exclusives. This is probably one of the more definitive and easier to read lists of all the exclusive games for the sytem out there. They even give a few screenshots for each title, so you can get a look at what it is exactly. There are 51 titles in all and most of them are pretty heavy hitters. This could be just the thing to drag the system up the console ladder. The complete list is below:

New Exclusives

1. SOCOM: Confrontation
2. Socom
3. Chunsoft
4. Time Crisis 4
5. The agency
6. MLB08: The Show
7. NBA08
8. FreeRealms MMO
9. My SUmmer Holiday
10. Wagan Midnight

Old Exclusives

11. Afrika
12. Angel Rings
13. Eight days
14. Eyedentify
15. Eyetoy
16. Fifth Phantom Saga
17. F1: Championship Edition 2006
18. Final Fantasy XIII
19. DC Universe
20. Big Time Revenge
21. Gretzky NHL
22. Wipeout
23. White Knight Story
24. Way of the Samurai 3
25. Warhawk
26. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
27. God Of War III
28. Gran Turismo 5
29. Heavenly Sword
30. Heavy Rain
31. Hot Shots Golf 5
32. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
33. Killzone 2
34. Lair
35. Metal Gear Solid 4
36. METRO 2033: The Last Refuge
37. Mist of Chaos
38. Monster Hunter 3
39. Folklore
40. Motor Storm 1
41. Motor Storm 2
42. Ninja Gaiden Sigma
43. Ni-Oh
44. Ratchet and Clank 5
45. Redwood falls
46. Resistance Fall Of Man 2
47. Singstar
48. Super Robot Taisen
49. Tekken 6
50. The Eye of Judgment
51. The Getaway

I noticed there is some shite in that list - some quality and some amazing games.. and a few games that i thought had been cancelled like The Getaway. But still... a big difference from the 'PS3 has no exclusives' argument.
Eight Days was also cancelled, also removing games already out would also help I think.

The Last Guy demo was fun, though the bigger your tv, I think the better, kinda tricky to see some of the zombies I thought, it was fun though, cost would be a factor on whether upping to purchase or letting the demo lie in the HDD.

EDIT: Looking down through the list more, I mean when was this list created? New Exclusives, MLB The Show? Really struggling calling Ninja Gaiden Sigma and exclusive when it's NG Black with a paint job, putting MotorStorm 1 and 2 down but only one ROFM, strange, and Final Fantasy XIII is coming to the XB360 too.

There is 20 titles that interest me, or I own, they should have ROFM on there, and Uncharted, even Ratchett and Clank Future, but it's been a poorly put together list Rad, I know your better than that! ;)
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Take The Getaway out as well. Resistance 1 needs to be in the list.

I'm concentrating on getting all the exclusives I think.

Might get select cross-platform games for it, but the rest will probably be on the 360 when I get it.
If I'd made the list myself I'd have left the shite out like Lair and added in stuff like Eyepet and added a quick note about the PSN titles - there are a lot of ps3 exclusives in there but I'd hardly call them titles worth buying a ps3 for.
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