Sony PlayStation 3

I got your friend request Nick but when i accepted it i got an error - then i sent one to you... and then at the bottom of my friends list i noticed it said i had received a request... so i clicked to accept it and it worked.

Not sure why it didn't work through the message itself but whatever - you're added
Will keep an eye out for some BF madness, i still need some practice though...:DD
In another case of "Because it's there", some brave/misguided soul has gone to great lengths to get Windows Vista running on a PlayStation 3. How? Emulated via Linux, of course. That translates to blazing speeds, making the Microsoft OS boot in a mere 25 minutes. Notepad opens in just 12!! If you're interested in the techniques required to get Vista on your PS3, PS3HaX has a handy tutorial. Just think — you could be playing Minesweeper in just a few days, at single digit speed percentages! Impress your friends!

Reports of hardware failure seem to follow PlayStation 3 firmware updates as regularly as Summer follows Spring, but following the issues with firmware update 2.40 you can't be too careful. Multiple users over at the official PlayStation forums are reporting that their PS3 consoles are no longer reading discs following the 2.42 update last week. Some report that games play for several minutes after the update before the drive stops working, while others say the issue kicks in immediately. At least one forum-goer reported that performing a reset on his system fixed the issue, while others have tried with no luck.

It's pretty hard to get a good idea of just how many people are having the issue, what with the forum topic filled with "me toos" and claims that anyone reporting an issue is simply a troll. For the record, I just updated my system and have had no issues whatsoever. We've contacted Sony for comment on the issue, and will keep you all posted should further developments arise.

Update: We sopke with Sony's Patrick Seybold, who is aware of the forum thread and is checking with their folks to determine if there is a widespread issue.
Reports of hardware failure seem to follow PlayStation 3 firmware updates as regularly as Summer follows Spring, but following the issues with firmware update 2.40 you can't be too careful. Multiple users over at the official PlayStation forums are reporting that their PS3 consoles are no longer reading discs following the 2.42 update last week. Some report that games play for several minutes after the update before the drive stops working, while others say the issue kicks in immediately. At least one forum-goer reported that performing a reset on his system fixed the issue, while others have tried with no luck.

It's pretty hard to get a good idea of just how many people are having the issue, what with the forum topic filled with "me toos" and claims that anyone reporting an issue is simply a troll. For the record, I just updated my system and have had no issues whatsoever. We've contacted Sony for comment on the issue, and will keep you all posted should further developments arise.

Update: We sopke with Sony's Patrick Seybold, who is aware of the forum thread and is checking with their folks to determine if there is a widespread issue.
thats a first. never heard of any issues with 2.42 fw:SS and its been out for nearly 2 weeks if not more.
Naughty Dog used barely half of the PS3's power to run Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, one of the best-looking games on the console.

So says designer Richard Lemarchand, who says tools such as Edge - developed by senior first-party Sony programmers including some from Naughty Dog - are now in place and ready to begin harnessing the full power of the Cell processor.

Remember, the Cell processor is made up of eight Synergistic Processor Units, six of which can be used to do things at any one time.

"These guys are really old-school programmers: guys who are always looking to shave another cycle off an operation. And part of the skill of developing for the PlayStation 3 is getting the GPU to farm jobs out to the six SPUs - seeing which SPUs are idling and can take up some of the slack in a frame-to-frame kind of way," Lemarchand told ThreeSpeech.

"That's why we think we're probably only using 30 or 40 per cent of the power of the PS3 right now, and there's this great, untapped potential.

"All third-party developers can get the Edge libraries for free and are going to be able to use them in their own ways, to get more and more and more out of the PS3 over the years," he said.

Lemarchand went talked of the sense of sharing between first-party studios, trading "war stories" with Evolution (MotorStorm), Insomniac (Resistance), and Sucker Punch (InFamous).

More encouraging is the close bond Naughty Dog shares with Sony Santa Monica, which is developing God of War 3. Apparently the two studios meet reguarly to discuss development tactics over lunch.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune recently became the first Blu-ray title to offer Trophy support.
i dont think it will look any better, just probably have more things happening on screen or more characters onscreen etc. thats what teh extra cpu power comes in to play
wouldn't surprise me if we've almost seen all the 360 has to offer - as they made it so easy to develop for, everyone knows what they're doing and how to do it ... it's not as if they're suddenly going to find loads of un tapped power in there.
New Heavy Rain pic.



Don't know whether its in game though.
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Nope, true. Although now we should see a high level across the board and then in 18months or so the next console will be announced. Just when the ps3 is hitting its stride.
Nope, true. Although now we should see a high level across the board and then in 18months or so the next console will be announced. Just when the ps3 is hitting its stride.
not a bad thing though. a new console it its first year or two is always shit. teh 360 was shit in its first year, fact. no AA titles released untill GOW came out. ps3 has just started coming out with some amazing games too and with Home looking set to come out q1-q2 of 09 at the LATEST due to Sony now allowing publishers to beta test it, this Home thing will further enchance the capabilities of the ps3.
The thing is though why would you want to keep a lesser machine if a more powerful one is out?

its like keeping an PS2 when a 360 is out or an Xbox with the PS3
The thing is though why would you want to keep a lesser machine if a more powerful one is out?

its like keeping an PS2 when a 360 is out or an Xbox with the PS3
tbh coopz, so what if a machine is more powerful then the other? doesnt mean its better right? same with games. a game with betetr graphics dont equal as the better game ;)

like i said on my previous post coopzy, ps3 is just starting to find its stride whilst the 360 found its stride ever since GOW came out. it takes a while for a new console to hit its stride. everyone knows this mate. its teh soul reason why i never (expect for dreamcaset) bought a system in its launch date.
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