Sony PlayStation 3

Is TVersity better than the 360s default player (which picks movies up from WMP11)?

I know im in the wrong thread but nobody's mentioned it in the 360 one :))
imo its miles better. can stream any movie u want easily and of course you woudl expect the 360's default player to play on WMP11. ther both made by MS
well i have set it up now so ill give it a test tonight and see which is better

ill let you know
Sony is preparing a non-game service for its PlayStation 3 console that at first glance is similar to one available on Nintendo's Wii.

Called "Life with PlayStation," the service will launch with news and weather information channels but is set to be considerably expanded in the future, said Kaz Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, at a Tokyo news conference on Thursday.

"By utilizing the full processing power of the PlayStation 3, 'Life with PlayStation' will bring unique content centering on two axis, place and time," he said.

The basic interface was a globe of the Earth that could be spun to reveal the different regions of the world. Major cities were marked on the globe along with the current weather conditions and news headlines pertaining to the city were listed in the corner of the screen. As you browse, background music from the hard-disk in the PlayStation 3 can be played either as a user-defined playlist or one chosen by the console.

The interface is similar to the news and weather channels on the Nintendo Wii, which are navigated through a globe and offer similar news and weather information.

But there are some differences. The graphics on the PlayStation 3 are higher resolution and the globe isn't a simple map of the world but a weather satellite image showing the cloud patterns above the planet. When a news headline was clicked in the demonstration it opened a link to an Internet page, which is different to Nintendo's service that brings up stories provided by content partners.

The news and weather channels are just the beginning.

"For the primary version the application sticks to the present time but in the future we plan to build a system that can visually present stored photos and movies according to their recorded time and place, allowing users with their friends and family to enjoy the visuals in chronological order," said Hirai.

In-game advertising and premium content, announced by Hirai earlier for the PlayStation 3, will also play a part in "Life with PlayStation" in the future, he said.

A release date and fuller details on the service will be announced "at a later date," he said.


Videos and Pictures
I wish I'd got the 60gb with the backwards compatibility, I didn't think I would be bothered but there's a few PSone games I've bought - I play Crash Team Racing quite a lot.

I really hope they do bring out a firmware with backwards compatibility in but I haven't heard of that rumour before, I would think the guys who've spent extra on the 60gb would be pissed off (even if they did get the memory card slots etc).

Jack, you can play PSOne titles fine. It's only PS2.
Firmware (v2.42) Now Available

Just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that a PS3 firmware update (v2.42) is now available for download. This update improves the playback quality of some PLAYSTATION 3 and PlayStation format software.

I hate these updates - they just feel so damn useless without knowing what they're actually fixing. If they said 'this patch will fix online errors in battlefield bad company, improves load times from xmb to installed hard drive game and prepares the system for our next big update.

I'd feel like this wasn't a waste of time
You have to start a brand new game for Uncharted to get the trophies, its not retroactive like Burnout. I think I'll pass...then again it'll only take 12 hours and I do want to play it in 5.1 plus its only £15 at
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You have to start a brand new game for Uncharted to get the trophies, its not retroactive like Burnout. I think I'll pass...then again it'll only take 12 hours and I do want to play it in 5.1 plus its only £15 at

Think the price will drop to around 10-12 soon second hand on AVF as its due for budget release soon...

Even though I didnt finish it, I'd gladly buy it again and play it once the trophies are added - gives games a whole new edge. I'm no trophy whore, but I do feel like they definately add something to games.
I hate these updates - they just feel so damn useless without knowing what they're actually fixing. If they said 'this patch will fix online errors in battlefield bad company, improves load times from xmb to installed hard drive game and prepares the system for our next big update.

I'd feel like this wasn't a waste of time

Was a rumour this adds "Playstation Life" too, but I'm sure they would have made a more song and dance about it.

Allegedly under "folding@home" on the globe, you can now zoom in to get news etc.

I've not tried it and doubt its true.
That Life thing was supposed to be out by the end of the month, maybe its a DL from the store on tomorrow.
A lot of people are suggesting this new firmware has put the base code in for Life.

I'll be honest and say this Life For Playstation looks shit, real waste of time. How many people use their Wii to look up weather and world news?
A lot of people are suggesting this new firmware has put the base code in for Life.

I'll be honest and say this Life For Playstation looks shit, real waste of time. How many people use their Wii to look up weather and world news?

Nah, your right. Was a nice novelty on the Wii, but thats a different kind of audience.
Well i tried TVersity and apart from the youtube/google bit it does exactly the same as WMP11
you can whacka youtube/google video link into it and it will stream the video across - on the ps3 you can then copy that video onto your hdd (not sure about the 360)
You can stream it but not save it (although TVersity saves it anyway)

Thats a nice feature because the clips come up full screen and there not the bad quality really. But i would rarely use it anyway
I've got a bloody fly on my screen that i cant kill.... its just under coopz name and it seems invincible!
I've got a bloody fly on my screen that i cant kill.... its just under coopz name and it seems invincible!

The reason i used it because i saw it somewhere else out the corner on my eye and thought there was little bug on my monitor :LOL:
Until later in the day when we get some more concrete news...

Rumored PlayStation Store New Content (US) for July 31, 2008

In their regular weekly feature, PlayStation LifeStyle takes a look at what we should be getting this week:
- Facebreaker demo [FREE]
- Madden NFL 09 demo [FREE]
- PixelJunk Eden [$9.99 USD]
- Rock Band DLC: Assorted Songs (one @ $0.99 USD, three @ $1.99 USD)
- Soul Calibur DLC, original BGM*

Additional Content:
- PS3 Theme, Killzone 2 Theme*
- PS3 Theme, PixelJunk Eden Theme
- Wallpaper, Siren: Blood Curse Wallpaper(s)

NOTE: This list is not all-inclusive (videos, wallpapers, etc.) and content is always subject to change.

*Items marked with an asterisk denote rumored content, while the other content is confirmed.


Always a good site for DLC news!
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PixelJunk Eden is supposed to be a worldwide release today but SCEE don't fill me with a lot of confidence.

PS3 Trophies Explained

A PSN title can't have a platinum trophy. Gold, they can have, but no platinum.

Platinum trophies are reserved for full retail games. The rationale for this is that it isn't fair for someone to spend $10 on a game and get the same level of advancement on their Gamer Level as someone who buys a full retail game.

The thing is, under the hood there's a point system for the different levels of trophies. A PSN game can only have so much upon release, and then so much for an add-on. PJ Eden clearly needed more trophies. More trophies = lower levels for each one.

That's why PJE w/o any expansion has 20 different trophies, while SSDHD only had 12.

Let me do a further breakdown:

SSDHD: 7 Bronze, 4 Silver, One Gold
PJE - 19 Bronze, One Silver
SSDHD 1st expansion - 2 Bronze, 2 Silver
SSDHD 2nd expansion - One Gold

Now, let's apply a point value for each one, for argument's sake.

We'll say Bronze = 1, Silver = 2, and Gold = 6. Let's look at it keeping that in mind.

SSDHD - 21
PJE - 21
SSDHD 1st expansion - 6
SSDHD 2nd expansion - 6
I hope its a bit less than that, if it is £10 I'll still buy it though.
Hi, how much is the dualshock pad in stores in the USA ?

I've a friend out there now and he's said he can pick one up for me.
PixelJunk Eden is £5, downloading now.
PixelJunk Eden Trophy List…and-did-we-mention-trophies/


All Seeds 01 - Open all seeds in garden 01
All Seeds 02 - Open all seeds in garden 02
All Seeds 03 - Open all seeds in garden 03
All Seeds 04 - Open all seeds in garden 04
All Seeds 05 - Open all seeds in garden 05
All Seeds 06 - Open all seeds in garden 06
All Seeds 07 - Open all seeds in garden 07
All Seeds 08 - Open all seeds in garden 08
All Seeds 09 - Open all seeds in garden 09
All Seeds 10 - Open all seeds in garden 10
All Gardens Clear - Get a Spectra in each garden
Combo Ten - Pollen Prowler combo x 10
Combo Fifteen - Pollen Prowler combo x 15
The Hundred Thousander - Get 100,000 pollen in one garden
500 Dead Pollen Prowlers - 500 Pollen Prowlers killed
Ten Minute Grimp - Get all 5 Spectra from a garden within 10 minutes
Fifteen Crystals - Get fifteen crystals in a single jump
Zero Wasted Pollen - Open all seeds in a garden without missing any pollen
Three Play Ping Pong - In 3p mode, trapeze jump between two swinging Grimps


All Spectra Found - Get all the Spectra in all gardens


Other Info

2. YouTube video upload support

How cool is this? It’s a great feature that allows you to capture up to 10 minutes of video footage of your Eden gameplay and then either save it to your XMB or upload to YouTube and share with your friends and the world. So hey, pulled a sweet co-op combo with your friends that you want to show off? Having trouble finding that last Spectra in garden 8? Now you’ve got the proof to back up your bragging rights…or at least accept the fact that you might need just a little bit of – ahem – help

3. PSP Remote Play

OK so this isn’t a first. But it’s worth pointing out anyway so you can take PixelJunk Eden with you wherever you & your PSP go.

5. Music & Art

We’re really loving the music and visuals that Baiyon created for PixelJunk Eden. You know the music is good when you can listen to it over and over and over again and it is still kicking. There’s more than 100 minutes of music in the game total.


KRAD - No sign of IN GAME music !?
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