Sony PlayStation 3

Hey what's with all of you people who are on my friends list stealing my idea of using the comment bar as a place to showcase my amount of trophies?

At least you have trophies, I've got bugger all.

I really hope they release a patch for GTA IV I'm 90% through and I should be rewarded with some trophies!!
That's a bit better than the £39 gamestation are asking for. But still... 30 quid for a bloody joypad! where is the sense in that!
DS3 is £29.99 at Amazon, I'll get one from them next month :TU:

You won't regret it at all! The original sixaxis just doesn't feel right anymore. The weight of the DS3 is perfect and it's so much better playing games with rumble :TU:.
Got Time Crisis 4 last night and it's pretty shit. I'm going to go to town today and see about trading it/selling it and I'll get a DS3 instead.
I got my DS back in December, I paid the premium price of 45 quid for it, at the time I was like, well it'll prob be 35 when it comes out here, and I'll pay the 10 quid extra to have Rumble now. It is a good pad, and feels much better in your hand, I also think the Rumble is improved over the DS2. Still surprised it's 40 quid though, and do the new consoles even get it as a pack in yet?

Heard Time Crisis werent the best, I think it's hard to replicate that series very well at home, due to the pedal thing. Have yet to hear anyone dissappointed with the DS3.
Jb, do you work in game in clayton square? I went there to get my ds3 and the guy looked like you, spoke like you and just as i thought it cant be you ... His namebadge said jack!
what happened to the days when control pads costs £20 max?

Ah I remember those days.......the days when Lag was King. You could leave your door unlocked, children respected their elders........Jonney those times have gone.......Sadly :((
Jb, do you work in game in clayton square? I went there to get my ds3 and the guy looked like you, spoke like you and just as i thought it cant be you ... His namebadge said jack!
Yes, it was me. I am also the real Jack Bauer.

My name isn't actually Jack you div! :lol:
Ah I remember those days.......the days when Lag was King. You could leave your door unlocked, children respected their elders........Jonney those times have gone.......Sadly :((
Yea and those days kids wasnt stabbing people just because they looked at them in a funny way or accidently bumped into them in the street. fact is, if kids wanted to fight someone we use to do it the old fsashion way, fists not knifes:-pp
Where i used to live when i was younger it was more a case of kids saying to you 'Wait here while i go and get my older brother to kick your head in'
Well I've been away for a week, so I've missed the 2.40 update.

PS3 is at a friends house though, and he's got it so at least I won't have to bother updating when I get it home. Had a look at it on another friends last night. Seems well integrated but it's bloody slow isn't it!?

Still, it's nice to see it there.

Oh yeah, how do we go about getting trophies?

On a side note, within the first week of getting the PS3, someone had thrown out my box, so every time I cart it off to someones house, I have to search high and low for a box that will fit it and the cables and so on.

I go on eBay expecting to find a PS3 box for a fiver or something. I find two examples, one with current bid at £178 and another at £262

F**king rediculous.
im guessing those bids were made by morons who are thinking they're bidding on a console - or by the seller to trick people into bidding when they ignore the description and just see ps3 for £178
Tried my DS3 with Vegas 2 and it makes it so much better! I definately prefer the heavier feel too.
Where i used to live when i was younger it was more a case of kids saying to you 'Wait here while i go and get my older brother to kick your head in'
ditto. now its meet me outside and me and my bluds(mates) will chase you and stab you multiple times :MAD:
Updated fine here. I tend to agree with other people that the XMB seems slightly faster now too.
Looks like the software engineers at Sony have finished tweaking firmware 2.40. The much-anticipated firmware update included crucial features, like in-game XMB and trophies, but was pulled shortly after its release due to reports of bricked systems. Now, a few days after the controversial removal of firmware 2.40 from Sony’s servers, firmware 2.41 is now available to download worldwide.

Hopefully, all goes smoothly with this update. Those lucky enough to have 2.40 working on their systems know that in-game XMB works incredibly well, and trophy support is absolutely addictive. Now, PS3 owners en masse will be able to enjoy these features.

Pretty sure I read it wasn't possible and you had to create a new PSN ID.
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