Sony PlayStation 3

Apparantly Super Stardust does too, although a few people tried playing songs and it said they couldn't be played.

It doesn't work because the game already has custom soundtracks built in. It got updated a few months ago.
Mine was fine but the BGM music isn't working and now I can't DL anything from the stores or browser.
i have no issues with mine either and i have the 100gb version(originally a 40gb ;) )

You guys should know the risk when dealing with fw of any sorts.
Interesting, just talking to other guys in my office about this update.

I played Civ Rev last night and left it running for 15/20 mins, came back and it was running at something stupid like 5fps! Rebooting my PS3 fixed it but the other guys are saying they played R6V2 and both had problems with the framerate dropping and the system running sluggish!

The firmware seems to be buggy as hell!
this always happens to some poor sods - i remember when an update for guitar hero 2 bricked a load of 360s

no problems so far for me and i was online playing BF for hours

one thing about civ though, ive had the frame rate drop on me a lot especially when a lot of units are on screen doing their turns
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Nah, this was in 50AD, hardly anything on the map and like three civ's on the screen.
Sony's 2.40 firmware - whenever it comes back to us, at any rate - allows the implementation of achievement-style trophies to your user account. Like achievements, it'll probably turn out to be a successful move, convincing PS3 owners to spend more time with their games than they may otherwise have without them. But with the trophy system having to be manually added to each game already out on the PS3, when can we realistically expect most games to include the feature? Well, realistically, not soon, and Insomniac's Bryan Intihar gives us the perfect example why, posting on the PlayStation Blog:

Currently, there are no plans to add trophies to [Resistance] and [Ratchet & Clank]. Right now, our No. 1 focus is finishing [Resistance 2] and making it the best game possible.

Suggesting that, sadly (for you), implementing them takes longer than five minutes, and that Insomniac - like a lot of develolpers, we're sure - have more pressing matters to attend to.

Trophies should be mandatory, otherwise is there a point? You'll just get the trophy-whores grabbing the games that do have trophies and it wont be any kind of reflection on comparisons.

No point having Level 15 in your trophies but you also play loads of games without trophy-support, but your mate hoards Barbie games which all have trophies and he's Level 55.

Not that any of my mates play Barbie, just saying ...
I absolutely 100% agree with you, this was something I was thinking about last night. For me the fun in 360 games (or at least a big part of it) is achievements, if games are going to come out on the PS3 with them "missing" then I'd always choose the 360 version over the PS3 version, like I have done with Top Spin 3 (despite the PS3 version having an extra character).

I think it will become a mandatory thing though in time, surely. Sony should know that there are people who will choose one game over the other purely for achievements/trophies.
I absolutely 100% agree with you, this was something I was thinking about last night. For me the fun in 360 games (or at least a big part of it) is achievements, if games are going to come out on the PS3 with them "missing" then I'd always choose the 360 version over the PS3 version, like I have done with Top Spin 3 (despite the PS3 version having an extra character).

I think it will become a mandatory thing though in time, surely. Sony should know that there are people who will choose one game over the other purely for achievements/trophies.
thena gain not many are rich like man and you that can afford to buy a ps3 and 360 console
Meh, trophies dont mean much to me at all. When Sony release 2.4 again will we all need to get it again?
Anyone else played the Top Spin 3 demo, some of the training exercises are frustrating.
Todays EU Update


-Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 (full game)-- €9.00
-3 Buzz Quiz Question packs. EU/USA/AU -- €3.99 each
- Buzz Quiz Rock Legends question pack -- €4.99
- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 Gift Pack (3 maps) -- Free


- Space Invaders Extreme Demo -- Free

- Movement Trailers
-Brothers in arms Hell's Highway
-Haze launch trailer


-MGS4 Theme
-Elefunk Theme
-Echochrome Theme
-Topspin 3 Wallpaper
-Elefunk Circus and Forest Wallpapers

I thought we were getting Echochrome today?
I love the 2.40 update it`s mainly for chatting . I was playing then my m8 sent a message click the ps button, chat for a bit then click ps button again to brings ya back to playing..great feature

here`s a link if ya dare 2.40 at ya own risk
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I keep forgetting about the ability to check my messages lol - i had a message last night and was going to save my game, quit and then check it and it was only after i saved and pressed the ps button to quit than the XMB came up and i remembered!
anyone here got there ps3 bricked because of fw2.4? I think this whole mess has been blown way out of proportion. the 360's generated the same if not more rrod's after a new dashboard update yet we don't get 100's of threads talking about it.

maybe its because 360 users are bored of discussing the rrod has its practically the norm on a 360 unlike the ps3 which is a reliable mean machine so if its just one person that got there machine bricked it will be blown out of proportion.

i doubt there is anything wrong with the fw has sony has been testing the damm thing for months. i think its just a bad download i mean come on, almost every single ps3 user with an internet connection would be downloading it and its likely that the servers are knackered and you received a bad download. it happens in pc demos.

I remember last year when crysis demo was released, the whole world was downloading it and i had to download it a few times because of a bad download.
I think the percentage of people who got a dodgy update is VERY minimal to be honest, hardly an uproar about it.

Plus the fact that the PS3 hasn't actually been bricked and the HDD can be formatted to work fine again. Definately not as bad as everyone making out.
I think the percentage of people who got a dodgy update is VERY minimal to be honest, hardly an uproar about it.

Plus the fact that the PS3 hasn't actually been bricked and the HDD can be formatted to work fine again. Definately not as bad as everyone making out.
lol yea exactly. the fw apparently is stored on the hdd i think so tehre is nothing to worry about
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