Sony PlayStation 3

But the 360 is a console that offers short attention span kids games they love?

What did i do wrong?
A huge MGS4 fan who got fed up after 1 day of searching and bought a 360 so he can't play MGS4?

Surely he could have ordered one from online somewhere and got a good deal and next day delivery?

Though if his attention span is so short he can't even handle 1 day of searching before blowing his load prematurely on a 360 then maybe he's better off with a console designed for the short attention span generation.

:oooh: :oooh: :oooh:
I really can't understand people that will only buy from the high street, with their ridiculous overpricing. He could've got a PS3 delivered the next day from ShopTo for £295.
But the 360 is a console that offers short attention span kids games they love?

What did i do wrong?

That is codswollop.

I own both and to me both offer different things which I like.

The 360 most definately does not offer short attention span games which kids love, in fact I would argue the game library of the 360 is larger and more varied than that of the PS3, added to the fact that the majority of multi-platform titles perform better on the 360 then to doon the PS3.

The PS3 for me is used for Blue Ray playback and playing the handful of excellent exclusive titles such as Uncharted, Resistance and of course MGS4.
I really can't understand people that will only buy from the high street, with their ridiculous overpricing. He could've got a PS3 delivered the next day from ShopTo for £295.

Agree with you, however he like quite a few people I know do not like giving their credit/debt card details over the internet due to fear of fraud.
He has been looking for over a week. He has been to every retailer and does not want to buy online as he prefers to buy at High Street Retailers.

I am not flaming Sony as I have a PS3 and love it but it is very surprising/annoying that Sony are having PS3 shortages at this time of the year.
LOL the wii has been in shortage since teh day it comes out yet not many are making such a big deal about it!
How is Kamy asking why he hasn't been able to get hold of a PS3 for a week "making such a big deal about it"? :eh:

Come on lads, calm down, let's keep to the topic...
That is codswollop.

I own both and to me both offer different things which I like.

The 360 most definately does not offer short attention span games which kids love, in fact I would argue the game library of the 360 is larger and more varied than that of the PS3, added to the fact that the majority of multi-platform titles perform better on the 360 then to doon the PS3.

The PS3 for me is used for Blue Ray playback and playing the handful of excellent exclusive titles such as Uncharted, Resistance and of course MGS4.

i wouldnt say short attention spam but i would amend that statement and leave in the short and let you and others figure out what goes after short:applaud: if i say it i would simply get flamed by all you 360 fans out there
Yes you would, so keep opinions of such nature to yourself when they're ridiculously baseless and offensive.

On-topic now please, i.e. the PS3.
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Anyone know a site where I can download the in game XMB video?
That is codswollop.

I own both and to me both offer different things which I like.

The 360 most definately does not offer short attention span games which kids love, in fact I would argue the game library of the 360 is larger and more varied than that of the PS3, added to the fact that the majority of multi-platform titles perform better on the 360 then to doon the PS3.

The PS3 for me is used for Blue Ray playback and playing the handful of excellent exclusive titles such as Uncharted, Resistance and of course MGS4.

i never said the 360 ONLY offers short attention span games. yet your saying it has NO games that short attention span people love?

Id say that with all the focus on FPS action shoot em up arcade titles it has and that M$ ridiculed SONY for alienating "casual gamers" with the launch price - with the cheaper 360 price tag it's perfectly suited for someone who wants games but can't devote hours each night to them. Not to say it has no long term RPGs or games with little or no replay value but why would someone buy the more expensive smaller library one for short plays on games now and again ?

And he couldn't wait longer than a week? .... why wait until now to look around and why rule out online delivery?
I give up, got more important things to do then get into a flaming war with someone who clearly does not know what he/she is talking about. All I asked was why there was a shortage of PS3's on the high street.
I give up, got more important things to do then get into a flaming war with someone]
[who clearly does not know what he/she is talking about. All I asked was why there was a shortage of PS3's on the high street.]


Why is this site so defensive about the 360?

You can't even mention the 360 in the same sentence as PS3 without everyone jumping down your neck - yet I've seen countless unprovoked negative PS3 posts on the site. :-ll

Don't read if you're just going to ignore and explode on me.
I don't follow how me saying the 360 is suited to someone who can't wait a week longer (despite presumably waiting years) for a console to play 2 games they are HUGE fans of and so goes and buys a console that can only play 1 of those titles.

And even then when I admit the console is ALSO suited to all other types of gamers. I'm trying to flame people and start wars and i don't know what I'm blabbering on about?

I could understand it if the comment was made BEFORE i posted that the 360 is great for ALL gamers.

Off topic or not... why did you feel the need to edit that into your post and what part do i have no knowledge of?

Yep you did ask about the shortage - quick answer... they're sold out because a lot of people pre ordered MGS4 and bought the console for arguably the biggest PS3 title since it's launch.

Have they tried any of the non obvious shops and pokey corner game shops. In Liverpool for example there are a couple of decent places that sell games/consoles (or used to) and they were fab at getting stock in early and selling early. As they're also out of the radar of mums/dads buying for their kids you might be lucky and find someone with stock in. When i was after a slimline ps2 i tried all over liverpool just after christmas and everywhere was sold out so i tried a place in widnes called the games company and they had about 20 of the buggers!
Have they tried ringing any stores and asking about stock? When the Wii launched, a few weeks later just before Christmas my GF decided she wanted one (typical) so i phoned Gamestation who took my details and that was that. 2 days later they phoned me saying a pre ordered console that was in the store was no longer wanted and they were asking if i wanted to buy it. so i did.

Worth a shot!
You've explained yourself since Rad but your first statement was just bitter. It comes across as a shit-stirring post.

maybe he's better off with a console designed for the short attention span generation

If someone said "maybe you're better off with a PS3 because you've got more money than sense, because it's for those who aren't proper gamers and want to watch Blurays or film-games like MGS4", I think you would be pretty pissed off, and I would be as well. It's a bitter statement with very little else to it and even if that is your genuine opinion you have enough sense to know what it's going to cause if you say it, especially in a spiteful tone.

But anyway. 2.40 tomorrow. :)
Ahhhhhh... brings back memories of me and DJ. We are best friends now, hope for everyone :LOL:

Oh, the 'PS2 Downloadable Store' has been called shennigans by Sony. Damn.
I give up, got more important things to do then get into a flaming war with someone who clearly does not know what he/she is talking about. All I asked was why there was a shortage of PS3's on the high street.
its obvious why. doesnt take a rocket science to figure that out. why ask such a easy question that anyone with half a brain could figure out! How does ps3's dissapear off the high street shelves? guess how? by customers who BOUGHT it. now figure out the rest and you will know why there is none around your mates area:applaud:

what time tomorrow will 2.4 be released? if its early in the morning (6am) i will turn on my ps3 and get downloading hehe
You've explained yourself since Rad but your first statement was just bitter. It comes across as a shit-stirring post.

If someone said "maybe you're better off with a PS3 because you've got more money than sense, because it's for those who aren't proper gamers and want to watch Blurays or film-games like MGS4", I think you would be pretty pissed off, and I would be as well. It's a bitter statement with very little else to it and even if that is your genuine opinion you have enough sense to know what it's going to cause if you say it, especially in a spiteful tone.

But anyway. 2.40 tomorrow. :)

I realized it after i posted it so that's why i explained myself.

I wasn't meaning to have a dig at 360 owners at all - the post was just directed towards that one person searching for the PS3 who couldn't handle an extra day or two so spent the money burning a hole in his pocket.

What I should have said was maybe he's probably best off as the 360 has loads of games perfect for people as fickle as that with the huge library or games avail for him to rent and rent and rent or buy and trade and re buy... or get someone else to rent and buy for him :LOL:

I never resorted to editing in little lines at anyone personally or indirectly as the case was - yet I was the bad guy here. :-ll

"maybe you're better off with a PS3 because you've got more money than sense, because it's for those who aren't proper gamers and want to watch Blurays or film-games like MGS4"

More money than sense... they have a glimmer of a fair point there! I think the price of the PS3 is F'N disgusting and has been ever since launch - yes they are selling at a loss but thats their fault not ours. I don't recall fans around the world demanding Blue Ray - 360 manages with dvd discs and other than what MGS4 (which they could so easily chop down and fit onto a dvd or 2!) what would we actually be missing out on without blue ray?

I'm sure Heavenly Sword used up a lot of data and Resistance but I've read its because they go out of their way to use that disc area like they don't compress textures and they add in all of the localized audio.

Apart from that on this site I doubt it would be that hard to find other negative PS3 stuff - theres a lot of anti ps3 stuff on here. Yes it might be in jest but I've only been here regularly since February maybe? And right from day 1 the amount of pro 360 and negative PS3 comments stand out like a fat chick at a Belimia meeting.

I remember you JB saying you might pick up the PS3 GTA if the 360 has bad pop in and people were telling you to ignore that anti xbox shite clearly made by some ps3 fanboys.

I could see that stuff being read and being quite off putting to someone new.



Ive been reading some stuff and mostly its just random people posting... but from what ive read...

* Trophy system requires you to replay any games that have been announced to work already AND they aren't mandatory for future games so we could run into problems where a game is released without the support - the fans shout out - its patched and then we all have to delete our saves and start again.

* In game music is NOT available to us all on any game - it has to be programmed into the games to work. So we cant load up any game tomorrow and then listen to our music.

* No in-game voice chat - again this has to be implemented by the devs


As good as news about 2.4 was it seems like tomorrow ill download the update and just end up looking at a slightly different gamer profile and that's all... well apart from the saving grace of in game messaging.
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Game messaging is the be-all-and-end-all for me.

Its so annoying see loads of people playing a game on your friends list and not knowing whether to bother them to see if they wanna play MP etc as its a pain in the ass to jump in and out.

Now, it will be dead easy to drop a few "MP?" q's through to people and get some proper Multi-player going.

Sods law though that after speaking to BT yesterday, I am going to be offline until the 14th July due to a phone line mixup at my new place.

Getting a "3" USB modem so I can still work, but i dont fancy pumping my PS3 through it! :LOL:

So I'll see you guys on the other side...
Game messaging is the be-all-and-end-all for me.

Its so annoying see loads of people playing a game on your friends list and not knowing whether to bother them to see if they wanna play MP etc as its a pain in the ass to jump in and out.

Now, it will be dead easy to drop a few "MP?" q's through to people and get some proper Multi-player going.

Sods law though that after speaking to BT yesterday, I am going to be offline until the 14th July due to a phone line mixup at my new place.

Getting a "3" USB modem so I can still work, but i dont fancy pumping my PS3 through it! :LOL:

So I'll see you guys on the other side...

I didn't realise USB Modems worked through your PS3? Would you plug the '3' dongle into the PS3 directly?
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