Sony PlayStation 3

Yep, the debuggers are the only ones with the firmware (obviously).

I can't see how it can be fake? The previous Bioshock video as well, i think it's pretty clear these videos are both real.
Dags its not fake mate. Ive watched it again and it looks genuine and id expect a debug/test machine to be able to run Homebrew... now we need a copy of that firmware for our PS3;s :)

I heard a rumour (not online), that 'DarkAlex' of PSP fame, has (or HAD) cracked the PS3 firmware for some time now, but has been paid alot - or even offered a job at Sony to not release it.

This is to allow Sony time to work on new FW that can plug any loopholes.

Not sure if this is even true or not, but thats what I was told - not hard to believe as obviously 'DarkAlex' is a clever chappy when it comes to this stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised of they offered him a job just like Microsoft offer out jobs to hackers to develop unhackable things.

Shame though if they have got him signed up because i cant see they being happy with him working on his psp stuff
I doubt it mate, how many PSP's were bought on the back of people running HomeBrew on them.
Exactly, would be a shame if he got signed up by Sony. would be great news if he does crack it and release it. :)
yea it was but tbh it was all rumours and nothing was confirmed by sony. are you gunna get mgs4 this week dags? i have a feeling that the update may be released the same day has mgs4
Nah not getting MGS for a long time, I never played the previous MGS games (apart from 2 for a small time) so a lot of MGS4 will be lost on me. I'll pick it up at some point but I'm in no rush.
My PS3 stopped reading discs on Thursday , long story short I got a replacement 60GB on Monday and didn't lose any data.
Sony is busy making new controller for PS3 that breaks apart into two bits, each containing an accelerometer like the Wii remote, reports.

It's a little unclear when the pad will be officially unveiled, but sources said working models have already been shipped off to some developers.

The potential for new game types to made should open the PS3 up to the kind of audience Nintendo has been so successful at selling to with its Wii machine.

Sony will be hoping that alongside Blu-ray becoming the de facto high definition disc format and PlayStation Home ready to roll out later this year, motion-based games will help sell more PS3 machines.

The PS3 did originally launch with motion-sensing functionality in the Sixaxis pad, albeit in a limited manner. And this was at the expense of rumble, which is to return in the DualShock 3 pad to be released in Europe sometime this year. Hopefully.

Sony declined to comment on the matter at the time of writing, although an announcement is expected soon - making an E3 unveiling a strong possibility.
Sounds stupid. :eh:

Yea, annoying :( The Wii has shown that very few devs know how to get the best out of motion controls, although the games are begging for it - how hard would it be (or should it be), to get a decent golf, boxing, baseball game using the Wiimote.

Maybe its taking a while for the devs to get to grips with it - but thats the 'Wiis bag' - leave the motion stuff to them and Sony should concentrate on supporting the devs more to get the best out of the PS3 cell.

What next, "PS3 Fit"? "360 Zapper"? :)
maybe the small update is the foundations for the big one, that im guessing they're saving for an E3 announcement
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